HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 15jgo1ce cucd S's4(1.
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Rally Held Sunday
At Anglican Church
(Kiniough News)
On Sunday morning. a ' Sunday
School Rally. was herd in the
Anglican Church, The. Super
intendent Rae :Haldenby conducted.
the worship service.
Mrs. R.,W. Stump. a:teacher. .
gave.'theoaddrelss; .,gob, Haldenby
and Gary Hedley'recelved the- .
offering.. The service 'next• Sun
day will beheid'at'11 o'clock ....
Mrs.. Gladys. Armstrong of Nia-
gara Falls' visited with her sister
in -law Mrs.' James Hodgins Sr.
Mrs. Ethel.James and Mrs.
Elmer James of W.ingham visite=
'ed ,ori,Saturday evening •with
Mrs. Perry Hodgins' at the home
of. Miss -W innifred Percy ..:
'We are sorry -to report that
Cathy Gillespie has had an attack
Of pneumonia.. 'We hope she will.
s on feel better.. •
A, am>.ly gathering was held on
Sunday at the' home of.Mrs..John
Barr. .Those present -were Mr.
and Mrs. ,Russell Barr and .child -
Jen of Scarboro, Percy Barr, Ddn.
Mills, ' Donald Barr, Waterloo' ` •
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell
and family .,Mr and'Mrs, Jack
Barr and family..
Percy Barris leaving'this week
for Edmonton. •
The Presbyterian W.M.S. met
n Wednesday at the home of •
rs. George Harkness.. . Mrs. •
ordon MacDonald. presided: The
urpcise was repeated . Mrs. Alex
ercy read the scripture and Mrs;
len Haldenby led'° in prayer.
usiness followed , 12619 :Call
as answered .with "Light". The
rogram was' in charge of Mrs.Alex
ercy and Mrs. Glen Haldenby.
iscussion - Attributes of
Kristian :living and a reading.
A housewifes prayer". The hymn
Blest be. the tie that binds" and •
e. Lords prayer closed the meet-
, • Mrs. Alex Percy gave the r
ourtesy :remarks and lunch was •
A surprise family gathering was
ld at. the .home of Mr, and Mrs.
rth:ur Haldenby on Sunday it
-ing the occasion of his birthday.
Opposition Fails To Halt County Ccuiicii
From Approving School Area Change
KINCARDINE Strong Opposition
from a delegation wasn't enough -
Thursday to stop Bruce County
Council from approving 'a school
area change in Brant Township...
"They haven't heard the last' -1
from !islet," a woman member
of the delegation said as she '
walked •out of the eouncil meeting.
Council approved a consultative
:committee recommendation to ,,
send public school. pupils from the
northern part of Brant Township
to the Elderslie.Township School
at Chesley. Pupils from Concess ,
ion 10 and''south will. attend a '
school to be built near Walkerton.
On Wednesday council heard from
'two large; delegations, one •oppos-
Ing the move and the other back;
ing it, i,,:
Council also recommended that
those parts of Brant on concession
6 and 7., now.in the Bentinck town
ship•.school area, be reverted to
Brant area.
Four recommendations of the
' high schiool consultative commit-•.
tee.got'council's ratification.
These included confirmation of a.
Grey county bylaw to establish -a
South-West Grey High School
District including those parts of ,
Brant township that form a 'part of
Hanover Union 'School Section.
The south-east corner of Sullivan
Township will be attached from
Durham' area •tO Chesley .and the" .
north-east of Bentinck; from Han-
over to;Chesley.• •The Marl' Lake
. district will be switched to Walk-
erton high school :from. Hanover:.
These recommendationsrequire
approval, from Grey,council. Grey
meets next week in Owen Sound.:.
-A.pproval Of two-way radios
linking the 14 fire departments of
Bruce was sought, by Mutual Aid -
co-ordinator Irwin Lobsinger of
Walkertonat a cost. of $30,000.. A
'45 percent :grant will be asked for
from emergency measures.
Council was given a description
of the new county home,to.be
built at Wiarton.. The existing
one. at Walkerton, completed four
years ago is filled and has a leng-
thy waiting list -of applicants. •
The 100, -bed building will get :
underwaythis fall and will be el- '
igible for winter Works subsidy.•
It will be a two-storey building •
with ' dining root n , • . kitchen, l au nd -.
ry ; . lounge : chapel , :crafts. room,
assembly: room:, beauty: and barber
shops togetherwith general office,
'board, room and libraryon the first.
floor. • .
A resolution proposed by the -hi-
ghways committee. asks the min-
iser`of highways to reconsider his
. directive which will require mph-, .
icipalities after July .1 to include
a fair wage schedule` in .allcon-
tracts in excess of $35,909, Coun-
cil believe if. employees receive
• the minimum wage their, wages
should be detefmined by normal
methods of negotiation.
The highways Committee has
.,.been'unable to get a tender to .•
construct curbing and gutters north
of Chesley and the work will be
done by county employees,,
Harold Henry ;
Gets MasterDegree
Harold J. Henry, son of the late
Mr.. and Mrs. James Henry of
Wingham, and formerly of this,
community,' has received his
Niast'er of Education Degree at the
Spring Convocation,'University -
of Toronto.
Mr. Henry is a public school •
principal in North York Township,
Metropolitan Toronto. - He was
• a „former student at Lucknow High„
•The Canadian pavilion will have
five separate theatres showing the•
history of our•country.
Work Bee Saturday
Tiff in's Cemetery
(Langside News)
' A very successful work, bee was.
held at Tiffin's Cemetery on • '
Saturday last , when ten lawn
mowers were in 'use, • •
Anniversary' at Langside Presby-
•-terian.Chtirch will be held on
•July. 3 at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m..
This is' one week later than was.
originally planned.. Rev. Wall-
ace Little of W innipeg,will. be
the guest speaker at both services.
The C.O.C. meetingg• will be
held' at Langside June 26 during
the church 'service.
A workshop will . be, held on
Saturday evening at the manse
• in Whitechurch• for teachers and
helpers of the Bible Vacation
School, for Whitechurch-Langside,
cam munity.
Visitors at. the Carruthers
Nursing Horne with -John and Bob °
Richardson on Sunday were :Mrs.
Jim Richardson who recently re-
e turned from San Salvador, Cen-
tral America, Mr: &, Mrs, Bob
Hunter and Mrs. Bill Hunter;of
Guelph. Mrs. D.L. McKinnon
visited. on Sund+ay'with her
brother Wm,..MacDonald at the.
.same home,
Visitors at the home of their
parents were 'Mr.' & Mrs. Ronald.
Conley and Laurie of Trenton
with Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Conley;
Donald Young., Toronto. with `
:Mr. & •Mrs Clifford Young;
Nancy Scott, London with Mr..
& Mrs.. Arnold Scott; - Peter Steer
•with Mr. & Mrs. Philip Steer;
Marion Wall is;employ.•ed for
the summer months at Exeter.
and: Sharen Moffat of Lucknow
at Inverhuron. '.
Edna and Bill:Wall, White-.
church, and BarbaraMcQuillin
were dinner guests of David, '
Marion & Janice Wail on.Tues-
Mrs. Russell Ritchie attended
a. Shower for Hilda Ritchie at
Hackett's Church on Friday
Several from the Langside
'community attended anniversary
services at South Kinloss Church
on Sunday.
• Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ritchie
attended •anniversary service at
Zion Church and visited with
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Ritchie.
• Mrs. Jim Richardson' has re-
turned for the summer from Cent-
ral America where she has been
teaching the -missionaries' children
since last November,.. We welceni
her back to the Langside comm-
Mr. &• Mrs. Bert Moffat, and
Mr. & Mrs. David Stobo visited r
• with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wall & '
family on.:W'ednesday evening.
•Mrs; Lloyd Moffat and'Sharen
of Lucknow visited with Mr. &
Mrs. Charlie Tiffin on Friday
• Dick McQuihin, who is, employ-'
ed at 'x'ailboty:iile, spent the week-
end at his home on Con. 64 ' '
The seni
or pupils of the Kinloss'
Central School will enjoy a bus
trip on.Friday to Midland. On the
same day the junior pupils wi11
visit Point Clark, Pine River
Cheese Factory and Kincardine
bervilte Williams
Vinyl (orlon Floor. ''Covering
By Armstrong
Clayton Alton Is Elected Presiden# .
•At Webster Clan Reunion Saturday .
..The forty-third re -union' of the
Webster 'Clan was held in the
Caledonian Park,, Lucknciw on
Saturdayafternoon,, June 18, when
about 140 relatives, old and
yound, gathered to participate in
their annual picnic. A,beautiful,
sunny day and the convenient loci
ation of the park and arena for
serving supper :added much to. the
'pleasure of those present.
The early part of the afternoon
was: spent in greeting relatives,
playing •ball and running races
planned by the.sports committee,
Clayton Alton, Judy Reed, petty
Irwin, Roddy McDona h, Donald :
Andrew, Donald Aiton.� •
Races: Children under 6 yrs.
Danny Holmes, Children 6 & 7
yrs. Roger'Morrison, Girls' 8-10 •
'• yrs. Nancy Ritchie, Boys 8-10
Stewart. Alton Girls 14 & under
Elizabeth Ritchie,' Boys 14 & under
Mark .Chisholm., Young ladies'
race Rosalind Philips, Young
mens' race Bill Chisholm;
Women's walking race Mrs. Robt.,
Irwin, Men's race Blake Alton,
'3 legged race Nancy Kirkland and
Linda Straughan, Sack race Brian
Ritchie,. Egg race' Barry Morrison,
Honeymoon race Linda Straughan •'
& Blake Alton, Ring the pop -
bottle Nancy Ritchie, Kicking
the slipper Elizabeth Ritchie.,
Guessing beans in- jar Shirley
Andrews. •
Following the sports, families.
from Ashfield, Dungannon, ,St.
-Helen's. Varna, Clinton,:'Sea-
forth;. Blyth, Kincardine, London,.
Forest,, 'Toronto and Windsor .were
served a bountiful supper. The
'President, Watson Webster extend •
ed greetings and a'. hearty wel-.
come .to all and... requested. a min-
•ute's silence in memory of twelve
members who had passed 'away. •
since last .gathering. Accordion
selections by Rosalind 'Fbillips
were much enjoyed.
Gifts were presented to the
following, Oldest person present
Mrs. W.G. (Mazy). Andrew aged
91 yrs; Youngest child present,
Steven Alton son of Mr. & Mrs..
Blake Alton; Comingfarthest
distance:,'Mr.. Nelson Webster .
Windsor; Birthday nearest June
18, Mrs. Fred °McClymot• Varna.
At the. business •meeting, W at=
son Webster of Varna, the retir-
ing president was tendered
sincere thanks for filling his
office so efficiently.
' The' following officers were.
elected for 1967 • President Clay-.
ton Alton, Lucknow , 1st' Vice'
Roy Webster, London, .2nd .Vice ' •.
Gordon Webster, Port Credit,
3rd Vice Elliott Webster; Forest,
Treasurer Anson Coleman',
Clinton, Secretary Elgin McKin-
ley Zurich.
Before saying farewell, Mem-
bers expressed the hope for a
bigger and better re -union in
Mondays' Hogs, in' by '4:01 p.m.
1Nng . ' . Bsef, Po : e do Cu�Ms9 and Smoki Pork and: Lamb.
Sok Wiwi*, . Half or Quartar'.. . . For Gottor So -vices
And Lower . Prices -- Call Ripley ANL
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