HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 22• t ."1 it • J ' .; • • <1 PAGE TWENTY-TWO • r • • • • INNONNSIAT, JUNE 22nd, its THN Lucktioy SINTINNI6J*ICHOVij 9HTVICIO • • . • • .'ood Window WE RECOMMEND SELL. • • IN :A 'DESIGN AND STYLE TO SUIT YOUR HOME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••44••49••••••••••• • MATERIAL FOR. TitUCK RACKS FIR PLYWO ' IN ALL THICKNESSES PINE LUMBER ASH STAKES DOLTS, HARDWARE, ETC. .,,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••iii• . . , • - PITTSBURGH PART SALE EXTERIOR PAINT SAVE: — $2.75 PER GALLON 75c per quart •••••••••••iiirsolio•*•••1•••••••••••••ie,•••••• • H CEMENT IN • STOCK John W. Henderson Lumber - Ltd. PHONE 5211-3111 LUCKNOW 70 Gather For Salkeld Reunion Spy Hill, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs: •‘6ordon Macintyre and Donald of Richmond Hill, Ontario, Mr. & Ivirs. Ralph Bouskill, Toronto. •'The anmial Salkeld 'Reunion was • held aGbdericbSummer School SundaliJune'l with about 70 .Rabiet Worst I•n • members of 'die clan registering: •!. • Sports COminittee included Doug Blacker ; Lawrence Salkeld 'and • Mrs, Carolyn Thompson.. lvits. Mary Rowed Was. in charge • gistra,tion. Convenor of the tuna- • Committee wasivlrs. Eleanor.. Nelson. • Brent Nelson, President, :presid • ed and' Secretary...Treasurers' re- port was given by Mrs, Amy Salkeld in the absence of her •' • . husband.TJ. Salkeld who isa • patient in 1..Nringham Hospital. • Mrs. Horton Tairnay-.eolitor the "Spectator!' reviewed news cif the Family during the past year. • Amos Andrew presided for part • of the meeting and the iNtaninat- ing Committee report was given by Miss Grim Hunter.. , • Officers.for 19C`: will include ..Presiclent Amos Andrew; Vice- , President 'Elmer Hunter; §,ec-T.rat, Salkeld; Editor of "Spectator” •• Mrs. Horton Taimay; A Specia, • 'Committee for Canadian Centenn-• . ial include Ed Jenkins, London, • , Ralph Bonskill; Toront.c., Leland • Dunsinore, Stratford, Doug • er, C;ocierich and Mrs. Horton • , Port Albert. Those atteridinF from a distance ' included Herb Shoplaud,ttochester, •. Alberta; Mr. Jean MaEntlistn.., • Goderich GODEP1CH - Dr.' R. M. Aldis, director Of - Huron County Health Unit, presented his report to. County Council Monday.' • • "It is difficult to condense the • acComplishments of'your Health unit sinCe the-last.report to coun- cil. The tremendous interest irr 'your 'county's geriatric study is .Most„gratifying. The project wor- ker, Miss Margaret Atkinson, has begun the actual survey municip- • ality by municipality. While re- sults cannot be collated and anal- yzed until some time next year, .many valuable personai contacts. have beer made by the public 'Health Nurses as a stnall part ..of • . .shit work. • " The rabies 'picture from January to May 3:1: this year indicated. 114 bovine, three dogs; nine foxes,' ..and eight skunk., as compared* with hovinir no dog, one fox and three suunks for the same lie .10d of 196E. "The: epidemic he , • been worst IL tne eJoderich area ," • :Yr, Alth. repiiec in answer to a • • question., • The director neartilly. cornmend- ed trie (-Putty board of Health for itz. ititeres ir we Wore of the titir • T:tArav7re.grmilitoner tior you kdboack An Open Letter To The to those that are dictating' to you. • • Minister Of Agritulfure No. 2 as what the farm policy of this . • Several rnOnths have passed SiKe. 1 wrote my first continents to the Minister Of AgricUlture.: There has been ranch emuo. versy both ways, thousands of wards have been said•and many promises haVe been ma.de, by the minister. and. his deputies. The farmers have all done their part again, as.they always do, The many long•and anxious hours of hard workhave gone into the ground, the pOpulation of this country .and our gOvernment is •• assured of plenty"to eat for the coming year, all 'sweat and .toil of the past few weeks is over.. now.' .A11 that remains now is the battle between the Good Lord and the People who will be buying. what crops we do produce. If the pocit1 Lord smiles upon us . and gives us a• good harvest, the boys, with their fancy offices and • sharp pencils will figure out, a may to relieve .us of our.year's labour , , if we talk nice to them 'they might eveit leave us' enough to let us ' live and work a little harder next year, get g -bit more efficient. . On the other hand if mother nature dOes not co-operate with us farmers, neitherwill our boys in. their fancy offices and their sharp': • pencils will become just a bit . . Sharper. • Therefore Mr. Ministerit is up to you, surely you must feel some respOnsibility tow ards.the farmers •qf this cotitry. •. • The time is fast :approaching when that almighty dollar is. going.to have Much meaning around the world of starving milliOns.The more that the • dollar becOrnes a status symbol, the more hungry people there will be in the world,' •• There' are more andmore millions of hungry people in the •,world every, day and. you can't feed thern dollar bills, they need, •food. • ' • • • • So.mr. Minister it is up to•you • and.the leaders of this country, f� see-thit the people that 'produce , the food get .atleast enough .of these dollars to at least go far • enough around that many of these saine producers don'ybecome Con - •country should be you might as surners on the relief line, . We res gn and maylie we can find. Surely the fanners of this country a man who will stand up and try to and all other countries of the world do something for theefawrhmenpeozw:le. command more respect than they of Ththi: tcio:Inetryha,s can.• • lit oa .v1 tseedebo eewes where e' tgr eet tawt ki een . garnifecirucgligocied:ti.rcatarnions... .tngueVtthleraytodOprwonteots7;7001siv.aens,claggeatitno; ,, • wft)cfrIeliww.°41:daerrehsoowedluocng•,ateit. educated ainidi be be- be- • . tghe: eierwho weoonialdy .wke.heePn.ussorntraerninpea.nai:c smart that no-one will want to ' imo the ding or we will all be to- , We are vending millions add • puts his finger on the button. Inboir6116i°snuosfr411:laiirgshttnwaratinwieOuld, as a man to sit down and give these. • S9 Mr. Minister I. appeal toyou ,all these millions do in terms of ' ,Oomineritt a lot of thought and I food, to. the starving humanity. • • think that you will agree with me • ' I ask -our powers of ta'day•are . that unless things change there is you bnildingthese bombs for the : . no future for thelarrning people •day when the hungry hordes a* •• ''. Of, this country.. IfOr one certainly 111 for food, and there won't be any? It seerris'ito rrie•that you are pre- paring for that day and it is .bound to corne, unless the producers of food the world over get some res- pect and•dignity. •• If the Canadianfarinerof to -day had timeto stop and figure out what his reward .for working la hours a day is and found out that he gets 10 cents' an hour for hiswirk. rwonder what the reaction would , Mr. Minister you have the' facts and figures, and I do not wisli to, waste time and paper to go into them. How lOng.tio you think you can tramp'us into the dirt. The crop dissaster of last fall has .brciught Out many of the you47 .farmers who are putting up a desperate fight to stay on the land into whiCh-the best years of their lives have gone. • • • But the boys with the sharp •pen-, cils are busy figuring how to take those years away from:them and, shove them back down the ladder • ' to start all over again.; . Mr. Minister.I,too am one of• • those young fellow's that Islas con- tributed much to the development of this great land Of ours: for twenty. years 1 have:been building for a future and some degree of security and now it seems like a hopeless nightmare. There is no -• future in this,country tinless,we: have leaders that .are not afraid to do -what is right regardless olthe consequences personally.' , • wouldn't want my sons to go through what I have had to put up With in the past fewyears. Hoping.that you will have the courage and the wiidorn to deal with' this chaotic problem before it gets any worse as 1 arn. sure:. it Will unless something is done -and 'sdon,•'. • • • • Yourstruly Michael): Penic4 Farmers Brion No.. • • 342 Ashfield .LETTERS TQ TIHIE EDITOR _ - :Auburn, Ori!,. • Dear Sire . . • • In regard. to a re -cent news 'item: in last .week's paperregarding the new 'operator of the Auburn Firia Station. 1 wish to'inform You that -there was an error in .the article • stating that there had been .no licensed mechanic in"ihe illage before Mr. W.hitCroft opened the Fina Garage. There were ,t4ree:- . licensed mechanics in the ' illage before he 'came to ton ; Mr, Tom, Johnston has beenhere fel- fifty •year as a licensed mechanic and J.A. Plunkett and W rn. A, Brown for the past "Seventeen year. • Sincerely Shirley A.ndrews Box ';'3, A*:hurn, • Westinghouse e uxe chest freezer 4 Model FDG32, 22.5,cubicifeet holds 788 lbs, • M Ode( FDG92, • • 29.O'cubic feet ht‘-kds 1014 ibs: • Both modelsleature: Slim; Wall tonstruction w1th polyurethane insulation • Nylon• cored : pie raqk;two removable dividers, two• removable storage bas4ts (Model FDG92 has 3 baskets) Defrost Dram, Water may be drained off with an ordinary .gardekilose Signalite goes out when power faili, also shows safe operat- ' ..ing temperature ',Automatic interior floodlight • Seal-Titel • • • lid is counter -balanced, • Two ice cube trays and scraper f himbler lock Adjuttable teMperatute control •• " 5 Year Food Spoilage Warranty • • • Five Year Warranty on 'refrigeration system • • • Dimensions: Model FDG32, 62"w., 361/41., 323/ed. Mcidel • FDG92, 78w, 361181., 324"d. Above dirnensions'without • lid 33'16'h., without hinge and handle 27d, . Crest, dware PHONe 521141411 • WEE Mr, own arm riday e Ui encl.( trent eld Of lmos gan; pres nion o F 8 Bc Rep ci;Or ral eacr °rice reser etc* *A f! rogu ddre: eni9l Bicl ubiec Brio ludec Iniye . Ari ugh ' f Un obin. Dr th Cla dian riefl mall )rme ibor eely orne ussio npro chn4 abor ices sem