HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 17ie is Sto. 's ant on ae) man tetre Schur ne 15th th.. ten. rd . • is birth Itely of carp to olum e two Ars, :.both .birth• At 1 +•p.+nr a�rh, ell, litglik ........ . ......... �! M * le :Arlo EDNESDAX,JUNE 2l1h, 19 _ young People Al: Kinloss Barbecue 4 I (Kinloss. News) • gbout twenty South Kinloss -Young ople met at the .home of Mr. and rs, Ira Dickie on 'Monday even- g, ,A. ball game, groupsinging d :by Mrs. Bruce Hamilton and. ltests and games directed by iss Eileen Burt were all enjoyed, barbecue lunch .was served any of the young people are leav- 'for summer, employment. Mils leen Burt left on .Saturday. for ' aine, S. A". ack Maclnnes is employed at telph for the summer holidays. Rennie Graben and tw;o Toranto lends spent Thursday. afternoon • ith Mr. andr Mrs- Allan Graham id family, John Cleland of Lucknow is help- g George. Lockhart with the hay - ,g,. lack.' ickie of Scarborough is ending two weeks with Mr. and rs': Ira Dickie and, family. Church service at South. Kinloss ill be at •9 30 a.m. starting next inday, July ;3rd. h was fit1d 1'. held se 17th, !en of srp,] rs, thy. sra r ,girls ;itchie; o, age boys O; ate es to dueu duets,. A 114. a, tise 1, Mar! and; P _ TH•E LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' ... . .. Bronze Shield For Class. Standing • (Olivet News) .Doug Moore has completed: a ten -week course in body and fen- der work in Toronto and was awarded a bronze 'shield for having the highest standing in his class... Doug is employed at. Lankin Mot- ors garage in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs., Raymond 'Hamilton visited on Saturday in Goderich Mr.'arid Mrs. Jack Bowers. a family of Stratford visited at week -end with Mr: and. Mrs. Sandy MacCharles and, other r atives, . John McCallum. Of Hanover ited on Sunday with his grand mother Mrs. E Osborne and and Mrs. Robert Osborne and nd • thQ Mr.. family.. Little` Michael Moore of Kincar- dine spent .Sunday and Monday wit with, his.grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White. SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Fgmil�r Reunion' He'Id On Sunday (Amberley News) A family reunion was heldat the home •of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Brown of Amberiey ori Sunday June 26. Present for the occasion' Were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bradle and John,. Dr, and.Mrs. Murray McLennan and'Norman of Wing- ham, Mrs, Elizabeth Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. C.° Clarence Greer and family of ,Lucknow, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles' Tiffin, Langside, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown; Luc'•tnow .Mrs..Nell.e Yount; and Claren: Young of '.Wlind•or, Mr. tvlrs, Albert Bona Clin- ton., Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mari' ott ,"G.oderich, Mr. and Mrs:.. Jack Pentland and family, Port Albert, Mr.. and' Mrs. Ray Frank, Detroit ' Mt.. and, Mrs. F.J. Buck Ingham , Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. John Lasek, .London, Earl Cooper Goderich ,Ernest , • Bert , Hazel and Kathleen McCreath, Dear- born'Michigan, Mable'Cragg, Windsor, Lou Barge and Mr: asci Mrs. Don Barge, Joanne and• '• Sheley, A.ncaster. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris and Paul and H ; 6 1„ PAGE SEVENTEEN Oh these toll ege•., boys May ".you never have a child who 'is going to cbilege.. And . if you have one,, please accept my. heart -felt condolences. Ours is a . rnale. I don't know what college girls are like (any' more, he said sadly) but.I ,sus- pect they're just' as ' much •4f ' a cross to bear, for their parents. I had to :.get out Of' bed this morning it 6 a.m. to get rid . of ours, but it. was 'worth .it.. After he'd climbed .on the bus, .in 'a flurry of last-minute ;kissesand admonitions, I must confess.to a distinct liftingof the spirits. It isn't that vie don't love our. son. We have the ,deepest affec- tion for him, and showit in the usual stupid ways: That is, we worry about ,;his...:welfare; • we puff .with . pride when he does something well; we spendhours trying to figure„out. what is best. .for him; and we put up ' with murder from him. Typical, ..nor-. mal parents.; And it isn't that he's a 'delin- J uent.,Although there are times when 'I've been templed to look up; the exact definition of that. word.. • / No, he's' really quite a decent, average college ,student, He's generous, idealistic andperfect- ly good-natured, if f you ' don't. cross him. He'is reasonably•:pol- rte to everyone but his fami- y: He is thoughtful with old. people and children' until. hey, bore him. He can work teadily' for 12 hours at some- hing he likes. doing. Like sleep - ng, He would give you- the'shirt off his back; and is completely elf -centred: He can dance all fight, but collapses when 'the awn is half-rnowed. . You'd wonder Why' we'd' have. is sense of relief ' when he eaves. There's lots of fun r'hen • e's around the house. Ile plays uitar and sings, plays piano ell,.plays mouth organ, is full. f beans. • • When he's around the house. y,. there's the rub, He has just Pent .three weeks "at home." his included •a couple of days isiting his grandparents, a eek off hitchhiking to Mon- eat and back, .three . days with friend at the latter's cottage, nd a day with another'friend' in e elty . But it's been nice to have him bine. • And he's been a'great help to e.' He . mowed one --third of, the. lawn one day; dug four.'feet of 60 -foot .'border another, and washed the car: another. (at'the coin -wash). Yin' not g otryinto 'imply that' P the boy is bone -lazy:..: It's just that he's' too ,busy. When he ,is home, he usually gets to bed. an hour, •sometimes •two, before i. ' get ' up at 6.30.. When I:get ,home for lunch, about '1..30, he is just . coming to. By 2.30; it's •too hot to mow the .grass, but just right .for ,the beach, ... ' Honesty'compells 'me toadmit that he didiet'a new record this time. He 'got in at.• 3.30 One morning, and was , just 'strug- gling downstairs for breakfast ' at' 5.30 p.m.,' when his 'accom- plices accom-plices of the night .before 'ar- •rived to pick him up for a date they'd made for 7 p.m. Even they were a bit startled: Oh well, youth and all .-that jazz. I guess. 'Anyway, he's off to his, summer job; working :on' a . ..cruise boat on the west -coast.; Got a. free rail pass from.. the company. • Ile started figuring out his e)ipenses for the trip out. A berth for. three nights; meals. in the diner for three days; per- haps a couple' of nights .in' a •Vancouver hotel'in case his boat wasn't in, plus :meals for those . two days. My jaw dropped grad- ually but. steadily during.. this He was pretty badly shaken up when I_ told him he would be, •renting a pillow for 25 cents 'and sleeping in'••his seat, would be eating •ham sandwiches wher.ev, er . thetrain stopped long. ' enough, ,and would stay at the YMCA when' he got .there. We compromised on $50. My 'wife and I were talking ,it over. • "It seems odd," she said, "that . we're forking out $50 so he can • get to a job, so thathe can save money, so that it 'won't cost us. ' so much next year." I agreed. Anyway, our vacation plans for the summer are made. A. week ` ago, the old, girl stated flatly that the only trip We could afford this/ summer was a •week camping Sal a. government camp, with ea borrowed tent. Ten mintues after he'd left, she informed me that we were making a' trip to the west coast, and taking' a cruise on Hugh's boat. • • Harris of Palmerston. ING$BRIDGE GARDEN...' PARTY Sunday, July 3rd STurkey 4:00 sand Ham CHILDREN 75sPRIZE DRAW ADULTS $1.50, . 8100; Cash Prize 2nd Prize' Hand Made Dinner Cloth' 3rd Prise ---'Corning Ware . SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' BAND, PIPE BAND AND KINGSBRIDGE CHILDREN'S CHOIR WILL • BE • IN ATTENDANCE. ' < ' i; • RIPLEY MEAT MARKET .. Custom. Buicheriflg.• Writes: For Book- By Dean MacLe�d 9, Mondays. —, Hogs,in by 4:00 p.m..., CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, l: • EXCEPT SATURDAY Wo do Curing and Smoking . . Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole, Half or Quarter' , For Better Servici, And Lower 'Prices Call .'Ripley, 100..' Nelson; Learnington. ' Dear Don; Received: my' Sentinel this morn arid by the way I always looks for- ward to it:, even though I don't know too many you write about. However, just for old time's Sake, .thought I would send,for the Book of. Poetry by Miss MacLeod: • ;I'm sure, I -have, never Met 'the lady, .but see her name in the pap- er, very often? Hope all are .well With you, Pm allright.I guess Keep busy anyway both inside and out just now. I do like your :new printing Don. • It. did seem strange at first, but I really .like it now. I'll be' looking for':my book of verse Best Wishes., , Mrs.'•Hilda James, Left St Augustine In 1917; Still Keeps In Touch` • Ste. 4 -322 -6th Ave. N, Saskatoon, Sask. May 25/66 Dear Sir; . • •: Enclosed isa check for renewal subscription to the Sentinel. ' My husband likes to keep in,touch with, the old home district. He • left•St. Augustine,. I think in 1917. but manages'to get back period- ically.' eriod-ically.' We were yin Lucknow last April, just before Easter on our way b ck from a trip` in the' South. We visited.the•Joe Mac- Millaris that afternoon and a few others. Best wishes, Sincerely-, Mrs.' W. Cummins, Infant Son Died CHAS. HOOISMA - , .Prop.. • = r R.aph Lynn,' Mr. and Mrs. j..ynn Sawyer and family and Rev. E.Q. Lancaster: Rev . and Mrs. Tomes (the former. Doris Lloyd) are ser- ,wing in an Anglican Mission and are the prayer partners for the W.A. .and .Evening. Workers of .the A nglic - an church'here . The H.W.I. will meet, on. July 7th with Mrs: Jack ' Hewitt an I Mrs. P.A. Murray. hostesses Roll Call:- An allAn exercise' to; reduce. 'Topic - Water, pollution . Motto -- Social Challenge. of Old Age. : Contest - Bran Matins. ontestBran.'Muffins. 'Directors. - Mrs.' Ed Thompson and; Mrs. Jacic Hewitt Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Haldenby, Mr. and Mrs. William Haidenby attended Decoration Day at Tees - water cemetery on Sunday and, later visited with Mr : and 'Mrs. . Norman Fry arid family .at.:Harriston We are sorry to report that Norman has been confined to bed for a :time and we wish him improved health'. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles', Mr. and Mrs. Harold: H,aldenby and their families attended 'a family. dinner at Lucknow onSaturday evening in honour of Mr . ' and Mrs. Arthur Breckles Golden Wedding anniversary. SCHOOL BUS TRIP ' The Kinlough.' and Kinloss schools enjoyed a bus trip to Goderich on Thursday. /. • •. Some from thisarea have been confined to their. homes with measles. . The Rev . Canon L. A Nelles of, London was in charge of the :Anglican services on Sunday •morn- ing . The service ,next Sunday will be at 1:30 p.m. Canon Stump has returned : home from the. hospital and hopes to be able to Sake the service. We extend: best wishes .to Rev . Benson Cox who celebrated his 92nd 'birthday. bn Wednesday . Congratulations to' the students in this area who have been successful in their examinations, Mr...and Mrs. Howard Webb of:-. Sarnia spent the week -end with •Mr and, Mrs."Gilles ,ie and faintly• Mrs. Gertrude Walh accompanied Mr. and .Mrs. Clifford Scott on a motor trip to Michigan where they will visit with relatives; May Boyle spent the week -end at the Rest -a- while Lodge at: Bruce Beach. • i3 f 3 . ( Kinlough News) Deepest sympathy is extended to Rev. and Mrs.: Stanley'Tomes of. Big Trout Lake, Ontario' in the loss of their infant son who passed away at Sioux .L'ookout hospital on Wednesday Jitne 22nd. The remain THE were forwarded to. St.James ceme- tery Clandeboye. Those attending at the burial on Saturday were SENTINEL Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd, mrsµt , Emily Tomes, Torn Tomes, Mrs.. NAAAAAAAAA • 1 .:t •. ..........–.Nr a+.—�c-... r.w 3. Yee ��'�. ,��� 41'.. .�`�. �. c+'