HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-20, Page 1Ebc
THE BAKER BOYS - Brian (on
he bottom) and Steve (on: the
op) knew ' Where the :big ones . •
ere' in the Lions Club fish 'pond
t the carnival Thursd,aY: The
ish pond was a popular spot and
ions Clarence Bell and Ken
urdie baited many a hook'
$300 . Sto en 'From
Frank Desjarlais,ormer vcnoLe onC ub Rooms
SaturdayNight Teacher•Mwr erew
Toronto ..
• bed, his'throat cut and Burner,
About $300:, in cash was stolen • ous stab wounds on his. body, He',
,.; was' naked, from the waist down.
One arm was almost completely
severed fromthe attack. Police •
said broken bottles and 'a. chair
Mr. Desjarlais,a native of
W ndsor , had been teaching at
from the Lucknow. Branch of =t
he f""' '< F`` a Roman Catholic School in Hay
Canadian Legion on. Saturday '•- � '
night from theclub rooms. River,'" N•ortb ,West Territories.
. 'The theft was noticed by bar•. this, past term.
• }4+
steward Walter Arscott of White-
• • Reports.in aToronto paper in=
• were used in the .attack.;
church at closing times'Saturd'a
• y ' r ' ' dicate, he checked into the . An autopsyautOpsy revealed that he
night and :Provincial Police at ' Walsingharri Hotel on Jarvis died of. multiple cuts to,the head
Kornis to v were called in Sunday Street in Toronto . Saturday about
g in estigate . ° and a fractured skull.' Hotel
Constable Andy Burgess of the
Kincardin 'det h
e ac mens stated
Frank Desjatalais,'4•
2, a former .
that ,the theft of money was made' . teacher at Lucknow District High
between 11:10 p.m. and midnight School, was, slashed and, stabbed
and' approximately 15 to 20 mem- to death in a Toronto ,Hotel on
bers , associate .members and Saturday night ti
guestswere present at the time
The money wasin an aluminum
cash box behind the bar .and it ��•--1- • tr •
was necessary for the thief to'go
behind the bar before the nioney
could be taken. According to . ,
Constable Burgess.,the bar steward
was working' in the adjacent'room
when the money `was lifted:
Police questioned those present
at: thetime but as of Monday,
nofurther information was avail
hroughout;the evening.: The boys.
ictured are theisons• of Mr', and
Mrs. Ai,Baker.•of Luoknow.
10; 30 'P, M. Rent•. in. .the. $4 . a ••
night hotel is paid.on a day:to
day basis and the hotel clerk
found'the body when. he went to '
collect the fee about m .....
Sunday afternoon..
residents said: they heard no
noise= from. the room. Police said
they believe robbery was .the,,
motive for the slaying,
Mr: Desiarlais was a teacher at
Lucknow District High'School
Desjarlais was foundnear his about 1962.
a. .
s HoIdlion
Successful '. Night
Last week's Lucknow dons
lub'.carnival and garden party
as a successfulevent with a
a 'sty:'meal• served.up by Lions and•.
heir>•wives , followed by .bingo'
nd"carnival games. •
Murray Gaunt, M. P. P. , for
uron-Bruce; palled. the winning
ickets for the prize. draw which
ere: $100 bond, Thomas D.
alma, 694 Waterloo St.
ondon; $50. ,Bob Ritchie, • Luck -
ow; $25 .Mrs. Alex Andrew,;
ucknow;' $15 . Mrs Donald Mac,
innon Lucknow; $10'; Danny
ddy, Lucknow,
General chairman of the .earn
val•was Bob•Finlay with. Mrs.
lex .Andrew the ladies°.convenor
ssisted by Mrs ._ ` Omar Brooks . and
rs,' Harvey Houston.'' Mike: Sand-
rson is'Lions president.
Two :local b• oys have attended
he Blly,tiarri,s°Hockey School in
oodbridge David Cleland, son :
'f Mr, and Mrs, Brock. Cleland,
gent two weeks there and John
acKenrie , ,son Of Ur., and Mrs.
obert MacKenzie, was there
The boys are trained in hockey'
ith four hours .a'day spent on the
e. The rest of the time is taken •
p with lectures, physical educat-
m and other activities: •
ME. 1�S
Er •
0 ,
.Mr. and Mrs. Wm, °Kelso Mo.-
ay are happy to announce the..,
ngagcrnent of their.daughter,
leanor Irene, to Mr. Douglas
Robert r : arhutt , son of Mss . •
Gsrbutr'and the :late Mr. ' F,T..
Garbutt of Kincardine.. The
weddin wilt take place on Aug-
ust 21Fth it :3 o'clock at alit✓'
United- :hutch in Lucknow.
Mr: and, Mrs: jim.McNau'ghton
had as their guests last week, Mr
sand Mrs.. Robert/Hardie. of . Glasgow ,
Scotland and theirson Alan
of Toronto.
..Mrs..Hardie was a .classmate of
Mrs::McNaughton's through -all
their school days.. Alan was.,
playmate 'of.'Jim McNaughton Jr .
of Kitchener , before'•the•Mc-
NaughtOn' family left Scotland
nearly 1.6 :years, ago,..Mrs. Mc-
Naughton' visited with Mrs :Hardie
four years ago in Scotland:
Mr. and Mrs.°Hardie flew to
They were brought ,to Lucknow.
by Audrey Ross of Weston., Audrey
along with Mary Maclntyre of
Montreal and Marian.Reavie.of
Toronto visited. with. the. Hardies
and were shown around Glasgow.
by 'them , while they were on an
overseas totit fast year. While •
tri 'Lucknow , the:Hardiest visited -
With/the Ross, Maclntyre, and:
Reavie families, .
Mrs: McNaughton visited on •
. Saturday with the •Hardies .in Tor-
onto and they all went to see the
weddi of Marian Reavie•.
Mts. cNaughton was also,able
to get to Malton Airport on Sat-
urday to`seeher. granddaughter,
Elaine Henning off ,to Scotland.
. Mrs, Helen McDonald of Kin-,
tail: was guest .of honour at a
coffee party held at the home of ,
Mrs, Duncan Simpson of.Kintail•,
on , Monday evening July llth. •
Mrs. McDonald and heedaughter
Jean (who •was unable to be pre-
sent) .werepresented'with a gift,
of money from their friends' in..
the .community.. b . .
Mrs. Steve Elliott (Sally .Mc-
Donald) and • children of Port
Huron were also present
Mrs: McDonald and Jean are
tri.o v
•mg/shortly to Goderich'to
.make their hoime..Wm,: Van Osch,:
purchased the McDonald General
Store at Kintaff.following the •
•death•of'Mr.'McDonald .: '
KnechteIs To Close'
Maim :Street Store
A business change will occur in.
Lucknow the end of the month
when Knechtel .Milling. Limited will
close..their main streetstore after a
considerable number of years of
operation in Lucknow
An announcementin this issue
states .that Treleaven's Lucknow
,Feed Mill' Ltd : has been appointed
as the Lucknow dealer for New Life
Feeds, effective August :2nd °
Alex MacNay, who has°managed
Knechtel's Lucknow Branch for the
past nine years, will be associated •
w,th Treleaven's. Themain street.
building of Knechtels will be
offered for sale
Mrs. Eldon Wraith 'of, Lucknow
has been appointed: local represent-
ative for the Department of Trans-
port' and in this capacity will issue
;motor vehicle permits and validate
driver's licences for this• area..
`Mrs. Wraith succeeds Mrs. H.D.
Thompson who resigned the posit-•.
ion several months ago but; who•has .'
'been carrying on until a successor
was obtained Mrs. Thompson held
the position for 7 1/2 years'.
The new office will be located.
in the Wraith. Electronics .business
on Stauffer Street.
• CharlespicQuillin: of St. Helens
left the first part of.this week• on
a month's trip: which' will take
him to Churchill,. Manitoba and.
to Yellowknife, North West •
Territories. •
Charlie, who teaches school in •
Zurich, .usually manages to get
the 12th of July engagement in
'before he takes his summer
trips and, this year won, the award
for the best fife player' at .the •
12th celebrations at, Harriston..
• Charlie/travels alone and last;
year 'drov'e to Prince Rupert,'• B. C
and then' took a boat to *A laska
This year he plans to ,drive to.
The Pas . in Manitoba, takea
train into Churchill, then out . .
again :and• drive acrossthe north-
ern areas of the prairie provinces
and'on to Yellowknife.
.Legion .Consider
Backfin Swimmrng
Project001Lucknow Le
ion "Branch ,309 is
presently' giving consideration to .
•the building: of a swimming 'pool:
--in the village/and information:in
this ;regard' is being studied by the
':'Lucknow Legion President,
Walter Arnold and 'Reeve George
Jo t. m recently with a r e res-
yn et re n y ep
• entative of Lynch Pool Company ,
to obtain information on a.. pro-
posed plan. for a .swimming pool
to serve Lucknow and•.district.
A special meeting of the Legion
is. called for Tuesday, : July 26th
to decide whether theBranch will
sponsor this ,project .
A:11 members are urged to attend
this'meeting.to hear the facts and
figures on thecost of constructing
a swimming pool.
SOME OF the Beginners at the
Lucknow Vacation Bible School .
;-.are showh at the special even-
ing for parents and friends held
Friday;'' left to right are . Grant •
Gilchrist, Faye Ann Forster,
Susan Thompson, : Paul Drennan,.
Rhonda Gibson, Cathy ,McKim
Michael McDonagh, Ettabelle
MacDonald;; second row ;• left'to,
right,, teachers Linda Marriott,
Janet' Carruthers, Mrs . Gerald
TeRaa and pupils, Barbara "•
Cameron and Joanne MacIntyre .
Collision Kilis
Cattle Beast
A. car driven .by' Gordon Needham
9f London and formerly of Luck-
how •was in collision with a •"
cattle beast on Highway 86,• west •
of'Lucknow'.at Paramount on
Saturday night.
Gordon was proceeding east And
a cattle beast belonging to Eric
i•iackett of R. R,## 3, Lucknow
bolted from the south side -of the,'
road striking the right front of
the Needham ,car, •
Damage was about $I50. to the
' car, The .one year old steer was
killed' instantly . Constable Andy.,
Burgess of Kincardine OPP invest-