HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-06, Page 12h!.
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Increase your
Corn Yields
with CO-OP'
Aqua Ammonia
FisherY .
Here's the fast, efficient wayto apply supplemental nitrogen
to your corn. CO-OP Aqua.Ammonia.2o% Nitrogen.
injects 3" to 4' below the surface gets right to
theloots, to give• the crop an immediate boost,
And there's no waste.. The soil retains all •of the
ammonia with negligibleloss during application.
Another: big advantage:•You have a longer period of."
time to,apply CO-OP liquid. ammonia .Without..
danger of disturbing the roots. Suitable for a'.
wide range of soil types, it can' be applied as;
a. pre -plant application or "a side dressing.
For bigger corn yields at low cost, :have
CO=O.PA.qua Ammonia, applied 'soon.
Another fertilizer• serviceof your
Co-operative, developed in co-operatior
with United. Co -operatives -of Ontario.
*Registered; Trade Mark
Lucknow District Coo
Phone 528-2125.
Hold Reunion
The 4thFisher Reunion Picnic•
was held on Sunday July 3, 'at
• the home of .Mr, and Mrs. George
Newbold (Mary Fisher) Lucknow,
The gathering were descendents of
the late James Fisher and Barbara
MacMillan, who lived -where .Mr.
and Mrs.. Ford Cunningham": now •
reside, •
At .1:30 p.m. a delicious dinner
was enjoyed on the lawn at. the
Newbold: horde. There were 82
present for the . occasion. The
oldest person: attending was Will-
..iam Fisher of Lucknow; the youn-
gest Sherri. Patterson of Burlington,
Relatives attending were, from •
Hamilton; Dundas, 'Burlington.,'
'Oakville; •Listowel, London.: TPr'.
onto; Kitchener, •Galt and'points
in and around Lucknow.
Rose Culture': Topic:
AtW.I. Meeting
(A mberley News) ' •
Mrs. CecilHolland presided for , ' A'NDREW•M. MARTIN
Reids Corners'W. I. 'on Thursday Andrew M. Martin, passed away
. evening of last meek. After the' in Alexandra Hospital,`Goderich
opening exercises the roll call. .'A new product 1 have used and: on Monday 'July 4th in his 84th year.
•liked or disliked., was well res ond- . He was born in Ashfield Township,
P where he lived•all his. life. He was.
ed to. Mrs. Cecil Humphrey read a son of the late John Martin and•
the minutes and correspondence. Julia Bouchere. •. •
It was decided to hold a bake sale • • Mr. Martin was a member of St.
August.•5 at•. Point Clark. ••
• Jose h's.Parish, Kingsbridge, Holy,
The'motto "The price of success
Name Society and The League of
• is honest toil" was prepared by • ' the Sacred. Heart.
Mrs. John Scott' and read. by Mrs. . Surviving:members of his family
Sam Snobelen "For. successful, liv- are three sns, Victor and Michael '
• ing wemust have the ability to , of Stoney Creek, Ignatius of Rainy,
understand others,: to control our
•• River; two daughters (Lenaj•�Mrs.
emotions, ourselves and our habits, Joseph Lane of Seaforth, (Elizabeth)
were helpful thoughts given, in the
,..Mrs . 'Henry Weber of Glenside
' motto. Mrs. Mervyn Hooey gave Pennsylvania; one brother Peter of.
an interesting songcontest. . Lansing Michigan, '28 grandchildren
and 4 great grandchildren.
• He was predeceased by one daul
ghter (Marie) Mrs. Thomas Upwood
Ashfield Resident
Died In.Goderkh
. The topic "Rose Culture" was
well given by Mrs. Cecil Holland.,
and valuable information was
received..Mrs. Don. Courtney,
thanked Mrs. Holland for her topic,
Mrs. John Ferguson gave highlights Requiem High Mass was sung at • 'Stuart was a member of Old
in her report of the District Annual St. Josephs' church, Kingsbridge , Light Masonic' Lodge. A Masonic •
which was held in Ripley, on Wednesday, July 6th at 1p:30.. service was held Tuesday night at
After the closing ode and grace ' ; *Father Caruana nine o'clock in the MacKenzie
a.m. wit Rev,
Mrs., William Ferguson and Mrs;offfcia"ting; " funeral parlor.
Mervyn Hooey served a,dainty 1ut10 Interment is in 1<ingsbtid .ge cemet' "Though .it be with sadness, tis
and a social tfrne:•was enjoyed . 'ety.
Stuart Robertson
Resident. Of .Area
Lucknow has lost another .of its,
senior citizens, 'a life long resident
Of the district.
After an illness of some .duration,
Stuart ; E . Robertson passed .away in'
Kitchener hospital on Sunday'June:
19th Funeral services; with Rev . R
A. MacLeod officiating, were held
on W ednesday ,June 22nd at, 2;30
with interment in Greenhill Cern-
etery. Pallbearers were Cameron
'MacDonald. Gordon Fisher, James'
Aitchison, R.oss•Cammie,' Pharis.
Mathers; James Henderson.
• Surviving is one sister (Bertha)
Mrs . Neil .G G. MacKenzie of .buck-;,
Stuart was a son of the late `Geo-
rge S : Robertson . and Mary Mac-
.Allister and was borne in Clinton;:"
Ontario. •A t two years Of age he'
moved. with the family to•a farm ,
three miles. west of l:ucknow on the
boundary. now.highway 86, where
he farmed. until_".moving to Luck
• Stuart was widely known and,
highly esteemed', possessing, a
strong stability of character. Tem-
perate' in all things, he ,had a mind
of his own :always striving for the
betterment: of surrounding condit-
ions •
Mr. Robertson was• a stalwart
Supporter of his church`, holding
office at different' times in several
departments and was an elder for
thirty-five years. `.As the minister
'fittingly said at the service about
Stuart, "we 'feel that something '
very precious has gone forever out
of the community, a chapter has
been closed and a•link with the
past has. been broken, • The Pres-
byterian church has lost one, of its. •
pillars and the town his lost a
valuable citizen
Stuart possessed a remarkable
;memory and could recall and give
details. of events dating back for
eighty years. 'When anything of
the longpast came up.for'.question,
it was referred to Stuart and. he
usually cattle. up with an answer.'
He was aetive in' municipal affai-
rs serving on council.•several years
and was twice chosen. a$ reev4 •"
He was active throughout Bruce ,
county serving in various offices;
Past President of Luck inicult-
ure Society ,•.served as •Prov. lal
Zone Director. Past Piesidert and.
Honorary .member of Bruce Histor-
ical' Society, .Member of the Luck
of London, The body rested at the now Library Board and Member of
Lodge Funeral Home Goderich, Horticultural Society.
Wed At South Kinloss Church
.South Kinloss Presbyterian 'church
decorated with candelabra; was
the setting for the marriage �f '
Carol Ann Stanley and David,.Sch-
lenimeron Friday; Jima 10 at
7_p.rn: '• '
The ,bride fs the daughter .. of- Mr• .
'and Mrs. Harold Stanley of Kinloss.
Township.:: • The groom. is the son
of Mr. 'and'Mrs...L:orne 'Schlemmer,.
of Stratford;. ; . •
Rev'; Rod MacLeod' performed.
the "double ring ceremony.
The, bride , given in -'marriage by
her father chose a floor -length
gown of white peau. de, soie,.
scooped neckline., three-quarter:
length sleeves and empire waist-
line..: The A-line skirt had a :
detachable chapel:train from' the
shoulder. She carried a white
• Bible crested with a white
Gardenia and -Baby Carnations.
' .Mrs Gii .(Audrey) Ruston •of
Georgetown, sister of.the bride,:
was matron of honour. She wore •. a
floor -.length :pink sleeveless gown •-•
with Empire: waist. and matching.
rosette .headdress:
Photo by Douglas Spillane
Elaine Nichols of Mitche1l w.
bridesmaid Her gown was the
same as the matron of honour,
They carried pink and white n
Paul Schlemmer of Stratford,
brother of the'groom, was gioo
man. Wayne Stanley of, Luckn
brother of the. bride was usher,
• A reception followed at the P
Hall, Lucknow.. The bride's.
mother received the' guests, in s
three-piece pink linen suit wit,
navy,. accessories andwhite car
ation .corsage..She was assiste'
the. groom's mother: who ~diose
light" blue and silver brocade
chine dress and coat with mat
accessories. • Her corsage was
pink carnations:, '
The ;bride's travelling costu
'was a navy and white suit' with
White accessories
. After 'a' wedding trip • in 'North
Ontario, Mr. and Mrs.,•Schlem
will reside_in Stratfod where_
bride i:s a" nurse at the Stratford
General•Hospital and the grog
employed at the Mirror Press;
(by Dianne Stanley) . •
In the afternoon of Tuesday, June.
28th the students of the Ripley-
Huron Central School' participated
in the ;first "playday"'ever; held'by
the school. :This is a time when
the emphases is- on fun and. not, on
winning." The student body ws
:divided into fourteen tearns, •two: of
which would be at one of seven
',stations on the playground; At each
station three grade .eights looked
after explaining and ,organizing a
relay. Fifteen minutes were allow
ed for each game and when this
-time was up the teams movedon
to a different station.
The, first post was under the dir-
ection of Judy Hodge, Norman Ball
and Phyllis Hutchinson It was an
obstacle course consisting of going
under and through desks, chairs.,
hoola hoop3, boxes,, and ropes, ,.
Gail Lock, Keith 'Van der, Hoek,
and Brends Currie werein charge of
throwing the bean bag. in °the circle
while Jean Scott.. and John Hoo Erna
looked after the standingbroad'.
The purpose' of the latter was ito •
see -which team could' jump the
farthest. "Two Dogs and a Bone`s
ill th
.of th'
the 1
nts w
the ri
, Lackey • Bruce Aftken, and'S
also with pride that we say farewell'•was next on the agenda with:Karen,
Collins conducting this gime..
players were numbered and as
was.called out they rushed, to t
'centre, . grabbed a bean bag,.,
it into a ring, and ran back to
places. Throiiball" and dbdgeb.
with Gail Courtney, Gary Hend
son, Jane Pollock,' and Mary M
Creath added a different note t
the day's pleasures, Cornplet
the picture was. tossini • a ball
through a hoop with Susan Ellis
Patricia Shaw and Dennis Ma
having the strenuous job of cha
the ball when4t "occasionally:'
went wild.' . '
When each 'team had' played
the seven relays, Mr. Floud S
the principal presented. Spon T
to the winners: Dona McCorrnl
Carolyn MacDonald , Barry Mac
Donald, Nancy Coiling, Carm
Courtney, Shela.gh Nicholson,
Karen Van der Hoek, Perrin Ell
Joyce Guikima, Barbara Grubb,
Kevin'Cook, Courtney Liddle,
Latry Farrel and Donald Bissol}e!
This enjoyable day ended with
treat for the pupils form 'their t
•rS and many a cOntented.stude!
jcould be heard saying "schobl
be fun".
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