HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 234 'fir .... mov ► •'IMr rte'." NEDNESDAY . JUNE 22004,29“_ Books Attend Part Conference ac1�. ' to le to ink :o to- niac ,7 ou , hese I L ne • is inly up le •I. al it and !m the 1a that ie • lee he re_ age Tom;: and own Mir, & Mrs. 'Jiro. Boak of Ashfield )wnship attended the 7th annual lrm, Labor, Teacher's Conference. iday evening to Sunday noon at . Y e United Auto Workers education ;ntre at. Port Elgin.' Mr. Boak . tended as a delegate. from Ash- eld Local 342 Farmers Union. Of the approximate 135 attending most half .of these were from farm, ganzations. Farm organization's presented were Ontario Farm nion', Federation of Agriculture,. og Producers Assoc. Milk. Market g Board, Wheat. Marketing Board,; Representatives attended, from • 6 -'op Medical, . Farm Forum, °% all Learning Association, Ontario eachers Federation: United Auto ork s Labor Council bad re er & b esentation from various locals ;rods Ontario.' A full and most educational ogram included an excellent idress by Dr v Meyer Brownstone, ;nior research officer Bilingualism Bic.ulturalism, Commission. His ,bject was the Changing. World of griculture, Other speakers' in .ud.edDr,. 'S, G. B Robinson niversity of Waterloo, Dr. David Archer.Fed. of 'Labor Toronto., ugh 'Peacock Research specialist United Auto Workers, Dr. )binson expressed some concern ►r the future of the family farrn. Claude Jodoin, president; Can - Han 'Labor niian'Labor. Congress, spoke •ie.fly in the afternoon. session.: mala discussion,,groups, were then cried where. Farmer, teacher, ibor people joined to=gether to eely .discuss their problems.. orne of the. topics' under dis= :. ussion were; What:do we do to nprove, farm income in this :chnological age? What about abpr income -& .farm & Con'sumer rices? Reports from groups .were iven and discussed by the general ssembly and an evaluation was 'THE LUCKN W .SENTINEL, LUCKNOWR ONTRR given by Ontario teachers federa- tion: John Dolmar, president Ontario Farm Uni'o and Mr. Charles Hoffman, president Ontario: Federation of Agriculture, • expressed appreciation on behalf Of the 'farm organizations for the privilege of attending this Convention, • ' Much of the success of this conference was due to the able • planning of Morden Lazarus and Henry Nokes, Farmer' -Labor Committee, .A further report on the Port Elgin meeting will be.given at the next generalmeeting of 'Farmers' . . Ashfield Local, Ontario Farmers' Union. CUIROSS CORNERS .Mrs. Jim Hodgins Jr.. , Tammy, Michelle spent the weekend at W indsor . •' • ' A'number from here attended the funeral .of the late Harvey Ander son of. Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' Stewart o Kincardine were •Sundday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Tom Ste.wart and boys. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Morley Wall and family were: Mr. 'and Mrs. Everette' Whitehead. and, Mrs. Remelda' Whitehead all of Teeswater•.. 'Doris Wall`, Elda Wall and. Don Jury of London, Beverley ;Wall and: Efarry Moir . of..13ensall spent 'the weekend with •the girl's parents' Mr. and •Mrs. 'Morley .Wall and.: family: • Brenda' and Barry Haldenby entertained a few of theirfriends at their home •on Saturday, night. to end the school term. • The high school students will find`/outabout their 'results .on,. Friday ,of this week. Alton Ad�msNamed: To Fill Vacancy On Wingham District' Hospitol Boi..rd. • Alton B. Adams, of Wingham,; was named to fill the.vacancy in the. board directors of the Wing - ham and District Hospital at the. May meeting of that body, The• • vacancy occurred when H. H. Hotson was moved to Lindsay. His resign -.i ation was accepted with regret' at the meeting. Board. Chairrnari R.B. Cousins presided. ' Details in connection with con- struction and renovation of the - .building occupied the major pat of the evening. E. E. Walker, chairman of the property committ- ee reported,:• As a result of his committee re- port it was:decided to erect a. ' chain'link` fence around. three, sides of the hospital parking. lot ' on the east side of Carling Terrace. Con- ' crete bumpers will' be .placed' :to prevent Gari from damaging the fence.0 Another P roblem was pointed out. The sidewalk in front of the hosp- ital is several inches lower than the level of the paving 'oti the street sincee blackto. pping has been added. . Consequently water stands on the walk after a rain. T.he matter was discussed with, Mayor DeWitt Miller; 'The board also approved .the purchase of two new, oven's for 'the kitchen ranges at a .cost of approx- imately $1400 and a table. nd other : equipment for the morgue, a , . to cost about $1,000.' The admin- istrator. Mrs; I. E..Morrey, ex- plained. that the entire.cost of ' the morgue and its equipment including 'original construction . costsof the room ; will be :submitt- ed. for :renovation grants. REBUILD ELEVATOR Total cost for re -budding : the g. older elevator in.the:hospital.`Was . reported as somewhat less than $25;.000. This will, include the replacement of the present. cab with :a completely new one., as well as completely new working parts in the shaft and penthouse. This work will also be subject to grant. .. ; Mr. Cousins announced that the first 'move Of patients into the,new second storey wing will take place this week, startingThursday., Ob- stetrics isexpected: to be the first. department to be moved,• other • sections following over a period ofa week or ten days. • The chairman also stated that: trkough there \was, dissatisfaction .. with the workmanship on the ' floors ;in the new areas•.when they were first laid; all defects have been corrected and the work is now quite satisfactory. STATISTICS .Mrs. Morrey reported that there had: been 150 admissions during the month .of April, with. a daily average :of 73 patients. There were• 11 deaths, 89 operations, ' 172 'outpatients, 232 x-rays, 2214 laboratory, procedures, 38 .electro-card.ibgr'aphic examina— tions, -59 at cancer clinic.. In connection with finances, •Mrs.::Morrey .pointed. out that the. daily ward cost has•risento $25.71 which is above the budget figure, 'for this year. 'She explained.. that:.. the rise is 'occasioned' by the fact that the hospitalhas not been able .to.accept its normal number of patients, . due to the `building program:. It is expected that the daily rate willdecline after the. ' operations, are back to.norrnal tri the fall. • • Total expenditures for the year to date have been $225,964. A • • • PAG0E TWENT1f-THREE . rop Report Warm showers have given all. crops a ,boostin•Huron• County. Observations would indicate that hay and pasture crops are nearly normal em growth for this: time of year,. However, .some areas of the county, forages, particularly legumes, hit earlier by frost will yield below normal. • some white beans are up, but a substantial. acreage remains to be planted Moisture may be too abundant in some fields -for good growth of beans. ' ' Pastures for livestock appear to - be in ample supply. list of invoices for April purchases was read, totalling $62,000. ' MEDICAL STAFF • ' 0 Drs. B. N. Corrin and J. 'McKim reported for'the medical staff. Dr. Corrin Said that the staff recomm- ' •ends.the purchase of dictating operate which will in•' connection with a central machine • with•microphone points at ,all the.. nursing stations. . • • The staff also recommends' the . purchase. of oxygen equipment for the rooms and gas machine for the operating room from Liquid' Air. Oxygen is available in the / ' rooms from a piping system. The medical staff recommended the appointment :of Dr. `Flowers of Clinton as. a consultant and. intern- . ist. 'The :staff members had, exam'- ed in.his"credentials and had 'no hesitation in recommending his appointment. ' It was announcedthat a'respira- tor has•' been purchased and. is in use. It was provided by the •fam ily of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Henry. Mrs. Morrey said -she had received, a cheque irqthe`amount 0,' $50.00 for the food to furnish the solarium from a 'visitor to the hosp- ital from outside the W ingharn • District. Wingham Advance -Times. • .• pecial This. Week Esquire Shoe Polish REGULAR 'PRICE 29c• Our ' Pace 2 tins 30c F; Ban Deodorant 2 SIZES REGULARLY $1.29 a !7c Our Prices" $1.15 & 89c TODAY TOMORROW "EVERYDAY ALL. YFaAR, ROUND Popular Brand Cigarettes 20s '39c Carton $3.57 ;25s 49c Frye Matches TAX INCLUDED EXAMPLE OF OUR EVERYDAY PRICE. Nivea. Cream 4 ^0:.' .far REGULAR' PRICE' $1.43 Qur Price *1.29" Jergens Hand Lotion. REGULAR PRICE he Our. Price 49c STORE HOURS MONDAY TO SATURDAY,9 A.M. TO '9 P.M. FRIDAY, : SATURDAY NIGHT OPEN'. TO.10 P.M. ALSO OPEN SUNDAY, 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. 411P, eir ow OP MO 'MP - Or 46 am Sr ins Isip 44•10 Irwn's Discount, Kincardine FLEE FREE FREE 738 QUEEN ST. KINCARDINE 1 g r BRING .THIS COUPON.WITH YOIJ FOR .2 FREE 1Oc• CHOCOLATE BARS OF YOUR CHOICE �' .. s d INV 41.►. 7r. s -. .r - alb -r 11110r . — AO. 1 ...-...... r..v:Y a r, 1e iri�ira: