HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-05, Page 9Even To eR'e-organized
F dotation:•Plons
ggressive Program
*aggressive aggressive .proggra m is to be
Salo by the •township Feder -
of Agriculture in Brune Coun-
s fill and winter. Cattteroet
sky, Ptesident of the 9ruee
Federation of Agr'ictilture
at a Boardof Directors meet-
held in Walkerton on Septem-
' 46 that the Federation" Must .be
xa of the problems we are going
fee in this affluent society. We .
not take a complacent • attitude
watch the number of farmers
ladle,". The Bruce County .Fed'*
fop executive outlined' a prog
to the township directors call'
forst leastfour meetings in `
township. Every township is td
re -organized .and made active
,,snake faimers'•aware of what the
ration.not only has done for
•'but•whatIt is striving to do :.'
what it can do for them in the
e, Attention is to be placed on
services offered by the Federat-
and. involve more farmers in
making and carry out activit.
at township level.
Carnerbn MacAuley said he was
convinced that the only. way that
fanciers are . going ie achieve any:
measure of success in achieving
better prices-, a better -way of
fife - is through self help progra-
ms such as marketing boards, cd-
operatives, and a strong Federation,
of Agriculture. He went on to say
"We cannot. deper d on governments
for subsidies or handouts everytime
the going gets a little tough: Faint
era must be made aware of exist-
ing picograms, become familiar
With thein and Make full.use of
thein. if marketing boards are not,
doingthe job we want them to, •
then' let's see that they do, The
legislation is there; if we want to
implement tM . "
Five topics are being proposed for
discussion at these meetings, 0),
Each: township is, to decide .upon a
specific: marketing board of their.
choice :and discuss its purpose, the
advantages and disadvantages, is
it serving the needs of farmers and
if not, how can it -be improved?
a•ntages, is
COOP % Dari -Pio
with high level vitamins A
and D; improves herd health;
increases conception rate;
builds sturdier calves;
increases rrailk ' production.
CO -Op 9$% d� Gainer
specially formulated for feed
lot feeding, With high level
vitamins* As and 0, this .
concentrate is an excellent
forage, supplement.. '
mins A ani
With co -OP .Beef and Dairy Concentrates your cows•
are fed vitamins, minerals, and "proteins of the highest
High• -levels of vitamins A and ':D' have been
added to ensure. herd' health and more profitable milk
or beef. production with maximum benefit from home
• grown grains and rou ha
Like all co-op feeds, •ct-oP Dairy ..and,. Beef Con-
centrates are, formulated from ,the highest quality
ingredients and .backed by the largest research organ- . •
ization in Norte America.' When combined. with
CO-OP quality, service, and feed progr�atnm.ng they
• rformanoe.
offer the ultimate in herd
$5.00 per ton off
iucknow District Coop
Phone • 518-2175
(2) The Marketing Act - why do we
have it, what's wrong with it, what •■
do we need to improve. it? (3) Fed -
erak on` of Agriculture policy ¢ who : �T
Makes it, what is it, what needs°t.. ■
be changed? (4) A•RPA - wh,O, whet y
and/or Where is it. why do we need • ■
it? (5).Conservation and: water poll-
ution - what are we as .a Federation ■
going to do to• see that proper; con- 2 4
servation and water pollution torr- a
ective measures are taken? ■
Each executive. 'member of the ■ •
County Federation has cornmitted •
from 8 p.m.to l+� p.m.
is .organized County
themselves, see that each Field•�. g °Cti
man, A
inatowne Ron. Slade, will be ,made av� •
any township and the
ario Federation of 'Agriculture
has also offered manpower, It is
hopedathat every township. will be -
organized. by the end of •October.
Four townships throughout the
coypty were also given the Opport-
unity to sponsor Farm Managerhent
Clubs, Such clubs would be conduc
ted with• the.. assistance of George
Gear, Agricultural Representative.
To •date the townships, of Saugeen„
Greenock and Huron have shown' •
interest in sponsoring such clubs•
withintheir township along with.th
above program.
• In other business, the date for the
annual meeting of the Bruce . Cour
Federation was set for December.Ist
in the •Elmwood *Community. Centre.
commencing with a ,noon ;hoot ban-
quet . I FedeRatiot "wil-l- etebrat
its 25th anniversary during this
meeting. Ernie Beirnes.of Hepworth
Mrs. Hugh McIntyre .of Elmwood;,
Jim powers of Chepstow and -Ron'
Slade. of Kincardine were named a
committee. to Make fi11'a1 arrange -
menta. ,
• Cameron • MacA uley of Huron Twp
and Harold McArthur of Arran alon
with OFA .member lames.Jacklin of
Brantwere named' Voting delegates
to.the OFA ;annual convention..in
Toronto, Noy. q: - .8 : The
Women's Institutes• and ,Jr.Farmers
are also being: asked to name one
..delegate, each to represent•Brtice
The Holyrood W.I. meeting will
be held on'Thursday evening.
Mrs. Gerald Rhody scoot/Tallied
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Dore and other 'relatives. to. Port ,
•Huron where they spent slow days
Mia. Harold Haldenby and her
Mother; Mrs. Arthur Breekles of
Lucknow, visited withtelatives at
Toronto during the week°.
Word was received here of the. •
death of Mrs'. William Montgomery
the former Susan Percy of Detroit..
The . funeral' was held 'from. the .Link
later funeral•home Kincardine, on•
Tuesday afternoon. We extend .,
sympathy to the bereaved .family•
and relatives.. •
Sympathy is extended to Rev, ;
Canon R.W. Stump and Mrs.
Stump in the passing of his mother ,
the late Mrs.. Florence May •Rych
man :at Walkerton hospital. The
funeral was held Friday from
St. Thomas Church, Walkerton
■ .
■' ;..
:110 .• • Tho Dipartm thes kiwi 11 r+d e f ' , adv* .+e
■' qualifkad kms.
••• ,1.. ELEMENTARY.. SEW1$G • . " ae
■ making of simple garments, Mel the cisalce .of. MIA-
■ • • • able, materials and Ihe• �' w of o paw. • :'
This "cQurate is d es 1a fpr ikhaae who. h*Ve hili": it
had courses ;n advanced . dreeamaking Ind would �` •
.iirai •
■ • to . receive ituatrucxlon: in basic sewing �•
1 2. ADVANCED SEWINti — Advanced . •.-1/1.41'' ,a
.. - . � , ; , ... ter those. Who have, had:
.�__- -- sewwg, ..
■ 8e 1 .�i or •exper 7E,T
• 3, TYPING - . In*tru :and. ileac e : the t' h', �•
■' This •course is., for d tee. tri' as' .aa aid N1.
■ ▪ • 4. HOOKED Rua MAKING . Wain; .icor these .
■ b 1111$ Malta adrAo
s. o
o, 9.. ELEMENTARY OIL PAti1'f`IN . - P arcti+t!al w n t k'
■., t3iose wlahing to tri their ,at oi# roc
1 ing. Others with ezper ence are oto at oll
ail 6... F ..... `i1RE tiP$OUT ER$NG __ T tie w l
lectures, de aonatratlons ane 'pr cal `work oaa furrnitur`e •
• a upholstering and refinlshmg
■ ' 7, PHYSICAL EDUCAI`ION -- a Cowse"..foss Inf. and 1 . .
is.designed for, the leairniing of a :a>od t p . •itdpatiou .Innvarloua .aporia aad ganp�es. `ss.$. ' LEATiIER CRAFT �- : (muse• by heath bask tuaca'tats in. waiting• with leather, w
■ �r�noivLgg� ,pcatle� ., • . i
Irt«t rIlirdrtlr� .
IThe local Roenat'iara Comantsttlen, elf • co ural n wuiur liar t
Ludcn w , QNMiet Nigh .Schell. •dear±d, w* lire silo•. as
w. ■
•Lucknow,,.:Onitarlo : i
■ • ■.
am interested in registering • k's Niskt Clamps with:.. 1 '
with burial in Fairview Cemetery
j Niagara Falls.
A number .from here attended the
Harvest Thanksgiving Service at
St Johns Church Bervie on Sunday.
The Rev... R. Hulse was in. charge
The Anglican Service at Kin -
lough next Sunday will be held at
II o'clock. .
Mr, and Mrs. Clare Spading and
boys of:Walkerton were dinner
guests with Mr . and Mrs. Arthur
Haidenby on Wednesday evening,.
f t -a
• ■. MASON, S.A. 11.P.11.# Principal' • ▪ NOraI. 11.'
■ WILLIAM HU gl rawarr►
Luckrow District • H
■ fair :Schaal
milli■stills;isEaonsnestisionnnnriar arNiiits
Nairne .. • • /
Telephone No.
I+IOTE ` Registration, l?dila'be made .on a •-registra
form. The courses 'carried • on will depend upon
the number :who .register. In Mases of over.
registration in any course, will be
accepted' in order of Early
••s.•.•.n,,l..• ,,,..r,.s.-r.
• r•,.. 1:4$1, .ani•.,. i• us At. 1, i•
• vstration is mil/gelded.
MAIL 'NOVfo wont, L MASON I.wdasain,, Orntari
FEES:. ti5.00 per person, 'payable on the opellag 'night
of Use at which time
everyone will rembleem the 'School A
urn at $.00
• • . p Class'