HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-05, Page 16Y. OCTOBER 3 Opulently outlining, the season's top. to Sql*Sz fur, Rich- ly magnificent . • beautiful to be. THAT when you are driving Luck - now backstreets, better slow up and take a lOok.'Sorne new stop signs have been.installed at prev- iously unmarked corners. THAT a wreoked car, sitting at the rear of Orland Irwin's garage in Lucknow,' somehow caught fire' late Sunday afternoon. The car - did not endanger any, other prop- • erty. The fire burned itself out %while an eye 'was kept on itio makesure that it did not spread. THAT Garry Johnston, stationed with the m, p. at Burnaby B. C. spent his three week 3 leave with his parents ,` Mr..and Mrs Bert Gammie of Lucknow He was accompanied back by Bill Smyth of Wingbam„. who is. also a member of the BUrnaby detachment. The pair motOred, leaving on Monday. `, ; Yq THATa visitor W the Sentinel office last Week. was John R. Rob- ertson of Alliston:' who bought ° two of Dean McLeod's books of • poetry': Dean was Mr. Robertson's first teacher. Mr. Robertson, formerly of the Loclialsb area, is the son of Mrs Alice Robertson of RiPley... ' THAT Ashfield C. G.X.,T. will sponsor a car wash, at Arnberley Store OAS Saturday October Btli;' • HAT Rev. Charles W. Coseris4 for,' merly of the Ashfield Circuit, passed away in Mount Forest on Tuesday of last week at the age of _ 71. He was a 'retired United °two riiinister.°A oliituary appear later. . . • " • . „ THAT members of the: executive .• Of the Ashfield Farniers,,J.Incon, • :Local_342 have,ConduCted a can vais of the,comnninity in support' 0! one of their members, Mike Penich who was seriously injured in a fann accident in the sumnier. Members, of the executive called at the Penich borne ,on Monday of this week and presented the family! with. a.gift of money.' • , THAT deta of the Lucknow Nighty School classes May, be found.in , • an advertisement' in this issue,. • > . • . _ THAT a. joint meeting betweeP' me councils of Kincardine. Huron and .KinIcss ToWnships and kincardine toWn was held recently in Kirtcar- ° • dine to consider the possibility of Joining 'WW1 the Saugeen Valley Conservation authority. No decis-,. ices Were reached cm the maner. 141 4z4 ?a 'e was a fez:7.4.11e of fie tz..-tsoz: !.°71,t7zSt•Duzsgannoch Frar‘. weci, "" etv. t d trir, M:e the',,atzemzon Far. as -Ma' tts. WITH CASH PURCHASE OF FOUR ELECTRIC LIGHT (gm •'AT REGULAR PRICE 1411****riti************************ • McCORMICK'S, 14 OL Soda Crackers CAMPBELL'S 1$ OL Tomato Soup Limited Quontity Turkeys Here w! . • WE SELL . FOR LESS. VALUES_LEFFECTIXi PHONE SMI44211. - OCTOBER‘, 7, 1. .. • THAT a large puff ball. messur- bOut 40" around has been. I . creating sante interest irt the Sintii inel window these days. The puff . ball was picked by Bud Hamilteri at the farm west of LucknoW: Bud nearly ran over It with the tract- or while plowing. They say you can eat 'them and we're wire Bud Would give it to the first one who asked. •• THAT LA. C. and Mrs. 1,0,•illiarn .• Pkcc /eft Tretis o.Sember ' Zitt: bti at for ..Z.••-ennany., Bill *ill be matoned for a year'at No, itertWiz-- Zveibrucken With. the a::: ft-c.e. Mrs. Ficco is the fare: kedr-...ond.' only cf ltt-s , :Ton! yt-ld the :ate Wrr:. F. ed - mond d Stpatine. se 7:1-i.AT • , . THAT Mr and Mrs, 1: • new millets of the :.•..s,..nov ins Alley, have re:.:et t7c. now residence of Mr. and •• Allan Haekett. • THAT trouble with week ago last Sundafoe to pick up passengers :rc.. dine to Stratford : THAT Robert MacKenzie of Luck- , now was, elected, a director of the IuIHImiIUuflnhItflUhII Georgian Bay funeral.iervice ass • . °clarion, at their annual meeting recently at Walkerton. • 4 :carcline°. empty for the past . few i• years. this been purchased by a • h1,74.t. Kincardine roup.. They are 'plan- ;tint?, extensive rertavations and • \once Iht..,bilding is reno4ted. fir •u ill 'be te.Sold . Lan CperatFit 'of the hotel was Ralph Lowther aartd e closed in • . • THAT Rick Jardine is ern lo ea at I. the LAICknOlit Co-cp assistinglir 1 even thert SEV:4 =7- OZ -Z H4t4steln treeders .ueze ,Anzold with furnace intiallations t# the uinners ctrees at the Brice and semii *Lade:: of tuts.tov had vat :IA arena at Paisley 4s re- • AVAILABLE FROM an4.. Ittrm tlack Law s7.ows • • • • ;5: ::'" a: tht Fitz0,7 anew sheet 'steel roof re- R LAY "Seaforth and Needham of •FL:zit-4 *.cit the avard tte • co* uith be at • =ft ?p,,JZt. Z44% at 7.. ee.510.ttei.• placitot the tan:Oral aluminium roof beez leaking ft* Lucictiow PHONE }van. Cita of the new 'iaflat- , • ‘‘111'1 abet