HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL.. 1.UCKNOW, ONTARIO FOR SALE - '!three ' bedroom house in Lucknow on Ross • St. well cared for and good location with pleasant surroundings. Apply Box D. M. The Lucknow Sentinel.;. • FOR 'SALE' 27 pigs, 19'weeks old, Jack Aitchison, R.R. 2 'Luck - now, phone 528-5700. Rc }tb LE ; Galvanized Laundry FO y carriage, coat rack, revolving clothesline,'" two snow tires 6-70-15. Cal. 52$-3327, Thurs- day.'or Friday.. FOR SALE Hi -acres . heavy flay, stranding; Gordon Barger, R.R. 3 Lucknow, 'phone • 75 . r 21 'Ripley. FOR SALE .-- 3 bedroom apart - heated, . full basement be-' lo*, corner of Ross and Willough- by, phone 528-2323. . FOR SALE -' 25 weaning, pigs,. twelve weeks old, 'Albert Phillips, R.R. 2 Lucknow. 'FOR SALE;.— Buckwheat, Pbdtp Steer, phone Lucknow 528-5180. CUSTOM SWATHING -: Contact' Garrnet, McNeil, phone, Ripley .163 r:' 12. FOR :SALE ' =..:'a quantity of stand ng shay. Apply Bob Aatcheson, R.R. 1 Lucknow*. phone 528-6543. HAY FOR. `SALE.' - ' 10 acres standing mixedflay, on shares or. 'otherwise. B. F. Green, R.R. 2 Lucknow,. phone 528-5854. FOR ; SALE-- china, cabinet .and desk combined. Mgrs. Lewis Tay- lor Lucknow, phone 528-2341. ' . SUMMER . WOOD SALE -+- dry: foot'' length slab. wood, $1.00 per. Cord at the . yard. We deliver at $15 per 7 cord load green:. This is. soft maple. and elm. James T. Craig and Son Auburn phone 526-7220. • HAY FOR SALE , - MTs. Louis Dalton, . Lucknow, R.R. 1, phone Wingbam• 357-1189. BALER TWINE We have. a good supply. of Baler Twine. on 'grand et low 'prices. Kin- tail intail General, Shore, phone 529-7159:. FOA SALE - Strawberries', place your orders .now. Harold. Greer,. Lucknow, phone 528-3810. FOR SALE -- Junior boy's used bicycle;. used. T1v 's.. Greer T.V. and Electric Lucknow, • HOUSE FOR SALE SOLID STONE • One •of the• best homes in Luck- now; uck-now; on quiet -street, close to shopping, exceptional" • interior trim approximately. 2300 .sq. ft. of living space, large landscaped lot, priced $13;300. Compare thisvalue with recent sales. ' phone 528-38.31. FOR SALE Farrowing crates Tank type 'cattle oilers • Posthole augers and farm wagons. • ART HELM WELDING ,AND MACHINE SHOP R.R. 3 Lucknow Phone 77r16 Ripley .•CUSTOM.'. BUTCHERING :.Beef and pork sold in any quart- ity.•'Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from M o n d a y. through Thursday, BUTTONS MEAT . MARKET T.Y. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs. and Installation, Free Estimates, Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone ` 364-3313 Box 467, Hanover,Ontario., FOR SALE OR RENT ; - , 5 room' house on Campbell St. Lucknow, oil heating and ' all conveniences, avai.able first 'week in July. Apply Mrs. Duncan McConnell, Brucelea Haven Walkerton phone 1-1570 or contact.. 26 :r 10 Ripley. • TENDERS ." TENDERS to paint and • varnish the exterior trim of Ripley -Huron Central School and ' Pine River Central School will: be received ,un til July 6eh, rat 6 p.m. Work to be completed by August 31st, lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted, Apply to •Mrs. John "C. 'MacDonald, R.R. 4 Ripley, secre- tary of Ripley -Huron Township School Area Board. TENDERS SEALED TENDERS ' addressed to Secretary, Department of Public' Works of ; Canada, ' Room B. 326, Sir Charles TupAer Building, Riv- erside Drive, Ottawa 8, and en- dorsed "TENDER FOR WHARF ,RECONSTRUCTION, OLIPHANT,: ONTARIO. 4 will be received . until. 300 p.m. (F.D.S.T.), ' WEDNESDAY, . JULY -20 1966• Tenderdocuments can be obtain- ed through: Chief Engineer, Room E-443, Sir'Charles Tupper. Building, .Riverside ' Drive, Ottawa, Ont. ; District.. Engineer, P.O. Box 668, Dominion Public Building, • 457 • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning, and primping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, manu- facturer of cement septic tanks and well tile. EAVESTROwGHING and ' metal' "flashing, material and labour, for free estimate 'call Murdie's Hard- ware, ,Lucknow' Rhone . 528-2906. VACUUM .0 EANER • SALES and SERVICE For all makes --• Filter Queen Sales', Zurich,' phone . Hessali 262-5350 collect Richmond Street, ' London, Ont. ; and can be seen et the Post Offices at Oliphant and Wiarton, Ontario. *; To be . considered each ,tender must" be submitted on then forms supplied by the Department and must`. be accompanied by the sec- urity specified • in the tender. doc- NEW CASH. BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every • Thursday .evening, 8:45 ^p;m. 15 regular games, $10.00 each, 4 Share . The Wealth . games with jackpot included in each 'game. Jackllsthis ' week 4$80 0.1156 ga. pot OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. 'Cameron MacDon- ald, Lucknow will 'hold "Open House" in honour of Mr. W. W. Hill's 90th birthday, on Wchneesday,. July 6th, from 2:30-400 and. 7;304:30 p.m. No gifts: please. BAKE SALE The. W.A. of St:. Peters Angli- can Church, L.icknow 'are 'holding a bake ' sale on Saturday, July 16th at 3'p.m. • GARDEN TOUR . The Lucknow Horticultural : Gar- den . Tour %ri11 be Friday, July 1st at 7 p.m .Those 'interested' meet at thee Town: Hall: where cars will be provided. A social hour will follow the tour, .at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs:: Alex Andrew. RECEPTION' A reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. 'Bill Willis' (nee 'Anita. Ludas) im ,Whitechurch Community . Hall on ' Friday, July 1st,' 1966. " Tiff in's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. OFFER $S.00 By Bruce County Farm Safety. Council For Authentic Publishable Account How, You Received A.. Broken Bone In A Farm Accident After July •1st, 1966 BARLEY ' SWEEPSTAKES. Bruce County ..Barley Sweeps- takes; $150.00 plus all $5.00 entry fees to Bruce County. fernier with highest' yield over two tons per. acre on 10 acres or more Entries to Ontario ° Depart hent of Agricul- ture, Walkerton close July 4th, 1966. TAKE YOURCHOICE -- '300 or ' 400 acres- situated m the heart of Ashfield's cash crop area.Thee outstanding farms pare.. well 'tiled' and growing beans, corn and barley • with h balance' in hay and pasture. Both homes 'have modern con- veniences. Largee barns with loose stabling ' land " silos. Very seldom you get the optk to buy farms that are in .pea production, so . inspect these fine properties. soon. Priced hider $200 ' per 'acre with modest down payments. 150 ACRES Ashfieldwith stone house, ` bank barn ' and imple- ment :shed. 148. acres workable. level ..clay' ' loam. Situated 2 miles off 'highw. " Owner" wish- es; to. retire. Asking_$ ,000.. . We would' iike to thank every. one far the cards, gifts and visits while I Was in. Victoria •Hospilaj and since retuning gnome. Also for the dance held on mar behalf in a Dtmnon Hall. 'Their kind and heolp will .always be remem. bered. Helen and 'Donald Nicholson and rankly Mr. sand.. 114rs.. Tom Salkeld of Lucknow wild) to thank all those who remembered them • in 'ai+ious . ways while, Mr. Salkeld • was a paRient in ' Wingham . Hospital. This Mildiyesswas very mudh apprecia. CONTACT IVAN STRUTHERS PHONE KINCARDINE 375 Wilfred Mdntee . . & Co., . Limited WALKERTON Member of the 'Grey 'and' Bruce Multiple ,Listings, . Service List M.L.S. Over 60• Salesmen • Working ' For You NOTICE Khtcardine District' Loyal. Orange Lodge : will parade to the Khiaat•.' dine Baptist . Church; for. 11:00.23n worship. on 'Sunday, July. 3. • CLOSING NOTICE Oanadi+am Tire Corporation As.. sooiate Store ` at. Wingham wild ,'be closed all 'day' Wednesdays., NOTICE RE GARBAGE Garbage will. be collected asus- ual m Lucknow on Thursday and Friday of ., This week:: There will be no' 'change of day because . of the ' Friday :holiday.. • , .. NOTICE'. ` FINLAY DECORATORS will be closed all day.' Saturday, July 2nd. Open all day. Thursday sand 'Iniurs. day evening, .June 30th. Panntatbon Specials . as advertised will end 'June 30th. ,• The broithers and stater of . the ate Hannah • Atchison of .Blyth wish to • thank all those who re- membered them in • variousways at the time of their bereavement isthoughtfulness was ` very. Much. appreciated.. h ASN WiJL �'W VJ •itliY . iq Kit .7 M{ii iYb our stay in Windham Hospital Special thanks to 'Drs..Corria: and: McKim and Joanne Alton. Mary Lou" and : Diane Ra ynard ►••••NN•••io.MooeeeeN RITCHIE =. In loving • .memory of Agnes Ritchie.: (nee' :Hawkwood), who passed away July 3rd, 1961. Ever remembered by, mother; brothers.. sand sisters. .• RITCHIE . -= In• memory of .Mrs. Jack Ritchie who passed. away July 3rd, 1961. A little tribute, true and tender, - Just' to show that . we remember She lives with us 'in memory still, ' Not just today but always will. • Ever remembered by husband and . Kenny: The Expo, symbol was .deigned by•,Julien Hebert, a Montreal graphic artist. We wish to convey our'•.apprec- ation to all our neighbours .a friends for their. ' cards and gift's. our 50th Weddn g Amtiversary, and to -the ladies ' of the Lucknow Institute who . served .. a lovely dinner which was: enjoyed by our •. amity. Art and Lou Breckles I sincerely wish to thank all who assisted with; seeding while :I was in-hospital. Special .thanks to Johne S. MacKay; Gordon Drennan,. Clarke Zinn. Ralph Brodie, Bob Simpson and soon, Jack MacLen- 200/ : ACRES choice cash crop land, '195' acres alt level and Workable. Modern 'Noe with conveniences, water supply; is 'from ra .drilled well: Located' in an ,excellent caslh crop area clime to /highway 21. • Remember the good o1' days — 'when charity 'rias: a virtue, nor an industry, o++N'eN►•"P•••oo BEAUTY SALON to the Johnstone. Block on Main Street, 'Lvcknow •( Deana Parrish, proprietor) 3430 or S29-73MS PHONE Sgt- 46414••••••••••••••••# FOR DEAD AND . DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Call, Celiect 191-3459 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate Of RENDERS :BARKWELL, • Deceased ALL. PERSONS having claims. against ' the Estate of Henders Barkwell, late of ' the : Village of Lucknow, in the ;County 'of Bruce, Retired, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of March, 1966, are hereby •notified' to send full particulars of their claims to the •undersigned. Solici- tor for the Executors of the Estate, on or before the 9th day of. July 1966., after which date the Estate will be distribtited amongest those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated . at Listowel, Ontario,, this 17th day of June, 1966. . R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario,. , : Solicitor .for the Executors I ' wish to thank all my friends and neighbours. `who sent cards," gifts, and visited me ' while. I was a patient in the Wingbam and; District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, Dr. McKib- bon and the nursing 'sing sof. • Jack'Maclntyre The Rev. ' sand Mrs. • T. J. Mc- .Kinney wish to thank all .those who sent cards on "the ocmian of our Silver Wedding. gilding: A very special word of appreciation to the 'Session and members of the Teeswater and Kinlouggh , congre gations for the ' beaautiftd gilts pre- sented to us on the occasion of our. • 25th ' weddipg anniversary, at a Social 'evening held in Knox Presyterian Church, and for mak- ing the occasion such a nappy and memorable one for us. Thonnas J. and Elizabeth McKinney 225 ACRE DAIRY. FARM, 170 acres of choice level land part - laity tiled and remainder self draining, open bottom. soil. Main barn measures 40 x 60' and ties 50' cows, 2nd barn '30' x' Concrete' •silo, milk house and bulk tank. Modern home' 'has conveniences. This farm is .priced to self giving top value for your money. Located close: to Goderich.. • Rural. Ontario Specialists ,KEITH. FITZSIMMONS .• Manager STAN KAY Representative Pane 357-3840 —= wingham Phone 52II.3531 -=► Lucknow 4,044••••••••••a44.0.64