HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 11ltd, t. )Irie I the •e, we zi, tnten% pos- per lua1. ' ►e well las .the was Ned. super. )yee, would. e re- ime ej the ►te ntinu. eason• :: have for the. i pro - nova., ;nded' blish• asidentr per re. the., se..'. E r , vith. KEDNSSD.AX,.,, DUNE• llh, 11 piko Speaks To U.C.W. (Dungannon. 14ews) The United Church Wornen met n June 21 for their regular meet-• tg with the president, Mrs. Wilbur rown, presiding and opened the ieeting with the call to worship ad. prayer. The scripture reading rid devotions from God Leads ie Venture was given by Mrs. arvey Alton The roll call was iswered by a verse containing Love". After the, minutes respondence and Treasurers port a short business period fol - Med. -The• C, G1. T. girls and. ieir leaders offered to plant the ower bed and Mrs. Veldhuis Tanked the ladies for serving her 'lighters wedding luncheon, also rs. Barbara Reed, senior teacher the public school asked Coextend r thanks for catering to the grad-= sting class.. • • This was the grandmothers meet ig and as each:. arrived a corsage aspinned on by. Mrs.Weaver and Irs..Finnigan. The president elcomed the grandmother's and cher visitors and were entertained y a program of 'piano solos by osemary Eedy and Karen: Rivett, 1• . !VI rr THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL,' LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO Vacation Bible School Commences - Next Monday On Portugal Trip .readings by•Mrs, Melvin Reed and Mrs. Raymond. Finnigan. An • accordian solo by Sandra. Errington. and a quartet number by Lexie and Claire McWhinney ,.Sandra and Anne Errington. Mrs. 'Lyons of Londesboro was the guest;speaker for the eveningand was introduced. by Mrs. K. K. Dawson. She gave' a veryinteresting talk on her trip last year to Portugal and also , • showed slides. She was thanked 'by Mrs. Nelson Pearson; and presented with a gift,, A contest followed e,,eandthe grandmother .married the most years;was, Mts. Annie Bete the nearest birthday, Mrs. Mc- , Innes', most grand -daughters, Mrs. Victor Errington and most grand- sons, Mrs. Amber Popp., Each lady • was honoured with a gift. Mrs . .Ross Eedy received the offering and gave the dedication prayer.. Thanks was expressed to all' tak- ing part in, the 'meeting and entertainment; also the lunch •committee The meeting closed with a hymn grace and prayer. A. .delicious lunch was served by :. Mrs. Ivers, Mrs. G. Finnigan, Mrs A.J. Sherwood and.:'Mrs. T.0 Anderson. Make Donation To Adopted Son The June meeting of the Luck IN Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary oas,held;ai the home of Mrs:Frank lawthorne on Tuesday evening with ourteen ladies present.. Mrs.Bert Sammie who was .'inthe chair . pened the meeting with.a poem - "Sod .Canes" and •prayer. Following he opening hymn,. the Scripture :• Nas read in unison. Roll Call was nswered by a favourite Bible verse•: t was decided, to• send..a gift of $5. the Auxiliary's adopted son, ...; eston Martin of India: Mrs. Otto' Petersen read. from the lad Tidings' an article entitled ou needthe:Church!' and "A ested Formula fora Happier 'Life. s.:Robert MacKenzie read three ms "Common Folk"., "Seed.' Thoughts" and "Gateway to Sum Mer".. Mrs. 'Ron Forster pre sefited. the•Topic .entitled 'Called to be Salt and•Light",' discussing educat-. ion inrthe name of,the Church in different countri s', also including a T :. V broadcaSt conducted by General, (Meeting Mrs,. Gordon, Fisher and Mrs.. Stuart Jamieson. , (contributed by) • (Lucknow Ministerial Society) Well, this means the end of all planning and preparing for next Monday.means.the beginning of the .Vacation Bible School, We . hope that it is still in your minds,. and in your hearts, and that from Lucknow •and.sucroundings many a prayer is going up to. God, Who, . only can make this a success. Much work has been done. Our, teachers and helpers have done . some wonderful things, andare ready to go., . They will. meet, every morning inschool for 10 min utes for devotions and 'prayer. This is how,we 'want to.start each day. Pupils should be at the Lucknow High School no later .than 8:55, w .want to. start at 9:00:promptly. .every morning. We are asking.' each pupil,. if this is possible, to bring a pencil, crayons, scissors,. and for the older ones also a Bible (grades 4 -.9y. Parents 'and. friends will. be .invit-• ed by the pupils to attend the . fiinaI program .On .Friday evening July ,15 , at 8:00: 'Please keep this date open forthis, to hear and to see what the children -have done during the ten days of Vaca- tion Bible School. Aefinal note will appear •in this paper• after the final program., We • want to take this'.opportunity to • thankthe Sentinel for its interest and its willingness to print our news letters: This has been our /• • main means for communication; and their co-operation is very• much' appreciated ... . PAGE ELEVEN 1.966 Models . SEVERAL TO CHOOSE ,FROM • 1945 PONTIAC, 4 ,Door, 6; Cylinder, Standard Transmission. 1965 CHEV Super Sport Convertible '1965 CHEVROLET, Super Sport Convertible, V -t, Full poster. 1!0 FORD, Galaxie 500, 4 Door,. Hardtop. 1965 PONTIAC, 4 Door, Automatic Transmission 1164 PONTIAC, VS'Automatic Transrnissiion, 4 Door 1964 CHEV, 4-Door,6 •Cylinder 1964 PONTIAC,4: Doo r, 6 Cylinder, Automatic 1.964 CHEV, Im le,' 4 Door Hardtop Pa . 1963 .PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder, Automatic Transmission 1963 CHEV, 4 'Door, .6 Cylinder,, Automatic Transmission. • 1962.PONTIAC, 6 Cylinder., 4. Door ,Standard Transmission 1963• COMET, Custom 4 Door 1962 CHEV, .2 Door; 6 Automatic 1961 FORD, 2: Door, i standard 190. AUSTIN 4 Door ' ' 190 .PLYMOUTH stationwagon 1959 CONSUL,` 4 Door ' • 1957 FORD, 4• Door -SEVERAL OLDER MODELS 1' The•meeting',closed'With a hymn and 'prayer by Mrs. Bert Gammie.". A: social half hour, followed. , 'To be .a man is to, feel that 'throughone's own contribution., one helps., to build the World" ". , from Terres des Hommes ---the theme of Expo by Antoine de Saint Exupery. , Six Fran Areu;At Toronto Assembly 'Final plans were mapped `.out by e Dungannon Congregation of hovah's Witnesses, according to'. alph J`•Brodie, presiding minis' r,,prior to attending the :"God's ons of Liberty", District Assembly f Jehovah's Witnesses,starting at oronto on June 22. . Mr. Brodie emphasized that' the,. und.ance of spiritual food :arrang for.:.the five-day convention:will. a`source of happiness to all who. ve a love for God's Word. The ograrn was especially fitting and pealing to all members of the • cal,families attending,. • "Jehovah's Witnesses place a • , avy responsibility upon full far- y participatibri in matters. of wor-• ip,"[irodie said, "so the local '• milt' members attending wasnot rare occurrence at the 'Toronto. nvention . There is more to ie - glen than'. just attending church." added , "although Most church tenders fall short of following' rough :on their family respons il[ty, ° 'The door-todoor ministry of Je-' 'vah's Witnesses is. not limited. st to the adults.," Brodie noted, sur young people, too, must am how to do this work and do cellently at it. Otsr Toronto' sernbly had vivid portrayals of • • ble accounts• that are filled with caning for• all of us in this day, l families there; including local, nes attending„,profited imensely y• from 'this training." . "Six from -our local congregation were among the 8,000 volunteer- • ing: to serve at 'Toronto in one or more of the 20:convention' depart- rents,"Brodie announced. "A lon4 withme th'ete was Pat, ,Viola , and Tom Brodie, all of Port Albert,; Mary Hackett of Lucknow; and George Hallam:. 9f Auburn..-. All - service is performed; voluntarily'. , and no one receives pay. What •is' • interesting and faith -strengthening to see is these thousands of men, women and teen-a'gers freely. and willingly offering their. time.,and talents for the 'work at hand.,'' • "Delegates:attended,from eight provinces of Canada, 44 of the United States and 12 other. count- : ries," Brodie, said. ' In addition to the varied preterit ations of Bible -based discourses and dramatizations', the convent- - ion conducted a mass baptism of, new ministers ,on Friday June 24. About' 700 persons publicly sym-n bolized their dedication to do God's will by water tmmtrsion. Baptism constitutes ordination for Jehovah's Witnesses, ,The principal speaker for the as- sembly was N: H. Knorr, president of the Watch'Tower Bible and Tract Society: He delivered the main discourse on Sunday , June '2E at` 3p. m . , entitled "What Has God's Kingdom Been Doing. Since 1914?" SEE.THE$E: AND OTHERS amm BLYTH HONE 523-4a42- r.� Hear Cancer Talk': • The general meeting: of the Luck - now United Church. Women was held on June 21 in the» Sunday ,Sch- ool room with'an attendance of 40 The• president, Mrs. Wm. Wharry 'opened the meeting with 'a• poem entitled';. "These• ate the Thingr followed: by Hymn -394 and the re- petition of The. Lord's .Prayer. -Following, the reading of the mina '. u es :of the:last meeting; Mrs: W. Henderson' presented:. quite a fav- ourable report for the first half :of • the year . • Mrs. Goyette, convenor of.Chris.- ran” Education, then took charge ' pf the meeting with suitable Scrip- ture reading,' Mrs. Geo. Joynt .as- sisted by reading .from :Rom. 12; .1-11. The Scripture comments.were ably taken by Mrs. Goyette by comparison of out thermometer' and thermostat control of heat to . that of our' standard of life 'The offering was received by Mrs •K: Cameron and Mrs. Irwin follow ed by all singing "We Give •Thee but:Thine Own The guest speaker,' Mrs.:R. Leav itt was: introduced by. Mrs, Goyette Mrs'. Leavittis the chairman of the Canadian •Cancer •Society in the. Guelph district, She compared cancer to a hit -'and-run'driver claiming' the lives of 25,000 pat- ients, in 1965. Owing to treatment, one-third now survive but one half' could be savedif they went to their doctor in time. 'Research is still•:' being conducted for more ef- fective,ctires, hence the need for, more money.'.Concluding her-- talk a film on•$cancer was shown, princip- ally of the Princess Margaret ,Hos- pital in Toronto; A.ccomodation for 200 cancer patients• is available here. Very capably: Mrs .Gordon Mont gorrtery thanked Mrs., Leavitt for cher talk and advice on cancer re- ferring to theheading on a poster "Time is on your side if you act now" ts Bus Trip ' Sharon MacKenzie, Seaforth , :18 member of the.Seaforth Junior " Institute • and Jamieson. Ribey, R R. 6, Goderich , 25, a member of the Clinton Junior Farmers have been selected to participate in the Eastern ,Ontario and Quebec Bus Trip August 14 20. • Included in the. itinerarywill be. visits to Kingston, Upper Canada Village, the St. -Lawrence Seaway Montreal, Quebec/City; Ottawa' and 'Petikrborough Miss MacKenzie has completed.. her Grade 12 exams at the Sea:forth District High -.School while Mr. • Ribey is farming with ;his. father. , Mrs. Whany conducted the bus- iness :part of the programme tnd "Thank•Tou" cards were :read from John Wharry, Wm. Griffin • and 'Family-, Stanley Family, oMcs; Wrn..Ritchie, Mr. Winterstein .and John''Pritchard Family, also • 'the resignation of -Mrs, Goyette, as convenor of Christian Education. •Mrs. Robert Campbell•reported :on the estimated• cost of flooring for ' the basement. Social. Functions.leader, .Mrs.. Mc' 'Kim reported donationsof linen tiablecloths by Mrs. W. Anderson, Miss Ada Webster and Mrs.. McKim A display of quilts, knitted articl- es and sewing was' shown, and Mrs. Lewis announced that the bale of. usedclothing is to be packed- Mon. day. June 27,x' Mrs. Strapp thanked the'ladies for her pleasant six- years in Luck- now, 'and invited- all to visit her. A report of the evangelism and Fellowship meeting held at South.' ampton..in May was given by Mrs. G. MacDonald. The tinging of "Blest be the tie that binds" and the Mizpah Ben-. ediction, closed the last meeting prior to the summer months. Presentation Ends School Term The, teaching, staff of Lucknow District High School, their wives husbands and friends. were , guests of the :Lucknow District High School Board and their wives. at a picnic at the ;William Schmid.Cottage at Amberiey Beach Sunday. Members of the board presented principal L.E. Goyette With a. barometer as a remembrance upon his leaving to assume new duties at Kingsville. Mr. Goyette has» ' 'been principal•atthe school. for the past three years. . Members of .the. High School teaching staff: recently honoured fellow teachers who Were leaving Lucknow at the end of this term Cuff link sets were presented 'to L. E. Goyette ,'D.' -MacKenzie., R. Kelterborn and Peter Conon. • LOCHALSH to ( Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther were in London on • Monday where Mr Luther had treatment on his eye. The annual Musical festival was held at North Ashfield. Public Scho- ol; Winners in various numbers appear elsewhere in the news . Phyllis Bradley is spending the summer once ° again at/Bracebridge at a lodge. there Working at the Bruce Inn in Kin- cardine is Barbara J. MacKenzie. Florence MacLennan is employed at the factory in Lucknow, for the summer. • Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Oliver McCharles were Mr. and Mrs. David McTavish and: family of Belleville ,, We are sorry to report that Mrs,. Tom Farrell is a patient in God- erich hospital: -Preparatory 'Services were held on Friday evening in preparation for Communion Services on Sun- day at Ashfield Presbyterian church yy •