HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-06, Page 1LUCKNO , • ONTARIO
A spectacular tire aboutmidnight :> members of his•faniily:who.were
turday night levelled an old killed in a highway, accident,, about
cknow landmark., , MacDonalds a year' ;ago. ,-.
*y" an Havelock Street South. Last September the mill, house
The old sawmill and Chopping - and property were sold to Clifford'
Iwas one of the'feW Water Roitlston of Kinloss aird-•tlie•'fanmily
ere n. resided there c
Saturday''s fire was a, spectacular
one•Which could,be seen fer miles
ered mills left anyw
h in thehave ded F r. since that time..
niry. It has been idle for some.
e since the death of the owner.
nA.. MacDonald and three
Iu •
f 1
s w'
around,. 'The mill was practically
a complete loss before the fire was
-even noticed. •
Firemen received the.alatm just.
before midnight and with the_firtt•
•wtune of the fire siren, the sky was
a 'bright red from: the tinder, dry •.
imill..whi•ch went up "like a
matchbox". •
A horse belonging to barbarah
Cameron and a pony belonging to
the Jack MacDonald .family were
:stabled •in a nearby small barn.
The horses were removedand: fire-
men succeeding, insaving the barn
from destruction.
There wad no .wind .which was a'.
factorthat probably saved further `
outbreaks.' Despite the calm night•
burning embers .were dropping .on
houses -to the north of'the mill,and
burned -out embers and foliage
from trees were. reported as far
north' as the •Silverwoods corner
in•tOw,n, t
The old mill site is nearly as old :
as the "village itself. Prior to the
MacDonald ''family operating the
mill, the business was run by '
Thomas Treleaven for rnany years:'
One of the owners prior to Mr...
Treleaven WasRobert McCarroll,
with James Lyons Senior operating'
the mill for him. • •
The site. was the 'location of the
first sawmill to serve the needs of
the early 'settlers.
•Cause of the fire is not known..
George Whitby , *Lucknow Fire
Chief advised The Sentinel the'
first of the week that the Ontario
Fire Marshall's office has been con-
tacted and that they will make an --
investigation into the cause of .
Saturday night's fire 'and also into •
twoother incidents which have
occurred in the village. -The two
'other incidents involved 'files 'set
In the area around Anderson Flax.
Products and Treleaven.Milling•.•
The flies did not develop into
anything serious .but might well
have. Provincial Police were also
in town the first of,the•week carry-
ing on an investigation.' • -
Rangers �onor
Mrs. ' M. Rayner
The final meeting of the season,
for the Lucknow Rangers took place
on June ,29 . The meeting took the
form of a Surprise "Going Away“
Party ,for Mrs. Milton. Rayner, Ran-
ger Leader. Janet Carruthers was
in charge.
Mrs. Rayner was presented with :a
gift in, appreciation of the time
and effort she spent with the Ran-
Everyone took part in a sing-
song, after which, 'cake and, ice-
cream was enjoyed. The meeting
Vas concluded with the Ranger
Prayer and, Taps.
All the Rangers join in wishing
Mrs Rayner the Best of Luck 'in her
new home •in Goderich .
Mr . and. Mts . Gerald Wagner
and family of town visited on the
week -end with their .son Mr, and
Mrs. Clifford. Wagner in Toronto:
Open House is .being held today
(Wednesday) .by Mr., and Mrs. 'Cam-
eron MacDonald of Lucknow in
honour. of W.X. •. Hill's 90th birthday .
Mrs. MacDonald was the former
Sharon Wagner remained in Torontci'Kathleen Hill.
where she hopes to get summer Mr. Hill will be at 'borne to his
employment ' friends.;both afternoon and evening,'
• Clifford broke two bones in his
anklelast week while playing ball:
He is able to - get •around on 'crutch-
es; but he is expected to be off
work for' a couple of months.
Louise: Andrew,claughter of Mr.,
and Mrs. Bill Andrew of Ashfield,
She, wasaccompanied by .Margaret
Machan of Wingham,'a.teacher
left •last week -end by air on a
trip that will last. seven weeks in
which Louise will.tour Europe,
England .and' Scotland.
at Ripley. Louise has taught in
Kitchener for the past .seven years
The two girls flew from Toronto
to Montreal and then directly to
Brussels, Belgiumwhere their
tour b:e
.gan. :
Mr. Hill was :born on July,6th,
1876 at Curtis, near Oshawa : He.
was in the .grocery business ill Mit-
chell prior' to coming, to Lucknow in
July of 1904 to follow his trade. He
continued in therocery•business
here until September 1949 when he
.sold' ` out to. Archie Smith, He had
entered•his 46th year of business
in Lucknow..: at that time: Mrs
Till's death occurred in August of
that year'. ,
Until 1925, Mr..Hill.operated
"The Hub Grocery where Joe
MacMillants •.butcher • shop was
formerly located. f ie then mov-
ed to the building formerly occup-
•ied by the IGA and now vacant
Mr. Hill has served_as treasurer
of the Royal Arch Masons for 54
years. . •
He has also received his' 60 year •
• jewel from the "Blue 'Lodge" and . .
for 36 years, was treasurer before
relinquishing that post.
-.Mr. Hill has always been an •
ardent horticulturist and gardener. .
ohn Ackert Gives Valedictory Address
t Kinloss School Areal Grade .8. 'Banquet
bout 95 people attended a"Grade
anquet" sponsored' by Kinloss
nship School Area .and held in
Holyiood Hall on. Tuesday of
week: •
esent were grade tl •pupils and.
irparents,• the staff of'Kinloss
001 Area schools Mr.. and Mrs,
K, Wal I e , Mi. and Mr$'.
tray, Mr .,and Mrs. Ernest
ken, board members;and their
oard chairrnan Evan Keith acted •
chairman for the evening'. He
adored the head 'table guests,
teaching staf#.and board mem-
s, .Twenty-tetien -grade 8 pupils
e introduced by their teachers..
Bill Black, principal of 1<inlctiss
- Central.'school , acted 'as. wast-
Master: Mrs. J. 'MacFarlane,
teacher at` S S . No. I, rroroscd
a toast to the grade k pupils which '
was responded to by Dorothy .Fan
Beers, •Charles Thompson; a
pupil at S . S . 10 -proposed a toast
to,the teachers which was respond-
ed to by Mrs, M, Wheeler. ,Betty
`Schneller, a pupil, at 5,5..2 pro -
Posed .a toast to the parents which
was responded to by Lloyd Ackert..
Barbara Maclntyre , Kinloss Central
pupil, proposed a toast t� the,
school board, members which was
resporided'to by. Leo Murray.
The' Kinloss 'Township School -
.Area Board. has set the 1966 mill
rate at 5 mills,' a drop of 5 mills
from last. ,year.
Last year's rate was 10 mills,
Reasons for the considerable drop
in the rate were that'•the board had
received a much larger provincial
grant. in 1965 than -anticipated,
They had also levied for a •surplus\
to be usedin a proposed building
,program but with the amalgamat
ion with Lucknow coming up, and
the Lucknow District High School
becoming available for the two
boards, this building fund will not
-be. needed The considerable
surplus was therefore used up by
a drop in the mill rate which will
likely climb again next -year.
he.'board decided to close the
Whitechurch school in the Fall and
all of grades: 4,7; .and 8 • will be
tran'sported to Kinloss Central
School. Mrs Mabel Wheeler,
teacher at Whitechurch will move
to Kinloss Central wher�e a. temp-
classroom will b opened in
the playroom. A few of the junior.,
pupils , convenient to Kinloss
Central will also go there and the -
rest of the juniors will be trans-
ported to Lucknow.