HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 8:PACE EIGHT
Mang Records Broken spy,
WeitWavianosh Sthoot Area He
Att1,7Sci.,00i,.FUIJ...., No. Of Events
Numerous records were broken at
the annual track and field day. at
Ripley -Huron Central School at
Ripley last: Friday; afternoon.
'Temperatures, hovering 'around, the
90's, did not present ideal weather
conditions for the event but the • •
heat failed to dampen the, enthus-
iasm of the young athletes. Shown
are the 'champions i'ii' the various •
events, front row, left. to tight,,
Susan Walden,10,daughtgr of Mr.
and. Mrs. Ray. Walden, junior girls'
champion; Darwin 'Pollock, 10, son
of Mr.and' Mrs., Howard 'Kraft , •
junior . boys'' champion; standing,
left to; right , . Bryan Boyle, 12, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle,
internediate boys' Champion; ,Marg
Nicholson, 13.,:daughter of.lvir. and
Mrs. Clarence Nicholson, 'senior
girls` champion;. Dennis Martin, 14
son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Martin
senior boys''champion; Nancy Coi-
ling, 11 daughter. of. Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Collings intermediate gilds'
One girl's complaint: ' `'.There
."are;three'*kinds of Men -' the rich.
the handsome,. and the majority`
Lucknow Midget softball team has
'played several" games over the past
couple. of weeks. ' .. : '
In 'Cargill' .on June 15, Cargill: won
by a score of 9-2
Teeswater'.were victorious .11-2.Cin
June 17 in .Teeswater.
In•Belgrave on June 23, Lucknow
lost again by a score of _7-3
Lucknow. won their first .ga.me• on, '
their .home diamond on June. 25
when they defeated Teeswater 16 -9'
Monday night of this week, in,the
local park. Whitechurch juveniles A1 0.A.C. doss• .
defeated Lucknow Midgets 16-6
Winners of the doubles tournament
at the Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club.
on Monday were Gordon Lawson
and. Mr. V sodden . of Clanton three
wins plus 37; Bert'•Gray'and Bert
Garrett of Clinton. three wins plus
31; Gordon MacKay and Malcolm ,
MacKay of Wingham', two wins. •
plus 40; 'Roy Bennett and Elwell
There are two Juvenile teams in the Reunions ' I n •
• league , the other being Clifford
who will play here this Saturday, Dave Andrew of Calgary :is now
July 2. _ visiting friends in Lucknow and
Ronnie. N cholson and Jem
infor the Lucknow battery: Coach-
es are Freck Button and Bill Hunter.
Lucknow Bantam Softball learn' now
have a record of four wins and •no
1orses. • I
.in Lt:ckncw on .Friday night, they
defe ed .Teeswater by a score. of
Rcst:,-:iz Cta :ue was'c' the'
mound for Lcci,:nor and John Mac -
1,,e _,;e behind the pate.
1-7ticA i Teeswater on iFondav of.,
this N.seer i::ci:nr'`k acai . w ;a:lot
e•.. t`e ,: ees •tater tea in a score
cd w.t:.=.o:..i•e Star -'e chaxl:
• 41, en C::r,..!' a ''o c r
Ken:',a GL. is . c'ca:c: ing
b . .y'
and becameeast to the
Ontario Agricultural College, .'
Guelph to take part in the 55th
graduation celebration of year 1911
at the Royal .Hotel, •Guelph, Fri-
day June 2:4th , • .
There were ten members, of the
class .present for the' Old' Boys Re-
eunion. - Dave started 0.A .C,,
1907 when students from,Huron and
Bruce were a bit scarce. .
Mt and Mrs.. Steve Stothers of
Lucknowwere ar Guelph celebrat-
ing the Golden Anniversary cr
class ` 1E- There were 25 class- •
mates present from, England.and
B.C. and the country ir: hetweer.
ith their wit es., '
One mar. had : o ca-vt:.te.rs .w ith
him, one, of whom w as rn aerie .. '
�e was o::r:. Dal, &term of
•Chath,arr.w.`•.c iS e vein
Members -w .r ere .n e se:fro .'
Ohio. JtFichiza' MasC r . a.. S
w} 34ti�A'+S :fie t':') .'. rye it•az-,e is F. . and at `*�•. �: r S L. t
V ti� �h . '�.• e L
:" with VV ..S tet Curet: the. , is c:.t.irmat o. the . o r,-.. i ee i'" •
Tho Annual West SW, area. Relay raee, boys and girls,
No, 7 1 . Allan McDonald, Roger manna,
picnic Was. held at S. S, bectier, Donnie McDonald, Gin,'
west wawanosh on h�orida,y.June �o' da'lvleWhinney artd Roy '1'a �1or
with the races and contests for y ,
both children and adults 'as follows Donna'Chamney, Linda Jefferson
Raymond Hildebrand,
' Pre-school races for. boys, David. Girls races. pre-school'. Jane,
Elliot., Steven Chamney, Brian Thom son,, Ph lis Hicke '
Jefferson; bo s 6-'l ears, Bradle p y' y•, Mane
y Y y � Die Grsaf; . 6 and .7 Yeats, \aierie
Aitcheson,'Eddie .Franklin, Bern-.
Errington. n: Purdon, Janette,
and Boyle; Boys 8-9 years, Carey , Whytock; i3 and 9 years ,I7anna
Porton, Murray Thompson,; Doug= •,•poran, Linda Lyons,. Gail 1`4cPhet
las Small; boys IO -11 years,; Doug.. son# 14 and 11 years, •
A itcheson Dennis Yule , Doug
Durrdn; boys 12-13.years. , Brian r Burdon, Jean iv[rson, Thelma
ver ey Mcph
Purd.on, Willie Yule, aul Laid- years Vera McDonald,
I2 and 13
law;. boys 14 and over, Floyd Rose Donald, Linda
bush: , Allan McDonald. Donald ,Jefferson , Verna Aitchison; 14 a
over Linda Stoltz , Connie liieke
McDonald ' Linda Young;
Softball throw boys E.and under,. ... Girls softball:throw, juniors
Eddie .Noble', 'Jimmie'McGee, ,
Donald England. , Doug Durnin
Doug Aitchison; senior, Floyd
Rosebush., Allan McDonald, Eldon y c
Hildebrand; .
Boys three-legged race , inter-
Girlsthree legged race juniors
Rosernany .Foran, Joyce (Martine
Sally Dorscht intermediate, •
Peggy Young, Jean. McNe e Sh!
aron Noble; ',Senior, Wend. DIr k
,son, Donna, Chamney, Connie
mediate, Care Purdon and Douala
y • Beverley. McPherson, Myra Lipp.
• ert , intermediate , Jean McNee;
Dianne' Stothers; . senior, Donna
Chamney', Linda Jefferson,
. Linda McWhinney Loreein
Errington; . . •
Boys wheelbarrow Race. ince .. �.
'mediate ,Dennis Yule and: John Girls kick the slipper, juhtor
•Hickey, Alex Chisholm and Tom Rosemary Doran, Sally J)orscht,
my Yule; Seniors, Paul Laidlaw Dale McDonald; intern edlate,
• and'John Martin:,'Willie Yule and
Cathy ;McWhinney Fern Aitch-
Paul Elliot: ison; -Evelyn De Graaf; seniors
• Rooster: Fight, intermediate, Noreen Errington; Wendy Dicks
Doug Durnin,; Donald Marion; Verna .Aitcheson, ' '
Senior; Floyd Rosebush, ,John ; •:• Girls Sack race, junior, 'Rose
Martin', Paul_ Laidlaw a mary Foran, "Debbie.Frrington,
Sack Race Juniors, Jimmie Mc -.Mary Ellen Foran; intermediate
Gee, Eddie Franken; Philip.Ch-• I. Jean McNee•, .Thelma Purdon•,
i• . ` 't irnedlate *Doug Dur-` .Linda 'L ons• 'senior; 'Linda Mc-
nin Alan.Hildebrand. Tommy ;_ Whinney . 'Linda. Sholti , Cathy'
nin, Alan Hildebrand, Tommy Foran;
Yule : seniors, Floyd 'Rosebush , Ladies guessing• cans ies, Mrs,
Doug. McWhinney ,'Join,Martin:, Young,:: Mr§..Chandel•l; Ladies
Stilt' walking'boys:and girls; Putting Clothes pins i milk bot
Paul Laidlaw ,' Loree. Carni bell . tle, Mrs, Van. A aken , ',";r.s. Cyr
Loree. Gammie .Boyle
English John Hickey and Dennis
Yule, Senior, .Allan McDonald
and Doug McWhinney, Paul Laid"
law and. John Martin. .
• Running` Broad , Derzri Martin
ManyRecords Broken At Ri l • etr uron 16' ". Allan MacKai •
School f ield 'DaOn Fridayy,.
Ripley Huron Central. School
held their annual Field -Day on •
Friday June 24, . he staff and
some of the pupils were in charge' ,
i of running off the events and
measuring the jumps as well as
preparing the areas for the diff
erent•events. The winners in each
event areas follows.;::'
Events. :with times or.distances
written after them- were new .rec.
ords set in the school.
50 yd. Dash, Susan;'Walden'4.4
l sec . , Debbie Tranter, 'Joan
Courtney; Lopg, jump;; Susan
Walden'l1'5", Cherie Nicholson,
Maureen ,Geertsma; Standing
Broad' S
unary Walden! Kathy .'
:Farrell Maureen Geertsma
.1-4h Jump, Susan Walden,
Maureen Geertsrria Kathy Farrell;
Half Mile, Debbie Tranter; Ball.
Throw , . Margie 'Collins 87;10".
Joan Courtney , .Debbie Tranter;
5 , yd. Dash, David MacDonald,
ul'Shantz, Carl Stanley;
Running Broad, Johnny Huston
11'4" , Paul Shantz, Darwin
'Pollock;. Standing Broad, 'Darwin
Pollock C-1."1"., John Huston , , 6'1" , •
Paul Shantz; High Jump. DDavid
MacDonald, Paul Shantz, Petry
Elliott; Fall.Throw : Darwin, .
Polio*. 126 ,Roger Farrell;
Fred& Pollock. •
.+d. Dass Dona VcCormick
..:'• •.star. Bradley. Janice. ,p,. .
Fw u e'� y,
Gk:e; - Lq.ict:� jump; Nano` ..
.1c.; 1Tc'::':: w . S;52r. BI
'Sal"... .n..iott; Standing' Broad ,
N G..•1 4. `�..=tin .,{She r�' Polloaky.
h`a.e-, .:"a.ic:rc�t'' �H.�et:p` IAllig.. Jump,
Nancy *Coiling. 3'9" . Janice
Paquette, Anne: Marie Stanley.
Triple J;,
'25'5-1f 2" , Susan Bradley, Janice:
•Paquette; Ball. Throw, Dona Mer,,
Cormick 133',. Janice Paquette,. .�
Bonnie.Nicholson; ;Half Mile,
Susan Bradley;' Shot, Put. Dona •' ..
McCormick 22'4".. Janice Paq-
uette. .Bonmp`Nicholson
75. yd.. Dash, Bryan; Boyle.10-5 .
Kevin Smith:, Jim Dore; Running
Broad, Elliott Courtney, Billy
Tranter; Jamie. Walden, Standing
'Broad, Jamie Walden, Jimmy
Dore,'•Jim -Black; High Jump,•
• Jamie Walden 3'10" , Jimmy .Dore
Billy Tranter; Triples Jump;: Billy •
Tranter, Elliott Courtney, Jamie
Walden; Ball Throw. Bryan Boyle
148'. Elliott Courtney, Boyd Car-%
ruthers';' Half Mile; Bryan Boyle;.`
• Shot Put, John ,Farrell. 25'10"
Elliott Courtney, Kevin Smith;
100 yd .. Dash , Margo Nicholson,
Karen Lackey, Susan Collings
• Long Jump; •Margo Nicholson'
13"9" , Dianne Stanley, Gail Cock;
Standing Broad•, Margo Nicholson
.6'7-1/2" , Dianne Stanley,
Mary MaCCharles; High Jump, ..
Susan Coiling 3'il" Jane Pollock,.
.Karen Lackey; Triple Jump,
Margo Nicholson 27'11-1,/2",
tia,nne Stanley, Gail Lock;''Ball
Throw, Gail Courtney 142" , 'Karen
Lackey, Gail Lock; Half Mile"
Daren Lackey; Shot Put, Margo
Nicholson 29' , Sandra Collins;
Jane1lock,y y
yd. Dash , Dennis Martin: 12.5,
John Hoosirna w Gary •Henderson;
Geertsrna; 'Standing Ht.c ad , Den'
Martin, 7'9`" John 'Hooisrna,
.Alia:Macicay; Triple .Jcrrp, .
Dennis Martin 30'' -.1 Allan
MacKay,;'BUly, Kirkpck
Ball Throw., Denni> ?:atri:ar:in,'Gg)
HendeBon, Allan Ma. r'av Half
Mile ;.:Dennis Martin; r':ot Put,
• perinis•Martin: 32'5" , .••ar•t Fiend
erson John Hooisma; :. iris Rela
Teams, Gail Courtre . Susan
Coiling, Dona McC 5rr:), k,
Margo Nicitolson;'),'iarre Stant
Susan Bradley':' Gail l o: r., Kar
Lackey; -Ellen Elliott • ante
Paquette ; Sherri'
Coiling; Boys Relay .Tt am •Aim
Hooisina, Allan h".a,: Billy
t Kirkpatrick, DenniS'.`artio; G ,
Henderson, Bruce Ai::ger, Bryan
. Boyle., Gary Mitchell;
Pollock Jinn Scott',
MacDonald, piiiy'''r ^ter.
a 1,
ol11 1.
.a p
• crai
. Vis
1. Fla
n tl
' Mrs
• and
Co IV;
Beef Calf Club'
. Meet At G�unts
• (by :Murray
The Lucknow ' :"tub
men`ibers .rnet at t' • v; e.ot'
club leader.Andre' a,:nt on!
. 21.
The. meeting. w a
the 4-H pledge
County 4-H Bus
to "open -house" a:
of Guelph was d: '
Two excellent
horn cattle were::
reasons giver., 't'''
on the names 1' • e. c.c.•
applying to bee."'
mernbers'ther. .. . a rye
tun h. • •