HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 17Rose uiture Was 110th Annivary Kairshea W.I. Topic] WeH Attended 62 Mrs. Virden Mowbray was hostess. , . „ (Kinloss News) . a Large crowds attended:the 110th for the June:. meetingof Kairshea . Anniversary services held at South Kinlbas Presbyterian -Church' on { s ) Sunday. Guest minister was Rev..' Prof. W.S. Reid of the University ofiGue1ph. He neached stirring 1 • . sermons, in the morning "The f ,Present .Kingdom of God" and, in the evening the topic was "Testing 'all things" Special music was rendered by the choir with solo by Frank MacKenzie and .soloarts • ' • by Mrs. Harry Lavisland 'Au in •. TOP QUALITY, ESSO Loree. In the evening a quartet : HEATING EQUIPMENT from Tiverton sang two numbers. Oa easy 10—year,, budget terms) W.L. held in the Kirshea Hall, Mrs. Ted Collyer ,. president, and. Mrs, Gordon, W a11, assistant secre tary, conducted .the meeting. Scripture was read by Mrs. Allister Hughes. The Roll Call was answered by• gardening hints. During the reading of communi cations it was noted that; Miss Joan Anderson will replace Mrs,. ;, Holm as Home •Economist ,140 1st.' The new 4H, .course is .Meat.. in the Menu" with leaderscourses • to be held. in Lucknow ,gust 23 and 24. Kairshea:W.11 to. be •.hostesses at the Log Dubin at -the Museum August 21. • It was reported that Miss MacLeod's book offoems is sell - member was •••kstosell. on mentioned adbury of Eng.-, ing very well. E • given a number Mrs. D.J. Mc that Mrs.. W. land'is very int ested in Institute work• and thought our Institute members might correspond and .exchange ideas. with vers 1 ed 'seven len's 14, Those aith were kweil Errington;, }.rr..ueson Seats% r•. Albert is. w MIs, Alfred ' r.Threy o! a'r,ior ,:sat:, Sall;. ,:oderich, arr ink. M i:L ana ?HOT() BY HADDEN STUDIO PICCO - REDMON.D basket of colored 'roses with fern.'. • St, Augustine Roman Catholic Church, . decorated with baskets ets of. white gladioliand d "' yellow Y ,.ell ,mums, was.the setting for.the 'marriage of Mary G"wendolyne Redmond and Williarn Charles .Picco, on -Saturday June llth•at '11 a. rn. The bride is' the daught er of Mrs... William Redmond and the late Mr. Redmond.of R:R..2 • Auburn. The .groom' is the son of the. late Mr. & Mrs, Augustine Picco of St. Johns ,:,Newfound land, Rev, Father Catuana officiated . at, the, double ring ceremony: 'Guest soloists Miss Anna Mc-• Donald arid Mr. Cyril Boyle. sang ``nn This Day Beautiful Mother" Panisangelicus",, ."0, Sacred. cart', O'Love Divine", "Mother at Your Feet is Kneeling'. . The :bride, given in marriage y her. unciae Mr.' Joe Kelly of elland, chose a floor length .. • own of :peau .de.soie with sabrina neckline, lily point sleeves and princess bodice cascading:into a athedral train. Panels of jewell- d lace enhanced the front of ress and ;the back was,adorried ith large rose_ floret. ' H' bouff- nt veil of tiered tulle was, shoal- er length and was held by a. ouble mohair andearl studded row'n; 'Her flowers were red and ellow roses. lizabeth' De Bruyn of Whitechurch as maid of honour. She was ressed in a floor length sheath of ear over taffeta .and•the flowing ape Swept to the floor at back. er flowers;were white and yellow, ams with maiden fern back-'•. ound. Bridesmaids were Eileen Foran nd Marian Hickey of St. August- e, Mrs. Don 'Phillips and Mrs.. .b Littlechild of.Goderich. They ere dressed in Maize sheaths yled similar to the maid of nour. They carried white and nk mums. Flower girl was. Mary DeBruyn of hitechurch, tier dress was petal. nk organza bouffant style.with bite accessories, •She carried a d and Is& 4: in Nott'. a few .ter aw :e.LcdZe '71eLens •,• ea4her.. •,ed .heir ntn :ass erect t'e' nfotd. • C`y wr ;,ori. - • Ringbearer was • Frank VanA aken. • The groom was attended by Wayne Redmond. Ushers were Laurie Grant, Edward McQuaid, Joe Picco and Marty Chapman of North Bays.. ° ..A reception .followed at the.. Clinton Legion Hall. The;brtde's mother chose. a sheath dress of :" Dior blue; lace over satin. with white ,accessories. Her..corsage was.. of white roses. She was assisted by the groom's .aunt who chose a two . piece sheath dress with corsage of white. roses'.. ' The bride and 'groom left on a wedding trip' to West Virginia and the. Southern States, returning:'by. Niagara, • The bride'stravelling costume was a• pink lace:sheath with .three- quarter lace coat an d matching accessories. .• Her *corsage was white roses and carnations'. Mr. and Mrs. Picco will reside in. North:. Bay. •' Guests from a distance were from North. Bay, .Welland., St. Johns Newfogndland , Ottawa, New • Brunswick, . Vancouver, London, Goderic.h, Brussels,, Belmore, , Wingham.. • (Lochalsh News) John McCharles .lefts for Petrolia On Sunday where he will begin his apprenticeship' in funeral directing and embalming at the Wrt. Jay Funeral Home. • ' •• Mable MacDonald. of Windsor. spent the week: -end with Mr. & Mrs David MacDonald and family.. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.' Bill Parrish on the arrival of a wee son on Friday • On Tuesday afternoon teachers and: pupils of North Ashfield Public School had a trip to Goderich wher they visited the Museum and, the Senior pupils sat in on a session. of County Council. ' S. A motion was passed to, send a note of thanks to Mrs: Ross Mac- Millan for the beautiful crib quilt' donated to Kairshea Hall crib. Mrs. Hughes ,told; of the entry made in the Doll Contest, We will be privileged to have these ' for a display at a future tea • or dolls,. meeting: :— .• July is •Ka'irshea's month to corr ',espond with the Korean orphan. adopted by .Bruce South District. It'was decided to have' a' member's daughter write. Motion were passedto donate $5. for trophy for either Jr,.,or Sr. Boys for Kinloss Central School , Field Day, and $10; to Lucknow • Agricultural Society. It was also decided to hold a bike sale. in .Lucknow : on August 6th. Mrs. HarryLavis read the list of articles for the group display at the, Fall Fair and, members were named responsible for each entry. .Mrs, Cliff Roulston took the chair for the programme which began.: with all singing 0 Canada. Mrs. A. Hughes introduced: the guest. speaker, Mrs. David Elphick .who. spoke on "Rose Culture"., telling • first -show to select the most; suitable loses for planting - .preparation of •. rose bed - planting and care and, finally cutting.: Roses should .be cut.,with short. stems to; have bloom all season:.' Mrs. Harold Campbell thanked the speaker and. .presented* her with a gift; • Mrs. Currie Colwell had a. well- prepared motto on the Mary Ste - `wart. Collect introducing this • series and using the first line this month. A piano instrumental by Janet Carruthers was much. en- joyed. Mrs. Frank MacKenzie gave a good report of the District, Annual held 'recently in Ripley; Eileen Burt and Grace MacDoug- all added to the programme with instrumentals using piano, accord- ian and banjo. Current Events were given by Mrs. Tia Dickie -• . a poster showing pictures of peop- le in the news (without names). ' found that most members are well.. acquainted with political leaders and others seen, in daily. papers. /A Front: Page Challenge using news from the Lucknow Sentinel proved very interesting.. Those taking part were; panel -Mrs, Ted •• Collyer, Mrs. D.J. Mckinnon and Mrs. harry Lavis,- Challengers- Mrs, H.Campbell, Mrs.A.Hughes and Mrs. L: Maclnnes, Mrs. Currie Colwell conducted. 'a flower contest. Courtesy remarks were given by' Mrs.' Hughes and 'after the regular closing the hostess,' Mrs. Mowbray and directors served a dainty 1 lunch. ` • •SUFFERS BROKEN LEG ' . Little Mark Haldenby; son of Mr. & Mrs. W. Haldenby, ' suffered a broken leg Saturday evening,when kicked by a cow. Mrs. James Barton of Fergus visited a few dayslast, week with Mr. 84 Mrs. Allan Graham'and' , family. Mr. & Mrs. .Roy Marines• and' Caroline of Toronto attended South Kinloss Anniversary services and visited after. with Mr. & Mrs. Leonard MacInnes and family. COMPETE AT•..RENFREW Ian and Rod MacKenzie were playing in the Pipe, Band compet-. itionsheld in Renfrew on Saturday: Mrs. Janet MacConnell.of Walk- erton visited over the week -end • with Mr.'& Mrs, • Herb Buckton and • Bill. Mr. & Mrs, : Robt . Campbell, John and Anne of Wingham :visited' Sunday with. Mr. ;& Mrs,,Ross Mac- luiillan. Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd 'MacDougall,: Allan and Grace were Mr. & Mrs.'•Clair' MacDougall of Renfrew.. Mr. &Mrs.. Currie'Colwell and family visited Sunday at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Eadie at Roulston'spent a coupleof.days.':. at Hope. Bay when Grade Xlll• examinations were over. Douglas started work. at. Dominion Road • Mchg; . Goderich on Monday. TERM 3,4ANDSYEARS Telephone 438-8314 or clip coupon below for descriptive folder. 69 Years of Personal Service TO: CROWN TRUST COMPANY 200 QUEENS AVENUE . LONDON Gentlemen: Please send me your free folder describing GUARANTEED TRUST . INVESTMENT • CERTIFICATES, I understand I will .be•under no obligation.. • ACIDNESS •64.460016.4••••••••• .itY.•s..46i...* .....riY41�.t•41....i•P*OV1NC1,...,.i is i...'i... ei . •�.Armoi,�.S So Si 'rr ..`.S • OR• CONTACT •