HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-27, Page 13:Donal. g at nn uai. Pid . :Dougaii rs. Bob eel, few days 1rs,, • ohn • t the VERS s a.ttend•;: l rtk irf 1: i. ins of. with 1�1r�. 'nal. of , F incar !\,irs ,• lanche •erne, trip �r: isited i of e:t on jay t -rip. t Ted • are . THE .LUCKNfiW SRNTIitIEI:. 1w,I1JCKI WEDNESDAY, ,JULY' •S',Nh. WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Gaunt visited with Mr..:and.Mrs, Max MacFarlane at. Jlderton on WedneSr day and spent theafternoon at Spring Bank." Attending a family • picnic• held at Inverhuron Provincial Park on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and .George. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ross and family, Mr. and ' Mrs. Jim Gaunt and Janet of Exeter and "Mr. and Mrs. Harley, Gaunt of Wingharn, AU enjoyed a nice time together,. Donald. Gaunt of Kitchener and M.r and. Mrs, Donald, Dirstein of Toronto visited at. the, home of their parerits, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Gaunt and attended the Rainer - Chamney Wedding held Belgrave United Church Qn ur a Sat d y • , Mr, .and Mrs. ssel Chapman an Sr. and Mrs; Chap spent Sunday afternoon' and. evening with Mr..and Mrs Ross Smith. .Cathy and Bradley. Miss Doris•Ross Muriel: and. Alma Conn, Beth and Donna,Cas- lick spent the, week end at Pick-. eli` s cottage at Lake.. Rosalind . . , Mr, and Mrs. Earl Caslici,' Mr, and •Mrs Russel Ross and Mr: and Mrs Bill' Caslick and Patsy . spent ., Sunday afternoon there and had a picnic lunch and all returned home, Jim Ross and two boy friends from the. plant where he works in Kitchener are spending a few days this week at North day, ' Mrs .Robea..Ross. returned home on Saturdrey from W Ingham and District hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery". Mr. and‘Mrs: Irvine:McClenaghar ttd•Ronald of St. Thomas visited ast Sunday with Mr.; and. Mrs • Carl cClenaghan.. Ronald stayed fbr olidays," Mr, and Mrs.. Jim Mc- intyre and Heather of Ridgetown and Murray .visited on Sundry with also visited at thesame home. Mr. Mr.: and Mrs. Mel Jermyn. and. 'and Mrs,', Ben.McClenaghan who • , family at Bluevaie. had been visiting Mr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs; Gordon .Scott of Harry Moss at Plattsville, returned Aipley. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Con home on Sunday „,s ley of Wingham end Miss Joyce Mr .and Mrs. E. Groskorth visited Innis from Embro visited at M. over the, week -end with Mr. and and Mrs, Wallace Conn's on Sop Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson at Brooklin urday evening. • who were.celebrating their 25th Mr. and •Mrs. Gordon Montgo #^ weddfng anniversary.. ery of Toronto visited with. Chas.- •. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompsop Taylor for the week end and .• on and.•Mr,, and Millan Moore. Saturday they called.to see Mrs, visited on Sunday with.Margaret Wm. Taylor at' Bruce Lea Haven, Moore of Victoria Hospital in Walkerton. London. Bill J e ffray 'of Sr Catharines Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and visited with Geo, Conn at his family visited at thehome of Mr,home here on Sunday. Geo.. : ' .and Mrs., Geo Fisher. over the ,week . played, the organ in the, Presbyter - end . Miss Sandra Fisher who was,- tan Church' in Lucknow on Sunday holidaying with her sister, Mrs. in absence of Mrs. Wm, Seott. • Bob Dawson. at Kingston returned. ' Mr, . and Mrs. 'Dan Tiffin• and • home. -Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harry Hayes and Betty, of Birm+• . Tiffin and" family spent Sunday gingham,. Michiganvisited last with Mr. and Mrs, Orville Tiffin, week with the Tiffin family, KERRY: REUNION Clayton Scholtz of Goderich • The annual Kerry reunion was' visited on Sunday With his parents, , held in Lobies Park. Walkerton'. "dn Mr. 'and Mrs. E: Scholtz r Mr .and Sunday. There was an. attendance` Mrs, Cameron Simmons and of sixty five. The• afternoon was • Lonnie of London also visited at spent visiting and races and .games` the same home. Charles Martin returned to London. with them for 'a. few days. . • ,Ruth Taylor of Toronto spent the week -end with.. her .parents..Mr .• and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, .. Mrs.: Len Coyne and Bonnie of Windsor visited with .her sister. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and Mr.. Taylor."and. other relatives Michael'Coyne, who had been visiting• at%.Ro Robinson's returned . y home with ,his mother. MIS. Bella Holditch had, her . son James .Holditch• and .his, wife and • Alfie Lamont call on her on. • Saturday . also her cousin, Mr Nit Monism of Lucknow. Mr. and, Mrs. David Gibb, •John. - 4.1411111.1 were enjoyed. by the children. Those present were. from =Toronto, Owen Sound, Chesley.. • Port'Elgin. . North Bruce,,':Paisley, Whitechurch and, W alkerton . The picniccame to a :close after a salad -super. • Mr. and 'Mrs ..John Jamieson, Gary and. Brian visited .On Sunday : with Mr. and Mrs. George Turn: bull of : Morris :Township • Mr, and Ivtrs. Jim . Mock and .family of Harriston spent Sunday 'afternoonWith Mr.. and Mrs, Carl 'Weber and*family. Mr. .anti ;Mrs Leroy *Rintoul and Mr. ' and; Mrs;: Eill Purdon and Miss Josephine Smith were leaving Monday for a visit to Denvet. Carol Rintoul is having .a holiday 1 • ..................lAl. st/tit#!*'<t.dt ..# .t... . OUR r.. EXHAUST SYSTEMS ENGINE PERFORMANCE fd'fRAKK LININGS TIRES SHOCK ABSORBERS . . FAR ENLT lA.TTI gif LIOI+NTS . LINO SYSTEM snout* DuflIop Tires Atlas Batteries Wheel Balancing and Ahgnment., with her" grandmother.. Mrs. Stan- ley Blacks 'Calvin Brick 'SundaySchool Picnic •will. be held Friday after- noon at Wawavnosh Park Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ccaultes attended..the Chimney, wedding in Belgrave.lJnited Church on Saturday. Murray Coates of Toronto visit- ed over the' .week end with h `'• parents. Mr and .Mrs: Ronald FIND THE ERRORS HERE Lots of Other:dandy prizes t•• Enter Elrner's Summer Safe .ICoetest. This contest is based on Elmer's rule ""Keep out from betwun • parked cars"., Find .the sevenerrors in the picture, then color. it and mail' to address below.. It`s fun 1 • u -.. ,. EVERY WEEK ELMER'IS. GIVING AWAY: 1 i 1 11 1 IMPERIAL "700" BIKES' ONE BOY'S ONE GIRL'S 'LYTE • ACCESSORY KITS Each Kit contains bicycle lock; handle grips, bell, • mud flap and ` streamers. HOW TOINTER 1 Cut :this contest out of paper along dotted lines and color the • picture. Or draw a picture that looks like this and Color it. 1 • 2 List on separate sheet of paper the seven things. wrong, in the picture. . 3 Mail contest• and list to od- • dress on Entry Form. Don't for,. • get to fill In your name and address. Fill: ins and mail before AuGUsT 3 tor. ELM1ER c/o 'ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET • WEST TORONTO 1, ONT 1 All entries become the pro.` potty of Elmer the Safety El.- • pliant and cannot b. returned;. 5 'Children of • empley es. of this newspaper. the Ontario Softy League and C.C.M. may not enter. Contest No. 2 NAME ADDRESS AGE 6 Any ' chile a. • drit.ry 'school •v. 11.r .Oil,, 7 Judipos will be Traffic Safe* authorities. Judges' el.dsi.rt Is Sint. (Town or iljrl. TELEPHONE ,1 Coutes; • Mr .. and Mrs. Garner '!Farrier; , . .visited in. Sarnia On "Wednesday .'with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie, Miss Janis Farrier returned home after' spending a few' bi ia. Mr.. and Mrs Wes Tiff .and Cassie Falconer are visitin with Mr. and "Mrs. JinniHenderson to Brantford Mr. and • of 'Toronto visited . over end with. Mr ` and Mr's;, i I latnieson and family i• Jean and Mary i Hopper of Winghain are:. visiting with their :grandparents...Mi ,and Mrs.'f.toy Jrwin Mr, and Mrs. H?inky-and family of Belmore visftedlilrh Mr. and Mrs:. Roy Irwin ion evening4 : arid. Mins „ Mi:tchell. Lilioti and • family. of A tris Craig, and .Mrs .0111 McPherson and family. of Lucknow, Mr. and Mr'« Don Campbell and :family, het grave,. MS,. GordonJ~JJ t tt.a f Mrs, Galbraith of Winghatil visit ed on Sunday with Mr.: and Walter Elliott and farnii.ly, :Vacation• Bible School. started' on Monday at Langside . Mr . alb Mrs, Brf err Brsal.l And children, Kingston.and Norman Hughes of Manchester, England . s are visiting with Mr. and ,Mrs, Tom Morrison until Thursday of this week :• Mr and Mrs.. Rudy 'De Nova and family. Mrs, ,Janet• Bays of Scar ; - borough visited with Mit. and Mrs. Walter A r tOtt and family' oVer the wek sial, t1SiTS FROM SCOTLAND Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and tarn ily held 'a family get-together in honour of•Miss Margaret Henderson -of Scotland. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs, .George Kiang and . family of Teeswatet. *Mr. and :Mrs. Edwin King and family, Mr. and Mrs. Den Delmsye and (amity of- London , . Mr, add Mrs ..Bill Harris • and family Mr. and Mrs.. Percy Harris. of Wirtgharn,. Mr. and.. Mrs. Harold Belt of Listowel; . Misses Donna Rintoul and 'Barbara 1'urdon spent a few days holidays at lnverhurctn Beach. Mr.. and Mts. Russell Purdon ain+d family Visited Sunday; evening with Mr. and Mrs., Met Morrison and family of Lucknow. Donna Leader of Gerrit Is'visit- ing this week with her n grandpar- eots, Mr. and Mrs. Jt Currie a