HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-19, Page 10'ri4E ;LUCKNOW $NNTINEL, li tUCKN W.. ON I ANIO Blokes (KWLadies• Slakes H.'C. C.W. held their +tom'- '� Strngober meeting Tuesday evening in the church. The theme ,for the meeting was "Thanksgiving" 'Mrs, Wm. Andrew had'Chatge of the d'Re r= •arid opened with the call to worship and a• suitable hymn, followed by prayer. Mrs, 'Hugh wry read the scripture lesson The nett chapter of the study Istseltd"When the Missionaries .arrive in Omar Was taken by • Mrs, Ezra ;Scholtz led 9dn Pre er , leek BerSe>d. MTS. Howard ' eluding wrath _ peat the lis ',Make gawe , cry irate Testi g read- • Prayer n meson, The Scripttue 'was head; by Mrs., Elwood oalrot . ° _, g , .. • i ''� sey"'s report was given The meditation as em by Mrs.., didi lose t, , ;,call was7answtred b Th who stewed a'�il • � • `l�`su'dlc wilt nine tnembe 'thin werk together for good to . 3 Ili/eft/it:, 1,yeryone was rrtnnded of o will serve G )d, ' • .the sb , eeeial to be held at the m ecluded w the Poo!), Nalte, 'October 25th, morning and.. "Sdanebndris. Mrsd Russel churusn afters. s. Andrew 'dosed the, gave t trading, "Steri iffy and lei' • . meeting waw prayers' in pray. -Mrs. Mitchell a ain-. • ' id what a thank 'c ftsitng is and means. Mts. Clifford Laidlaw and. Elmer Sleightivolin received the offering wheal as cat . - by Mrs, Misch . • St.. lielems 11..C.V. were race and. Miss W Rutherford gave.; a teadiu '"bei me gig ' Men' a" ..• . ' f Whiiteuirch News) The U,C.Irds, held their Thank- ',fain hank-Of ing meeting Wednesday, after- ? n the chum. ?beautified by baskets of gladiolas aaddahlias Which gave ane a feeling of ante 1. beauty., Mrs, Georgie Mitchell pre - Sided and gave the call to Wetrdsiess All repeated Psalm 96 in unison The guest mer. Rev. Stirl daddicnew was ia3tr`odlaoed' by Re 'W' s of S. Hens.s Reeds Stirling's .'message was basedma . What sipeS.Chtlialanity Meant' it is. Our Onistianfaith rit='be, Strengthened dough restnend ofd i stn telae •'Crossd of is ' - . d erg' and endurant. est di cold an Al rat loges ,a 31 we dais to identify comes;with the .tom ion petap1e , and express love to Them- The Cross represents marl to man" end Mans relation to: God it :is a.• hal lenge to become a miss-. ataxy for Christ. Rev. Stiirling wa thamked by Isdn. Mit i 1. • The Whitechurch W M. S. men . Unit 3 of Llie111607 U C.W:, met on . , afternoon at the borne ;Deas vete }�� and Mrs, Andrew �� Gaunt sang a 'solo accompanied d .pa n of M. Thnas Hackett with .an attendance of IT ied 3 visitors. The theme for t%3e'iing was nanksgivingdwithsthe ro.11 call 'Something for which 1 am tbanklu In the absence'ofothe President,.. Mrs. Donald C. Maclntyre was hostess to South Kinloss W... S, at her home QB Wednesday October 5. The regular monthly meeting was combined with the.Pall Thank offering Meeting, and Mrs, 1.ra • Dickie introduced the guest speak- er Mrs. Sep Malda of Winghant. . She gave .a most timely acrd interes ring talk .on the Reformation, and the life of Martin Luther. Our freedom to studythe Scriptures and to base our beliefs on its precepts and promises is one of our greatest. blessings. and worth pondering upon at this Season of Thanksgiving., Mrs. Ted Collyer who war a �. director of the meeting thanked Mrs. Maida and presented her. ' with a remembrance,. , Mrs. Gib. Hamilton presided for, the meeting and .Mrs, Lloyd "Mac Dougall read Minutes and corresp" 'ondenee, :also Thank Yco notes, A invitation was received from Kin- lough to attend their W.M.S. mee ting. The Bible Study was Chapter 2 of Pauls letter to the Ephesians .and. the roll call answered with* versecontaining the, word Peace. Mrs, Sandy.MacLeed and Mrs. Harry sang a duet accompan* led by Mrs. Bruce l armilton. . thanksgiving reading was by Mrs, Evan Keith and Mrs, Annie •Maclntyre Collected Glad Tidings subscription fees.. Hostess and Air- ectort served luaeh, ' Next meeting Willie held at the borne ofthe President, Mrs. Gib Hamilton.. Ashfie.1d C'.G.i:T.s•. • The Srd ung of the °Asliieid • terbre C,G.I:T. was 'held • Orro3nes Udl. 'Tine, tneettrtg opened w a• hysam, it was followed by th': .G�I.T. Purpose' and " y a . The, • was taken, followedby the a �f tan ager e. �..5_a; , eatationa Payer were given ChrisdineVarlennard A hymn and thediaon closed this part of the 't, n The .Busi s'vaned willb tete - 3 t ss rep= , .iii 's reprxt C.G.1.T, .Mide es ere diseussett erpen session followed. Therne Sig a osed with the piano by l.4 3a'uston Conn: : ucknow. Il. C, W . were •also ate att- tndanee . • 7 - Pees .George Matcaell closed the meeting with , prayer. I4`ll wage iii`'' faxed Id zbe'Sunda ;d lio& damn s[Mrs Ross Com,, the `vice -press yideal i►++lrS. Catherine; MacDonald where the hostess branch served re- i " beihmetits and 1.1 saciaa time .was rook charge.of the meeting. The l weer ng opened . With a .lryinn, • 'dfellbeter' by prayer. t` The mentheri were rremindtd of the Thanksgiving #neem to be. held ori Wednesday. October 5th ax ''.Whitechurch. Also the Presbytery: 'Fall Rally to.. be .heldi on Octobe hath at Paisleys • . The treasurer reported :a balance ' of • S843 . S3 An ,appe_a„ fir Books fed Overseas wa, k 'Was received and Members were asked To bring these the. Stratford Turnery trasetizig the church , . < • orlerirh , Oetriber 19tis *Jai d r p Tlgr'at€'. was in Aga: o? Mrs ' picture to of•Bish � and � �' of txly°s viii: toS : MaTy's. Churtb . spoke air; her z r tr'Newfoundland' in 19$2administer the Sacra- this surnmei- and told us Bbd the .insert of Confirmation, foz.rhe coni' •w L. Centennial scrapbook. : Also Mrs Ross Sriielh entertaineri A, gii•' ed" a wh prayer' boos / • elln> o • h.�.• trap oterse.,;as i '. Was ra'resented to Mrs. , McQnill-• iaeddiiC; ' S: n dartr Orn iede at for her daught Sii�. la., In Wi• g- •g Mr= r -.ay lo; had:.a;reaain'st< :Or recognition T ° ogni o. heT a.r meaner ' the fire `hamoggvtane The Nattnri w i ^know Dista I:: Hieb School . q p ., a. Antiwar, as~.Newfaalnrd3attt'. way Jirr '`':)Wont L VMS caned up01 sum 151. ded lir add mud ddedi, to report what informs ti er., be had '.• gated at theturgic..d. 'Zanier. -.pec ar.t vio it cn etn..e trek re:.enth it Land= : aasri` had Wilma lied ret bL� cl ij1 yit takers •.�iilifi. i t.r 4 mite n rd . • . iuro:1 u < p� .ar...,rs Iry ,+�. }� a �'�.i�i�.`�i ,. ��a'�4•�i. • �;r: ,L�-•'a�*• d s +i� nnti s re a` tr i.� dins is t'L� +yy y' ��11` �yyF f� +� �y �w� ,Yy Y °• . A lta�rs w ma.:n �. r L tlJA.ai'"yor E . :Satter i:E the �ici ' o• duce .. a. ,IW', p�.C,t= . J att��4. y�,�y y +�.� �•y ,•q � �beglur�_..y �aRt.�... sq�Wx�. yry �.�,�,.� yc ire. t VC:7 +W 11v=.�i4. he 3X!►eestin • 4atiz `ser :.. D4+Y.�i.k.<el 4 ii. °t'iti: r -t.✓ L+�:4' h �vay.. a aJ..tra .e8. 11.117 d 'k'a 7 5C,7y, t a'o ,"6105"." it 'i:,a.11s a;. ♦ ""' r"r' i' 'assisted -, �., . 721 .ate �► �. � �eatd . b Mrs. :%z~ro:*w a�a ~.wit. The. League Pryer and Prayers fat the Pope opened the Or%r meeting, .An•i3nvitatiain to attene3 • was deeded to subanit the :oitit'.l�lzan, Nis:. 'Thomas Hide a'nd 2 rs : Cumming, Mrs. M'rrKi.= Unit 4 Lucknow UC1N Unit 4 held the October. meeting Tuesday, October 4 at thehome of Mrs. G, Jardine with 19 memb- ers and 2 visitors present . Mrs, J. • Pritchard .opened the meeting and,. assisted by Mrs. G• Morrison and Mrs. ,.C.- Crawford, • held the devot- ional period:, Andy Anderson and Ricky Pritchard'favored with a musical , number: Mss H. •Thompson• gave a teadrng on Thanksgiving, The' • guest- speaker, Mrs. R. Shields so ably conducted a chapter on,the study: Book , God. and : His Purpose. Mrs. .Montgomery discussed :'a chapter on Brazil, ' Business was then taken over by Mrs. Montgomery. Books are being collected., for overseas, any to be left in church, basement; Mrs. B. Finlay read ..an ,article on Stewardship. The F'11 .Rally is to be held at Chalmer Church, Oct- ober et-ober 6. ThankOffering••November' 15 in 'alar own church and the A nnu - al ,int Luck Supper Meeting. Dec-, ember 15 : • Some 'helpfor the nuts- ery was 'obtained. Mrs.Arnold and lsdiss M. Rae gave their flames to. , go to Whitechurch Thank .Offering. October 5. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah bene- diction. ,A friendly half hour was Vein over a lovely lunch. .Units LucknpyiUCW Mrs. .Gordon Brooks gas hostess"' for the October . meeting, Mrs. Jessie A llin< took' charge of the de- irotional and took Tbanksgiviug as her theme. She said the: Psalms were oustanding in their theme •as • giving .thanks to God.' for his Mercy. 'Also many of there. were songs. told of the many musical ' nstrume- tits used to accompany the :singing of the psalms. Mrs. J.. McTavish; •Mrs. Wm. Bolt,Mrs.• L Ritchie, Mrs. B. Irwin; Mrs,. E. Hall,'Mrs.. J. 'Alin and .Mrs. H. Webster took.part.n the devotional. Readings on Autumn were given by Mrs.. J', :Boyle and Mrs. G. Brooks. Mrs G :Johnstone -took -as the topic , the splendid article in this months Readers; Digest . sn Interview with Dr. Harry .Emerson Fosdick , "W,hose • God is dead? -Dr. Fosdick agrees we should. discard •some of our early conceptions of God.. But we find Gdsd and come ;close to him wherever there: is beauty. love and truth. Mrs. 1i' : Campbell . offered, pray- er-' and took :charge Of the. b siiiets Mgrs. E., Hall gave :a reading ori-.. Christian Stewardship of.e. Several members offered:their servicesfor 'the church nunery.. Books are requested: far overseas and may be, left in the carton provided. for there in the church. The Thank offering ;meeting will • be November 15. A hurnn and pray er c-Imed the meeting. WIDNIE$DAY, OCToe employment At FIigh leVe Employment• opportur area .serviced by .the W Cauda Manpower def, ued to be very numeroi the month of Se tembe Mr• Ernest Stuart, 'offifi There were 361 job vac available through this with 245 of these being • and 85' for women NT ember 63 men and 35 'I were placed in employi Canada Manpower cen ertost. On the 30th Septeriibei B8 unemployed males employed females regia ernpl%yment. This s a of 18 ffrrom the nurr.ber r at the end of August. As of the 30th. Se.ptern Canada Manpower .Cent fob vacancies fo en 4 .vacancies for di...Oiser The Walkerton , C: anad, Centre ,services the out Bruce County arid die tr Bentinck, Egr''err.o^t Glet:eig in Gre ti r z=.::rty tniit 1 Luckno . s Unit 1Qf the'1 ..Lrn 'met at; the' horse -off; Mi Webster for the ds tobe at Willa MTS. i:' The Meeting ops reed M. and prayer of T a :! Rri The/roll s� . call s. a: a embers and -1 ,.':tor. urea. reported : sd ; e quarters. hirs. of the Christian :.set •fttee , reported or the: Canadian lndia ear are being pro r.o:e,: de: Jan Women and' : Aose nationalities ;or .,seder +demar ding . " 'o: .ss, askedlor recent :cc,;s: beijused . in(�tscoc:! c, er �1' isd tr 7L.'to the• programa e $:4. rea etre lesson the r ars u, and Jesus. t Mrs,'.inr. s: Adseds loth :chapter cr :'e St... dealing with the c e: brotiddit_ into.t „ ..earls me Holy Spix* dda restdWg; M. a •'H p the prd -ra Urit2L& VON• TheOcrober meeting• of Unit: 2 of the U C. W. was held on Tues- day, ,October 4th at' the horse, of Mas, Vernou Hubter.'With 22' mem- bers and 3 visitors presem Mrs s Steve Stothers presided and opened the meeting 'with the hymn "Sing to the Lard.pf"Harvest" . The roll call was :answered with a Than- ksgiving Verse. • An invitation to the Tbankofferth mfg it Whitechurch cm October Btin and a letter of appreciation for the Meals servedto the .Wo erds Mute Area Convention were, -.read: Members were requested :to donate any good used ' books. . hits. Laverence llaclend presided for the .program and opined with ,a • Call to Worslifp and the hymns 'Cane, ye thankful people . come. The Scrig tune lesson was read bt ' Mrs. Les he,stch . Mrs. 'Maoleod wM gave the: ' ie ita ip t followed y teaditrg " Autn" .wpas given bar Mrs. darned! Hunker. Mrs Harvey'.. Honston: 1114 1 era -hard Ackderd, fesdnired with. I;Tt appropriate duet. wait :#^:.i1%rc od gam: '�...£ium. in is= pieaddrig Mar a,- s . gon ave. mars thou rs r rimier ` The .{r,,as sanded, tss Mrs. Isstactis eaaagr2 r:vcr. b%' ]`. s.. + itrn • he i'E'eet na t o- • :demist ec• Witt Me Mr:spats neii: i luno .wtn5S t, ed • dd•'st-s Hume- sand the .°a*w.w;^:date The W . A :.Met ixa` iht afternoon;at:'the home of Mrs. Jim Smith wbc _also presided,. Mrs Genre/isle Idair read the Scripture and prayers followed.' The Medit- ation ed t -noon' was read by Miss May Boyle from the Living Message from an article on the story of M s.•l s- et Battersby (the. farmer Mrs. ' A . is Calder past blOcisan iaresidenr. . A it eitatioIa was' aeoepted .'to attend the tan "ItaAk offering nheeting on.. Wednesday, October 191h. idlers Mrs. Clayton Edwards of Godericb will be pest sperm; .A card was read from the Rt. Rev, W.A. • Townshend and favi y in reply. toa sympathy . card Which had. been sent4t¢i them in their recent bere.avet nt.• living Messages • and bulletins are to be reordered and the missionary 'Pledge will be sera away. Ea ehfldrep":s pydatrias are needed for winner. Imes wdll St packed at the November trieet- mg to be held 'its , the home of Mr Howard Thompson . This The adz by.��C, the businessmee ung. �Y he te:.et,�i9A4_ rli �m d with F1aVeri .. Bert ? ncrolsos; gave the cares) Ter arks• and lunch WAS served In the hostess n isisted bti° Mrs. WIlliarr: Cod Coand' Miry Mid' Boyle. A bale, quilt was garilred iduriC: the afte tutso s the Anxillara tr e.; sevice. l+�.rr :a' red the 'ranee....., s- : all repeatsrns is t ' A Of •the ; :Some^ K with prayer;, i sd.dd sang. 'MTS. s des, Bible iS.tud�:i ro11 ch i., a . 'r 'te The ratnidt. meeting w err • !CI+ iiia#col .> ed a . read " Y ' anf seeitint neer "'ban - -,; tae Gnat w' : ' = = . bw er in Hywas, ; CT Circ is ..'�' •. ir�ys.. Ste•..: .l♦}�inen reds' The tots. v ,. Mid., l 'N:r . . d.a i # w CT the meet.: .