HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-08-17, Page 14•
Mr, and Mrs, William Haldenby
I visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
• Fry and family at Harriston.
Mr, and Mrs,'DoIiGUlepie Mr..
and Mrs. Don Bushell and their
families returned home after holi-
daying at Algonquin Park.• •
Mr. and Mrs, Ellwood Hodgins
and family of Toronto, Rev. and
• , Mrs. J.A. Palmer of Winnipeg
• visited during the week with Mrs.
• William Cox and Rev-, Benson Cox.
James Hodges returned home '
after visiting with his brother and
his family in the. west,
A reception waiteld in the Kiri-
•. loss Orange Hall for Mr. 'and Mrs,
• tarry Bannerman on Friday even-
, Mr and Mrs. Howard Bennett of
...Toronto 'spent the week end yith,
•• her parents, •Mr. and Mrs Arthur
.Haldenby. 'Their son, Howard;
returned•home witlithem, after
holidaying here. . •
Lois Nicholson returned home
after holidaying it Toronto.
Mr. and Mr's. Ezra Stanley and
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tollefson
.•motored to Northern Ontario last
'week . • .. • *.
We extend sympathy to R.C.
Ireland and family of Midland in
the passing of Mrs. Ireland after •`
• a lengthy illness The.funeral.Yas •
held in Kincardine on Monday.
Mr. Ireland was music supervisor
in our school for many, years. •
• Mrs. Bert Nicholson was a pat -
lent in St Josephs Hospital.
London where she unclerweni
surgery on Saturday .: We are
pleased to report that sheds
making a favourable recovery.. • '
Mr. and. Mit. Harvey seeking
• •
. • - • , 1 1 1 • - - • • • • , , • ,
. : •
"Mit LOCKNOW illiNlikillikt.ViCKNOWD 9441144P 111RDNIESDAY, AUOVST 171
Happenings In The. Rural reit
Bombay India
ng •
cAmberley Newws:th_ar.. merit!
Reids Corners W.I, meT •
The Sentinels
,ance of twenty-three. (ec
. Holland presided and
OSS CORNERS .w0 Fires In Ashfield Township
T . .
• •
t e
Community hall on•ThJ
ning of last week
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Benedict . • ' i1•001aUtt News‘ • , '• Satuidartitemen were. surnmon-
and family attended a .famity.pie. • Fite t4th Sultd4‘ naxittng , • ed and nought the blaze under
Ilk in Brown City, Michigan, v ksotnpletelv &Aro\ VAI OW latxtt. eotnrol before. it reached the .
Mrs: Merle Hodgins,•Mrs, Elsie / barn onthe Wm, P., llopn tatin„ hatn and house nearby-.
Brown, Mrs, McKague, MTS, Ann- ,k10 the l';:th coneession 'a Aslitield. The regula' g°"gr.ega`titrnal/Pic7
. ie Wall and Mrs. Reinelda White- Township, ftirtnitell wvir‘.. Anum., nie Of AStifield Presbyterian '
head, all of Teeswater, visited ' kNil srm kw ''t% k.' .. 04 . •A' Church was held on Tuesday
Humphrey read the.min'..tes
• After the business, perioc
Holland imroduced, the ,:est
• speaker , Mrs, G-Nadkartiey of
13noatmivbeaYc,osltr.ludmiae.. dressed
personality and sensewrto
on Monday evening with Mr and able to WE'V's liW$Ittv^ itiv$ • aitCril(• *)6.at Ashfield Park'Captivated the audience..
Seivie• time changes are effect' •
Lostth are were quail ealves: - ti
• ive at A si e Presbyterian Church t'sP°ke of the
b. next dayand through- - customs of
Mrs, Morley Wall and family,
L.A.C.. Russell and Mrs, Stewart Itnple.rnent$ ank't the Seasoilts•llaY land,, of their food,.
• • Linda Rudiger of Georgetown . ' cern ta . • - n
week -ed with Mr and''Mrs.Torn.. --.. . , • .„ .,. or chur, ch and.
Stewart and boys. . , , - .day School•for the:m ,Aug -and family of. Trenton spent the r p ,. A . .1,, k nil ng . u.n ,,. ,•fairning, fashions and
visited with Mr. and •Mrs.' lrlier '
Benedict and family. • • •
.• e
r ' . froin• a boniire was .oalts• ilor118.sooiNi-*' '.. f . 10,3;i4t5h of Sun -
A(')"g..t.a.$.i. Ow that smut q. 1,1 ' ,.1ti,t1 the Winter
'In the Rill FA,rtili farm 0 , SerViCeS will be at
- *.i. nstration on the fittin • ; .
"Sari" with Mrs Fred NAcir ia ,
of the•Reids Corners..W n a
embroideryattractions.were.Srnphl eoss,,,..i.r. t. 1„'Ae.aduti.,
model Was interesting. Cr: beba
,•••• 1/4••• a
Mr. and Mrs Doug Holder and * ' *. The MacDonald reunion waaheld..
' on.Saturday at the grove on the... .
• Gordon of Toronto spent the week ••• ' Finlay MacDonald.farin. . , •
•end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
• Green and fainity.. Mrs. Helder,.
Gordon and Mrs. Green left on
Monday to spend a Week in Mea-
Mr., and Mrs. Dan Wylds•were
Mr. and lkirs,, Mervin Wan Of:.• • ° recent visitors in London with then.
Dundas visited With the .Me&ten- son Lloyd who is apatfent in hos-
ger Utilities recently, Friends
from Burlington visited on
day at :the same homes. .
pltal :there . . ' thanked .by Mrs. Eldon i-.tadleyl
gift of appreciation, Sr: was
Nadkarney was presehte/ ‘,,lth a
,, her informative talk. • •
tMidanointoboraadwleayswwehollsp,ei, bs.1. ),111
por e OR the
. • Miss Mable MacDonald of Wind- prTohvei.ntco:fir:omn•Itthsebeargoi.v‘:::orof
; sor spent the week end at her home
Gall Messenger and ',Sandra . :here: . • . ' • '
Pillen of the fourth concession, . Visitors:dining the week with Mr, •
Spent a'week at Mirarnichi.CamP, ! and Mrs. Oliver McCharles, were
. Speaking' Of the
iantdipusitsritersioa:deotow,uritihst •cabttnrpaeeitviamthi
' Peace i d .
its many lakes and ri‘eri,
Mary Lynne FergusOn'Met.with a• ,: Magill Of Milbu, ry, . , . • , , • • t .en,
BROKE ARM . • ! Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Clark •and John
iss.'liss. . 'Mrs '•' the idea fpr this mernotable.site
home whichresulted in a broken , • Mrs. Harry Whitney of Tarnpa, , :
, ..
Manitoba for
1400 acres of
arm. She was taken to the Child, Florida and Mr, and Mrs: Allan
.landand North. Dakota -ty..J.,acr
Land is my 'Land"' •,./as•
ren's. Ward at St,. Joseph's Hospital ' McCharles and Susan of Clarkson..,
London on Monday of last week Misses Sally and Louis Mac,' , .
‘..ls'ul.nik..g:swith.CarOl Elliott as pianist
• e
where she is'restingComfortabIy.. Donald ' of Windsor and Mr . and //
UNDERWENT SURGERY •:' • Mrt. Finlay MacDonald and '. , .. '•
Jill Elliott of Amberley Beach ' family of, Chatham were week -end ?Ars. John Reid•igave.interestin&
Current events. On.Manitoba. Mn
was taken to Kincardine .and•Dist.:. visitors:at the •Dan tvlacDOnald ,
rict'Hospital Whereshe underwent farm.. • ,
C d '
• ...
of Brantford visited with Mr. and
Mrs. William Haldenby, •
• Masters Darrick and•NiChael,
Burrow of Oakvilleare visiting
with Mr. and Mrs.'James Halden-
by and girls. • ••• --
Miss Elaine Green of Walkerton
spent the weekend at the home .
of her parents', Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Green: , •
Mi. and'Mrs..ElMer ' Benedict• •
and family and Linda Rudiger
visited with Mr. and Mrs Bill'
Northery of Thcanberry. •
• •
L.A.c.Lloyd and Mrs,- Cornish •
and family are leaving Tuesday . •
for their home in Winnipeg.. Mr.
and Mrs. Cornish and family have
been visiting with their relatives
Mr.- and Mrs. Charles Slither- • .•
,land and Mrs.' Mabel McGillivray here
of Torontc. spent ih e week -end • I.. Mr. and Mri.. Torn/Stewart and '
. boys attended the Stewart. picnic
with Mrs*, James HodginsSr. and•
.• other •relatiVes, • .1 in Landsdowne Park in Kincar-
Mr . and Mrs, Wilbert Haldenby 51:ine on Sunday-
. ,of Toronto visited during the week Barry Haldenby Teddy Milne.
end with relatives here. '.• • and Martin 13enedict returned
Mrr and Mrs. •Norman Bennett , home last Saturday • from their 8
of Toronto spent Sunday ‘aith mr., 'day excursion on their homemade
. .taf,t down the Trent 'Canal.. The
and Mrs. Arthur tialdenby.
1)ovs had%a ve.ry enjoyable trip:7.
Mr. and Mrs. Ritstell Hewitt
returned home after a most enjoy-.•• •
, _ _
able trip through Western Canada: and Mrs.. Midford Wall visit,'
Miss Beatrice McQuillan and . ed last,'Wednesday evening with
William McQuillan of St, Helens Mr • and Mrs. Tom Hackett.
visited on Sunday mr. and Congratulationi to Mr.' and Mis
Mrs.:- Frank minkietrand-Keith-,-. Rae Halderiby; nee Donna Parker.
Congratulations .toMr evj Nits. • lAno were married on Saturday in -•
Rae Haldenby (nee Donna Parker) the Cargill Vitlited Chtirch.
. were 'harried. in cargm Week-end,viSittXS With Mr. and
ited°Church.oit Saturday 'afternoon. Mrs. N.E. Haldenby and family
• , • SUFFERED HEART 'ATTACK , 010.1fer7eorMiont.oand... Mr dni:::rs.14..aldFre,etry
We sotry to'repcet that Rev.
Andrew Lane is a patient in • Prienclari of Kitchener , Mr. and
Painful accident in a ;fall at her Jennie Scott of Knoxville. Tenn.. , FinrY, J. Moore of Islinaton,
• - • Bob Courtney and Mrs. V. '
• ourtniy le in the sin'111' of
surgery fgr appendicitis..
Mrs, Donald,R. MacKenzie was the Maple Leaf and River
Mrs. .Art Courtney left on Tues- . '
a recent visitor in Londshoro, with * *alley.. ... .•• ..* •
day for ,Ottawa Where she. will visit•• ,. . , •• ., fter the closing ode. ar,d van
with Mr. and Mrs...MerarinCciurt- • ' •
A„reclecoration program:is being 1 lunCh:' was served by the • host'
ney.and Susan. . • .. . '' , • ' .:.
• itehie_counney .0f Amber_ • •carried out at Ashfield Pesbyter-. Mis. William Pace andiMrs,
ley has taken. up residenCe in the
"Kinhome" apartments in Kincard-
• .*
• On-bOlidays lastweek with Mr.
• and Mrs, Walter Brown of Amber -
ley Mr. and Mrs. John Lasek:
London, Gordon
Fink . *Stratford , and' Mr . and Mrs:
William Hetherington and son •
Charles of Niagara Falls: Sunday
guests at Browns were Mr:. and
Mrs. ,Eldon Bradley and John.; Mr..
and Mrs. Ernest YoungMr. aryl'
Mrs;Bertram McReath ,and Kath
of GOderich,..Mrs. 'Jean .
. Jardine of Lucknow and Ray
• Monroe and' Son of Detroit.
. The Ernmertontrio, David, Jim
• and ROdney.sang at St. Lukes
• Anglican Church; Pine River on
„Sunday. Rev. S.R. Lupton was •
, back in the'pulpit after a few
weeks vacation.
1/Ir.:and Mrs. Haldenby
• of Toronto visited recently with
. Mr. and. Mrs. William Courtney
of Amberley. •
Mfl and Mrs. Lynn Lowry re-."
turned front their-heineymoOn in
the Maritimes last week. A wel-
• tor• -..4 is extended to them by
• tneir many friends on the boundry
-44'nere they are residing*. * ••
• A qt,irtette consisting of- Pam
• .F.arre:; c"..2orinne Lowry, Shirley
Reeind r.'..arol Courtney sang at
Pine Per enit e8 Churc'h on.
1).'undal• morning. They were.
• a4t.ocanted by Mary Elizabeth
• Walden. • •. •
Mr.. and 'Mrs. Jack Blue and
cardine hospital. He suffered a minter • Alberta. Mr• and Mrs• .
heart attack during the week.•
• •. We are also sorry to report that
Robert. Porter and Dick of Cargill.
and itay I.:Ialdenb. of. kin arf
. Miller Hartwick of Icincardine was Mi and Mts. Yoe Fltidder and •
taken to Victoria 'rlospital in ;Lon- .falnilY 01 RiPley visited' last -week
don; Mrs. liartwick , the former . ht • and 1"11-7...',Tc* Steu'an
: tovt
Marion Vitalsh, rernaine..• d. and
don for a•few days returning • Wr •_,.and -1--)nng. Texaria and
on SundaY. vv. anenuver
• Anglican There!'ttzr#1er.znonese-;:rutni:ii*Ja..tr:ric 1.211-ilitiotrifieWritteria141;iitle'ltiletgriee HC4.1121
eon Aug= risttbi service Nit . and, loin • vi'• am • SteAvart and
; attenoec a•receptior. 'or &at -
be held at StSr- •
mrs Jim:es Hce...41., 51.aenoec ureal. ./..J.ventrif Teeswate: tuvr•
a dinner at the .05 141:1 next nonotr trie. new.ry —
Tom Hod:wir....1 velco,..ne. rionne *et': 1‘1. an M' • hart.lic .6rr4,4r '
Mt. and Mts. •r,..icr...4;at • McPners.nr . •
and girls froin Bu.-natr. , aitc ..iY.I.Kifmc
• •
• Mr: and ?..‘„xs Luca
and 'Larry of t•craTlia
'week -end with Mr. sr vzr,
Nicholson-, A Eat 'are L.st.i
Mrs.: James kiod74.--.1 c...: •S41..esset.
• Edna and May, Bofie eit
the 'guests who arte:f..a'et; .
• Haldenby - Parker sz
Cargill on Saturday.
Friends of Mrs. Er
will be glad to hear that
making a goal reco-ier-I ate.:
vss.ttet, wttr' ktV. aric
'40,,,r1J•Jtodt o".4`."..v...-•sriate- or.
• •
ate. ant air: •r.iatenteA
'.:4„roi/nrriirtster*. ate.
m_ rttteiar.'ve- 'lett
• ittl.t.litittt ",,yrt4tIllOt
0.4 "......11142;,..•40atutt:t.
r.str....1,1 .pt
s. •t
"•-• v.!. •vir a, •
LLgetie relLot left on Stinilay for
tne Ptovincet where they
'04.11°.„ relatives. .'
M end 14rt. :atk Emrnertorrare
a weer' it- ritthener 'with
. wit Mit. Emrrierton
;At IAIr•A . • al! we and' Mrt Cottrtney
• "le.
Adergoing surgerF. She vial at:s•-. r 0.4"-001 -1-er 0e:re d;nher guests ori
,f or...o . *r to e
to, return horse (rot:: 1,,,,,,(3.c.4st. IA.. • s..., le.•••44,11...:1„;,..itt te v.... ,o:orrnan•
• Tuesday. , ,• ,
1 ' ,
tap Church. • • ' 'Elden LoW'ry.
Recentvisitorswith Mr. and Mrs..... •
Dan Wylds were Mrs. Isobelle.
MaCDOnald ;Mrs Mabelle CaMP- •
bell and.Mrs. DeCon. , " ! I
Severat.m frothe area attendedUC now Clu
the-Andrevi - Lane reunion 1
Ashfield Park On Saturday... . '
Miss Katie Sutherland and Mrs.
Margaret Campbell were recent
visirors'viitti Mi.: and Mrs. D.A.
MacLennan. . • •• .
Visiting Gregg -and Graham '
H amilton- is their- cousin -Jeff
Jackson of. Detroit. ••
Doug Martyn and his Mother,
Mrs. Isobetle Martyn of Ripley are
Moving intothe farm
that: they bought recently. •
Recent visitors with Mrs. Donald
R. MacKenzie were Mr. and. Mrs.
George Carter of Londsba6... •
Mr. and Mrs. Murray McGill and
family of GOderich were recent •
visitors with Tom Farrell,.
• A large new silo is being built
on the Donald Simpson farm.
A ,community shower was held
on Thursday evening for Miss
• Eleanor IvlacNay at the home of
Mrs. ,Lloyd. Cline . •
Hold Joint-M—eeti
The Lucknow 4-H Beef .ad
Dairy Clubs held a oirt meet,
at the farm of GeOrge Ker,ne4
'on .N,. ••
. !Doug- Alton -act eci'7,:a.s prede
and Linda Walden and Murray
;MeWhinney readthe minutes o
• the last .meeting of their respei
.ive clubs, •.• .
••TwO fine clages,pi Herefordi
were judged and reasons give
..both clubs, With officialact
by Tom Toddand Andre• w C:rz
A lesson .ori Preparationnd
Classification of Feeds:•wasIg
by Dave Inglis; Summer
Agricultural Re,preie native ,
owed by a quiz:; •
• Lunch was served and John&
ley thanked, Mr. and, Mrs..: Ken
'edy for tlie hospitality' 4.rid:tiR
cattle and barns. .
• •(Xiniough News)
On Thursday afternoon the Holy
rood V.I. meeting took the form
• Of a tour of MIX and the new $
Andrews Presbyterian Church at
Wingham and a- dinner at Dannys
'Restaurant. '•
' ' Mrs. Harold Haldenby presided
f. for the tiiimer meeting, Mrs. .
Frank Maulden was chosen dele-
• gate to the Area Convention at
• Lticknow onSepteMber 8th:and
• '
and neighbouring Institutes
be guests each brat a to CC'
t, bute a number for t1,4. protan
Mrs. F.A . Murray repotted°
their day at the 1N., abirt at
Southampton on110. 1!•ths.,!;e!
there .were#144 perwn- rased
through. This was O.( 'west
number of visitor c da
letter of thanks wa,, rad-fro
Mrs. Perry tiodgin, 1,110 met'
an accident in the- rrin;
decided to join •••Jith the i:air
• The September meeting will be
' held with the grandmothers pre-
sent, At this meeting a film
t 40,...• k als.'._•...r.ka! eat!".. •. "Horn of Plenty' will be shown .
••-• „ .. • :
Institute in catetr..: .ort1C•
• Wardens banquet October
afthe Lucknow 1y( Hal