HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-08-17, Page 11airld
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Tit! JAICKP40y1 SONTINNI-, 41'0( 00% ONTARIO
'Lbe August meeting of Zion
u.C.•W, was held at the home•of
Mrs. D.A. Hackett on Thursday ,
the Ilth . After the opening Hymn •
and Prayer, the Roll Call was. '
answered by 17mernbers,.
The Devotional Period was, con-
ducted by Mrs: Earl Swan with
the Scripture reading given by
Mrs, Allan Ritchie.
Mrs. John Gardner reported on
the visits made and .Mrs. Chas,.
• .Wilkins and Mrs: Doug Ray�nard •
are the visitors for the corning
month,; The Treasurer's Report •
Was given by Mrs. Frank Ritchie
slid motions passed to pay -bills
at hand, Mrs., Chas Anderson
reported for the Social Committee
and a Bak Sale is planned for
Saturday, gust 20th at.3 p.m...
in the forme "Express Office
:Building" . 1vI s,. Harvey •Ritchie. .
and Mrs. Chas. Anderson are to
attend the 4-0 Leaders •Training . a
School in Wingham on• August
22nd and 23rd, '
The Bible. Study on the Chapter
Sermon on the Mount was conduct-
ed by Mrs. Frank Ritchie The •
President .Mrs. H; Ritchie is to
arrange for a• special speaker for
the September meeting. Please . •
note that the Rail Call for the
Septernber•meeting' will be a, n
"Item for the Bazaar", 'and as well
".To name a .Parable" , The Bible
Study. for this meeting will be. on
Chapter 6 pertaining to•th:e. Parable
A, letter was read from Anne
Riegling•,.thanking 'the ladies for
the lovely meal provided for their
wedding dinner.
The Study, Book was . given. by
Mrs.'Rt ssell Swan•, and the meet-
ing closed with Prayer by•the Pres-.
ident Lunch was served by the.
hostess assisted by Mrs Frank
Ritchie and Mrs'. Jim Hunter. :The
September meeting -will. -be .held
atthe •Borne of Mrs: Marshall
(A mberley, News)
• A.joint meeting. of the afternoon
and: evening units was' held on Tue.
sday evening of last' week with an'
-attenlance of :twenty=five. Mrs.
Eldon Bradley presided and. Mrs,
Mervin Funston read the :minutes
and correspondence,
Mrs. Donald „Courtney presided
for the worship service:. The theme
'of the *meeting„ "The Christian
asa'citizen" was a reminder that`'
one must not forget that our fam-
riles, our.neighbors and our.comm-
unity 'is. watching our actions ,
After a hymn the U..C. W . Pur-
pose and 'Prayer was repeated . in
unison. After the scripture.read-
ing by Mrs. Leonard: Courtney a
devotional reading on "How do
you like your neighbor was given
by Mrs. Murray Walden. A duet
by Mrs. .B. Courtney and daughter
Wendy was followed with a read-:
ing by,Mrs. ;Mrs. Donald Courtney. from
an article written by Miss Elsie.
Borgaizeon the ":White. Man's
World",, ,A reading was' given by
Mrs: John McDonald on how we'
judge. othercwheil we really do
.not know them.
,After the closing hymn, and bene-
diction, lunch was served in the
Sunday ,School 'room by Unit 1
and a social.half hour was enjoyed
over the tea cups.; •
• /.
The average "head of house-
hold" visiting Expo will be 40 .
years old and a high school grad-
Olivet U.C.W.
(Olivet News) .
Olivet U, C. W, held -their Aug-.
ust meeting at the home of Mrs,.
Sandy Macgharles.•. Mrs. Walter
Lock .of Ripley gave a ,very inter-
esting talk on Church music. Mrs.
H Clayton, Mrs.- O, White, Mrs.'
E. Osborne; Mrs',. Melvin Coiling
and Mrs...Sancly Maccharles took
part in the.worship service., Janet
Hamilton 'and Evelyn White sang "
a lovely duet,, Mrs. Walter Dexter
thanked the speaker. the hostess
and all who took part 4n the meet`-
ing. Remnants donated by Strap-
`son-Sears'w:ere distributed to be.
made up by the, members for sale
St. Augustine
TheC. Meeting was held
in St.. A ugustine Hall August 3
Rev. Father Caruana opened the
meeting with prayer. The minutes
of the: last meeting were'read by
Mrs., R. -Boyle. . '
Mrs. Wm. •Kinaha'n called the
Roll with 15 members answering.
A bake sale was discussed for
early September, to be held in
Lucknow Cards of :thanks..w 're.
read. from:Mrs. Bill Picco, Mrs.
Joe Hickey and Torn Foran .Father
Caruana :spoke of doing some
decorating to Rectory and, Church
Guest speaker was `Mrs. •.A Carl
ier who spoke. Of the convention
,held in Toronto. Mrs: .Cyril Boyle
thanked her on •behalf of the C.W.'
L. and gave 'her a' gift., The meet-
frig closed to meet . again in! Sept -
Area . ladies Join
For. Picnic
The July and August meeting of:
the Lucknow Presbyterian Church
• rnet on Wednesday , August. 3rd
The meeting was•held in the base
merit of the church• with a goodly
attendance approximately fifty '
ladies present. It",was in the form
of a picnic meeting, with the
-Dungannon, •and also the South
Kinloss ladies invited. • •
• , Mrs. •Jas. Little conducted the .
meeting , , opening with words of
welcome, and prayer. A hymn
was sung, after which the Script
ure Reading' and the Meditation
was given by Mrs. P. Stewart.
Prayer followed by Mrs.,: ;Nixon
and the singing of ,a hymn.. Thank
you notes sent from Mrs,. N. Mc-
Kenzie.and also-from'the family
of, the late .Mrs ; Currie were read
and accepted. The Offering was'
taken' by Mrs.' COok'•and Mrs.
Cameron,. followed with prayer.by
Mrs: J. Emerson.
An interesting•Reading was given
by Mrs: A Loree after which Miss
Margaret Malcolm rendered a plea-
sing •,piano solo :which was apprec-
iated by all The Roll Call•was
answered by each lady repeating a
verse taken from the Book of Dan-
.Slides taken from scenes in
Formosa were introduced by Miss
Dorothy Douglas,"Our own. Mission.
try". with John Henderson at the
projector. A:Hymn was then sung,
and prayer given by Mr"s. N, Johne
son, brought the enjoyable meet-
ing to .a, close ..•
Mrs:..M. . Henderson thanked the
visitors, those who Wok part and
all the ladies w
ho attended for
making• the. Meeting such a success
A tasty lunchfollowed,
Whitechurch YON'
(WhiteehUrch News)
The August meeting of the U.
C.W. met at the home of Mrs. • '
Russell Gaunt, Mrs.. Mitchell;open' m..
ed the meeting with hymn 411 which
was sung as questions and:. answers.
Mrs, Mitchell led in. a •discussion
on "The Christian Concern". Mrs, •
Cliff Laidlaw read a story on youth.
Mrs,: Mitchell talked on personal
behaviour and the temptations in
front of our younger people to -day
as never before, A.'poem."Who's•
Delinquent" was read by Miss, •
Winnifred Farrier, Mrs. Mitchell ,
spoke on alcohol to -day and stat
istics show one billion, •nine hund-a
red Ad forty million dollars are '
spent in Canada each year for
smoking and drinking•, Mrs, Gros:-
korth read a story on "The Ten .
Commandments of Alcohol"' Mrs..
Mitchell read;a story on :"what Can
One Christian Do" . She . also led '
in prayer. Mrs. Farrier Sr, gave
a piano solo Which everyone enjoy -
eu. .
' • Mrs ..Moore took overfor the,bus-1
in"ess part of the. meeting. Plans
Were made for Rev. Mrs,. Mitch-•.
ell's •fiftieth wedding. anniversary.
Plans were made -for the Septem-
ber meeting which is to, be (held at
Bruce Lea Haven in Walkerton: •
Lunch is to be taken, also borne-
made :candy .
Mrs. Russell Pardon led a short,
worship service. A hymn was 'sting.•
Mrs..., Russell. Chapman read the:
scripture sand then gave an interes-
ting reading
nteres-ting.reading on the psalm.
Sleightholm led in prayer and a
hymn. .wa
The ladies had a pretend supper
to help provide money to paint
the church . ;,A • nice sum of, money
was 'realized. A 'social half hour '
was enjoyedby all. •
4H Beef `.
. (By Cecil Cranston)
The .Dungannon 4-H Beef Calf •
Club held- their meeting, at the
farrn of Donald McKenzie on •
Thursday .August:llth at '8.30, p', m.
The : meeting opened with the .
:4-H pledge Roll 'call was answer-
ed by:15 members. Paul Eedy show
ed. •how `to groom a .calf for the
Fait, followed by a quiz by Don
Rosemary 'Eedthanked 'Mt.
.McKenzie for the use of the. barn.
Lunch ' w as served to all.
Halyrood Mnn is .
Wed AtTeeswater
Marjorie•'Ruth Schnurr and James
Wesley MacDonald exchanged mar
riage vows. on Friday evening, July
. 29th 1966' at Knox Presbyterian
Church Teeswater. Rev. T.J.• Mc
Kinney officiated
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rdy 1 .. Schnurr , R.�R.1,
Formosa ,,and the bridegroobridegrooma
son of Mr. and Mrs.' R.Stewart
MacDonald, R. R. l , Holyrood
Joyce Jenton' of Stratford was the
maid of honour. Bridesmaids were
* Mrs.: Gerald D. Schnurr, Guelph; •
Mrs,., RobRobertMacDonald Cale
don; Gayle MacDonald, R. R,•1
Holyrood, Sherry and Roseland
Lobsinger,' both of Kitchener, were
flower girls. •
Ratan Smith of Kitchener,. was
best /Man. Gerald D . Schnur of
Guelph; Ronald Macbonald of
Brampton and Robert MacDonald ;
Caledon, were ushers.
A reception was, held.'at the Leg-
ion Hall, Walkerton.. '
Following a trip to Northern Ont-
ario, the young couple will live
.in Walkerton.
uron Coy
Author James Scott
This book is a history of the Count
of,. H.urru
Now available at office • of The
•County, ClerkTreasurer,,, local .took
stores,.. •and.The ..ucknow' Sentinel.
PRICE: $5.00
Count Clerk Treasurer,
.• court House, Godirkh, Ontariio.,
BiuceCoieI1On•. '.
Western POange •
(Purple' Grove News)
Bruce 'Colwell who' won •the .ex..:
change trip from the Canadian
Boy Scout Association. has, left
for.Calgary for two -weeks' •Brute .
'entertained the •Westetn 'boy ,at
his borne previously.
ed. Sunday with Mr . and Mrs.,
Currie Colwell,: Mrs. Colwell. hav
' Jrig• returned to her horne from
Wingham on. Saturday.
:Miss Carolyn Forster of Toronto
is spending a week with ,Mr,..and
Mrs Gordon'Patterson Other 1
visitors •with the. Pattersons last'
week were/ Mi.' and Mrs, Walter .
Forster and Mr. and Mrs. Ardiil
Mrs. Burton C_ ollins returned tow,_
het home this weekend from'Wat
• :erloo where her summer Courses
Miss Betty Jane Colwell is .
looking forward to a trip to Tori
.onto on Wednesday where- she ish
• to see the 'Beatles in person.
MissNancy Dore of Kitchener
spentth weekend with her
mother n Teeswater and visited
With Mr and Mrs: Claude Dore
• Sr. of Be rvie *and Mrs. Don Dore'..
Mrs. Don 'ivicCosh accon:mpanied,
Mr. " R O Slade to Toronto .on
Thursday 'where they attendedthe
O. S. A Meeting. ' • •x
. Mrs, *W illiam• W dod , Beth and
.David returned to their' home at
.port Severn on Wednesday after
a'month at the Grove. Jim and
Cathy. Dore will spend some tirne
up there with their grandparents.
Miss Gladys Gawley 'of Toronto '
'spentthe weekend at her home •
Mr : and Mrs. W alter •,porstet
visited this weekend with Mt.
and Mrs.. Frank Currie and girls:
•• Vicki Dore spent a .few days•
last week with Dianne Dore at
her home in Teeswater.
Recent visitors with Mt. and.
Mrs. Dori Robertson were Mr..
Herb Goddard of Woodstock,
Margaret, Robertson, Lucknow
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Harris •and
Billy , London, ,Mrs.' Gayle Haid-,.
enby, and Laurie also of London,. :
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rogers of
Little Current and Mrs. Ken' '
Robertson, Bervie.
s: w . And....
. .
s�nd�y visitors: With .Mr an
,.Mrs. •Tont' Stewart and,boy,s were
Mr . .and Mrs. Gerald Stewart and
Alex Stewart and girls ., al.t 'of
•Kincardine. •
£ids .Wil of London 'spent. the,
. week -end at the home ;of bet
• Lind' Wall visited last week
with Brenda Meyer of Teieswater.
• John. Edwards of :Goderich visited •
on .Sunday with Martin Benedict •
Bert Haines of Minnesota and
Jack Murray of•Lethbridge,' ;Albers.
to .visited on ' Sunday with Mr '. and
Steven• •Haldenby •of Lucknow
Visited .last week .with Bobby Ha
denby. ' d
TeaAnd Showers
dor Eleanor McNay
: Mrs, Kelso McNay entertained
at .,a •trousseau tea iia 'honour of
•her daughter, Eleanor, whose
•marriage to Douglas Garbutt takes'
place this Saturday : • •
Tea was poured by Mrs. Alex.
McNay; Mrs. Lorne Watson;
aunts of thee bride assisted by
.Mrs, Eliza Whiting; Mrs. Eldred
Cathers ,• Mrs, Campbell Thorne
son and Mrs Orland Richards.
The tea table was covered with
a lace cloth with.siiver.candle
holders and pink tapers and clerk.-
is accenting the centrepiece.
Guests were received by the
'hostess, Miss Eleanor McNay and
the groom's mother , Mrs. Anne •
. Garbutt,.
. Serving te', were Mts . Don Mc-
c•WNay, Mrs. Ken McNay.Miss,
Elaine McNay and MiJoyce
McNay. a.
Displaying gifts and trousseau
were Mrs, Murray Hunter; ianet
Finlayson and Helen' McNay, •
Y e
Sharon McNay and. Joanne. Thor-.
pson were in -charge of the guest
Shower hostesses have. becte
'Mrs, Gilbert Gray ofToronto,
Mrs. Jeaciettc.liarper of•f'tobi of e
Mrs. Tony' Lambert of Kincardine
Mrs. Lloyd Cline of Paramount
and.'Mrs. Murray" Hunter of Luck -
now, ,