HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-20, Page 16THE LUCKN MVNLUCKNO►ONTARIO ......�....�__.�.wIrDN — - Y-, ath ,_ 141 LADIES --s SUB -TEENS . •. GIRLS 8TO 14 GIRLS 2TO6x THAT a reception was held in honour • of Mr. and Mrs- Tom Andrew (Hilda 'Ritchie). on Fri day July 15th, in the Legion Hall Lucknow:: ,A presentation of a purse of money was • made to Hilda and Tom ,>by' . Doug MacKin- non acKin-non and David Thompson., Boyd's orchestra r supplied music for dancing. THAT Mrs, • ,Elwin Hall of Luck-. now returned hone from .Victor- ia Hospital,. London -ern Saturday after being hospitalized for three weeks after fallktg: from a ladder• while painting • at 'her Lucknow home. Rose suffered „seriousin- juries & her friends are pleased. to .learnof her' improved con- dition. • THAT William Thompson, . Toronto Will ; be guest soloist at the Sun- day rnorning .services at South Kinloss and Lucknow •,Presby- terian .Churches. Bill, .a' . native of. Lucknow, is well known in the area-.. THAT a 20 acre 'hay crop, valued at about $800, burned Sunday. at the farm of .Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald. Young between Nile and • Auburn, Blyth firemen respond- ed and prevented the fire from spreading ,further. THAT ,Gordon. Carter of Lucknow • suffered a sprained right arm in an accident at .Lucknow;„Wood ' Products. Tuesday morning. Gor- • don was operating a Mork lift and building a pile of lumber when a number of boards ' toppled off the lift and came down on his arm . THAT Allan 'Johnstone, son of Mr, and Mrs. Bill Johnstone of Luck- THAT •Mrs. Gloria Dow .of White 'church area is filling in as nurse at the .offices of Drs. Corrin and McKim : while' Joanne . Alton is on vacation. THAT Mrs- Mel Beatty of. Listowel. was the winner: of the Lucknow Legion bingo jackpot Thursday. Mrs. Beatty won $128 on S1 calls.' THAT Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. Ham- ilton and children Susan and Michael, of Lucknow moved 'Sat- urday to Sarnia. Lorne has been employed by a . plumbing firm there' for . several 'months. The Hamiltons have purchased a °trailer home in . Sarnia They were residing . in the Bob Reid residence ` across from the High School which Mr. -and Mrs. Reid plan to use now ,that they have sold • their - farm : just. west ' of Lucknow. Graduation, exercises' were held'' recently for 19 nursing assistants who .completedtheir course at. W ingharn and District Hospital. Valedictorian was Mrs'. David Ball, Clinton, and guest speaker Re'v, Gordon Fish, St. Andrews. Presbyterian Church, where the, ceremony was. held, Special award winners. were: Sharon Hesch , Walkerton, bed- side nursing, winner of Dr. W.A. 'Crawford award: Gerta Exel, Brus-• sels ,the Miss Merle Wilson :award for nursing,techniquer Esther;: • 5teckle ; 2, Zurich, 'Prof- iciency award presented;by:Mrs, Ted.. English of the Ladies Aux iliary to the°hospital . Pins and diplomas were present- ed by Mrs, Iris Morrey', administ- rator, Mrs. dminist-rator,Mrs. Edward Fielding., , director of the nursing 'assistants class and Mrs. Lloyd Ellacott,;. class instructor.; Other graduates were Linda Andrews, . Auburn; . Carole Brown Godetich; Anne Caldwell, .•R. R. 3 Blyth;: Mary:Davidson,. R. R. 3 , .. Wiarton; Marie Faust, Gowanstown; Christina Goulding; 2,Paisley; Carel Irwin, R.R 1;. Ripley Mrs. Stuart MacLennan,. R. R. 3, Goderich; Mary McBride, : /Mounty Forest;' Nancy McWhirter., 4. Brussels Mrs: Elaine Nixon;,, R.R. 5, Brussels; Marlene Porter',. 12. R-• 1, Lucknow; A alte Vander- worp, Exeter; Paula Waechter, Walkerton and Gayle Wylds, 'Ripley. Lucknow Fruit Market YOUR "LOWESI PRIG" OODLAND-: MORE for your '0i noterYd0110rHER$ CARNATION, TALL 16 OZ. Evaporated Milk CHOICE QUALITY 20 OZ, Green Peas Sale ALLEN'S TALL 48 OZ. Assorted Fruit Drinks CLOVER LEAF 7% OZ. Solid White Tuna CHEERY MORN, TALL'• .OZ. Instant -Coffee SAVE O. V E R 6; 6 Tins • $1.... SAVE TO 13c .,79c:. •SAVE •To.11c 3. Tins $1. SAVE TO 9c• Tins 89c • SAVE'20c Jar. •, 79c. **riA **, SAVE 20c • WITH 55-00 •CASH PURCHASE' Get Haif-Gaflon lie Cream o�� �9c *k'*'A*A***** 4* No Stamps!::. You ••Save ..:More Here-. WE` SELL• FOR LESS VALUES EFFECTIVE ' PHONE'. 5284420 JULY 21,22, 23 THAT a 1957 Chevrolet car, driven. by Arthur Wall of Lucknow ac- companied by his wife Lynn, fail, ..ed to negotiate the corner at • Johnston's Furniture about 8 p.m. Saturday and ran into an embankment: The car was turn- ing north• off main street and hit the 'embankment on the west side of the ; road behind the Sil- verwood downtown building :.No injuries' resulted. Constable Andy, -=Burgess--=of-. ' Kincardine._' investi- • —•- gated: Damage was about $100. THAT anyone`. who has everquos- twined : the value' .of ,full time polite protection should by now be fully•'convinced that it is a necessity in Lucknow. Saturday 'night' , some pranksters moved some machinery, from Montgom- ery ontgom-e y Motors Tractor Division onto - the road •where it remained until . morning: Great pleasure for . >; some , warped little minds, but . a serious hazard 'for the •innocent. THAT ''Mr-' and. Mrs. Fred •Milne and Alan •of Kitchener . left, on Tuesdayfor a three week trip south to Kentucky and' Nashville -Tennessee. They _plan to spend Saturday night at the 'Grand. Ole • Opry', then ';to Chatham, New .• Brunswick to spend a few days ,4 • with Mr. and Mrs. John Dah- mer and family.. John is station- ed there with the R.C.A F. . now, suffered a nasty bite by a .dog on Monday while playing south of the post office. The dog l belonged to Mrs. Dave Anderson who is presently living with her father-in-law Fred Anderson. The • leg• bite required stitches and AI - lap was forced to retrain esti hos- pitai THAT winners at the Lawn 'Bowl - ng Tournament here on Monday were Gordon and Allan. McKay, Wingharn, three wins• plus 36;. Jack f=isher 'and Jim Cameron, three wins' plus. 28; Jirrt McNau- ghton and Gordon Fisher, two wins plus 31; Lloyd Half and. Bill Schmid, two wins plus 30. Brother Died In:. .ayes of the tnunicipal;ies frivol .Detroit- Tuesday Mr, John Carney passed away in Detroit orR' Tuesday, July 12th, after several months • illness. He was in this 73rd Year- He is sur-...: ' vived by his wife., five :daughters, :. and four sons:, one sister Mrs - C-lara7Johnston-of-Bay-City ;one - brother, W,G, Reed of Lucknow., Vacation time at The Lucknow Sentinel is approaching and next week's paper, July 2'th, will be the last issue untilWednesday.,, August 17th. Thele will be no Sentinel pub- lished on k,—gust a and l:, ar.d the Sentinel will be c1ce ed for the two wee:. period: w.'.Anyone. w `:` i e*tisinl or events ocwurridIfir.4 that period.e. e ad...er{ .ewes::. •.. ne Y; wee t Ceti,st:.aper,. There will be parking lots at Expo for 25,000 cars and a basin 'for 250 yachts. ved has teen ,called to;presenttk recommendations an,i to seek 'final approval for the purchase .of. the'equiprnent;', Ambulance service .r provided at the present time b; : the funet directors ,in .:W Ingham ; 'a eeswat and Brussels., all of. whom are anxious to .get'`out of the ambul ance business. Inipendin regul °tions whichLreqLiire. more soph isticated equipment and trained personnel are cited as the rease for. the. desireto withdraw; from ambulance work.. ; i OTAL COST $22,800 Group Recommend To Buy Ambulances A meeting of the committee • set up.to study a proposed pub- licly owned arnbulance service 'for the Wnghiam area was held at the W ingharn and District Hospital under the chairmanship of R. B. Cousins, The comniittee is composed' of the executive committee of the hospital. board. and representatives appointed by the rural municipalities which are interested ,in the establishment . of the service. A report was heard from a sub= coritmittee'•which had visited an ambulance manufacturing firm and had investigated prices, del- ivery dates, etc. The meeting' concurred with the recommend- ation that two new ambulances be purchased, to:includee complete first aid and rescue equiprnent Total cost, including ett'etion• of a garage for the vehicle.eis estim- ated at approximately $22,O00, A full • meeting of represehtaty * * 1S e_ 1 .storey, r room• house in Ki dine, name your own terms $ W * * •. 4 unit apartment : building 111 Stauffer St, 1 doubl lot on S 1 lot' on Wheeler St. Wanted LISTINGS ON FARMS, A ACREAGE ,CONTACT BOX 193 PHONE 51843618 AGENT FOR JOHN BOSVE • REALTOR bOX 353 MEAFORO. PHONE