HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-08-17, Page 2WDNESDAY, ALIGura ,; • P4GE TWO *,• THR L,UCOCNOIN: $011NTINI$140, IAICKNOW, ONTARIO roe ILOCKNOW SENTINEL 4.1)4KNOW, ONTARIO ,,Tho sevey :Twee tho tiorsotanics Soonitary secOnd Office DePathnent, Ottaiv tablihed 1,872,—.Published Bach Wednesday 'Afternoon member of.** CAMILA. nod '0,W.N.A. • ...subscripuoa Rate, woo year in. advance to the , Dowd C. ThOniPacat .Pith riger "Fun Daze On The Fundy", the 47th annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers , Association, was held arthe Adm- iral Beatty Hotel in. St. John'New Bruniwick, August 2nd to 5th. The $eatinel was represented by ,Be' • and 1 as part of our two week 'vac- ation period and we thoroughly enjoyed our isit to the Maritime province' • s • Realizing that we are‘nOt the only couple to ever visit the•Mae- excellent and acconiodation wa beyond all expectation. The Rapido is the fastest inter city passenger irain in North America and CN an be weft .proud of this service. ' The female member of our party _hada chance to talk to Mary Mac- Intyre in Montreal by phone. Mary One of the•intateating speakers. is a nurse in a Montreal hospital; at the conVention as the H0ri. and at thatlirne. hospitals in , W. W. Meldrurn. Moister of Ed - Montreal were tied up with a hosp- • ucation Nlpi 4iTtin.5%1C4K 111110 told • s -ital workers strike which was - of the ebein ma4e at d a: die . : szttled a fewdays later-. The Strike, their elementary school sastean , . rio way concerned the nurses or :in the Paitch TO Consolidated A day in Montreal gaVe us -a ' medical staff other than make them schools. Mr. Meldrarn.spoke.as•if • • short chance to seeahat city whiet, ;.do'a few extra chores WhiditheY ..New Brunswick were pioneering is bustling with building'and re-.' ,.• are not accustomed toin contrast this system but. lae in Oatario knoW ..haildingin preparation for Expo ,:„ to Otir Monday,- Auanst '1St CiVin . that mot of the in this regard. has -been al-real:1Y •c*Pfalted in which will take place there next Holidiy in Ontario,-, Montreal Was ' . hi it muar impress all nut-of-prov- , ' with no holiday observed in that they appear tO be piaaeirs, howesa ititnes, we do not wish to load our readers with a travelogue which they might .be much more capable of writing, but some of our vations might be of some interest particularly to those travellers who have' afready toured our east- ern Canadian provinces. ' year. Montreal irnpressed us, as going strong, on the 1st of -August this pro‘ ince . One t *,;ere ince tourists. its FrenchaEnglith • city. It gave us a chance to visit er, is the.adVancing of a province • atmoSph'ere is quite ualque as a • Place Ville'`Marie, a modern huge wide salary schedule far teachers tourist attrattion and the tourist complex of retail stores and offices which appears on the rarface to • • ,busine.ss appeared to be boomingwhich isanattractive addition to be good. However. in talking to. A glance at the Man-thade island, the downtown area. As we passed two teacher friends since that . the site of Expo, would lead, one the floor in the elevator housing • time. who teach in • a.mediam to'believe. that they had a long the BA Oil'Company , we realized sized city in Ontario. e learn - Way to go. but a tour director that Wayne Johnston of lialyrood- that as in everything, .there are advised usthat builoing was ahead was located in this building, but. • tistO sides to the thinking o this scnedule and we took him a ipC,n checking tA we were matt PT . his 'loco r e.sides the Expo hnstle disappointed to find that 'Wayne vLing home on Sued ,,. July went by car to Toronto • where we caught the "Ranid, • *Ile of the CNR train ,...rvioes ram-, nit4abezwee.aa Teconto andMom- ,. real. The'non—..--aa train make§ • 1 rain rtnd -five ' -boars kale it -a as rt tune as we departed at Cenral Station Manzreal that 4nIt'e2,14t4..Th •zair, A - Was aand busale. Montreal is also build- WAS on holidays at that time. • . Ing a new subwaY, Completing the - , . . • trans Canada HighWaV through the city not to mentioa oihet hulidinE• ,cotruction apparent at eyery inara bus to cif the city gave us a piactage :oak at the freaCh • .adi4a..17s tSe cit) and 44ire left Montreal b trait -a On the CPR that M.onday eenin. CPR: • . has a.dire-ct route Lyn° 51...Joha., • .'NeW Brut-le:Wick through Quebec and the State of Maine. It's only • oveznight run aith arriN al in • ••• . _ , . . . • • ***-** ,•• Sr aonn earlv ..Ttiesdav mcrnina.• • • • . One thing that irupressed LI In tailtin"•to publishers and edits •fromaaross the porr.liaioc was the • Iss: ay. in whic17Centecniai lever". has caught Oa. -We were a hit • ashamed when &sled what onr .• town was doing ai their• Cerite araaaa,:al projects. Many comr,a-.tatities have set •apCernet-aaiial CoarMtittees • and have anti cczeris pr,caects“ca.:- the. .;:.!o. Seerai craatt- i.ZatiOnS •196CI'L:\ 1-42i e tater.: On • • D'e o the trir tenteartial•proxcai but saner back to the time aohe-art!` t :aea was ad are.o the -wort of Ontario yet they are net. slurra Jon.New housing area: and far 'between and t • places the.heart of • .-- betcPwhintin"aPtPehaatict;'Otgarb6 • and cents appear to lt has long 'beer..r.7.: v4, -• -aaf thitaess'slt'aci;inegr a'rpraibl'adi.(artircYtehTse`a":":tt:i;•:•' • we -visited the city; cf mNearweBraprvraweiscsik;ewieocafyz.t.....!:...r.7.:;.......;.: Jb4ra. We walked i• nsa. in downtown -St. Jahr; •-•:ee and fOur storey tene7.17.t kids played pc. the roaa . a•an: mothers sat cc the Stee a a anC -yba., had to practicalla . them to get told that these *ere ,they were slums,. then 2 centage of the cit; .tonaidezed as'sir. area . • • it mug. be .c,omidere: Jatat is a seapcat zoa: a t aaae .earliest settled area •' and that these vac ldess a:: taa• sell. es ma:4- it hia • Z.:7 ' , tbiWas t •."' a-er-eit*1 irn*t.S5e°,4t.;:vi.t...:-; • • • holne fa!, tae...7, o Eac Coasi%vas sailana o;•.• that there as beer. no stariaita. 'aat:Eluerae -I:, a sa:-'"••iing. ania. - The Sepca•- Tour, at au. ave. ale:. a tastt. a aS an evc: aez‘liaa ;.' tne Nrjrand aari. 'ac *.a Straatheas:'rom a -a--a sra- 'Cat.aw* a --ae" Coaaention, Jac.i. hai•-;.-- r.aaae ias hame..intaaas-E - . aetata se -..o t editor lea the Cara- O' -'-a• :na ea-. ::: a -a. 7: `arac.4--zatiatela , tna itlaaa enraa: Cararzassaina Te Straka, -i':" Ti-Snm cleat` naaratana-,-..-a- •ds famth 2:7e••taaes -atae - 6-! fist.; nets ann s foa annib.tia". a'v Maud- Cc7.......a..kaaaa taa 4.7"1.•ee n-ve- ta% 4 'a cocaage ner: aT zne • 1:•21"e. • US 2.a.sen.7: 'of this taanous and a 3aoi,a 5 johr 'o. ou=a•l'abairle-. • tnt. anz ata a.a-dor; C.eaaet =.-- Works At London • ?:-eraaetraf them%t.14: - fa= cal oer3r• loaas *as --3I1-_,2 masa sxial • 61,"*4•22rit:ri, aria• ,als.ararat • oarazte no*. 2:* -.7.:Z.••:" of. Itt. :4-el:14 ,',1± 443‘.:x= 1.4 -k-= —A • •Iti.41,". e-.• 717 4 771Z7:811.7, I".4*.:z Z• za. 24,1L, nt:-.....s.zeza • Ist:•••,";!3:11 . • tr.f.`544:41•L::::. lkl:ar:ar...za.t. -of SE.Ft 4.4 .1.. • • :7 f•-"1 `11 :••• 7: f; 7 .4r ..-"taa aE • --,,_ • • a- zr,C. ara • . za," •sk et • • . ktz, 'aaaat:or. officer f:r • ;.-raera Nataaaa. e' t. • . ' • • trarE 'CM:16CW FIlikirW4 CZCSOCTO slut tett its fc.'w T.Jzt . money you'd tocnorn have rente 17,4:re Oriszera la onh Thzt. wanner. REv; VI: -,74'Xi . you meted from C-....-s--.17.r F Iva ' Fir—C.=.,autailacomparl's M iia •Simile II waystres:80 war t cancimplIonstmefirlioryst Ivirrierv.0010...rt...0 , Vas gay WO . alle. OA . • al.ti; CIO At 44* ilogno $ iesr..175 . iti sinettissoottt , V.:: 44 •--...*.•, 77:4".41:.`:tt • ,z* : . • L.• • "*.4 4., 41:, • 444 4 44 .. sty rs r411111 1.1111(1"61:1111°:: '1%1P4 1« 4 44,72!'. 81.1` Visatia 6;mm trr vou CRESCENT TIO CE Int Pio= 'St Kelwarirdi Phalle • „. a:•aaaa_ • ;4..7ae'• r'rrt .44 4 • • '4 , ,