HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-08-31, Page 14THE LUCKNOW $SNTINEL. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO lengths Jfl.$tock 6 To 1� Feet, Availabteh Ire I:engths Up i'p. � �: � 4r' Strapping; `: Spinal lead Head Nails Ardox Ngils ( A rnberley News) • Reids Corners W,i, met in the . community hall ,for their. August meeting on Thursday evening of last week with an attendance of seventeen.. Mrs.. Cecil Holland. presided for the. meeting, . The • roll -call "Name; a Canadian', author or artist" was responded to with many famous names. • After the business period the Topic relating to the Province of Saskatchewan was glyen by Mrs, Kelvin Henderson assisted, by Mrs. - Norval Nesbitt. •Many highlights ' of the Province were interesting • as Mr. and . Mrs,. Norval Nesbitt. and their daughter, Mrs. Kelvin' Henderson resided in. Saskatchew- an for a number of years before returning East. The ProvincJ: ,has many industries, also the potash -mines where valuable products .are manufactured. • Reids Corners W. i, has been giving the history of the provinc- es at their meetings and are find- ing them interesting information. A duet by Sally and , Karen Elliott was accompanied by Susan Elliott, After a flower contest by Mrs M. Henry the meeting closed with the ode and grace .. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. William Ferguson • and a .'social hour 'followed FOR,, THAT ' ROOFING JOB WE HAVE . 'A STOCK OF NO. 1 SEALED ASPHALT SHINGLES . IN { BLENDS OF RED, GREEN, BROWN, ETC. Galvanized Eave starter Galvanized Roof Nails Galvanized ;Gutter SteelRoof . Nails AsphaltFelt /_ _ $ , TO 11:3S P.M, FOR RESERVATIONS .PHONE 52#4911 OR RIPLEY •'i2 'r 24 Mr. and Mrs, Sam Snobelan, of the fourth' eoncession :of Huron are vacationing in Saskatchewan. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Kilpatrick ,and family of Hamilton are new` residents of A mberley: Mr. Kilpat- rick is employed. by Silverwoods of Lucknow. Kathy Gibson spent some, holidays with 'Sharon McNay of Amberley • Mr. and IMIrs'. W.J. Courtney spent Monday with Miss ;W. D. Rutherford of St'.' Helens Rev. George Moore of •Chester-: ville. Virginia was guest minister at Pine River United Church on Sunday. A trio.' by. Dianne, Sandra and Linda Kempton was given with Mary Elizabeth `Walden as'accomp anist . Descendants ofthe late Harry Courtney held their annual picnic on Sunday at. 'Lansdowne Park j Kincardine: Mondays -- H1gsr ..in .by . 4:011 . p.m. CATTLE, CALVES . and LAMBS ,EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY W. do Curing and Smokes , Beef, Pork and L• a mb ' sold.. who'', Half or Quarter , , For Better Servicr . • And, Lower Prices. Call RIpky 100. CHAS. HOQISMA. —. Prop. THE OFFICIALS OF THE FAIR ARE COUNTING' ON YOUR ,HELP, TO MAKE THE /!K EVENT. ANOTHER .SVCCESS, PLANS ARE /UNDERWAY FOR THE. BEST" .PARADE 'YET Richard Collins; 33, of. Toronto, was arrested W y- of last • week at Sault Ste Marie on a k warrant held byTororso police for ; murder- in tree death of Frank - jariais of Windsor, whose body - • was found in a Toronto hotel July 16. Mr. Desjailais formerly taught school. ai. Luc.know District • High School.,• " -.The arrest was•Made by olce ' from Torosato and the Sault... • 'Pollee said Collins, living in Sault. Ste. Marie at the time of his arrest will be taken back to • tarotrto. ` ' ' • Kari: Frankel, 23of no fixed ' address, • r"ras arrested Tuesday night in Toronto; also in pot e .:ansa with the death cif 42 -year -off Desjarans, who was -Td dem in a Jarvis Enreet biter roses, Chrssy and Scott Mitchell of t Toronto are holidaying: with Mr. • and 'Mrs. Wallace Conn and family while their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are on holidays. The • Mitchells were former residents, of W chwch ,and resided in the. House row occupied by lot. and I, rs.-VictorEmerson., •.Ma. and Mrs. F.G. McGowan of Taroo^to spear: the week end with theirdaughter' »d Jamie- son and Ma Jamieson and family. lets'. Dave . MacDonald, *I. . • ' Don Ross, Don as and Bobbie •wel bybt.z from W.ingham on Wed •nesday and j Toa o • trade . loe Ti :or SamurdaV attended • an ezer - e nateting of the at StcatYocd • Mi. and *s. Ronald Jori of ioie Wawan "'-. oir Sarday wig . a /Am. "Tom jamieson. Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon .Mauer of Lucknow observed their 25th wedd- ' ing anniversary on Saturday., Aug- . ust 27th, hien a family gathering was held and a buffet supper served.. Mr: and Mrs, Mauer have a fam- ily of five daughters and two sons, Mrs: Doug (Joan) Skinner of coder- ich, Carol, Betty , Brenda and :Hea- thei at home, Kenneth .:of Ripley Gordon ' at home and five grand - children.: . Also present: for the .anniversary were. Mrs. Mauer's parents, Mr: { and'Mrs Albert Fizell of 'Hanover and her three, sisters Mrs. Kenneth Noble of Orangeville. Mrs .• Nelson • Dun"smiur of Kitchener; Mrs. Nor- man Robbins - of Hanover'. Her brother, Robert Pizeiltof'Hanover was unable to attend.. Mr. Mauer's step mother Mrs. Dave Mauer of Elmwood was pre- sent, and his two sisters and a broth- er, roth-er, Yrs. Lorne Bailogh of St. •. Thomas, Mrs. Ed Lipskie of Sull- ivan 'Township and Norman Mauer cif•Aytor • and'Mrs:. Mauer reside on Ltidgard St. atthe northernpart of the They Caine to Luck ,ow , fora years ago froth •Plein wood. • . Gordon is employed by.Johnstone Mobile Feed Mill and Mrs . Mauer is employed 'at Pinecrest Manor. • 'THE PARADE COMMITTEE,, CHARLES • WEBSTER, BOB McINTOSH, BOB FINLAY OR JIM HENDERSON WOULD BE INTERESTED TO, HEAR AT . ONCE, .OF 'YOUR PARADE PLANS