HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-19, Page 1Henderson house, on the
r of Havelock and Ludgara
is in Lucknow; has been sold
and Mrs. Leslie R, Vincent
ndsor who plan to rnove in.
diately, The house was the
ty of the late Miss Elizabeth.
rson and has been vacant for
sale was arranged by Stan Kay
,far Don Hoist Real Estate Ltd
Sentinel got its "wardens" •
a bit in last week's. issue,
ed that Dan MacDonald had
Theonly other Kinloss Warden
than P A .Murray •who is
°war°den this year ,‘Mr. Mac-
was warden in 1912.,,
ally, Kinloss had three other
:ns prior, to the turn -of the
`John'Purvis was warden th
nd 1861,`James Gaunt was
in 1890 and Robert •,Purvis
arden in 1880 1881 and 1882,
The Right.Reverend A, G Mahon*
ey, Vicar General of the Diocese,
officiated at the Blessing and ribb-
on cutting of the ,new St. Joseph's.
Roman catholic School'at:KingsR
bridge on Sunday afternoon.
The ceremony was largely • atten-
ded by residents of the area as well
as many guests including visiting
priesty; sisters, township officials,.
township public school officials
and interested residents froze Luck-
now, St, Augustine and surround-
ing area. •
The large: crowd gathered in St,.
Joseph's Church •Hall where the
opening remarks were made and
those present adjourned:
to rthe school where the -Nicer. Gen-
eral cut the ,ribbon and gave the. •
official .blessing prior to the ,school.
being open`. for the general public,
to view. The fine new structure;
which serves as the seat of learn-
ing for about 140 .young people'
from the Townships of Ashfield -
and West Wawanosh • is..a credit
to .those who made it: possible',, ; . .
High tribute was paid to the school -
board mernbers • past and present,
and.to Father who has
provided :encouragement and..assis-
nstone's Feed Mill NewCNR Exress
it, Any CN Information Now
ifled By Phoning'Wingham Free
nod•,.. superintendent for •
pend :freight for Canadian
1. Railways ,for the. London
,as announced -this• week.
ective.next Monday, Oct-
th.the new son -hand repres-
for the shipping.and. rec
f 'parcels will' be Johnstone's
Feed Mill in Lucknow.
ve Made' studies into all.
of Western Ontario and
cided that the public can
r served by using selected
1 stations connected by—
`. telephone facilities to
g communities,
ve' next Monday, Lucknow
•� and Districtcustomers� willbe
served through the:Winghamyoffice,
For future information'as to rail
equipment., passenger; reservations,
rate quoting;:and any other
questions, .Lucknow and district
customers' willcall the Wingham
office: toll free. The: office at
Wingham will have improved
communications with other Cti
stations for.faster service. '
• As well as the:local:on-hand
depot,at Jo(stone's Feed Mill, a
travelling customer service repres-
will maintain personal contacts
With customers to discuss any
special. problems. • .
ng children of :Mr. and
Harris of the Holyrood
ero s'
p , fires ing quite well..
ccident last Friday (after-
seriously injured the
e requiring emergency
at Victoria Hospital in
e older; of the two,
hers was less seriously
t. was hospitalized at
age 4, •and Steven, age
ith their dad at the 'grass`
. Haldenby on the 10th of.
1}r friday afternoon. • •
farm' was an uncle of
ers,, Ray Harris. "Some.
being cut, and Bob
.with the youngsters on ,a
ttinking.that the tree
aldenby was bringing . .
another which would not
gon in its path:. But in
that the error'was re
was too late -and the top
the tree •came down.On
ngsters on the wagon,
d children were immed.-
iately'taken.to Wingham Hospital,
stopping briefly at•the office of
Dr. P.J. Leahy of Teeswater"..Mich•
ael suffered a bad 'gash on his head
and received 'about 25 stitches to
lose the wound, Steven, who was
endered unconscious in the acrid-.
nt,. was rushed on to Victoria
Hospital in London by .ambulance
accompanied by his father...
His condition was at first quite
serious; but word "Tuesday of this
week was that he was improving
quite satisfactorily He suffered a
fractured skull but had regaineu
consciousness the first of the week.
An arm •injury; which was giving
them'concern, proved to be •.only a
bruised muscle and was responding
satisfactorily. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harris -and/their •
family of two reside on the 10th of
Kinloss, Bob is the son. of Mr.: and
Mrs. Albert Harris of R.R,1, Holy-
rood, Mrs..Harris is the former•
Willa Arthur of W ingharn .. Bob 'is
employed by Thompson Bros: Cre-
amery in Teeswater,
itilthWelli Take
Mr: and Mrs. Gerald Rathwell 'of
Lucknow were honoured by their'
faintly( on Saturday, Octobeer Is;
when a dinner was held at the •
Hartley House; Walkerton. It Was
to Mark: the occasion'of Mr.. and"
Mrs. Rathwell's 25th wedding ann
iversary.. Pr.esent were their child- •
ren and Mrs-. Rathwell's father.
They were married inrChrist
Anglican Church, Brampton on
October 6, 1941, Mrs:-.Rathwell Is
e-former-Violet.Pagan. daughter
of Ralph -Pagan and the late Mrs,
Paan and: Mr. Rathwell is the son
Of the.late Mr, .and- Mrs. S.C.
Rathwell, 'They have lived in Luck -
now since their.: marriage where
Jerry operates Rathwell`s Shoe Store
Jerry and' Violet have a family
.of •four; two sons, Tom' who works
with the Bank of Montreal in/
Aurora'and .Terry who is in the
office of Massey Ferguson.•in Toron-
to; twin daughters, Barbara who is
in`her second•year of nurses..train-
ing at St. Michaels Hospital, Tor
onto•and Beverly, who is with the
Bank of Montreal .in Toronto.
To .further mark the occasion of, .
their anniversary -,Violet and .
'Jerryflew• to •Chicago from Malton
on Thanksgiving. Monday. They.
returned to Lucknow Saturday . •
.morning. Jerry worked in Chicago.
for five years thirty-eight ,years. ago
and, not having, been{'back since,
noticed quite a changein the. City.
A Irwin. who on l�tghu► y
8$ just west of Lucknow, has Gold
his grass farm at Paramount to.
Lorne Cook of the 12th of Ashfield
The farm has 'no buildings and is
located south of .Highway 86, on
'the sideroad, and across ':from the
Book farm.
The blight' Reverend A.O. ah
ey, Vicar General of the Die
officiated at the Blessing
ribbon ;cutting , he new Sty
Joseph's Roman Catholic Set;o at.
Kingsbridgeidge olt. Sunday afternoon.
Monsignor ; lalltoney . is Shown, on
the right, .as he prepares to , eut the
ribbon. On the left.is lei p est,
Rev. C. Carona, whose untiring'
effort in the completion of the
school was praised by school board::
Reeve. George Joynt of Lucknow
will, be one of a. group of-
f pal representatives, who will Meet
with Industry Minister Charles
Drury in Ottawa, next Monday "
morning at 11 a.m.
Reeve , Joynt has been, along with,
other rnetnbers of the committee,
working ,On a brief which will`be
presented to the • Federal govern
ment in an effort to have . this
section of W.estetn .Ontario. iecog •
nized as.:a slow growth,area and
eligible for; government incentives
to industry under the • ''designated .
area"' plan.
The committee, representing
45 municipalities from Orange-• "
villa to Goderich has . been work-
ing on the brief for months and
have indicated very strongly that
they:do not feel that area employ-
ment figures are a suitable oriter-,
ion for deciding whether ' an rhea
should be "clesign*ted" sort mit.
This is the method presently-
resentlyThe committee feel that records of
slow growth in this• area. more "
clearly indfcate ` he position of
communities involved than the
records of employment in the dot
riot. ,
The .committee is going to Ottawa ..
on Sundayby train`: and ft is hoped
that.•as many other area and :local
municipal officials as possible will.
Buys K n joss Farm
,The former . Harry Laois ;farm on
.the 2nd concession of Kinloss. •
sold several years ago to Harold l
Cookof-Etobicoke, has been resold
to Gordon S:. Docscht of Holyrood.
The 'sale was arranged by: Stan
Kay. .'LocaaL agent, for Don Hoist
Real `Estate Ltd
. At`10`a.m. Saturday morning,
quite a:number.of folks gathered '
at S. S. No. 10 , Whitechurch
school, for the auction sale of
property and other items: -Allan '
Maclntyre conducted the sale.
Among the small items sold
were; seats;. benches'~ :teacher's
desk,' ladder and pieces of ply-
The school, a red brick built in
1930, and 1 1/4 acre lot was sold
to Ira Huber for $2;900. Mr.
Huber said the plans, were to use
the school .as a Mennonite Church` •
. Up to now the 'Mennonites in this'
locality have been holding church
in their homes.
Mr. Huber of Culross', Jacob
Rohrer of 'Ripley and Mt, . Kuepfer:
of Turnberry Township were
named .trustees to complete the
transfer of the school property.