HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-06, Page 136th,
AC .4. Door, 4 Cylinder, Standard Transmission::
Ills CHEV, Super Sport Convrtibla
INS CHEVROLET, Super Sport Convertible, V-8,' ;Full: power
PONTIAC, 4 DOcr, Automatic. Transmission
IH4 CHEV, 4 -Door, 6 Cylind r:
I CHEV, Impala,. 4 .Poor Hardtop
N,. PONTIAC STRATOCHIEO., 4 Door,. 6 Cylinder, Automatic
Transmission ..
INS !ONTIAC,,6 Cyiinder,-4 Door Standard Transmi.ision.
ilu COMET, Custom 4 Door
1µ2n CHEV, .2'Doer, is Automatic
oil FORD, 2 Door, • 6 standard
100 AUSTIN -4 Door
115! PLYMOUTH stationwegon V8
1IS9 CONSUL, 4 Door
11, iv.
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ill the Governnierit Of Canaaa
horize colour telecasting by
adian stations .before October
.of this year?. 1.think .they' will.
the legal date will be the week'
eptember 11th .
Mme months ago, Julydst was
date -announced 'as'the start of
rimental colourcastin.g.after I•
-off and before sign -.on. For
who had•colour :sets last
sday and remained up untill the
night hour, the colour experi- •
nts were interesting to watch.
0 --.TV in Toronto produced*.a.
'live,' formal opening and, .
nran four 'full -length motion
es with a break iii the middle
the news, weather and sports.
e' in colour.• The movies'
'shed around a.m. in time'
regular daytime black and: whit
gramming, •
amilton's Channel •11. had a '
°lourburst'', at midnight as
tion manager, Al Bruner, de-
coed it. One movie was shown,
ung with other colour tests,
itchener's eKCn--'rV,had a
ief colour announcement and
monstration at midnight.
id as '•
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port T
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In: an 'all-out effort' 'to . u
grade the quality. of •basebrall
and softball; the Western On-
tario Athletic Association ex-
ecutive .is going to ooneentx atie
on better ureinring.
'Poi begin •.with, four umpiring
clinics 'have been announced by
the executive: This is, tfie sec-
ond year that such dirties have
fleet• ' held=
In . future . all • officials at
w°A.t.fillinor� and senior gaa les
must `'hold an official umpire's,
Certificate sib by •• the
WOAA umpire registrar, •
`Umpires. are `also rerninded, •
that they 'must attend one : of
these cliniO if they wish to be
registered in the WQAA. he
clines • are free and open 'to
anyone 16 years ` :and over;
Coaches, managers and play-
ers may 'also attend,. •
Ba>> ba)ll Clinics
A baseball umipire's school 'is •
scheduled : for the I tcwel
area on Sunday, .Jtune 12 with,
classes. and ins!trudi-ion from
10:00' a.m. to 5:00 .p.m.
A special meeting of the White-
tiurch water signers was held' •
Monday evening in Whitechurch
Community Memorial Hall with
an attendance of 14of .the 24
members. Thanks was expressed
to Mrs, Dave MacDonald for hav-•
irtg•sprayed the weedk around the
pump house so that the ground is
how ready for topsoil which is to b
attended to by 13i11 Evans with'the 1
work of• spreadingto be'done on:
a Saturday afternoon by all 'giving
free labour. It was decided until
the pumps have been inspected
and the situation ofa water short-
age investigated that each house- •
holder conserve water where • '
possible and watch leaking taps.. -
It was decided after• the meeting . t
when the men viewed the action
:of the pumps, that they would
clean the reservoire Saturday
afternoon which means each
householder better take out a few ,
pails for reserve.
Miss Mildred McClenaghan,* Mrs:.
C,00dwins, and her daughter Mary
Anna of Milton spent the .week-
end with Miss McClenaghan's
Mother Mrs. George McClenaghan.
Mr. and Mrs. Call GiSb of
Waterloo spent, the week-end'with:
his parents Mr.'and Mrs. Dave
Gibb. • .
Mr. "an;d Mrs.I3ili Craig;ot
Scarborough arrived on Monday
and visitetiwith her (sister •Mrs'.:
Robert Ross.in.Winlharn and Dist-
rict f 1O»pita1 and with Mr. and
Mrs.; D.on,Ross and Mr.' and: Mrs.
Russel Ross The�leave,on Ju ly.
-th lar:.a trip through the•We.stern •
(Whitechurch News)
Orange blossoms and yellow
lilies decorated -the communion
table at the Presbyterian church's
ninety -ei *•h anniversary ser-
vices at Langside on Sunday,
Rev.. Wallace Little spoke.,
He told how he' went to Winnipeg
four years ago ringing doorbells
to invite peopleto worship in a
school auditorium. Today a Con-
ongregation of one hundred and sixt'y..
worships.in a $56,000 sanctuary.,
Singing reminiscent of southland
revival 'meetings graced. both • '
services. A male quartette:sang,
"Leaning on the Everlasting
and Mrs William'Scott directed•
the young people's choir•as,they•,
1 IF•t r) "DAY MC)NDAY
On Monday June .27: Kinloss Sch-
• 001 Area held their: Field Day 'with
f cuior !rades J- , 'cotit-'eting at
:11o1\•rtiod �'CentraL School: and ,Junior.
grade 1-.4 'at Kinlough School, �'
:Cortipetitions were in Hop Skip and ••
Jiirnp, .:Broad: •Ju'rnp., Ball Throwing;
High Jump, Races and: -Contests. ".
5S 10 pupils in September wily i
attend Kinloss Central School and',
• this SS 410 Whitechurch school,
will be(orrrc one of the•littl.e. red
sing to the congregationboth
morning and evening,
On (Friday evening'Tiffins
Orchestra supplied music' for the
rc c eptioii •in. Whitechurch Com-
musiity Memorial Hall `for. ivir.
:and Nis, f3i11 Willis (nee Anita.
I uvas).• A-la-rge,-cr,owd ,was in ... .
attendance. .At the lunch hour;
P,1r. and, Mrs. Willis .wrere called
to the platform and given seats
i,l3ile.Alex Craig.. read thein an
address extending hest wishes and
Leroy Rintoul.presented themwith
a; gift :O1 rnoney. Dancing was '•
resumed till the closing hour
when the Queen; was sung and all -
returned. to their homes.
On Tuesday evening, Grade. 8
• pupils; attending the parent,
. teachers and grade 8 pupits ban-
quet at Kinloss Central!School.
llelyrood were Marlene Weber.,
cc 1 1orrison, John Gibb, Arthur
. 1lcndcrsorr°, Charles Thompson and
.Wayne Fvans. For the most of the
grade '8 pupils it was the 'first
.banquet they had' the opportunity
of. attcndinlg. All were so interest-
edin who sat at the head'ttll lc•-
tcaetiers and th.eir.wives or hus--
. rands; Inspector. Waldie and his
wife, School Boardmembers' and
their wives and chairman Evan.
Keith and his wife. Toasts were
'given and replied to. Charles •
Thompson SS # 10 proposed the
toast to the teachers, replied to,
by Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler. SS # 8. •
There was a short program 'and
Irene Del3oer of this community
was one of the trio singing.
t'he guest :speaker was Inspector
Waidie . The 'presentation. of
plaques and field day awards was
made lobs, Russel. Ross presented
the Whitechurch. Women's Institute
trophy to Linda, Dawson Senior
High girl. The singing of the
Queen closed the Banquet.' 'Our
grade 8, all received their certif-
icates the next day. Congratula-
tions to you all. !
:We are pleased to hear that Mrs.
Currie Colwell, who underwent
major surgery, in Victoria Hospit-
al, London, last Tuesday, is Mak-
'lug a favourable recovery..-...
Jamie Graham is attending Camp
near Guelph this Week,
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Halliwell
and family of Rochester, N.Y. ane
and Miss Elizabeth. Bruton of Cor-
unna-:are spending a few days with
Mr,. and Mrs, Jack Needharn.
Allan MacDougall Is attending
Summer School in London,
Miss Betty Hamilton. of Niagara
•Falls is vacationing with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Mae Maclnnes is helping Austin f
Martin at the hay. • . '
• Miss Isabelle MacIntosh; of .Ham-
ilton was` a week -end guest with
Mr. and'Mrs..Frank. MacKenzie. •
and family.
'Visitors on the.,July 4th holiday
with Mrs.. D.L. MacKinnon and
John were Mr. and Mrs: Alex '1.'
Collins and Nora and Mrs..Etta
Smith of Ypsilanti,' Michigan and
Mr. .'and' Mrs. Mike Verchimak of
Flint. 'Michigan.
steal your egg profits—
fast, effective IPOUL.R,r
worm, control with 'Y0R"!",
Purina Poultry
Wormer Concentrate
hanne110 in London had ,host
its equipment, .but it wasn'S •
ecked out in time for the July:
member that date' - the week
September llth, 1 predicted •
date of the last Federal Elect-
two weeks before 'Prime Min
Pearson' annou need it.' 1
en't got a hot line to his office
it was just luck and i hope I' m
t this time too. It will be
for the broadcasting: industry.,
• Sotttball Climes `
• . Three softball umpire's sell
ools''are scheduled as follows:
• At l anover Coliserur m on Sun-
day, June' 19 from 1:00 to 5:30
psi; •
. At Listowel arena on Sunday,
June 26 from 1:00 to 5:30 p:m, ,
And at C Clinton Legion 1`ialll
on Sunduiy, July 10; also froin
1:00 to 5:30 p.rn. •
It is hoped to have films at
all four e1inica frarrt'' the Mo-
tion Picture •.Division of the
NCaJor Baseball Leagues. These
films are ulsed to instruct um-
. pires in practically all classes
pig baseball.
, Further information ' about
these clinics fray' be obtained
firom Hugh H. 11i o u at Ad-
astral Park,. Cate ian, Ponces
Base Clinton,' .pilrone 4.52,9696.
Purina Poultry Wormer Concentrate
—is economical and `easy to use
--is highly effective
removescommonroundworms and cecal
worms from. chickens and turkeys
—is noTl-toxic' and fast acting
—is the worming concentrate to be
mixed with your eed-'r