HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 21d, uef ars, It ant ime • WEDNESDAY, JUNE ' : 2 , 1941¢ Honour •Dungannon' Gradating Class (DungannOri News), • Fourty,-four people. sat down. to .a dinner at Dungannon United `Church in honour of ten members of the graduating class of. Dungan- non Public School. Each member had a duty to perform, Greg.Park opened' with a toast to. the Queen. Rev. J.A Veldhuis, of the Dun- gannon United Church offered grace, Following dinner Gary Caesar thanked all' those respon- sible for preparing sand" serving • the dinner: Lance Reed of God.-. erich was master of ceremonies for the occasion and introduced the head table. Doug Henry offered a poetic toast to the • .• parents and this was replied to. by . Harvey Culbert; . '. Guest ;speaker was Rev Donald. McDonald.of North Street United Church , G•oderich Mr. McDon ald was thanked and presented ' with a gift by Jean. Stethers Val- idictorian for' the class was Rodene Pentland': ,Lexie•McWhinney ex- pressed theclass sentirnents to .all the teachers' present who lead taught the class since their 'start- ing in grade 1 at Dungannon. Public School ,.. iThe teachers were Mrs Room teacher and 'Mrs 'Barbara Reed, Senior obm teacher., Also present was a former senior room teacher, Mr. on, Jewitt.. . • ° Mrs. P Rogers, school rriusic supervisor was thanked by 'Paul ;lack. .Class•prophesy was given 1.y Arlene Culbert, followed. by "Thank you" Co all special uests in attendance 'by. Peggy odges . • •Carol . Anderson express d the gratitude ofthe class. of •' r. Reedfor his services as 'hairman .for the event • Each `member •of-thegraduating lass was presented'.with a framed oloured-photograph of, the class, .gift'from .their teacher,'. Mrs.. ,eed.... The.evening clpsed•with the inging of, 'O.•Canada" On the Friday preceding the anquet Mrs. Barbara .Reed , sen• •r room teacher, was presented• ith 'a beautiful alaski black' iamond ring from the senior room d a matching set of ear rings "om the ' junior room, During a rprise school party Mrs. 'Reed xpressed her thanks to all the. : udents. of the school for their oughtfulness and kindness during er stay at'Dungannon school;' Mi. i& Mrs. Wilbur Brown have turned : homer after .visiting with. eir son Kenneth, Mrs. '.Brown d family.of Ottawa and Wayne own of Montreal:. Mr. & Mrs.. Thos.' Webster.. " sited during..the past week with lends in London, "Simcoe , and antford 'aiid .spent' the week -end' Toronto with»their.daughter; rs. Ken Thomas, Mr. Thomas d family : rs. frank Pentland•has returned herhome after being a patient Mrs. -Melvin, Reed visited With r daughter Mrs. '• Lorne Eadie of �lyrood on Sunday. We are sorry report that Mrs. Eadie had the isfortune to fall, off a ladder, cturing her .wrist in three '• aces. ° Mrs; Victor •Errington visited in •ionto for the week -end with ': • and Mrs, Ivan Henderson and mily . Brian. Henderson returned th her for a visit with his grand- rents rand-rents . • r, and Mrs.. Mason McAllister ted' last week with 'their son & Mrs. Kenneth McAllister ' Sudbury. 1 _..r - .....n THE' 4UCKNOW SENTINEL:, LUCKNOlkir ONTARIO, Huron Clerk Sees' » • Increased Costs ��. GODERICl;1 - Clerk -Treasurer: J. G. Berry, in his report to Huron County, Council, predicted increased costs and higher tax, rate. 1. Contributing to increased costs, as far as the'countyeis concerned, are such matters as expenses of coroner's inquests, •county public. libraries, county assessment coma missioner system,.and regional' jails. o 71 would like to point out that •.1967 is • going to be another year : in which our financing will possiby"nece'ssitate an increase -in the.county rate," 'Mr:. Berry stated..- "It is too early to predict exactly •whet might happen but you should bear in mind the fol17. owing problems with which we will be .faced: (1). an initial pay= ment on debenture' issue for the. County Home ($53,090 to $55,000 (2) increased` cost - of operating new. addition iio County Horne,. (3).'poss- ibility of continued building pro- :' grains as far as our local hospitals are concerned." 'Continuing, the ,Clerk -treasurer •pointed.'out thatf there are 'np building plans for.•1967.,: then the county would be able to divert some of this••money for 'hospital :reserve purposes', ;to the County . Horne debenture', assisting•greatly in financing for the upcoming year. Mr; Berry' stated thata further problem for future .financing ..con- cerns .the Situation at Centralia Air. School; The county 'receives a considerable grant at the present • time, offset to sortie, extent by costs: of road 'maintenance; ad ministration of. justice, and Wel- fare. Last year the: grant,was In.this regard, he favoured imni- ed�iatet action to have idesignated as a '"depressed area" for industr-• • ial ,purposes. ) Fractures Arm fall At Home (K'inlough News) • We are sorry to .report that ,Mrs.. Lorne Eadie had the 'misfortune to fall at her home fracturing: her arm. Chester Robb of Hamilton , ,son of Mrs., and Mrs.,, John Robb con cession 10 who was.seriously injur.. .ed- in .an accident some time ago had.his cast removed and is stead- ily improving, ' Sandra Percy of Toronto, spent.', the Week -end at her home here. We extend Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Breckles of Lucknow on the'occasfon'of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. ,Open house was held at,their home on Monday and. a family'dinner will be held on Saturday. h Mr and jMrs. N.E. Evans; Linda ,and •Larry, of Downsview spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs . • Bert , Nicholson, Allan and.Lois. Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Haldenby spent• Saturday eveningwith Mr and Mrs. Bert Moffat of, Teeswater,; We extendympathy tor) . Mrs. Har vey »Anderson and`family in the • passing ,of the late'Harvey Ander son at Victoria Hospital , London. The funeral was held at the Link - later funeral hoose, Kincardine on Saturday afternoon when relatives and friends fromhere attended; Mrs. Anderson was the former Pearl' Haldenby, ATTENDS ALUMNAE Rev. Benson Cox attended the Huron College Alumnae' at Lon- don during, the week. On June 29t1 he will celebrate his 92nd.. birthday, Mrs. P. Pearce of Toronto visit- ed. over . the week -e td' with Mr. • , and'Mrs , ' Chris Shelton, • PAGE. TWENTY-ONE Ask about convenient departure and return times Fo, information, phone the Ioeel CN Pessengir, Sales. Office CANADIAN NATIONAL: Rev. Oliver Sfr�pp»: Guest Minister ("Olivet Ne ' The congregation of Olivet United Church•were happy to have Reverend Oliver Strapp in the pulpit on Sunday. .Reverend George Ball is taking a ten day refresher course in London. Univer- sity. Mrs. Jack McQuire was. soloist and .Sandra 'MacCharles was organist.' • The Church has been. receiving. . some repairs recently. Walter Roulston'and son Gordon put, a new roof on the porch, and Mrs; Walter Blackand .M s.. John MacCharles: `re-decorated'the inside of the • porch'. M. Rouiston• planted' and cares for ihe flower beds. .50TH ANNIVERSARX' .. Reverend and: Mrs, Duncan .... MacTavish ,of 44 Emery, St London 600. Roads Tour azo observingtheir 5Uth wedding • • Is It Named Right? anniversary on June 27. We offer congratulations. • They are' both, forre mer.residents here. Mr. & 'Mrs. •Oscar White visited with friends. in Owen Sound: on Tuesday. The Explorers met on Friday after school at the home of. May. White. The'roll cap was answered by "Something, I'm going .to do this summer".. Mary. K. MacCharles' • and Nancy McGuire: took part in the worship and the leaders Mrs.' . Black and Mrs; McGuire.'read the story and •led in the study period. Lunch and a short play time were enjoyed. Boss (to office :boy): "You should have been hereatr8.00" Boy: "Why, wn,at happened?" WALKERTON - Bruce County Council is ready to either scrap its annual inspection' of county roads or quit calling it the good • .: roads tour. •• Last 'week the bottom suddenly, fell out of .a K inloss taownship road, ;creating somewhz t of a letdown for councillors.. Theirbus remain- ed mired in the •thud for two hours. An embarrassed county engineer; Eldon Yundt, said the road was under construction, but the .• No Thoroughfare sign•.had been blown' down by thewind. On its tour last year council, / got lost ,in Albermarle Township even though Reeve Clifford Gilbert was aboard the bus giving direct- ions. A complete lire of agricuit raI chemicals is ontlisplay at your Co&'operative. Manufactured in Canada•to meet Canadian condittons,CO.OP' Weed Killers and ,Pesticides are your most effective means -of crop protection,' Where required, your 'CO.OP salesman will offer. expert advice and "guidance on any control problems. • • -_' •" r FREE• i Pocket -Size' Weed Control Handbook'. Nekt bite you're atyoui. 1 , • Co,ope.atsve, puck up For bigger yields , more profitable s rug: fiand,,,,p to.• � r date pude on iAe. crops use CO-OP agricultural chemicals % serect on and apph. . at your CO-OP .Store. now. .. ♦""*"f co-oa . ♦ Vyaed Ktttets ''Nelfhl,I bN• ma.i `�.... _..-' - ATRA-01L For Spraying Corn With Atrazine Available At The Lucknow Co-op ACCESSORIES Jet Agitator for Wettable Polders Hand Spray Gun . for high and low • ;pressure. Will handle all spray solutiohs: CO•op' REGAL TANK SPRAYER •:Tank•has new round bottom and is fully fined • • • Removable tank lid makes cleanings much easier • Fits all three point hitches " • Includes .check valvenottles • Boom length is' 2.1 ft. •• Lucknow District Co-op' . Phone 528.21 25 Agricultural Chemicals Protect Your Investment J•, .A r, M1 .0 t•