HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-08-17, Page 12VilliDNISDAY, AUGUST 17, 194
; Is Now Operating Sadie's Restaurant
I .Readers %trite.,
184 Felan,..APt. 3,
Oakville, 011t, •
Mar. 2/66 .
The Lucknow 'Sentitielp
Lucknow, Ont,
.Dear Don,
• Sorry 1 have not sent in my re-
newal before now just an oversite
on my part. 14e receive.the
• Sentinel now on Friday or Saturday
for awhile we never knew when,
we Were going to get it. 'Some
tirines it would be over .a week
late. But keep up the good work,
Trernain,' ' • •
• Mts.(Mc? unalinn)
• Kenmore, N. Y,
;.. beat::DOn, •
. Time to send along my money .
for another year and hope this ,•
finds you and all the family u,
the besi of .health,
i enjoy the new'paper format
now that i have got used, to the:
way each line finishes on the
right hand side,
I guess I'M•not the only one,
who wonders what happens to the
mail at times. My edition may
arrive anywhere between four days
at the earliest and abut three
Weeks later. T,he Story I gather
from the mailman and the local
posr office is, "Oh, its only sec-
ond class mail' and it can go out
• when we are not too busy"... App'-'
areritly the only way it could ;•
fravel on time•would be as first
class tnAil. I'm not complaining
because that's the way the ball.,
bounce That That iS.the story f get
• when 1 ask what haPperis tothe •
We have had a lot of snowdown
here this winter, more thiin usual,
about two feet more so far than •
the last siic' or seven years. How,
ever, most of it is gone and the
good weather will soon be here.. •
wouldlike some school stud-
ent up there to draw a small scale
map of the streets of the village
with the names on them, some-
thing that you could print some.-
time..,'I don't know half the . .
street • names a nd. their -locations
' Many thanks, for listening to my
• 1560 Locust A ve
Beach , •
Dear Donald, " '
Here we are again, informing
you of our change of address;
I started working in Long Beach
which was 13 miles for rile. to
drive, So we are moving again.
Sorry to be So much trotible
•• • * •
370 klollywood Cr., '
Londbn,*Ont. . • '
Mar. 7/66'
Dear Don,w.'
We look forward each week to
our copy of the Sentinel. 'We
always enjoy it. Please find enc-
losed cash for another year.
' • Gordon
Dear Sir, •
Just a note with rny cheque as 1.
noticed in your paper a week qr
so ago that there was some Com':
plaint of the delivery of your
papet. I must say my paper arr-
ives in good condition and:always:
has since I moved to Toronto.
. •Tkbught you might like to knoW• .
and I lbok forwaid to the news
• Reta and. Keith.. from home town each week.
Tal Hillorest:Drive, , ! 111111111/' 4,111,1 1111.11".*
• • • LonclOti, Ont. •
March 8/66
The Lucknow Sentinel,
LUcknrow, , Ont. •
Dear Mr41'hompson;
Enclosed please find cheque
.for 20.00. for five years Subscrip-
tibn'tO the Sent'ineL
Although.it is over fifty: years
Since I left "home" , 1 news '
items that recall happenings and '
people that I knew lOng ago. 1
also find the advertisements good .;
reading. •' • ••
Since getting used to the new
format, I ‘`,/fsh,tO compliment
you on the impriovernent, and
think.your coverage is greater. .
Iwish you -many years of successi
Y!l • H. Jewels"..
ere • '
; • AUG. 17, 18, 19
'The Yellow Rolls.
Rex Harrison, Shirley McLean
Admit Entertainment
Laughter, Name, Plus Action,
The brain of the elephant is the 1 ever C...kRTOON
biggest of, all land animals. It
11 Is • Our Pleasure To Bring You
Get Yourself. A
and Mrsmart( I5oriald Darryl and Rex' *.
Ivy...am Mrs. Board, .Mr.
of Altoona,Wisconsin, visited
for a 'week with mr...and.Mrs.
Ed-Walket They alrspent the '
week -end at Niagara Falls.
• •
• THURS., FRI., SAT... AUGUST 18; i9, 20 . • • •
trs A MIT .,, € ..0.(1,...
. .1.r COVkst OW EiRONCS AND tabas.Ii. •. , . ,
... 1.41n ....Mt..4.1. 1,
OF LATE- • Ori.WedneSday Belgrave and
• LATE SHOW . t, • .• P,1-•tftr ' • Whitechurch Interniediates played
- t: wmt kTVEN- :-,--.1.--,- . •
• ; AGE U ' * -Tit-iliuiSels-Viftlia sCcife -of -5—= I ,
I Twin s & ..
Li .2 . in fayour of Belgrave. On•Friday
. 4 .. I pA d a wi a s I ; . evening the teams. met again in
• a.- I, ii.• •••: AMIANILOWVINIMMIr L. C46.1+1 ilr6 I /1"111"w-- I At' -...--, W irIgharn with ',Whitechurch winn:•• ,
Whitechurch Juniors began play
affs.with Rostock at Milverton
last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott
Belw.00d' visited r'ecently.with
'Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdbn and
family, •
Mi and Mrs. Archie Purdon and
famliY, Mr'. and Mrs:. Leroy Rint
toul and Carol,. Mr,. and Mrs.
Gordon 4intoul and .Mt.
When you know your n1111/ address
and the Otte you require **phone
service, call us as soon , as you
possibly can. That way you'll get
service promptly at your . MW
borne. So, please don't delay and
• we won't either!
CALLand Mrs. Floyd Batt of BelwoOd
Mrs, ",;;ardner and Tracy of London •
.heid a fartily picnic at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Jim, Curran at • -
S1::Heinz' ..BUSINESS.
Rkhard Burton, Elizabeth- Taylor
Tedrdcolon. Adult Dtertainmeal
Their dove vnts sweet bttter beau.
ty and "tiglimess '• •
•*.ffne brick Messengers
rzet. cr. Sunda:" Doris CoUltes ZENITH 74400
, pre:iced tneme of the meet-
Pight" • Margaret
•r,onertsor. read tile scripture artO
a- isr Robertsor. led in prayer.
C„oLites sang a solo,
• Cictrer.ofiretusalerr".' Mts.
Norrnar. Coate!: f.ad charge of .
tte nor, on the Ttairer
Zave the heralds
repor.. r."Inandler and Jim •
too r ur. the offerinv.
OFFICE . 'Country Music
• . Holiday'
.4414 t
g°13d. °Id grCwahtlIelate6t.' 11"*'14.1(:.