HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-20, Page 114 -66 .D•Ip THE iltoti, :urday 4r and )ss, ' Vael; R, ►milto er's. orina well,: usat of pkat laser oustau, :ended Grove. 1, was on op eel Hada 'M iriPh Per.. Air mismigARKOMPrilliMMit'alrgi • IEDNBSDAY' �1 Y T t 4CKNOW SEN1 HE .. .. YucatiOfl Bible 4hootVINs Success ucxntW acation Bible School �nciuded a very successful two, eek, program by a, special even- g last Friday when parents and. ends attended'the. Luck:now , , "strict l#igh School to,view thee. Fcomplishrnents of the children d to•hear them perform in veral numbers, The High School auditorium as well filled forthe present - kion. Rev. Dirk J. M. Lieverdink f the.Chri`stian.Reformed Church as chairman for, the evening. He tpiained•how the various Luck ,w chdretres had banded together; organize the Vacation'Bible ;howl and of how pleased they, ere with their initial effort. The processional hymn"Onward.' hristian. Soldiers"' -brought the' xingster.s and. their teachers. om their classrooms and they ok their place in front•seats.. I the auditorium .. Mary Andrew .was a very, cap - )Ie song leader for the Bible, ;pool and, • music was' capably andled by Mrs. Tom Pritchard,. n•the organ; and Mrs: Rots Cufn- ling, on the piano .The program opened' with, the reme song of the 1966 school, ' Be A Missionary"'. • . Rev. Roderick•,MacLeod'read the :ripture. and. Rev. Lieverdink ave words of Welcome: ' ' The beginners class sang several' umbers. The teachers .for this roup were Mrs . •Alice TeRaa Liss Janet.Carruthers, Miss inda .Marriott', Mrs. Eunice , iun rust it Mrs . Morgan Hender- . m., Mrs. Noble. Johnston; Helpers Pere, Donna Corrin,. Mrs: Ross prster: Carol Campbell;, Mar- lyn Hainilton, Donna. Forster, atricia Connon, Doris;.Fisher, lary Pannabecker, Mary fin-. yson,, Cathy MacLeod The Primary Class sang several Itubers and explanations were gen of their work; teachers ; ere Mrs. Ira Dickie, Mrs. Jane. • ia1da, Mrs. Cliff Roulston, Mrs. pl:Searle; Miss Syke De Jong; eipers were .Betty Colwell, Ard- Bina Macintyre, Connie;,MacKen- Ie, The. Juniors= presented their . PINE RIVER UCW (Amherley• News) l joint 'Meeting of .Units 1 and was held at .Pine River United lurch on T:u esday: of last, week ie Explorers and, Messengers, met the Sainday School room and tun 623 was sung. A .film strip. `he travelling Man" was• an planation. of whatwas done In various countries with.the. plorers and Messenger givings. hrio by the Kempton.Girls is. enjoyed. The closing: prayer is given by Gail:Messenger.. Nrs, Pollen and Mrs. George e stinger conducted races and.; imes for the'children . Mrs. Eldon Bradley presided for e July meeting of.Units I and Hymn n80 was sting. the:treasurer's report was given: f Mrs., Ernie Thompson :in .the lsence of'.Mrs: George Wightrrian In the devotional period, Mrs. orris Reid gave a reading and e,Scripture passage was read by Is Sam Gibson. • • • �'he Topic "A Study of the. ,The was. given by Mr$.Mervin insto'n , Mrs. • Wesley Robb gave reading from an article by Gordon Green on "Indians". After the closing hymn, Bev.' !old pillen'gave the 'bene- • ,ctian, A picnic lunch was ser ;d, • numbers; teachers were. Miss Ada Webster, Mrs, J. Richardson, Mrs. J,E. Little, Mrs. Glen Walden,'Mrs; Earl: Wightman; helpers. were Donna Ritchie, • Wanda Hunter, Mrs, James Hen- derson,. ien-derson,. The intermediate Class did their .numbers; teacji rs'were, Rev, Stanley Jay, Mrs. Bruce, Ham- . . Ilton and Rev.Rod MacLeod Rev. Lieverdink expressed app- • reciation to the many who had ,. contributed in'making the. Bible School a success:. Rev. G. W.. Kai set closed the program with prayer. . Following, •those in attendance had .an opportunity to tour the :various rooms and see the accomp lishments of -the children. Certificates of achievement were presented to the children for their work. P ne,R'iver • LQdies:GU1id • • (Amberley News)' The Anglican Ladies Guild, Pine River met in the. Parish Hall , on Thursday oPlast week. Mrs. . Reg Godfrey and Mrs. John.Scott. presided for the meeting•.. After th.e opening hymn,. followed by. :the Lord's -Prayer, itemsof busin• - ess were discussed:: The. scripture reading by Mrs. Art Smeltzer was followed with readings by•Mrs..-Art Courtney and Mrs'..J. Ernrnerton.-After the closing hymn and grace,: a del- icious lunch; was served` by the hostess,,. Mrs. Art. Courtney.: Children's Meetin At Fon U.C: The .July :meeting of the Zion' U . C. W. waslheld at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter on Thursday., July 14th. The meeting opened with the, use of Hymn 594, follow:- `ed-by--repeatin-1>ori'-s;Pr_a.yer in: • unison. The minutes of June : meeting -=were -read and—adopted and Roll Call .answered by mem- bers. Mrs. Kaiser reported on th.e. visits'Iriade and Mrs.. John Gard- ner arid ard-ne'r'arid Mrs. Lloyd.Hunter are the' visitors, for the coining, month. The 'program was turned over to'' 'Mrs. Bruce Raynard , and as .this was the •children` s meeting, the following numbers were, given: •" Scripture reading, Joan Anderson; :Solo, Brenda Ritchie; •Song "Jesus Loves Me" by Nursery Class;; Solo, Catherine Dunsmuir; Reading by'. Wanda ,Hunter;lnstrurriental by. Donna Ritchie; Duet by Brenda 'and Bryce Ritchie; Solo; Kenny Ritchie; A story was then read to the children by Mrs.: Ray.nard.ln the absence of .the treasurer, Mrs., Eldon Ritchie gave the.treasurer's report. A :thank -you ndte was read from Mrs. Bob Helm. The Pres- ident read a leiter.- re 'Goderich Summer .Camp:. Motions were • made and seconded re payments to be made by the Treasurer. Plans were. discussed • for catering to a wedding this month. Two 411, leaders are to be chosen to attend the Training School in .Wingham August• for the new project, :"The 'Supper Club.". Following• the'singing of Hymri 614, Mrs.,. Kaiser closed.the meeting 'with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants, The August Meeting will; be held at the home of Mrs. D.A. Hackett., KINGSBRIDGE Maricia Dalton, Detroit',Mr. and Mrs. Cyril' Johnston :and girls visited Mr,, and Mrs.: Joe' Courtney, on Sunday. Mrs, Ursula Hebert, Detroit, is visiting John O'Connor. Mr, and Mrs., P.E..'Murray, Detroit are spending the summer .at a cottage at Point Clark. Mr. .and Mrs., Jack Murray, Lisa and.. Diane, Detroit were their guests . last week. .Frank Sullivan •visited to Lon- don last week. ' Jim MacDonald, Camp Border", spent the week -end; here. Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Dalton • • and family are vacationing at Port Albert, ' •! Dr, and. Mrs. •MacDonald and fainly and Mrs. Joe Garvey 'ale.. holidaying visitors. m Mrs,: Bernadine: Kenny ,and. Mrs. Nora Sinnett, :Detroit are spend-. ing kfew weeks here. Mr. and. Mrs, Fred .Courtney and Theresa, Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.,. 'John Austin. Theresa remained to spend her vacation among relatives. ' Fay Hogan, Maria Dalton, who are both attending summer. school were at their homes for the week -end • Kingsbridge. C.W.L Spend Bus. JulyY Twenty-three merilbers open- ; ed the July meeting with prayer.' Mrs' Carl Reigling regretfully ' accepted the''resignation of the.. ' Recording -Secretary; Mrs . Joe :O'Keefe. Mrs: Ken Fitzpatrick, .was welcomed' to the Executive s the. new Recording Secretary.. • Mrs ..Jim' Martin read a letter from the .Volunteer Co-ordinator of the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. Mrs. Ann B dmond ,'. donfirming arrangements for a picnic :for. 12 patients on August 3rd...'Mrs. Mark Dalton, Mrs. Connie Hogan and.Mrs. John Austin volunteered to take :the patients •onthe outing. After the Treasurers report was , given, the Spiritual .Convenor gave the life story of. St. Herman, Author of the prayer, Hail Holy ' , Queen: The Educational Conven- or .read the conditions of the Sc holarship.offered by the. C. W, for students who' are continuing their posi-graduate work in :'Social Service.' __ The President . ^"vers. Carl Reig. ling reported that a busy month,. had passed: The ladies catered to the,:farm sale of John Kelly's the Grade Eight Communion • .Breakfast , The' Kingsbridge: Gar- den Party, and the -Funeral for Andrew Martin. Some of the rnentibers attended the Seaforth Tea'and•the•Hesson Garden Party: The C. W. L :is sponsoring a Birthday Party for the residents of Huronview on July 20,. Mrs: Jim • Martin reported: thattwo and a half slabs of cake were ordered . 'from 'the bakery,' Eight lad_ies.. offered to bake date loaves. and , fruit loaves. A choir of eight giris from the junior grades of St.: Joseph's School ender the direction of Miss •Anita Hogan will .entertain with both serious and funny songs. D.A.. Mac- Lerman from Lochalsh will play • familiar melodies on the bag: • `' pipes. Mrs. Bill Berry recomm ended and willtake'charge of a' general shower for Mrs,. David O'Neill :to be held on Tuesday July° 19 in the church hall, This: was the last meeting for Mrs. ' Bill • Berry as she will be leaving with her family to Toronto. Mrs. Berry accepted a Sick `Call . Crucifix from all of the members and thanked them. Mrs. Berry. will be deeply missed The meeting; was moved .closed.by Mrs.. Mark Dalton. PAGE ,ELEVEN, WHY YOU , SHOULD CONVERT YOUR PRESENT EQUIPMENT TO . SAFE, .ECONOMICAL OIL HEAT It's easy to convert to oil. 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