HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 100 A'Oar In Advance $1.00 Extra; To U S,A.
Observe AnIdve5,.ury
JoAnneAI.ton To•-.
Represent Huron
At Tiair.ing Tamp •
JoAnne Alton, R.R.. 7 Lucknow,
22 ,,. a memberof the North Huron
Junior Institute and George,•
Townsend, Seafgtth, 19 a member
of the Seaforth Junior .Farmers will.
represent Huron County. at the'•Pro
vincial Leadership Training Camp •
to be held at Geneva Park, Lake
Couchich ing , September 5 12.
Provincial Campers will be part•
icfipating in leadership training in
its various phases and' will. return to
their. . respective• counties where. they
are expected to make a further con-
tribution to Junior Farmer activities
George Townsend is currently. farm:-
ing with his father and JoAnne
Alton is a Registered Nurse and .
works. for Drs.. Corrin and McKim •
Lucknow.. '
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,Mr.:and Mrs. ;Gebrge Arnold •
Itillips.of West.Wawanosh,Town
hip observed their 50th:wedd ng,
bniver'sary on Tuesday of this.
reek,, June 28th,: with open:house.,,'
Being held • lust • Saturday. to mark:
he; occasion .:
George is the ;son of 'Mr and
Ars: Samuel Phillips, originally
om..Ashfield.,`'who took up the
one farmon the 10th of West..:
awanosh in '1904. In 190.6; they
rchased the farm -where George.
s spent' all. his married life from
bert Lockhart..:: It is. located on'
e "St. /A ugustine sideroad" , abou
half mile south of the 10th con
ssion.: . .:
Mrs.: Phillips'is the former Edith
lexandria, Campbell , daugliiter:
Mr. and Mrs.: John Campbell'.
the.ilOth.of Ashfield..
he couple 'were married at the
'me: of the bride's parents in
Ashfield on June 28, 1916 by Rev.
Bridget of Lucknow They 'took up
residence on their Wawanosh farm
where they have continued to preside
thesefifty years
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have .a
family of six, •Albert;. who resides
at,home. Leonard of Wrngham,
Russell of Belfast , Mrs. Norman ;:
(Rozella) MacDonald and Mrs..
Elmer (Isabel) Foran of West
Wawwanosh.' and Mrs. Irving (Vietta)
Reid 'of W Ingham'. They have 14•
grandchildren and 3' great grandchil-
randchil-dren. ,
Mr. Phillips has, a brother Lloyd on
the home farm• on the loth, brother
Aubert of Vancouver, sisters Mrs.,
Ruth Howlett of Calgary and Mrs,.
Verna Robertson of Vancouver
Mrs. Phillips' has •a.brother'Dy,nes
-Campbell of Dungannon, sisters •
Mrs. Jake Hunter of .Lucknow and
,Mrs. Herman Phillips of Lucknow.
Single .Copy 10c. 20 .Parts
Painting Lucknow Home
Mrs. ... win Hall Seriou
lnjured....n .Fall .rom* Lq0der
• Mrs. Elwin •(Rose). Hall of Luck-
broken cornice was found on the
now was seriously injured list Sat-
urday"'morning when she 'fell, from a
'ladder while painting her home on
Stauffer; Street, near the northern
outskirts of the village. , p.
Mrs. Hall and her husband Elwin,
a teacher at Lucknow District High and on to Victoria Hospital in.
School,were.at work painting at • London where she has remained in
a semi conscious rondition.
Preliminary examination reveal-.
ed two broken bones in the back;
two broken ribswhich punctured
her lung as well as undetermined
of the roof broke loose. The head injuries
4mi. ill. A
ground but the ladder was still
Elwin heard • his wife scream and
found her on the ground in .an un-
conscious condition: Mrs. Hall
was taken. to W Ingham Hospital
different locations on the house
and no one actually witnessed the
accident. It is assumed that.Mrs.
Hall lost her balance whena
piece of the cornice near. ,the peak •
•' Rev . Hcward'W Strapp., minis-
ter of the Lucknow United Church,
is retiring after years in the min-
istry,. As'a.surprise ,to Mr Strapp.
the session of the Church; on behal.
of 'the congregation, planned a
night to honour him before his de-
parture from Lucknow:. •
Over '20Q attended• the evening
Meld in the hucknow: United Church.
last Monday evening June 20th,
Members of `all Lucknow congreg-
ations and some of Rev., Strapp's
former congregations were present,
The .eveningtook as its theme
"This Is Your. Life Rev Howard
Strapp" and the ehurch auditoriurri
became -.a court room with Judge
Lloyd 'Ackert, .Prosecutor; Elwin`
Hall and the jury. - the audience:
While everyone gathered, Mrs.
Gordon Montgomery and. Mrs. Ross
Curnming ,played. piano and organ.
selections. • •
Rev: and • Mrs Strapp were Usher-
sher-ed into the:. church by Policeman
Alex "Sandy" Havens and given a
'seat of honour. Mrs. Ernie Lewis
iIIMcCieatk'Preseflted,,With Brief, Case presented them with a corsage and
t Ripley -Huron Boards Annual Banquet
tion of his service during the past.
8-1/2 years.
The Board at their business per-
iod decided to •contenders for
painting the 'exterior of both scho-
ipley Huron Township. School
ea $oard.held their .annual . .
quet at Reid's Corners Commun1-
• Hall. The �staff; clergymen, •
ool custodians and bus drivers
h their wives,and.husbands were
it guests. The dinner was served
the U. C. W. of Pine River United
hairman John H. Elliott introd-
d the; speaker , Cameron Mac: -
ley a former Board member
President of Bruce County Fed-
tion of Agriculture who spoke
the Georgian pay Development
.ociation and ARDA ,• He was.
nked by Leonard Courtney.
incipal Floyd Stanley introduc-,.
the three new teachers on the rt
if,: tames O. seott taking Mr.'
nley's position for two years
ile onleave: to• Europe; Mrs.
'hard Huston teacher of the Sen
• room at•Pine River and Miss'
ila Ross teacher of the Junior
' m at Pine River. Mr. Scott
tke briefly.. • . ' '
errin '
Lowry thanked the ladies f
the t1, C;. W, for the dinner .to
ich Mrs, Beldon Bradley replied.
oward I -lodge, on behalf of the
rd, presented 'William McCreath
ti recently retired from the
rd with a brief case in recogni
Make' Plgyground
Swimming Plans
The Lucknow Playground for child
ren ages.5 to 12 will be held again
this year under the, sponsorship of
the Lucknow, Recreation Committee
Classes will commence' Wednesday
July 6th at, the Lucknow Town Hall •
Classes will be from 9 to 12 a.m.:
and in charge of Donna Ritchie and
Donna Button. '
Registration; for the''swimming in-
struction which Lucknow and
trict children have received, for
several years at -the Teeswater pool
will beheld at the, town hall on •
Thursday,. June 3d' from 8 to' lO p.
m, • and on Saturday, July 2nd from
2to5p.m. ,
The swimming instruction is •
sponsored* by Lucknow and District
Lions Club and the registration fee
is $5 per child, $12 per family.
trapp Retires,
Rev. Oliver B. Strapp, brother
of the minister, gave a sketch of
the years preceeding Rev.. H. W.
Strapp's ordination to the Ministry.
Rev. •H, W. Strapp was born in
Kent, England, coming to Canada,
in:1911. He was ordained in 1924.
Letters and messages Of Congrat-
ulations and best wishes from frie-
nds and former :congregations were.
read to Rev, and Mrs. Strapp 'by.
Elwin. Hall: ' Some people from •
former charges were able to be.
19?9 . 32
Mr: Ploy/right, formerly of A ngul
now of Minnesing, called at the
Manse and gave good wishes for
the . future.
41 'Years •in'Ministry
1924 -
Gordon McKee, formerly of
Uhthoffr, now of London andwho
at one time played' football with'
Rev.; Strapp .spoke Excerpts from
letters written by 'Mr. 'W .T. Reid
-of Ardtrea; and• Mrs. Wm. Binste•'ad
of Uhthoff were read'...' Tt was while
at Uhthoff that Mr.. and Mrs.
Strapp were married and their son
Jackson was born.
:Feels. Letter: Makes Position Clear
Reeve ,falls... off O, nfario;
Police .ComEnssion Investigation
Reeve George Joynt of Lucknow
Councillor Harvey .Webster and
Clerk E. H. Agnew were in Til
bury 'on Tuesday of ;last; week to•
interview'Erilest Hefferman ; former
police officer in Lucknow, who •
recently left the Lucknow position
andpresently is.:a member of
Tilbury police. .
.Last week's 'Sentinel carried a
.news story stating that ReeveJoynt'
was calling for an investigation by •
the Ontario Police Commission
regarding local accusations that
the Reeve had "Interfered" with the
police officer in carrying out his
;.duties. The Reeve was quite dis-
:curbed bythese accusationsand
warned that `fu�ther rumour of '
this type would result in local
residents being called before the
commission to answer to' their.
According to Reeve Joynt, the
Tilbury trip last Wednesday pro-
duced.satisfactory evidence to thee..
people of Lucknow•that he had
never interfered inpolice business:
Thefollowing letter was written
•to council •by Mr. Heffernan:
June 21/66.
His Worship Reeve G.W.Joynt,
Members of the Council of the
Village of Lucknow.
The, reason I submitted my re-
signation on.. June 9/66 is that my.'
wife 'did not want to leave Tilbury
and move to Lupknow•, G. W. •
Joynt and members of the Council
of the Village of Luctnow,had
nothing to 'do with my resignation.
Respectfully 'submitted ,
"Ernest Heffernan"
Speaking:to The'Sentinel upon
his return from Tilbury, Reeve
Joynt said "I feel this letter of
explanation should be enough, to
enlighten the people of Lucknow
as to the reason for Police Officer,
Heffernan leaving the village. If,
this does not prove satisfactory to,
the residents of Lucknow,. 1 would
still call 'an inquiry by. the Ontario
Police Commission". •
Mr. 'Joynt told The. Sentinel that
Heffernan had been.employed in • '.
Timmins in ,police work; came to
Tilbury -police .department for a
short time before going to work
for, Chrysler Corp. in Windsor,. He
joined the Lucknow' police depart:
ment from the ,Windsor job and.
Reeve Joynt said he returned`to his
former Tilbury police job after a.'
revision was .made to the salary
'schedule paid the• Tilbury depart-
ment and an opening became
available. A cording to Reeve
Joynt; Heffernnan told the Tilbury
chief that there had 'been, absolute-.
ly no interference trouble in
An effort was made by the•
Lucknow Reeve to s 11 thenewly,
acquired' uniform to the Tilbury