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rk®MIsc►Alr. OCTOBER 19“
Mrs.R .The
Has 82nd .Birthday.
(Dungannon News)
1Congratul'ations to Mrs. Clara,
McKay on -celebrating her eighty*
econd birthday on October 15. '
he was honoured at a dinner at
Ile home of her daughter and son
-law , Mr. and Mrs. Irvine
edy on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
On Nevins and..Mr, and Mrs.
Vin, Leitch' of Goderich, former
eighbors, as guests.
;Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy visited
riends in Milverton on Sunday
pd attended,. centcnniat. anniver-
'ry services at the Evangelical
Visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. J.
give on Sunday were Mrs. John
onway , Brenda, and Bradley,
Rr. " and Mrs. Chas. Carroll of
hatham.f, Mr: and Mrs'. Dave
tyle of Wabash and Fred Stirling
Carol, Shackleton is spending a
pw weeks. vacation with friends
"Twelfth Night"
(Ranger News). .
-'The regular meeting of.the .Luck -
now Rangers was held on October
12 at 7;00 in the Townilail. Janet
Carruthers was in charge of the
Meeting . The officers, for . the foll-
owing year are chairman, Janet
Carruthers; secretary, Beverly .Mac,
Donald; treasures, Nancy Kirkland;
press reporter, Linda Boyle;
The secretary and treasurer's
reports were read. Projects for the
coming year were discussed.,
Tle meeting was closed' with' the
Ranger Prayer.
On Wednesdsiy, ,October 5, .the •
Rangers enjoyed a visit to the
Shakespearian Festival;' The: play .
viewed was "Twelfth Night" . and
c was much enjoyed by everyone.
in Vancouver.
Mr and, Mrs ....• John Henderson 4.
Margaret', Jelin -and Bob of 'NeW-
ton and Mrs; James Bishop of.
Chatharn were guests on Sunday
of Mr; and .Mrs. Glen: Weaver .
Fast service before: take -off .that's "what .Air
Canada needed from Bell Canada. And in four
years of planning, designing and engineering, :Bell
developed a . custom-made communications syst-
em which now give's Air Canada the speed on the
ground which matches their speed in the air.
A full description of this development would fill
volumes —.so here are just a few brieffacts:
Centrex Plus'(the technical name) was built by Bell
in hand-in-hand co-operation with Air Canada's
engineers to provide the fastest, .most accurate
ground communications, system yet designed any
where. It is the first ' of its; kind in the world. It. '
required original research and .development work
of the most advanced kind, Its special features
were entirely engineered and buiit.in. Canada. .
It briings, communications to where they belong.—
elong.ahead of their times.
Keeping ahead) - one of the reasons why Bell. Com-
munications serve you so.well.
Bell Canada
u. ur rel
Deree M Madison
MADISON , Wis, -- William
Brock Whale, ,son-in-law of S.B.
Stothers of Lucknow , was :among
the 1,341 students who received'
their undergraduate and graduate
degrees this fall as the result of
their final scholastic work during
the 1966; Summer .Sessions of the
University of Wisconsin,* Madis-
on, it has been announced by the
University registrar's office, •
Brock received a doctor of phi1'
osophy degree,
The list of summer degree •recip-
lents was announced as all student
scholastic records for the sutrinter
and the early .autumn were corn-
pitted and compiled .
This brings the total number of
degrees.awarded by the' University
at Madison during 1966 to 6,319.
and the 'total , number of .degrees
granted. by UW during its 117 year
history to .161,232. A total of
3,60a degrees were conferred at
the University's annual. spring:
commencement .last June..
Of the total 1,341 degrees air/aid-
ed this fall, 498 were .bachelor
degrees and 843 were higher .degrr
ees Ofthe higher" degrees. 112
were doctorates, maintaining .•
Wisconsin's high place among the
nation's universities in the number'
of doctor Of philosophy degrees
conferred. '
• •
lochnlsh Resident
basses Suddenly
. !s..'Dan.MacLean'of'Lochalsh
died suddenly in Kincardine' Gene
al Hospital on Wednesday:; October
6th... She' was in her 77th year.
Mrs. 'MacLean was the former.
Fanny MacKenzie, daughter of.
John Neil MacKenzie and Ellen,
Scott. She was born: in Ashfield.
Township on February 3rd,, 1890.
On March. 20, 1912: she rnarried
Dan MacLean. of Amberley'. They
observed their 50th wedding anti-'.
iverary' in 1962 :with ° a family dinner
and held open. `house.. that . evening
for friends'.
Mrs. MacLean attended London '
Conservatory of -Music in 1906.
She ;taught. music to pupils in their
homes, travelling by horse. and
buggy.' After her marriage she con-
tinued her teaching at her home..:
She: was tganist in Ashfield: Pres-
byterian 'Church for 3Q years,.. play-
ing the organ the first time's it was
ever plaYed in.. that church. She
was a life: member of Ashfield
Women's Missionary ;Society.
Mrs. MacLean is survived by her
husband one daughter Isabel
Mrs, Donald Martyn of . Ripley;
two sons Allan of Collingwood
and Ewan of Lochalsh; 4 grand-
rand-children, John Martyr of
Kincardine, Douglas Marlyn of
Lochalsh, Duncan'and Lexie Mac-
Lean of• Collingwood; one sister,
,Mrs. Roderick Martyn of Ripley,.
three brothers, Dr . F.. Scott
Mackenzie of Montreal, Roy bf
Ripley and Henry of. Ashfield. '
She was predeceased by a daugh-
ter Helen in early. childhood in.•
1923 and. a brother/Neil J. of 'Ash-.
field in 1942, .
Mrs. MacLean rested at the
MacLennan Funeral Home, Ripley •
until Saturday, pctober' 8 , when ...
funeral service 'was •conducted.. in
Ashfield:Presbyterian • Church ...Rev.
Neil McCombie was clergyman
and Mrs. Duncan'Simpson., organ-
Pallbearers were John •Martyn,
Douglas Marlyn, . Janes MacKen-
zie, Bruce MacMillan, Howard
Robb, Finlay MacLennan. ' •
• Interment was at Lochalsh cem-
raTuROAr Zi 2
FRIDAY. 1i A.,M.•
- temp/4i 10 p.m.
mo moor us gq CONNIVING OUR Via, KNOWN
RUTH and WELFAREprograms;
.`liar can help by .taking' just a w nniwles if your
Nna h. kali &rewind lour hence •far My. Artki s far' shish
you do net ',ally have any twitter usa. *Waged, gid. which
would assist fhsi local LIONS; CLUB put an the'biggest FALL
RUMMAGE SALE ever. ' . .
(lids sale 'helps the club and 'helps those who patronize .it)
• A representative of Use Lucktiew and 'District Lions Club
,will deers it a. pleasure to call at your home .during the week
of the ru irhags sal. <(Oct low, 1211) to pick up any dereatian
you may have pr sparod.. (If you, will net be at `,!isms, .pleas*
,leave, your donation).:
The following is a' partial list of those ARTICLES whits
help make a very .successful sale.
AII.. Ar iclesclathing, hits.•
ialoshes,hoj,sehold utensils and
rdisliest furniture, tools pictures,
knc-knacks, books and other odds
4* M* 01 ...fir,A0 "VWWNW PAW" •