HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-08-17, Page 5I, 14 s ). No.' 2 tsfo tt1, .to. C. IKS C oma. n the xi re - and a ized -lends • .the te:. ?teed Eate�. 4. iogan the )at1n•, dend- )lc- • Mrs. arrish s az oat)* moo' other. .;•s be • rn:•. -$ sent get rilank I rxr�IrS 1� .:pati. r lz�t�6 eta n1 ?ornne. Ii hffat • deep, many ;tetter vtrY and ,mow. E swill. amilY EDNE$DAY, AUGUST• 17, 1f4Ii E• , MacKENZIE, O.De ° Optometrist • NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY 'WEDNESDAY ffice Hours 10:00 a.m. to 900 an. Phone Boy MacKenzie,' Ripley, 96-r-24 for appointment. R Hamilton1 OPTOMETRIST• EXT TO LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE -357.1341. iO I ~STONE'S . . .,FUNERAL HOME. Modern, and 'Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528.3013 lay or Night Serving An Faiths According to Their : Wishes. Moderato Pries Established. ° 1104 kr R. DU VAL D.C.,- Sp. C.. Chiropractor' Physio /aim' Electro. Therapist Wingham. Phony 357.3511 Office located • on John St. West to Toronto Dominion Bank) INSURANCE .FIRE, -WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and' LIFE Tp Protect your Jack,' • Insure With Jack... Today... J. A. Mc.bONAdH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R.W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every 'Wednesday. and =Saturday Afternoon Office in the ,Joynt Block Telephone: Lucknow 528.3116 p THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL tissmaimimiagannompumannuninfro F THANKS Notice TO Creditors CRAWFORD. and SHEPHERD J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. A. SHEPHERD Wingham and. Lucknovi IN LUCKNOW EDNESDAY .10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located in Kilpatrick Block ' Phone Wingham ice .357-3630. --. Res. 3574330. IMPERIAL OIL''. PRODUCTS for prompt• service,' and quality products, ' .Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect Dungannon, 5211.7524 "Always Look To Imperial ' Por The Best" • Wifliams4O.D. Optometrist 9 ['Atria Street W. WINGHAM Phone 35/4282 T ;racily 'oi the late Mr. Fred Andertron 10. their to ahs and neighbours for their 'clockwise to ihnn during his illness and for the : flowers and tokens of sym- pathy gat, the • time 'of his Pawing. David 'and Oharles: Anderson, Norma McDonagh I wish to 'say "Thank yu".., all my friends who ' visited ' me and trent cards and flowers while a patient in Vllagliam - Hospital.. Special thanks to Zion U C.W.. end Mrs. Wm: Hunter for as lowlyy box of fruit. , also to Dr. McKim end the of ear!. Uook. Wingham Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Slim Bus... Ph. 3S7-1910 Res, Ph. 357415 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANT 65 57.South Street, Goderich .Telephone 5244562'. '• Hadden's-�tudio>• PORTRAITS Weddings and • Children ,�GjODERICH, . ONTARIO: 118: St. „David Street Dial' 524-8787 MacKenzie Memoriol'• Chapel , FUNERAL SERVICE Services_ conducted � tccording , •.your wishes at yonr: Home, your Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel at. no additional' charge:. '. ' Lucknow, Phone 521.3432. . Day. or Night. R. W. 'BELL OPTOMETRIST -- GODERICH The 'Square (Phone JAckson 4.7661) TED.COLLYER Registered Master Electrician 'ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing Iii Electric Heating, . Electric: 'Wiring and Repairs' • and All Electrical Appliances Lucknow-- Phone 528-5182 Caviller, Mclntash 4 and .Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, AJ. E. Kennedy, C.A. .Opposite. Post Office Phone ' .,13471 Walkerton NOTICE TO, CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of MARTHA. 'CLIFTON, Late .:01 Mie Village .1 Lucknow In the County .f Bruts, Retired HoOs.k..p.r, deceased. ALL PERSONS leaving claims a- get the Estate of the above- named who died on the 28tbi� da�r May, A.D. 1966, ere required to file full particulars thereof with the tmdersigoed on or before. the 20th day. of lest, A.D. 1966, after dameets Will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersign- ed .shall. then have notice: Dated at Clinton,. . Ontario, this lath E d M NZ E Clinton Ontario ' Solicitor. for the said Estate . 'NOTICE TOCREDITORS In .The Estate Of STUART ELLWOOD ROBERTSON • ALL 'PERSONS having . claims *against of, the above mentioned, late of ./he Village, of Lucli»w, m the (busty of.:.Bruce, Retired Farmer, 'who died the 19th day of June, 1966, v 'requir- ed . to file proof of earne• with the undersigned on oar • tiefore (he 90 day: of September, 1966. After that date, the Executors will r. � ' to distribute the Estate , • rend 'only. 4o the cit rot,' 'they Shall then `have bad .notice, DATED at Wim, this 9th day of August; 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD ' and MILL Wham, Ontario Solicitors ''for, . the Administrathrs NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate .Of s DUNCAN BROWN HARPER .ALL PERSONS having clainii a- gainst the estate of the above .Men- tioned, late ot the 'Amodio- of West Warweooe it, in the County of Huron, Rimed . Farmer, who. died on the 5th "day •April, 1966, . are required .to file proof of Bate with the undersigned. onor before he 3rd day. of September,. 1966. After that date the Executrix will pr` s- ceed to distribute the estate having regard only to adre claims of vib she shall :'then have had notice.` •Dated et Wingham, this and day of Anoka, 1966. ' ` CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD I • & MILL; Wim, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix NOTICE. TO CREIDTORS in The Estate Of IDA MARTHA RITCHIE ALL PERSONS (having Maims a- gainst the estate.of the 'above men- bianed, late of the Village of. Luck-_ :now, in the County ' of ' Bram, House -Wife; who died on - ttfie llth day sof . May, 1966, are required to file proof 01 same with the under- signed en or before the 3rd day .of SePtember, ;1956..- After that date Executors will 'proceed to distrib- ute the Estate having mregard only to the claims of winch they shall then have had notice. Dated at Winghatn, this: 20th .day. of July, 1966. ' CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD and MILL Wingbam, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of WILLIAM- RITCHIE ALL PERSONS baying claims against . the estate *of the above mentioned,. Tate of. the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Firmer, who died on • tthe 2nd day of April, 1966, are requir- ed to file proof of same wth the undersigned • on cr before the 3rd day of September, 1966: After that date the Adrrritristratons will' pro- ceed to distribute the Estate .hav- ing regard only to the claims of Weil they, sal then have had notice. • Dated 'at Wingham this 26th day ;of July, 1966. - CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD , • sand MILL • • Winghant, Ontario Solicitors. for the' :Administrators FEMALE HELP' #~*SITED Only 08.50 to fla 0 �. of W i� own .. C�� !tire psny. • • Write District .Manager MRS. S. CRAIG P.O, a.ii 192, 001011 E •. Or phone 47147112c.11ect Oponinge. InWisitecbureb oast . '! Ts.swa�' • total. andEefl.o1 A1vy Morningstar is..spending'10- days ,at Camp Resell at A yr Mrs'. Sarah Stuart :of New York spent ,the' past two weeks .at the • home of Mr.: and Mts.-John Exner- son:. Mr. and' Mrs: 'Bert McLean of , Kincardine Mr. and Mrsi Delbert Nixon of Stratford.,r'ecently •visited at the home of Mr, and: Mrs. John Emerson; Mrs Art . LeGrand and 411 J+' stop . of Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs . . :frank .Johnston of Beaverton, att- ended, the funeral: of Mrs. William: J Johnston, of Asbfield last week.: • Mrs. A:rabell. Bushell of Stratford has been holidaying •with _friends in Lucknow. Mrs; Bushell has :recently purchased a home at 208 Front St. South in Stratford.' Dr. and >trtrs C.E.' Stothers of Islington were visitors in the' dist- rict , taking in the 'A ndrew - Lane reunion on August 'Gth. ' Mrs ..Mary/Whitney of Florida is visiting friends in the arca. She attended the Andrew - Lane reun- ion while here; Mr. and Mrs , ' Henry Wheeler of Hillsburg called on Mrs'. J Hall of Lucknow and other • friends re cently. • Mr. . and Mrs.. Otto Petersen spent a week in Algonquin =Parr -k;1 Ottawa, Kingston London and' .' Peterboro.. Holiday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs:. Albert Morningstar were. Mr. and Mrs Harold 'Munn of .Haniiilt !lr: -and-Mrs.--Edwirr Mdrni-ngst r - of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Smith of Tiverton and: Wayne • Morningstar and .garl Cochrane of; Dorchester and London: 1' 0 11,MES oei $ of , Lam'' E IRI , iOnd vow 1)40011 $7,50040. .1 .1 100. ACRES y►'sPidl boom, hare bozo, i'. nom hush balance of lend for..quici‘ ,1! WIW. 100. ACRE beef l#,. Vie: bon, silo, waiterbonds, *4 MOM Stalew Won and balhefurname, NEW 4 land, SO. owes, worbillilk spring ' fed: tract, bard unt,, od b 014 ►* ' Rural Outs. Specialiste STAN KAY R:epr..ss+ 1 NV+ ■ " hen. 'S2114 1� Linsossir It 11 TV VIeu't Wm. by 4 Sports go tocourt again. This time' it was CTV., CBC and NBC'' fighting about a soccer game in England' CTV applied for .an infunction to prevent the CBC from, televising the World Cup soccer final ;from London... The judge held that CTV contract'wfth the Federated inter- national' Football. Association was entered into at a date later than • the one between NBC., CBC con- tracted on tracted to take the game froth: the American network What percentage• of the viewing 1 JIRFY MARKERS 1 public n this country and south of 1 • the border gives a damn about a soccer" game in • England's Not manyl 4 • ` .. va Six "What" s My Line?" showa are being video-taped ahead of time which will permit the regul. • ars on the usually live series to have a summer vacation. • Sitting in ,with regular panelists Arlene Francis and Bennett Cerf the pre -taped programswill be Henry Morgan, , Sue Oaklandfi, Phyllis Newman, Larry .Blyden.' Suzy Knickerbocker. Martin Gabe3. Steve. A 1len . Jayne Meadows, Allen Lutdden . Betty White and ,,,Buddy a Hackett,. Three individual programs,,, "Rip'Van Winkle . Treasure island"•, and "Aladdin's Larnnp"";• Fsouped under the title "Famous. antasies" will be seen on.. 96. television stations this. fall. 4 .1.41• Andy` Griffith may leave his TV. series after ter aha' nerct,.seasoni . ,... . Dean Jagger' of 'Mr. Novak fame 'Altillappearittan episode "Tice FBI":..... This fall ZsaZsa Gab- or Will play the Omen ' of Diam- onds in a "13atntin4' episode...... , Buddy Hackett has a role this ;fall. in 'ane of the "Bis 'Uliey" cpisod- •: es.• a� MONEY, FOR RENT. Take Ca,rc. of all your hills right: now and stop worrying about them. Phone Crescent and 'tell us how much , money you'd like to rent. Then just drop in and pick up your cash..It; can talcs as little as 10 minutes to tent the money you need at °Meld. . i .$01110 N the phased ways yes. ' mire* Irate ;reseal deer MONEV REINTAY.PLAN Yeti Ft* • 'het : M t sill* 12 t S00 ' )01:75 12 mom** 1(1.00 310.7* 20 mobs- • • 10.00 $06.$ 30 a oa,u, 2100 7311.89 30 months 32.00 19E8.39. 30 months ' 41.00 • 2034.20 36 months 00 "tier>s Mdr ihnY Pow* Oft s�ailaM�Me' •... lust tit preohir *Lunt for 3row CRESCENT FINANCE CANADA'S ~01ST CON$ DE !Alt ONANGt, cOMFAN1 11fs0610016 Et. Kiruc : P11011a t i