HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 319 ESDAY, JUNE00 wastamommiligi ZHh� ;.. .tt . THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, i.UCKNOW, ONTARIO. 'ner the VelveetaCbeese KRAFT, SAVE 14c, 1 Le, 65c VLUE Whip 'N' Chill 3-79c LL -O, CHOC VANILLA - 'STRAW - LEMON, .SAVE l0c, 314 OZ.: :PAGE THREE w Dis.trict School xaminationRes a side ill. ad.. he hs tion' tion for were ,on • - :ad <ings red wa since tin with warn inter ;heck. s safe inter n, fol 1 .his ,a!•. •alcoh tto le a•ct,th had his in 1 day deter dway,: bill, shoult op )raking Dr, lupin Tomato A Soup .1 3-37c HEINZ CONDENSED,. SAVE 7c, 10 OZ, Peanut Butter 37c RED,AND WHITE HOMOGENIZED, SAVE $c 16 OZ. ICE BOX JAR Del Monte Drinks. ASST'D FRUIT, SAVE `23c,..41 :OZ.. TINS Com 011 ST.'.I!AWRENCE,• SAVE $c, 2S OZ. Tuna. Fish 2-83c. SAICO, SOIJD WHITE :'MEAT, SAVE 7c, 7 OZ.. SurfH,$1.19 KING,SIZE., 40c OFF WITH•5 LB..PKG.., .SAVE 60c : Standing is awarded on the following basis: . 7S% or over -- lst Class ^Honours 66% to 7491 2nd .Class Honours 40.X6 to 45% 3rd 'Class Honours S0% to S!%. ' Crodit or Pass Standing GRADE 9A 3rd Class Honours Jack: Broome, Jaquelyn Cooper., Carol Frook, Jerry Irvin., Hugh Johnstone', Douglas MacDonald. Credit 1 Gary Austin, 'Dale Gammie, Scotties Tissue. SAVE' 26c; 200 2c OFF PKGS. —17c Baby 011 ' JOHNSON, ' REG. 79c, BTL: M�dess. Regular REG. 53c, • 12 TO ',PKG.. 3' Deodorant Creain SECRET, SPEC..52c Cookies of Drinks . 1'O49C: ROYAL,' CROWN IN CANS, SAVE 6c -saw quo. ... ► .� . '..r - .. . c WESTON CHOCOLATE CHIP, .REG: SSc, 1 LB. CELLO Wotermelon 89c UP SMACKING TREAT HOUSEHOLD SIZE Ground E.huckl Chuck Steaks .. Short Rib Roast )LY1- ng Buttons illiants, All ng larks .Illy; *DAY, Die hnieolot )nly ,iy 54.1. Man oges 1, Odd h 00k 69c Ib. GRADE 9B 2nd Class Honours Maureen Hill. 3rd Class Honours Glenn Morningstar., Gary MacKen :zie, Joyce Wall. • Credit • Barry Haldenby, Tom MacDonald, Murray Mewhinney, Jack ,Phillips, Hugh Todd.• GRADE' 9C. • - 1st Class Honours Linda. Boyle, Betty.Colwell', Jim . Henderson, Janice 'Hodgins,.;David Rhody, Eleanor Whitby; Donrfa Wylds. 2nd Class Honours Nancy Kirkland, Rod :MacKenzie, Jane Monterief, Ken Roulston , • •Sandy,Simpson; Eric' Thacker, Janice Wall.' Marilyn Wall. 3rd Class. Honours Gary 'Blake, Janet Bush'e11, Brock Campbell,' Tim ,Cohlyer, Janice Robb, Eric ,Taylor. Credit Marlene Hayes, .Gerry,'Juriens, Elora. Mae lylacDonald, .Gayle MacDonald, "Terry taylor. '. GRADE 11B 2nd Class Honours Karen Gaunt, James: Boak Mary- 'belle •Hunter, Rosalene Phillips.. 3rd Class Hbnotirs Herbert Barger :Harold Menary, Pamela Cooper, Joan t cKenzie, Bernard Campbell, Pass Standing Douglas Alton',, Carolyn Adams,. Ian MacKenzie. Donald Alton, Donald' Johnstone, Sylvia. MacLeod. • . GRADE 12A lst Class Honours, John .Bradley . 2nd Class. Honours `Barbara. Cameron, Anne Heffernan,, Jean' Sutton , Elliott Whitby 3rd` Class Honours • Jane Joynt , Sandy McQuillan.. Credit • Donald Andrew; Wayne Jamieson, Judith .Reid, 'Sharon Stanley . GRADE 12B 2nd Class Honours Janice Brooks, Brenda Haldenby, Chester Hodgins 3rd Class,,Honours Donna Button,Patricia: Lippert, Tery, ' Rathweii . • Credit gonna .Burtf Barbara Mackenzie. PHONE 528-3001 ---.FREE DELIVERY xal and General ck M'aclntyre returned to'hts to in Wingham,last Sunday from !ghat District Hospital; where tad been a patient for several ks following a coronary 'attack; rs, Bruce .Dp.idson of Hamilton' isiting this week•with. her aunt ..Russell Robertson. ' 3, Fred Johnston of Belfast is a en; in Wingham Hospital She been hospitalized for' two weeks >m Salkeld of Lucknow returned ie last weekend after being tltalized for a time in Wingham s Sandra Rogers,, Islington and: Houston, � Guelph visited on the k-end'with Mr, and Mrs. Har - Houston, and Mrs, Bert 'Rain of London been holidaying at Amberley :band visiting friends and 'yes in the community then' Day visitors with NU, and Cyril Campbell, Lucknow. ;Mr. and Mrs. W ilmer Harlton Y. Helen and Tommy of St. YS+ Mr.. and Mrs,, Vic Kannapin girls and Eileen, Campbell .of lienar and Mr. and ,Mrs. floss Itnier and family Brock and e Campbell of West +Wawanoah Mr: and. Mrs.:f iuntly Gordon of Detroit are 'at their cottage at Amberley Beach for the suminer -months'. Mr. .and Mrs; ..Win. . J. hiicPhcr- son .of klolyrood were to Dundas.on Saturday .and were guests at the Armstrong -Halsall wedding in the United Church, Dundas and also attended the reception after in. the United Church • " 'EN.G.AGEMENT$.... JEFFERSON:.,-- UUENt Y. l\1r .• and Mrs.. George, llenry of Lucknow: announce the engageme/nt 'of their daughter; Wanda M to .Mr..'Rob.ert'C. Jefferson, son of Mr: and Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson of, Auburn, The marriage will.'take :place Saturday. July 16th 'at ? o' clock at Ilacketts. United Church Music Pupils Have DiUTHIE REAVIE Mr. Elyrner'Reavie .announces . Piano. Recital' the' eptgagernent of his daughter, ,, Marian Isabel to .Mr, Donald George Duthie, son of Mr. and llss. `George Duthie of'Toronto. The marriage 'will take 'place on ,Saturday, July ..16 , 1966 at St., tames, Bond•. United Church, Toronto. Music pupils of. Mrs. .Tom Prit chard of Lucknow presented a piano recital in the Anglican Parish'liall On Friday night of last week, June 24th GRADE 10 ..1st Class Honours Nancy' Bushell., Raymond Hogan,, Murray Morrison: • 2nd Class Honours Ann .Beyersbergen , Nancy Corrin, David Eadie, Donna Forster, Wand' Hunter., Jon Lizmore,' Donald MacKinnon, Donna E.: - Ritchie, . '-Ritchie, Gertrude Van Beers,. • Annie V'arrDiepenbeek;' .3rd.,Class Honours • Douglas CanTeron, Walter Dickie,' Faye. Henry, Joanne Laidlaw; Beverley'MacDonald, Marilyn Macl'ntyre', James MacKinnon,. Isobel MacMillan,' Louise McDon- ald ,.Marion Reid, : Brenda. Webster. Credit, • Andy Anderson , Bruce Colwell, Brenda Hewitt, Ricky Pritchard,. Sharon Rintoul , Donna Jean: Ritchie,'' LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH; ti' Rev. Laird Stirling Minister. JULY 3rd. to Sunday . ': School • Sessions through July 11.00. a.m. Morning Worship Guest -Munster Rev. E. J. Roulsb0 of : Exeter • Participati ng were Carol Webster , Vicki Done, Virginrlia Chisholm, Eleanor Johnstone, , Phi111p Black, • Janice Gaunt. Katherine. Dore, Laurie Chisholm; Wayne Pritchard Corinne Cranston,Patricia Connon, Jane Connon, Kathleen :Jay: Special guests were. Miss Dean MacLeod and .Miss C. Shaddick of ; Lucknow...Mrs.Shaddick was•form1 erly Mts., Pritchard's musie teacher. Kathleen Jay presented Mrs. Prit- chard with a ..lovely yellow corsage on behalf of the students. Lunch was served •by Mrs,' Pritch- ard. and her students and a social • half hour followed ." WATS®1t BARRICK .. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barrick of Winnipeg, take pleasure in'an- nouncing the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Diane to Mr.. James Henry Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs,. R.J. Watson ,..of London Ont. The wedding will take place Saturday, July 16, 1966, at 4 p.m. in'Westworth United Church. Millstones: for Roman flour mills were made from hard Vesuvian 1aa. • • , GRADE '11 A 1st Class, Honours Susan Cleland, L'a.urine' Morrison, Sharyn. Mowbray, Betty Anne Simpson. ' • ', . 2nd Class Honours Janet Carruthers . , j • 3rd -Class Honours Patricia Anderson, Stephen Andrew, Lynda Cameron., Donna. Corrin, Wilda Dawson, Douglas Eadie, "Marie Mewhirjiey. . . Pass Standing Susan Arnold, Donnie Bannerman, Allen Colwell, Mary. Finlayson, '.Janice Fowler;•pay Hogan, Rose: , mary'Hogan. Peggy :MacDonald,. Cathy MacLeod, Sharen Moffat Elaine Murray, Joan Percy, Marion Wall. Many congenital heart defects. can now be treated surgically as a , result of the research supported by your Ontario Heart Foundation, Lucknow Presbyterian, Church Rev.:. Roderick ' MacLeod. Minister JULY •3rd 10:00' a.m.. Sunday .School' M 11::00 tan. '` Wow $T. PETER'S.. .ANGLICAN' CHURCH t.; Trinity 4 i JULY 3rd. Church, School 10:15 ' a.nl. Holy' Cootin e 11:15 e.m. Rev. Stanley E. Jay, B.A., B.D. Rector ••