HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 16" 114A14 '1= 4 GE SIXTEEN _ThI 1,,UCKtioW ottfrititill,L4cKNOtttptio • loding,„ Cost •(id" the alteratirm • Ingham Hospital BOurd Approves Pion yet been. determined by • — - the architects, ' For Ventilating Hospital Laundry Area. had held a EngliSh rePorted that the A variety of decisions, chief*, Ly in relation to the new build- ing program, faced the mem- bers ofthe Wingham and Dis- • via Hospital Board at their. , regular meeting.. Chairman R.B. Cousins of Brussels presided and Welcomed the new board member Alton 13. Adams., EE. Walker, the ehair'man of the board's property cOmmittee. .• 'reported that several items pre- viously brought to the attention of the board are still under study as • to costs and need. They included . the possibility of purchasing new .cor4ressars for some'of the kitchen refrigeration equipnient: . new ovens for the kitchen stoves ' and equipment for the. morgue. :Final figures are still to come for the rebuilding of the old elevator. Mr. Walker aio•reported that something must be done to •. improve working conditions in the laundry, where teinpera.- tures ill sum/fief weail7er.some- • reac.h 110 degrees. Heat • • - from die wishing. machines and dryer'. coupled with acctirniala- ted heat from the boiler room directlyheneith the laundry., • creates a serious problem.' 'The property committee recom ,rnended that costs be secured on an adequate verwillating system , • . which would e.xbaust the excess • heat through the roof.. • • In.acceptiltg the report the • • • boanl mithori.zecl the property • .Committee to preceed. with the necessary srudy'and to purchase -• the required equipment.. • BVILDWG PROGRESS • Mts. L. •hOspital• • administratir, saitthat patients, from tie 194,5 wing have all been rno4ed into the new section'of the 00.10ing„ Some problems.... . , , . ••• vs. 1. • . • have been encountered, notably• „ lack of screens on the widdows and thus an inconvenience for patients from mosquitos and insects enter- • ing, during hot weather. he also said that the.air exchange in the new wing required re‘ adjustment. • andahat.the staff and patients had found the new quarters very hot. However, itwas expected that the ventilating ,system would be ad- justed to take care of the heat problem. • The administrator said that al- • ready considerable benefit has' been noted in the greater facility With which staff .can be distributed as coinpared with, operations in • the old 'wing. •The roams set aside as' "in* • fected patients' quarters" on the . first floor, north wing, .are be- ing completed and will be ready for occupancy shortly. She also• reported that the hospital is now • caring for Only 19, chronic patients. • CHANGE ENTRANCE The board was informed that it had been decided to make some alteration ih the ainbulance ent- • ranee at theSouth 'end . of the building. The, plans had called • for continued use of the present- • entrance directly into the south • • elevator', but when it was fbund necessary to.rebuild the elevator • it was decided to Make.a new • ambulance entrance into the south corner of the building, which is expected tO be more • efficient- and will reduce the cost of the cab to he installed in the' . • present elevator shaft. The new entrance will be re- • ached by' an inclined vehicle. ramp from Carling. Terrace.. A canopy will cover the area where ambulances stop.. to provide pro- • 'tection from•the weather for un - very successful rummage sale . and tag days, ;Otal proceeds from which amounted to over $1200,90: Mrs, Morrey expressed appreci- ation to C.KNX and the Wingharn Advance'limes for the excellent • coverage provided when patients • were Moved, into the new wing a• , couple of. weeks ago. • Cousins stated That a meet- ing of the ambulance committee. will be held on Thnrsday evening ' of this week to 'further study. the action which will be taken ,to' provideambulanCe servtce fOr, • • the areserved by the hospital.,, The committee is composed of • • thehospftal board's executive,. committee and four district muni- cipal representatives.' • • •• The, chairman said that since the last meeting in regard to ambulances.there"hay.e been • seYeral news releases. in the • press indicating that .the-Qntaria.'. Hospital ,Services•Cornmissiod • would assume some responsibility • for providing such service. • He pointed ant; .hOwevere- that though OHSC has indicated intention.tO subsidize existing ambulances service by.50/0,. there is no indic- ation that. the Commission would • assurne.respOnsibility for ,.any• • capital cost expenditures Involved -inthe.purchase�f vehicles,* • :equipment • • • • PltiANCE•RgPORT . . . Mrs.. Morrey reported that the : daily ward rate.cost has.risen-tO $26.09 as compared•Wirh the. budget allowance of $23.. 054 explained again that.the increase ' is due to the 'comparatively light. • .hospital population necessitated by rhe building. prograin, .Revenue • to the end ,of May was some $29 000 below the budget figure. • Mtc'Consins reported that a . • , DAIRY. POLI. The new Dairy Policy. recently announced by. the Depart- rnent of Agriculture will .affect the. returns of dairy farmers across Canadathis—fact-presents-.anew case for properly feeding the milking herdand replacement .heifers.. . . Hi • • Whole trii1c in.hstitute.s.such as SHUR-GAIN Milk Replac- , er, and .HIJR -.GAIN Vealer ,kow• afford,greater' savings in calf feeding when Yon sell your whole milk. • Dry *cows and heifers,. when fed a balanced SI-JUR-GAIN Ration .for 'increased produCtkon in the following lact- ation Will 'now- pay •greater - diyidendS. • 'The •rnilking herd. will return the'mose.direc.t•increased. income from balanced feeding; .under' the new policy.. / .Whatever...Yotir pasture or farm -grown• feed situation is.; there is a SI-Et.T.R.*-GAIN concentrate to boost milk production for., optimum dollar returns under • the New ,--Contact yc;tur SHUR. Al.N.:Feed*ServIce Mill operator.. to -,day. • ./ • • •dairy feeds Anderson: FIa';. • LUCX1400011 • •Phone .52/1-21126 • • 1 ,e • la WODNIESDA* JUNO Mid, 1:71.411.4. •• Your: D0d9411 Plyermith Chrysler • Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAP4 PHONE .3574262 • 64. . FORD,. 6 automatic. with radio 64., DODGE, 8 stick, %vith radio 63 FORD, '2 door, 6 standard; 'radio - 6/2 61 60 • - 59 58 figure of approximately $4,000 •had been quoted for an air con— , 7 New Members tio &system Cc the sere ce • wing, but since the architects cons4dered thisprice too high, fiirther quotations are, being sought; The meeting appointed De- ' Witt Miller as chairman of the ' finance committee and appointed •Altcxi Adams as a rneinber olthe same commi'ttee. • -Advance Tirnes • 1 # Kinlass B01' SCOIJTS. • The Tiger Patrol openeethe •meeting. Following dues and in-. spection the boys played floor .„ .hockey. The final test for signal - •ling was given:with William Dick- • ie , Bob Haldenby and Brian Percy' passing. - • • The second, class boys who pass- ed estimations were David Bann- • • ertnan and Lyle Moulton. . • The Tiger Patrol closed the meeting.• • ' Received Sunday (St.Helen's Newst • seve new members into St.jiterl's Church. on Sunday mo6-tinF,. Th.. joining by profession of faith wer Harvey Carrick, Ed. Blackwell; • Vera McDonald', Lorene. Eriingto 'Carol Webster. Sharon Jamieson and.Carrine Cranston.' : • /!.trs..Ariritie Harrison of Seafut is viisiting with Mr. & Mn. Albe .Taylor. • • Sunday visitors with Mr. & • Harvey Carrick were Ret,. & Mrs • A. of. st FiElent s , A I ti ed • Willis•of Barrie,' Lilaurnphrey Si. Helen's. Mrs, Torn ,Trylat & Billy, Mr. & Mrs. J. Lamar:, Sa Heather & Jimmy all of .--oderiel Mr. & Mrs. Haney Carrick visited in Tavistock :4,•(.111bari, •Ott* Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Torn ;Todd and Ist et•Miller spent a •few da !,,s it; N ern Ontario. / . Western 'Weather •• Mrs: Frank Todd si.4r: tew anddater Mn • Cool and VVinay . • RadayysLwaiidthiahwer: I , • f4mily in Wing. ham. *. Lorebnrn*, Sask. t• '..wTPlepaDrunadgeantollethneL7SrtaeLe ec4nsi. • June 3/66 • The •Sentinel,. . • Lucknow, Ont) Dear Donald: • Am a bit late with this again. • Havebeen very busy. We have. • had a very' cool and windy spring out heactoo. Was getting pretty dry but we had a good rain in the last few days. Hope everything is fine with you folks. • , Y•ours truly. • George Book', • « ' Church next Sunda l $er', commence at 11,1! TORONTO Bus TRIF, •,The St. Helen's the supervision oft•!*.e...t teacher, Mrs. 'George Fisher en•-_-,eki thei annual bus trip to • Tuesday. Places o tr.terea visited were Ntalton A ' lament Buildings, t..e Zoo ar.4 Maple Leaf Gad. Mts. foe Ma3• cr. Sask. is visiUnz thisee Mr. & Mrs. Win. F.:terford. • II