HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-08, Page 8TH* LUCKNOW SENTINIL, L UCKNOW, ONTARIO
`EWhiteehurch News)
On.Sunday.a Crowston family
Lucknow. Midgets ,phome
rents was held at the farm
at Langside before the keys are•
given to the new owner. on July lst.
Present for. the occasion were Mr.
Lucknow Pee Wee Ball team
start their schedule at Mildmay
on. June 24, .A practice is schedul-
ed for the ballpark this week,
Thursday,, June 9th, at.'7 p. m..
June 24
June 27
June 29
July ,
July: 1,„1
July 18:
July .18
July 20
Lucknow at Mildmay
'Mildmay at Lucknow
Teeswater at Lucknow,
Lucknow • at Whitechurch
Ripley at•Lucknow '•
Whitechurch at Lucknow
Lucknow at Ripley
Lucknow at Teeswater.
We are sorry to report Fred
Leaver was: admitted to Wingharn
Hospital on Sunday. ' .We wish,
him a speedy recovery.
Congratulations .to our village
High School students, Diane •
Coultes, Sandra Fisher and Harvey
Craig, who have passed on their.
year's work with the exception of
one exam which all have to write.
Visitors on Thurad ay'with Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Diane.
were Mr. and Mrs; Wilbert' Scl ui-
chtenberg, Lori,, Jane 'and Kerry,
ofIPort Elgin, Mrs. Olive Boss•
:and Irene Paton of Wingham.. •
Masonic Services at Wingham'
Presbyterian•Church were attended
by Mr. and .Mrs.',Wallace Conn,
Muriel and George, and Mr. and
and Mrs, John Crowston, Lt cknow,.�
and their family, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Crowston, •Debbie and i
Dale of Chatham, Mr. and'Mrs .
Clayton Alton (Lois) and Anne,of
'Ashfield, Mr, and. Mrs. Orland 1'
Irwin (Myrtie),St:ephen, Faye and •'
Donald of Lucknow-, Mr.: and Mrs.
Ivari Laidlaw(Cecelia),; and Janet.
Mr, and Mr's'.. Marlow Crowston
and familyo f Kincardine were ab-'
sent. Other relatives present'' were
Mr, and .Mrs,' 'Bili' Kennedy , : W ing-
ham, Mr. and MrS. Emmerton
Mr.. and Mrs. Ward Walker, Jim,'
Sandra, Paul, David. and Anne of
Kincardine•; All.:eni9yed the day
rambling around the favourite •
haunts of 'their childhood days,
and visiting with each other. A
'picnic luncheon brought to a close
aday long •to. be remembered by
✓•i itors on Sunday with Mr. and,
Mrs. Fred paw .were Mr, and Mrs.
Ivan Daw and sons of Toronto..
;Mr, and 'Mrs..Douglas Clare, Wal
ter; Stephen 'and Patricia, of ;Tori •
onto, Mr; .and Mrs'. J. Schiestel•
of Teeswater; •
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
were 'Saturday. evening :visitors,',
with Mr,•• and' Mrs. • Russel Ritchie.
Mildred McCl'enaghan of Milton
spent the 'weekend with her moth-
er,;Mrs, George McClenaghan
Mrs. Robert Purdon spent the
• weekend with .Mr and Mrs. Gord-
on . Rintoul and, family, and on
Sunday"Mr. and Mrs Gordon Rin -
tool, Gayle, and Mrs. Pardon,'
visited 'with Mr. . and Mrs. Jim
Curran of St. Helens.
' .C:urt'ies school who had their
bus trip' last Monday to Goderich,
visited the airport, Tiger Dunlop
Monument, Court House, Bissetts
Ice Cream plant , Museum , 'Sifto
Salt:, and also bad a boat ride,
which eine to cold .weather proved
to be very cold.
Ruth Taylor of Toronto arid
Murray Coultes of Toronto spent
the weekend at. their homes here. `.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes.
were Sunday visitors at .Huron
view .:witli his parents, Mr: ` and'
Mrs.. George .Coultes. •
Ann and Donna Riritoul of •
chener spent the.weekend with •
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. "Ball
• A'meeting of all people inter-
ested in Tiffins or.Langside 'sem-
etery is asked to attend a meeting
Monday,' June 13, at 7.30 p.m.
at 'the Cerri'etery, :lf enough int-
erested parties do not attend ; 'the
. business of the cemetery willbe •
turned over to the township mun-
icipal council.
Mr, and MrsHugl-i Poole and
sons of Toronto were Sunday visit,-
Ors' with Mrs. Cecil Falconer.
• Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gibb and her
parents, Mr.,and Mrs.. Robert Air-
drae , Barbara .and: Jerry , of Water -7';
loo, 'were Su'nda'y Visitors with his
' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb
and family.
Mr; and Mrs. Don Leader and
, family • of. Gorrie were Sunday y isit
ors with ;r, and. Mrs. Jim Currie;
• Helen Currie spent the weekend
with. her parents , • Mr. • and Mrs.. ,
' YertnetI Currie.
Fordyce School will enjoy 'a bus •
trip, ,Friday, , June 10, to Detroit,
, hitechiurch School on June 24 to
Midland, ,and Worrs'en's institute
to Toronto on Alfie 1Cr; Thechane
e: Gre ; :ar: if you wish to tra•
w`•' week , arse' Craig l'legan' '.
der:: r. i✓ lire t
Coultes C t
Mr'. and MrS. Leroy Rinroul. and •
Lucknow Midgets Softball Team
hastwo juvenile teams' included
•in their grouping, Clifford •and! •
Whitechurch, and play their first
game in Cargill, Wednesday,
June 15th at 7 p.rrt.:
Bill Hunter and Freck Button • •
are coaching the teamand anoth-
er practice:is scheduled for the •
ball park for this Saturday night, •
at 7,,30 p.m.
The schedule 'is:;,
Lucknow at Cargill ' June i15
Lucknow at. Teeswater lune 17
,Whitechurch at Lucknow: June 18
Lucknow at Belgrave. June 23
•Teeswater at Lucknow June 25
Lucknow at Whitechurch June 27
Clifford at Lucknow • July •2
Cargill at Lucknow July' 6
Lucknow at Clifford • July 8
Belgrave at Lucknow 'July 9
Lucknow at W ingharn:. July 11
Wingham: at Lucknow July 16
Mrs'. Bill Evans, ,
Mr. and Mrs; !Douglas Conley
were Sunday 'visitors with his par-
ents, Mr: and• Mrs., Jim Conley of
Durham ''•
Mr.' and Mrs. Clarence Walker
visited 'Sunday with her grandtnoth
er ,' Mrs. Kelsey:, .'o f Walkerton, a
patient in London' Hospital Kathy
Ricky and Michaelv'isited with •
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
George "Walker.
Your Dodge Plymouth Chrysler Valiant • Dealer
65 PLYMOUTH, •6 Standard with radio
65 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, 8 automatic, with
64 DODGE, 8 stick, with radio
63 DODGE, 6 automatic.',
63 VALIANT, 4 door, :6 automatic
63 FORD, 2 door, 6 standard, radio
63 PLYMOUTH, 2 door, 8 stick, with. radio
62 CHRYSLER, power equipped
59". EDSEL, 4' •door, power e u
•� p9a Aped• with
59 DODGE, 4 door, 6 standard
59 PONTIAC, 2 door
59 CHRYSLER, 4 door hardtop .'
.Eiave you ,found the answer
to, your .f arnily always having
a.home of their own? '
The Mutual Life of : Canada
T . • PHONE:: WINGHAM 357.2740
Carol Lynn, visited on Sunday with.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron and
family of Ashfield. • '
Mr. and .Mrs. Johnston Conn
were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Scott Webb and family of Paisley
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lovett of
St. Marys, were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs,. George: You]
Mr.:. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
were Sunday'everting visitors w'
Mr. and Mrs,' Fred•.Schwichte-
berg., of •Mildmay.
We 'were sitting around hick-
- ering after church. the . other
day.: My 'daughter had .a bad,
cold and ' was. generally owly.
She didn't think much•. of God.
"How, can . God • let so :• many
people*.in the world be starv-
• ing?" she wanted to, 'know.
Well, ::it's' a fair question. •
Her mother and I' tried' to ex-
plain that : it ' was not God's
doing, but man's. We said it was' '
man's greed, ;insecurity and fear
that made us live like kings (far
better than medieval kings,' in
fact), while hundreds of mil-
. lion s of people in the world, our
brothers, starved and died of ill- '
mess unnecessarily. ' •
She wasn't buying any.. "Wall . •
sounds pretty foggy to me," she
grumped. "I don't think much. of
God, if that's the way.. He . runs
inceptive. pills and other neces
sities for the vast, poor, down
trodden masses of the world.'
lft's : hard id believe' that thi
world-shaking concept, took see.
and blossomed right there . ii
Our '" diving -room: • But it did
Swiftly.we did sorine figuring 1
Was rough, but close'enough..•
The : average family • 'spend.
• from •$20.to $30 a week .On food
One week a year we exist: oii.:S.
per family.. It could be, :done
you know. pots .of rice, macar
nil, porridge; bread, home•rnadf
soup.- Water' instead of coffee
tea, Milk; .beer.. The. same wee
we: walk everywhere and save $
on gas. -We turn off the furnief
•• and learn what it's like to bE
'cold::We''clean sour 'teeth. vitt
salt-. We :avoid shaving .andhai
spray and deodorants'and .drug,
and cigarets:.. We . Wear: nylon,
with runs7W'e-turtr.o.ff-the hy
dro,'except for cooking; and: us.
The averagefainily could: kick
about $30 into. the kitty. Take
town of '10;000. population. Let'
say a minimum of 1;000 families
That's `$30,000. Thatwi}1;pa' fo
,••lot of wheat, penicillin,'an
birth -control pills. Multiply tin
'Modest token by all the familie
in Canada, and you could jar
, up India in. ;about two .ears
3' I 'know, •I know. You've al
ready picked • 841 holes' in 01
plana,,. All. the supermarket
would go broke i'f the;.' hist
week's business. Well, there's'ni
reason' they couldn't 1 tighter
their, belts, too. •for a week'.
All. the 'fruit and I.i•;;etable
• and meat would rot, Not if th,
• producers knew ' s'urh a. 1e0
was coming, and plan,nc ,? fir rt
The provincial : go%ernnienl
would collapse, + 'if it • lost
• week's taxes,on booze •a:nd beer.
1 doubt 11. 'A few miles of high
way might not ., be built:. cc
' fun. Many people
eople ,ei'Ithtaik
pcoanrStecrreboteeuc;salysteihtehirtinikihsairt amr5
' thi'ng, like foreign a ;'r. mt!
cions. ',. '
And there'd be herE f al��rd
effects.' Slimmer ;�:qes"
new slant on our goci :;fe An,
I.2an guarantee that a.'t'r the
days of macaroni. thc'"irrei
in lour attic would' rc �� be
problem again.. The>'t' •,v `leu.
I asked ..:her:__what. _ she'.d:_do _
about . the situation. Like 'all
kids, she didn't know, except to
'repeat that it was all wrong.
Well, you can't have a:15 -year
old sitting around running down
God; ';so, like all fathers since
the cave -days, -I tried to come up
with an. 'answer. •
; „•
'First, 1 explained: 'that the .
government did a great deal to .
• help less fortunate .. countries',
with our taxes. When, She cor-
nered me on details,. I had to
admit that it •was ,a• drop in the
bucket with. a lot of strings at-
tached (try , that metaphor on
for 'size ) , I 'further admitted that
• government could not do ,much•
• more without creating a hue
.and' cry among the,taxpayers.
In. desperation,.. I • looked
around for someone . else. to
blame• • The churches should
take the lead, and start a nation
wide °campaign, to help feed the
hungry.", My wife reminded me
that we give 'a buck a week to
missions. "Yes, and all .these.
piddling church •missions add' i p
to a spit in the ocean," says I. .
"So what would you do, Mr:
Smart Alex?" says
•"So' I can probably think of
something, Mrs, Wise Guy," 'says
I. And I did. The result is Na-
tional Tighten -Your -Belt Week...
It's very simple. For one-week
a \year, every Canadian family
willing to heap will live on a
bare subsistence allowance, The
difference between. that and the
normal' cost of living goes into
the pot.. Every Bent of this pot
goes to buy food, clothing, con-