The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-05, Page 14• ' • CANADA'S FINEST. LONGEST •LASTING SURFACE MATERIAL . • ,•. FOR Kitchen and Bathroom Walls Table and Counter Tops and Splashbacks This fall marks the end.of an era for the people ofthe Whitechurch • area, Whitechurch school, S.,S. 'No, 10 Kinloss, located 'at the second concession a mile and a and was served in was x 18'. quarter north Of the hamlet of • After 10 years it Wu decided that Whitechurch, was closed this year. a new school.was needed to•accoM. with pupils being transpor ted to modate the increased number of Lucknow Public School and Kinloss pupils. A frame 'blinding was erect Central School. While this school ed 40' x 24'' at a cost of $164.00 is one of the better one this rural It was opened for teaching in Dart schools. in this part of the province. uary 1870. In 1880 an addition of the trend to centralized education twenty feet was made for .further made it no longer practical to op- accommodation .' This building ser- eraie it. • • • ved for•the next fifty years. , • The school willbeoffered for • . In 1930 a new school. site was sale shortly °. 'The Sentinel asked procured from Ben. M6Clenaghan the foriner teacher; Mrs. Mabel . just across the road from dee old I, Wheeler of Belgrave who is now site consisting of 1 1/4 acres. On , teaching at•Kinloss Central; tO,-. this a new school was erected with "ompile a history' of the school • concrete foundation and the upper ection and Mrs'. Wheeler' has sub- story of presSed brick.. The cost • Mined the following article.. was $6,430.00 . The cost of drill - .County of ing a well was $400, (extra). It Bruce, ' was -organized in 1859. The has every modern convenience and first Board of Trustees, was'Jas. Ham Mon, Jas. Ross and John Gillespie. A building site was procured from S.A...Ferrie•on Lot 10; Con,: 1, con- sisting of 1/4 acre. This site was olid bush and cost $7,.50 to chop and clear ready to bhild hpon. 111.1880 a School House was built of log cOnstruction. The seats were fifteen years at 510 interest, This benches and -the desks, boards fast- :school Was Opened on November ned to side wallsThe total cost • 102n; .819nd3°e'r:oy• nue theker oafftfe7noenr. , n the Old school, was $160.00 ;,t: The size of the sch1001 teachers and old pupils were pis; program and lunch, The lunch was provided by the ladies of secticothe' 'Z'hos, Gaunt was the firstleach in the section and taught the first year for a salary of $160,ut), lie taught for 6. years and was follow by ii„D. Henderson who taught (la 7 years. ,The following art the .teachers who have, taught.for years Of More: A, H. Musgrove, las. Stalker. Peter Gowans, Fells; Wm. A ..flenderson, Mrs.' Mathers, Mrs., Mabel Wheeler, • In June of 1966 when the school.' was closed the enrolMent was 35„ Electricity.. oil furnace, pressure system .with flush toilets and the telephone were all part of the ' is considered one of the best equi- school, in the last s6eral'years pped rural schools In the West Bruce Flatlet beds and a large ramp; lawn made .it attractive on the out, ninesdPefctor°$r6ate.0,.00D.e0b:.titupayable werebleiis in :1-" side , The Huron County Fideration'of 7/- Alf Warner reported'on how. the . Agriculture monthly meeting was ; Floughling Match was going. He ,held on September Sth in the Ont- said they ere now going to put axle Department' of Agricultural 1 up a building instead of a tent. Board RoOm. The minutes were They.don't As of yet know what' accepted as read on.rnotiOn of shape of building, and •what ply - Ernie Crich, seconded by Bob' . wood will be needed They are to Broadfootstart build ing Monday and should Einer Hunter moved that Harvey bisup by the 15th. -Elmer Fisher .Taylor present resolutions again moved that Alf call the townships for the C.I.A. at•the next them= and ask for men to help with the ben meeting to be held on sept- work. seconded by Wilf Strickler. -ember 14th, seconded by Sob Broa-Doug Miles said that Alf Warner is dfoot. Charles•Thothas reported a to make a list ofall those people • successful 2,stb Anuiversary •• ' he feels.deterves to receive a pass. Banquet which made a profit ef. Bob McAllister rnade a motley. $46.56. Be thanked at those 1„rbo that the /advertisements: for the did such a good job to make it a London Paper and the Exeter, Sea - sateen. . forth papert be forgotten and use jt,..if waiter made a motion to the Money for other Ploughing have.the Anmiai Meeting on Wed- Match utes.., seconded by Elmer nesd4„, Novern.ber30th n ippds.- • Tisher, Rae Houston said he has • -bow Mani seconded by EJ me7 tile sett'set'res with Huron CointY • Huntex. Charles Thomas stigge.sted Ptihte' °n thetn, • coraruirree be appOtotoo to pup Elsner Hunter reported on the for tbe,..Annual tr3eetirig4 to pick Bdbdational Comtnitte,e. He said ont Cfliest •speaker. Wilf Strickler that they had combined the Fed- - moved that Charlie Thomas. Elinei enation booth and the Educatitio• Chadrmarit bethe 'cottinnittetatC.,Xi5 g°;41T, t° 62/.4 pictures o"4.posters to illastrate , each' tiopic • r.4.1er,then itraoduced the &nest Speaker. Miss. Se.a Strider to speal or. her trz to the Folk;Sch- Shiela 'said their topic. •*Neu**,:nderst,andings of phndarr.iry' .She said the7,' had pItAisard c4s-ct.t.t.t.oz grcr..ps •uhere seconded by Ted Fear. The Lady rirector. Mrs.. Fear tc plan a • meeting far the 'cies • ' • lt was voted lagertql not renewittp the subsoriptior. 14,71.th the 'Times •AdyOcate pa.s.: of t.lrei&. Harvey Ta -or .stig?.,7e.Sted. hayinga.bozb ttat„te Serforzt Fat F. Fie said . • . roace thel wciuld require Ai/mid and that be age woad OCitiloss NeWs) Mrs. Ted Collyer had the misfor- tune to beak a .bone in her foot . and wifl have to wear a cast for. six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vickie, Denver Walters and William visited with relatives at Wiarton Sunday 'after- I. noon ,•John Dickie is a patient in W iartorr and District Hospital Mrs. •Allan Graham 'who 'has been a patient in Goderich hospital for some Weeks, is able to behome„ Those home for the -week -end ' included Grace MacDougall, Eileen and Donna Burr' from Ldugh eed's Business College at Kitchener\ and Douglas Dickie from the. Uni- versity of. Guelph. • '. Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs'. • Allan MacIntyie who are the proud parents of a baby girl born Wednes-i day SepteMber. 218th in Winghain and District Hospital. . . Mr. and Mrs Wm MacKenzie of Detroit: and. Mrs. Duncan'Mac- :: Connell of Walkerton were week- end guests With•Mr. and Mrs.. Herb Buckton. Mrs. Geo. Lockhart. Mrs. Lloyd -MacDougall and Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrish were in London on Mutt - day. Mrs. Lockhart and M. Farr-. ish had appointments at the diabe- tic clinic. '• :* and Mrs. 'Harvey Houston,, 'Holyrood. and Mrs. Ray Taylor of I • Walkerton attended the &mai, of. I the late Arthur Young, of Rotbsay, on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Yonhg. Eden Grove, were Sunday guests of 'Mi.. and Mrs. Harvey Houston'. ,were ppeak from' tteit :ova terns not ,otner oecv.r:es" r:21: Sound good to us. One point Shiela rnade was.- if v� cannot under - Stand at least be undernanding". , Chari ie Thomas thanked Shiela • and said that bre the way the spoke you could tell she got a lot out of this: 'Folk School.' but also bad a lot of •fun. • • • meetly; wa,s a&ourted by •the res t