HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 2if
Inquest Into Triple Fataiity
.f"The Sepoy Town" On the Huron -Bruce Bakundary
Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa,
Established1873--Published Each Wednesday Afternoon
Member of the C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A.
Subscription Rate, $4.00 a year in advance -- to the . U.S.A., $5.00
Donald C. Thompson,. Publisher
WEDNESDAY, JUNE ,29th, 1966
Rev. Benson Cox Has 92nd. Birthday
Wednesday of this week,. June 29th
.the Rev. George Benson Cox of Kin,
lough observed his 92nd. birthday.
He was born in Kinloss township.on
June 20th , 1874.,• the son of John
Cox and Mary :Boyle,.
He attended S , S . N'o . 3" Public
School , was a:'member of the
Church of the: A scension Choir and
later taught • in the 'Sunday • School .
A fter attending High. School at
Kincardine he took teacher train-
ing. at
rain;-mg:.at' Kincardine Model School .
He taught for three Years in the
Purple Grove Public School, Rev,
Cox received his Bachelor of Arts
Degree from`the University of
Western Ontario and gradtated from
Huron College London. •He •was
ordained by Bishop W illtams•. ,
He served, as rector at Hanover
and Allen Park for three years.:
The. `degree of, Bachelor of: Sacred
Theology. was conferred upon him •
by Trinity.. College., Toronto, and
',after a years study at Columbia
University, New York, he was
awarded his Master of 'Arts degree.
He later studied at thefGenerah
Theological' Seminary in :New York
Rev,, Cox served 14 y
.Pauls Chapel, lower Broadway ,
New York, and was on the,staff of
Trinity Church, Wall Street. 'He
was 'a few: years at St, Clement's
Church west of Times Square and
later was in charge of Trinity
Church Valley Stream, Long Island
New York,, for. 23 years.
At his retirement he returned to'
his boyhood home on .Con., •.10 Kin-
loss where he continued to be ac=
church Kin-
' -
lough. ,Eie has visited more than.
50 countries acting. as ship's chap-
lain including an •around the world
voyage,, a trip around; South
'America -and to the South.Seas•
tive in iris •home at to
Alberta Graducite
Today's Smile
Small boy at. piano to,his mother:
Gee: ,' mammy, I wish you hadn't
bee4i deprived of so• many.things. as
a child. -
r 411111Pwami 011111110
JUN ':M,J LY. 1,.
Jury Recommends Improving Corner
Police Officer Considers It Dangerous
A coroner's inquest last Thursday
afternoon returned a,.recommend-
ation that Kinloss Township make
improvements to the intersection:
of sideroad 15 and the 2nd conces-
sion of Kinloss as they see•fit. The
corner, a mile north-east of Luck- .
noe, was the location of the single,
car accident on the. night of A.prii
30 which claimed' the • lives of Jack •
Mullin; 18 of•Lucknow , Madonna
Graham, 17 of Kinlough and David
O'Neill, 22 of•Kintail and seriously
injured Edward O'Neill, . is of ' .
Kingsbridge. '
The findings of the jury',, compri-
-sed of five Kinloss Township men,
Frank MacKenzie, foreman, Lloyd.
MacDougall,' Allan Graham„ Currie
Colwell, George, Lockhart was as
follows: "We, the jury, have come
to the conclusion that'John Wayne
Mullin.came to his death as a .re-
sult of an accident in a car driven
by a driver who'had been drinking T
beer• and that death was due to; a •
fractured skull anda broken neck.
We the jury, recommend that .
the corner be improved as they
township would "see fit: ` .
The inquest was: into. the death of
Jack Mullin, one of the.three
passengers .in .the; car driven,. by
,Edward O•Neill who was the.only
Gold#oot and
BIKrnI Machine”'
ithwent Prim, Frankia Avalon.
'To Trap A S
.. �Goior
Obert Vaughan, David McCallum
Alan Kenneth Chin,. youngest
.son of Mrs. Charles. Chin of
Toronto, recently graduated from
the University of Alberta.
This Month Alan commences
graduate studies at the• University
of Oregon on a Canadian Govern-
ment Scholarship.,
. Those in attendance at the. .
Convocation included friends and
•relatives: Mrs. Charles Chin, ,0
Mr. Sacra Chin, Mr,, and Mrs.
George Chin of Calgary,. and
Mrs. Kong Kai of Vancouver.
Committee leeks
mbulance Info
A• meeting of•the special
committee set up to study" am-
bulance service for this .district
was held at the W ingharn and
District . Hospital presided over.
by.R. B:. Cousins. of Brussels . Th
committee is ;composed of the -e
ecutive committee of the hos-
pital bOard
os-pital:board along with George
Joynt of Lucknow, Frank Field.
of Teeswater and Stewart Pro -
ter of Morris Township, who
represent the municipalities
JULY, 3rd concerned
Ninth an ally cast in colour
hi colour 'and adult entertainment
;Starring` Barry Sullivan
Tickets will go' on sale at
• :11:00. p.m. •
Show starts at 12:65
• JULY 4, 5, 6
Starring ` Richard . Burton
Elizabeth Taylor,
Adult Entertainment
/ •
Palm Springs
• T.he chairman pointedout
that a statement had .been made
in regard td ambulance service
since the :fast meeting and, re
• quested the secretary, 'John
Strong to read excerpts froman
address by the minister of
.h-ealth .for •the province . Theminister had.stated thata .task.
force would be set up at once
to study the entire ambulance
• question and that effective at
once the department would as-
'. sttrile, 50 ,E of the "amount ex-
It was felt, however , that
the statement is not .complete-
ly clear in regard to What ,cx-
.. •pend.itur"es would be covered
However, the Municipal repre-
sen'tatives all, stated that their
and . councils'considered.the action
taken so,far to set up an a,m-
bulance service to be 'operated
by the hospital is the only
course for•this district, regard-`
Less' of what action may be tak-
en by the department of health., '
In order to speed the necessary
information aboutequipment it
was agreed that four or fi'ie •
survivor', In a case of multiple
death in an accident, it is the
practice to pick one of the victims
at random and con _ uct . e nevi s
into his or her death'•which is suf-
ficient. in this case' for all three of
the accident victims, • . •
The inquest was presided 'over, by .
'Coroner Dr. M. R. ,Helliwell; of
Kincardine, Donald,'Waechter, ,
acting crbwn attorney for Bruce;
' London where she died later.of
head injuries,
Thomas Edward.O'Neill, owner
and'.drlver of the car, .was at the
scene and badly injured .
Constable McPhail reported
clear night. fie said the 15th ide
•road was 18 feet wide and was in.
`good .condition as a avel road..
He said'that from the .t of th .
it was 360 feet to the intersection
and clear view of the intersection
and embankment'was in view for
that distance., He•said there were
no warning signs of any type, on-
'.either..of the roads and the dead
tend -intersection with no •markings
of any type could be considered
dangerous..He said. a .stop sign wa
erected at the top of the hill since
the accident but that it is not in
the proper place t( comply with
regulations: He suggested a warn
ing on the hill, a stop at the inter
section and possible even a check
erboard to make the corner a safe
one.' .T -
Constable McPhail said.he .inter
viewed the driver 'at '5:30a.m fol
lowing the,aecident and with his
permission a blood sample was' .•
takenw,hi5h indicated .0010.alcoh
He said •that it .wasdifficult io
determine the marks from the
crashed auto in view ofthe fact•th
ambulances: and a tow truck had
passed:'over the area prior .to his in
vestiption of" the roadway in day-
light:. :He .said' he could 'mit deter
mine brake marks of the roadway,
He said from the top of the. hill;
360 feet to. the intersect on - shoul
give ample; opportunity tostop
including the reaction and braking
rime.. Evidence.by coroner. Dr,
Helliwell stated that Jack Mullin
questioned'the two witnesses; A lexi
Havens ;was the constable' in charge
of the jury. ' •
Purpose of a coroner" $ inquest, is to
determine where, when and by what
means the subjects come to their
death, No charges'of any type anis
from a coroner's, inquest.
One of the two witnesses question-
ed by the crown was•Thomas Edward
O'Neill,'•age 19, a resident of:
Kingsbridge. in ,Ashfield Township.,
O'Neill testified that he had.pick-
e.d; up his cousin David O'Neill•
between 5, and .6 o'clock' on the Sat
urday afternoon and had driven
around the Kingsbridge-Kintail, area
throughout the evening, About
10:30 p.m., they had happened. to
Meet Jack Mullin, and Madonna
Graham at the restaurant at the east.
end' of. Lucknow and he' had invited
them to go•for a ride. After driving
about Lucknow•..for, a. short time,
they proceeded.east on Highway '86
about...a mile: out of ,Lucknow and
turned north on the Kinloss Town
ship sideroad 15..' •
Questionedby the crown as to
their purpose, in driving across' the ..
sideroad,.. the witness stated "for..
a beer,.Evidence indicated that
the cousin; who. was of age, had
purchased beer in.Kincardine that.
day and'that the.wit:ness.had con
sumed six or seven' bottles from ` had died instantly
about 7 p.m, until the time of the
accident.:. Evidence given said
that 'the three boys were drinking
while driving acros& the sideroad..
Edward O'Neill said that he recalls'
'Coming over the hill at between
50+55: m:p.h. butremembers no.
otherdetails.before they accident.
The next thing he recalled was;
waking up in the car `and trying
Ito get out before being removed
in an injured condition:
O'Neill said .he•.wass driving a 1057
Pontiac' car which .had been :pur.-
chased by him. in 'Goderich earlier
Your Cheating
that day and had been certified Csao
rge. Hamilton;Red Burtons
roadworthy; This was ,later confirm, phi True Story of Hank Williams.
ed after a check b'y'a Lucknow gar=' Country 1Vltusie to Delight All
age following. the accident..
`Jack Mullin and. Madonna Graham
were riding in the rearseat of the
car, David O'Neill was in the front
right and Edward O'Neill was
driving. O'Neill said he' did, not I. ,• Fun forthe whole family,
know the road andcould not rememm CARTOON.
ber ever• being on it before
The only other witness' :to testify
fat the inquest was Constable Ed
McPhail of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police, Kincardine. 'Constable
,McPhail stated he had arrived at
the sceneof the accident'about 3
lie said it had been. discov
ered by• Peter Steer of R.R. 5 Luck-
now who had returned to Lucknow
to summon. aid.
Time of the accident was pinpoint
ed at between 10:30 p.m. 'Saturday
and 1::10 a,;rn, Sunday. 'McPhail
Funny Feeling
Sandra. Dee,; Bobby Darin
arri roy,Dona ue , , members of the committee would
and Connie. Stevens" . visit firms at St. Thomas and St.
Both s+bovvs in cinemascope and Catharines, where ambulance
ooloUr ' . conVersions are manufactured.
They will bring back information
relative to the designs available
and the costs involved,
• Another meeting of,the •full
committee will beheld shortly
IARGEST SGREEN to make a decision about the
purchase of equipment•and the
erection of the necessary garage
11 THIS .; AREA accommodations •
said hefound the 105" 'Pontiac car
driven into an earth embankment
about 10 feet north of the 2nd con -
cession and in line` with the 15th
sideroad. The car was`extensively
damaged at',the front. • He found
'Dai.id Martin. O'Neill dead at the
scene with a fractured skull and
John Wayne Mullin was also dead
from a fractured neck and skull:.
•An ambulance had removed Ma -
Die Monster, Die
Boris Kariof."
The Ghost
Adult Ent. ' . rechnicolor
A 'stacker .for . Adults Only ftl
. Gory ,Color..
Fuller Brush Girl
L.ucill 'Bell • `
Thhu$iMpslTrler eLBe rtu!► St
Rod Ureter'
. donna Graham to WOdd
Ingham and ; . `
4► ► ► * Advance -Times
later on Victoria. Hospital in s: