HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-19, Page 15te .
nake t
Et t
lit, 1940
• You need SHUR•GAIN.40% Dairy Silasupplement
Sweetened, By foeding SHUR-GAIN 40% Dairy
Si Iasupplement Sweetened you get the best out •
of your corn silage and the most out of your milk.
.cows, •
Drop in soon to your local SHUR•GAIN Feed Service
Mill. Wel) outline the SHUR-GAIN DairySilasupple-
ment Program ad how it con,work on yOur farm.
11.0 qi
gpa •
• •
tifs.1.11*. .
rc) ticts
• LUCKNOW , .Plion.5211-2026
onna Trizisky of Detroit. spent
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
es Haldenby and girls,
isitors. during the weekmend
Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Stewart
boys were 4. A.C. John and
. 'Stewart and familyof Catrip..
den and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
art. of Kincardine. ,
number -of peopie inthe comm
ty attended the International
ing Match in Seaforth last. '
. and. Mrs .Edward .Friendorf •
itehener visited.• on Sunday •
moon with mi.. and Mrs.' N.E.
denby and family:
nuMber of people in the,cOm-
ity:aitended the funeral 'cif
late 'Rev.. Benson Cox last
slay in Ripley:
s. AnneWafl, Mrs. A bbie
ague, Mrs, Merle Hodgins.
Elsie Brown, all of Teeswat-.
MO. Frances Wraith of
now visited on Sunday with.
and Mrs. Art Hodgins. .
ky and Donna Wall of Cope
n spent the Week -end Wfth Mr.
Mrs,' Morley Wall and family..
nie Wall of Bramalea spent ,
eek -end 'With his parents Mr.
Mrs.' Midford Wall.
• Girl Guides Hear
Fire Chief Whitby
of the. regular meeting .
of the lit LucknOw :Guide Company
was a visit from Fire Chief' Geotge
Whitby, Mr. Whitby spoke in conn-
ection with Firelreventioe Week:.
His illustrative-talli'contain
great deal .of valuable information..
He stressed the importance of hay- •
ing home' fire drilli'so that children
know how :t� get ..,out Of upstairs
.bedroore without. using the stairs.
He 'told the Guides the Fire Depart-
ment's telephone number and how
to give information. whenputting
in a call. Hazardous wiring was
also .Mentioned, along with other
• The remainder of the Guide
meeting was taken Up with a leaf •
contest. Abair 180 leaves were
brought to the meeting., with the
Bluebird patrol bringing themost.
During Roll Call, there were
three perfect patrols, the Rebins;
Scarlet Tanagers and. the Swallows.
The Meeting concluded with
Campfire and taps, ender the
leadership Of ganger •Beverly Mae -
Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home
. / •
Professionai, Nursing 'Care 24 hours daily.
• Dining Room and Tray SerVice
Member:— Associated Nursing Homes Inc. Ontario •
.Assooiate Membert—..Ontario. Hospital *Association
• Municipally Licensed
Licensed by Ontario Department of Health
. .
Drawer 220 .• ' • Phone 528-2186
10 Years Ago
August 1956' . . .
Glen Stanley Irwin, 3Q"Yeaff49141
Kinloss Township farmer, war
when bis tractor werturne.d
On Highway 06 east. He. suffered.
severe head•injUries. • .•
Miss Jo Van Osch, P -year-old
daughter of Mr, and Ws,: Jack .Van
Osch of Asbfiekl, was crowned Miss
Kingsbridge of 1956 at the annual
garden party,
Archie McQuilliti. a grade 12'
student at Lucknow District High
Sehoel, received 109 marks In a •
grade 13 history Pam written in.
June. '
I*, ;and Mts. J,;SV„,,JoYnt .returned
fiom a twelve week trip to England
Ireland. :Scotland , Belgium and
Kiploegh again had a general
an-Mrs..Williarn Heldenbyoped•for business. The
hamlet has been without 'a store
for several runitths, • • ,
Clifford Crozier of Mhfieldwas
attacked by a steer and suffered a.
dislocated 'shoulder. • torn ligaments
bruises and abtasions. " • ,
,Bud Orr .returned to 1,ucknow*,:•his
borne town .after accepting' a;
position :With Lucknow •District Co-
gverett Lane moved from Part
Elgin to Chatharn.where"he took
'Charge of rnusic instruction .in
city schools. . • • '.
A car accident in -West WiWa-
noSh Township elaimed.the lOret:
ofEdWin,Giunt. 13, son of Mr. .•
and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and his
cousin. 'Donald MacTiViiii..15:,
son of Mrs. ' Gordon lvlacTavish and
thelate Mr.; MaCTavish. Donald
Gaunt; 17.: brother of Eddy's esca-
ped uninjured after being trapped
in the car for over art hour.. •• •
Work commenced on the :con-
,.structioii.of.a Fins gas station on.
the western outskirts of 'the:village
• ,Harold Burns.accepied•the
,eipalship of a new.2A-rpornscilOol
in Searborough.•
—30 -Years -Ago
• •• • . • ' . •
August -1936 • • • • .
Ed, James of kinlOst receiied a .
fractured skull when struck on the
head with' a pully. •Which.brolie .
away from ' a beanto.:ife then fell
..frOm,the wagon tattle barn Hoer.
striking his head a second tithe..
• He was unconscious for forty hOursi,
Mrs: Fred McLeod, 43, was •
iinstantly killed when struck by a •
car in.Derzoit where she iesided.
: Council struck the village tax .,
rate at.43 Mills., an increase of
one mill. • . • . .
F.M.Faterson. local druggist,..
purchased the village residence of
. the late B. McClure. They Vaat-
ed•the' Dick Martin horrie on stand-'.
pipe hill. .•- • • . . . • •
Rev. J.L. and Mrs.' Burgess and •
young son of'South kinloss left for'
MOrrigon, near .Guelph . where
Rev. Burgess took charge of the •
church there. " .
The area experienced 10 weeks -Of
drought, broken on once by wor-
• 3\
thwhile rain and cr s and .gardens .
Suffered. , . . • ". : •
Councillor Bushell adviocated a
swimming pool for the village of
• ,
Councillor Donald Ferguson was
recovering from a back inJury re-
ceived in a fall from' a ladder at
his home while assisting Bill Mur.-
• dock to build a chimney-.
ing Hong,. local laundryman for
the past few years; went to 'Toronto
and was succeeded here•by Yip '•
Lum of Toronto. .
John10 was president of
the Pair. Amon Marshall. .provin
cid Minister of agriculture. was
scheduled to open the Fair*
Ted Smith of Listowel and Bert
of Kinloss were inVOIVed
in amok* SCeident.*Olith of lack -
now in an attempt to. rniss striking
a buggy occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Andrew..
.Qordon sun, a 1440Wei
buyer, narrowly escaped death
when overcome, by Insecticide at
the„bottorn of the local elevator.
lack NicholsOn.. noticing 'the elle
In trouble, descended into the bin
• wr4pped. s .roj$e around the man
and he was belga to the top ot
the -elevator where he was revived.
50 Yitiars, Ago
August 1910
thc following teachers iecuieti
lambing pooltios. J. Newton.
principal at Maple; Miss Dean
Geddes, Principal at Sayficith
Misa Alicia Mitchell* likhard'a
Landing; Miss Ruby ,Girl*tt. near
Wingham Lloyd.Agnew, at Lsw- •
John O. MacKenzie, 72.1ear cld
Kintall resident. died when be
collapsed' on *harvest*wagon from
hear failure, •
Jeanette and Anna limAst;* of the ,
6ch of Kinloss were injured when
heir horse. frightened by a pass.
ing ono ran away just north of
Lanka,* taking, a path .up the
railway tr$01(040
W. E. Treleaven's new WO'
residence on Havelock St, was
completed; •
$24.95 electric blanket with the
. ,
. . of . .
a new electric
FRIGIDAIRE clothes dryer
610111.1 DE Ail....
r •
• Low in price, but With big features! 2 -cycle Timer
lets you set exact drying minutes—handy No -Neat
cycle is ideal for airing fluffing!
• No -stoop lint screen
is right on the door!
10. Gentle Flowing Heat.
pampers your fabrics!
• Rust -resistant Porcelain •
Enamel drum wont snag
or mark delicates!
• . •