HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-19, Page 12New power, faster
speeds and. fight
I weight -•only 14 abs.
less bared Chao Cuts
15" hardwood in 12 sem-
onds —fells trees 5' in
diameter, Double fuel and
cal capacity. You save time,
make ntore money, use less
Try it today -
muscle, then•
cut for better profits!
The Messengers of the United'
l Church held their meeting in the
'Sunday School to* ,duriang church
service. The president, Milton
Purdon pre;aided and gave.the call:
to wrship, Psalm 105, .lanes`
Sleightholm, read the scripture
Prayer was given by Linda .Pardon.
The offering was received by Cal-
' vara Quipp and dedicated• by Earl.
Thompson., The roll callwas. an'"
1 swered by 9 attenders.
The minutes were read tai=. Thehn
• Purdon..
The Senior story -Thanksgiving in
Japan" was given by leader Mrs,
Dave Gibb. Mrs, . Clifford Laidlaw
assistant leader told the Juniors'
their story.. Mrs. Gibb closed'the
meeting .withprrayer.
Mr, and Mrs. CarllricClenaghaf
i. visited 'Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs,'
'Mac Stewart, of Kitchener,
On' Sunday Mr; . and Mrs/ Clayton
it Scholtz. Kenton .' Leasa and: Karen •:
of Goderich'.. Mr: and Mo.„Cam-
eron SimmonS.
an-eronSimmons. Nancy and Ronnie
P of London., Mr. and. Mrs. Elroy
Laidlaw , ' Joann , Ianie .and Paul :
gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs.' Ezra Scholtz to celebrate with
their father, Mr. Charles Martin'. '
kand honor him on .the occasion of
his birthday The community
extends to Mr. Martin their. best
41o/idles' for many more years .of
health ,
Lois.Falconer spent. Sunday with.
rim. aitd lr$ gm
,Caledon On the return trig -i -in :
Falconer whofiad visited there
,'thepast week, returned with,her
n and also Mrs. • Nora, Cronin of
'Caledon. who will spend a few days
Ma. and Mrs.. George Fisher au-
t Te d the Thompson - Lowry
,M'ii dig at 3 o'clock ..in Pine River'.
d Ritchie faydriinav4ich took O.=
PASSES ST A TFi to aat un er parking areas.., ill«
W 1 rec'+eitired temoc
��.felt these iitas 30a mti+Eh. iEo See in.
by: . ad .Mks.. W ey: ter. and
thaw . A.. A,f r .of Sit btrw:set on
meet thiat:trwras-all-Watth
i? while bta the rain: and anal to
Sttatford zetal Heal. He atcecd. •
bet ortVed :headfct. leen :and Sathara Ounpbell,Of
atinze,and was &vitalized fte- Lors¢, the week end: IItt
to • a fir :t in the Langside
ate a art aviszed voltt farm gamer
of tib late .losep
rdrtra amt Gear Tau. Wtth
w arc; rosy^ ' e'• fro :e
Itii4thel Ter= telaitiNes.:E He leaves
to mourn his totaw his wig sous.
Huvey am4litryda:ocidazghtet
Neil MacKay. of Oro,State
a.7Ma:* !" Moatal-mu
to : Ms of . .
.te ayaltagm
Evac , wea• zf`
Stic444sa.mvierz week ems?
.1( with . . and'
Lanttsi,ie*, and Mts.
Mir. arid
. ,Lex teay. W �a ...
Itrixtrils a tem
t�.3x ar.`rr• 1'�»4:u CL� tt,'
10'. arta Nits....Cs.
arra '-zrt aria ar.Indeti
` .UV writica tett 1r
Ever torah k '"
Say S:C. Does
Reset, ;, Rath
Mott. is ia+aor,
?a1 w• a De...
Seer' enRitzy ev f• .-*e'gs
spent teie d
etztreid„ and all enikiTed tacit
parts .
a.- Nts..
• at Asn. .,
week eta
?v= and'4:.'7«
a -. /s
'kr rat Vitt,
zrztrz 14t tut
l.rw:4=w = Air �A. i': .
tea aaa.
, weer
. .
• Wit, .»f '.."73.1nnilni ' ra'M1ilC'It
Alex MCNZy Pies:wed for
the OQc ei weetiag; 0f the Luck -
now Wetaaea's Institute which was
atm The rel call was
ams,«e ed by a "New product, ap
o 'gzocery shelf and my reaction
to it:"' Mrs. Alex May' and. Mas.
Rai?Stewart were chosen as del- l
egates to the rally at 'Warton. Tbeii
sick comtaittee *part war given ':
?+ ; 'Steward and Mss, NJ.
ike ie rept ton t vats
to .file Oen Manor. Mas.. tees.
icy= an dry, R.. f./T
were * c . to pew= a -
ta tea take Br e Lea Haven
eR:. Y�.^ i ill � dooaralalisi,
is to bi &Nem
'..- a zzir
eieS tbe
`t,eite,..! Asts. .,, t'�
. Mts. N„:. litzlZezt amd. .
church on. Saturday'. The bride Is
a niece of Mt.. and. Mrs. Fisher.
Visitors for the holiday !itith M .
and Mrs Hon Hill were Knell
Dill of Rockwood and Mrs, fowl
sister Mrs. Wilbur Allan and
'daughter Lois of Sault Ste'. Marie.
Mrs. Gordon. Rintoul, and Gayle
Were Monday visitors with her
soother, Mrs, Robert, Purd. ons. of .
l elgrave, -
visitors on Sunday with Mt.-. and.
'Mrs.' Leroy Rintoul Were Mr, and
Mrs Les Vincent and Pauland:
,Mr. and Mas. Jim Toff of Landon
..and.oil Monday Sole Marie Halla
ban of Waterloo visited at the •
,same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy miit. were
guests on Saturday at the wedding
of Margaret Parrish and Irwin '
CampbellAshfield Presbyterian
Church. '
Mr.• and Mrs, Orland It in..as
family of Lucknow were Monday
visitors with his parents. Mi, sued.
Mrs . Roy Irwin, . .
Elgin Sleightholm attending
university at Waterloo, 'spent.. the
week end with his. 'patents. Mr.
and Mrs, Elmer*Ste htlaoint,
Mgrs . • J. D. Beecroft moved last
week to the apartment at the home
of Mrs. Leask McGee of titingbarn. '
Mildred McClenaghan, R.N., of
Milton spent the 'holiday with her
mother., M
..Mrs George McCllena
Y,YY . and Mrs.. Jack Coulte.7'and
family of `Dresden and Mr. and
Mrs.: Wilbert Schwichtenberg and
funic of Part El ' were Thanks
giving Day visitors with their par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Aibezt Coeiltes-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schw:cbnterg
of Mildrnay were also callers' on '
Monday with Mr.: and Mrs. Coupes
On Thursday, 0to'ber.2'tis, a' •
Workshopwilt i held at !.p.m.
in Chalmers Presbyterian church.
Whitechurch.; Leader ofthe .Senior
greeip discumon"will be
Mrs. Nutt and for the Junior groups'
C. O. C. Explorers, and C. G.
Miss Dorothy. Keller. • :Etc ery-one e
carnally invited to attend.
Mr.,, and' Mrs. Jack Johnston.. Day.4.
id and Donna Jean of London spent
Sunday. and Maaday . with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. .Gershain John-
ston,.O : W ingtlam . . .
Mo. Wayne Nixon a
Ripley visited with Mr
Duncan `l'horburn
.1 Glenna Campbell or
enioyed a -weeks holid
home and:visited with
in NCO/tern Ontario,
The u.C,W, of Pin!
ited Church catered ti
son and Lowry. w e4din
day, October 1`...
Reids. Corners Vs , I,
their October .rtae'etini
Community hail on T
evening, Octobt. r .
Shiells of Cuekri . wi
.C1ildren`.and teacher
Ashfield Public , road.
a holiday. on Tr' rsday`
the Plowing Mater;'at
Mr. and
and boys were re:e t
Detroit with rerattti:es.
Many from the area
the Plowing �.+a• - �' i;
during the past
Doug Martyr ,..a$ an
Thompson Lc ,,, e,
Mrs. Ail in "c .pe;
end in Landor: re;
on 'Monday ate ::,;e t.
convent iOn '.t! e • e
Fire, .on ;+!c.. ; .. e,e
pletely• des r e e�
farmer Bob far-
Lttzle Sorsa �' ar;
spent the Ta,t+»ee
Kentne•rrt 1.Ma y
attended the r c
Sainte St Ma..f. ,.
Mr. and Mrs
Many fry area
ifie official,'. : hi. of
tehool at
trz a �.4.
• a kS.,
+�,ney.-� .+r : +ems �-.
lam* bit2z1 vow,
aitg lY : iia ` •
it w.k2 a7.6.12c . ' iM'.
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B ar i,'' CE! EASY IN lrAIMEIM C r E '
WY MIM ATAXY aiRAItell Of >~ Of
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