HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-08, Page 20.• f' mit LUCKNOW sit1risaLs_wejoi9vi liNTAPtIO The• 'ILAJCICliCii* SENTINEL 14CKNOW, ONTARIO. •41110 SaP0y T0wore Ott if* litiron-Brusal BOW110.10'Y Auihorized 110 second clue mall, Post Office DePartinent, Ottawa ' MitablisbedAiam1::76142111:rgirti • atdett844.74.Aft"cen Illbsetiption 'Rate, $4.00 it! year in advance, to tbe D.SA., •$5.00 Donald' C. Thompson, Publisher • • A WEDNESDAY, JUNE •eth, 1966 ON BOARD FOR NINE YEARS „ Bill McCrea* Resigns Fie' School Post, 'Ivan Cook Noted To Fill Vacancy • RIPLEY-HURON Township 8chool Area Board, at the June meeting, accepted with regret theresigna- • tion of 'Willi= ota aevel a member of the Board, made'nec-. essary according to the School Act, by' his acceptance of the office .of Clerk -Treasurer of the Village of Ripley. Ivan Cook was 11 appointed to complete Mr. Mc- • • • Creath's term on the Board.. The office of chaill'man will.be filled by John H. Elliott, who has had previous experience in that office. Mr. McCreath , a member of the Board since 1957, served as Chair man for 5 1/2 years. :Arrange- ments were made for the annual, banquet to be held'this year' at Reid's Corners Community Hall, June 21. • • ••Floodlightthg of the grounds • at Ripley -Huron Central Scl•ool. • was discussed due to the deep ruts • in the lawns caused by a•motorist • driving over them when the 6 ground was soft. ,Plans were made to pave the driveway and bicycle •,parking area. • Changes on the staff for the , 41111111DP 41111110.:40111W.011111e. 401 •.•••>. •$•.•04:$•.•M••:•,...,•,•••"' -1S:Per.:0:%•Y••• ' •s.owERIAkci DRIV EATRE. K din , , Agi:.} iriCar . At a recent assembly, the final • , ti -A.::: one•forLucknow• District High . School for the year ,,, Principal L.E. a hean attack and had passed . Goyette and George.GibsOn pres- ' ocCnpational Shops, Commercial • away before being discovered by ented 'Big L" letters to several administrative office,' 2 single* a neighbour, John' Purdon, members of the school Whiihave . • gymnasiums, 'staff room aftlition,. '.Mrs. Griffin was the former contributed ,in various ways to • staff workroom, administrative. Susan Emma.McQuillin. She was their school through : the year. office addition,. cafeteria addition, born in West Wawanosh Township Those students who received the boiler room addition,' board room, on December 5th, 1902, a daugh- "Big L" were:. 'Wayne Jamieson, . . /ter of Richard McQuillin.and , Allen Colwell, David Thompson, • She married William Griffin on Phyllis Bradley, Wendy MacKenzie . " ' • ' . • May. Gives Real Rachel Alton; • . . • Doug Campbell, Wanda ltiunter, •- . / in Huron arid, Kinloss before mov- Barbie Cameron, Jean Sutton, . Weather Vanety • . Rod Taylor, Jane Fonda •March 16th, 1921. They farmed Sharyn Mowbray, ,Donna Corrin, . -"Young • Racers" • ing•to Lucknow ten years ago. •' Cathy McLeod. M Mr Griffin * - • Snow , 'heat, frost and wind made WEDNESDAY, •'JUNE Ith Injured In • Councils --Approve Expand Highway. 86 Crash • • •• • M"' Ut8"4.1Y 86 High:School .Builq.ing. Fla coming year include James O. Scott replacing Floyd Stanley as Principal:. Stanley has a two year leave of absence to teach 'will Europe. Mi. Leonard Huston • will be Principal at -Pine River Central School, teaching the-, • Senior Room. 'Mrs, John D. Mac. Kay Will teach in the Ripley School. Iviiisluclith Sieffert has •resigned frOin the Ripley -Huron staff. Miss Sheila Ross of Wrox- eter, presently at the Howick Central' School; 'will*teach the • Junior Room at the *Pine River. .School, replacing. Mrs. Delbert • Wilson Who. has resigned. Com- •pleting the ,staff at Ripley are Mrs.. Isabel Martyri, Mrs. Eileen MacDonald,, Mrs. Violet.Mackenr' zie; Mrs. Mary Stewart, • Ann Collins, Mri. Beverley Peter-• baugh, Miss Jean Campbell is music supervisor of both schools, , ' • . . • 13IRTHS . • -NICKOL r In Listowel Hospital, . on Friday 0. June aid, 1966, to Mr. •and Mrs. Bob NickO1',.a sons . • weft, was hospitalized Saturday night in a two car crash at the Paramount corner. 9n Highway 86, four miles west .of -Lucknow Mrs. IrWin had three fractured ribs and shock. ' *. *. She and her husband were pass- engers in,a car driven•by Robert Lyons.'Of West WaWanosh, which • also had as a passenger Mrs. Lyons The The Lyons car was proceeding west on Highway 86, making. a left turn onto the Ashfield Town- ship sideroad at Paramount, when it was in collision with an east- bound 'Highway 86 car driven by Orlandirwinnof Lucknow.yith• .s• passengers Clarence Crowson,+ Deborah Crowston, Fay and -Donald Irwin. • . . • No one in the Irwin car -was • ..seriously injured. Passengers in the Lyons car required treat- ment at hospital:but were released except Mrs. Al Irwin who was the Most seriously injOireci. • • • • Damage to the Orland Irwin carwas.about $700, .with damage to the Lyons car about the same. The accident occurecfabout 9.00 • Constable Moulton of the Ont- • ariO Provincial 'Police at Goder- ich investigated. • . , • ENGAGEMENTS •.HUNTER - .THOMPSON • ' The/engagement is announced of Miss Patricia Thompson, dairgli,- ter'of Mts. •L. Campbell Thomp- son and the late Mr. .Thompton, of Lucknow , to Mr. Murray Geri- • • ge. Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. __,.. . _ Vernon Hunter, of Lucknow. The Passes Su••ddenly marriage will take place on Sat.' . urday, Itily 9th, at three o'cldek . While Gardening . in the .Luckdow United Church. ., MRS. WILLIAM•GRIFFIN. - .. Ten Stydenlis. Mrs. William Griffin passed In Havelock St. South, Lucknow, • l'Big 1:11:Award: ... H ROVER. away suddenly .at her home on on Thursday. June 2nd. • 2 science laboratories, agricultur- .. , • In her usual health, she had . al laboratory, greenhouse and work• .,•-.. .. . „ been out workingsin her garden. - room, auto shop, machine •shOp, . . Representatives from the 14 num, icipalities which cornprise the •Lucknow and .Wingharn High Sch- 'ool Districts were asked to approve tentativeplani for a high school addition at Wingham serve the two:districts when they are amalgamated.. Total PrOPseti cost V.•!as'estirnated. at approximate- ly $2,100,919,00. •The council members were.in- . •formed that of the grand:total: • some $400,000 would be forthcom- ing in -grants to cover po per cent of some costs in the vocational • section.- Another grant of 15 per • cent. on other. vocational section Costs Wilfamount to $1,231.742. • The municipalities w11 have to raise the re.maining25 per cent of $410 ,580 'plus. another $58.,597 to • cover some sections of the 'building • on whichno grants are avalla§le; Revised tentative approval was granted by the Department, of Ed,- ucation On•May 16th: This approv- al coMbines' a building proposal made. by the board late last year with revised piansto .accommodate 'students froth the.Lucknow area. who will attend school here when the arrialgamation takes place.' • .. Grade 13 students from the Luck - now schOO1 diStrict are slated to •receive their trainingln Wingham •"next fail.. It iseicpected the full • acCornodatibn Will be :aVailable. for use in the fall of 1967: : OVER 1400 ' • The present school can accOrnm'• Odate 970 pupils., The first plan for expansion was designed to in crease the. school's capacity. to. ° 1,218 sindents and this hassince been raised 16-1,456, . based on. a five-year •forecist of attendrice::.. • .The new proposal, which has. been. tentatively. approved • by the. Department includes the folloWing. facilities; 7 clatsroorns Jibrary, •' bookkeeping room, secretarial laboratory, office practice rOotn, marketing-trierChandising room, existing library changed to dra room, existing.b9Ys' occupati( room to electrical and electro shop, one laboratory changed Classroont and part .of the cafe to a staff dining tOom. •• BREAKDOWN. ,Of the $469,171 which 'will to be raised •by,deberitures and led against the municipalities amount, will be brokeri'down a imately 'as follows; Ashfield, $36,361; Brussels, $21,112; C toss.. $35 ,000; E.' W aw a nosh 572; Greenock $4,644; ;Grey $9,946; Howick, $51,314; ki $35, 094; .Lue.know..,.; $28 056; • Is, $47 ,199;. Teeswater , $42, 6 .w, Wawanoth*, $19 00.1; winE $88,346. .• . The Visiting municipal repri entatives. were welcomedby. v chairman Jamieson Pettapieoe who was acting for Chairman , A. McKibbon, who is 111. • Board tnernbet Ross S.•Maci 'outlined the building plans -an Principal'F. eXplai to the gathering the need for.t Various facilities' and how the plon'Will mean. a ,broadened sc 'of education, He ,said 'it is that two-year courses: in some jeCts can .be taught in order to certain students an opportunit) enter' apprentic eship ,prograrns Eie,taid. a four-year agricultur • Course wiil.be offered, Secretary -Treasurer miss 16 • liiicTherSon explained the finai 'breakdown and the grant strut ..as'applied*to the ptoposal,. ''The councils were asked to, the necessary resolutions at th June ineetings-in7order-th4 ih •..building program can get und( .• --• Advance Times • THURS., FRI., • SAT., JUNE ,9, .10, 11 • 'W44.444., Color -- Aduk •.Mrs. Griffin apparently suffered • , welding and metal shop, 2 boys' • • • THURS. FRI., SAT. Janie 4.1 • , Tickle Me • Elvis Presley, Julie Adam Technicolor The Swingingest Cowboy of - all. Dear Brigitte • James Stewart, Bridge, Bar • Technicolor Two big fun all color films for • the family. • CAR ands. hadjust re- , the month of May •an unusual one • • Anniversar arid the local weather reCorder• , • Color cently boughta borne on Have- • mark Daman, William campbei lock Street South, He has been Tfl y, •• • . • •. caretaker at Lucknow Public School for a number of years. • '•• Mrs. Griffin is survived byher , , P IkESTRICTED ENTERTAINMENT husband, two daughters and a • . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keane of NO. ONE UNDER 1$ALLOWED SOn 0 Mrs. Gerald (Eileen) Wag- Lucknow were guests of honourat •ner of Lucknow. Mrs. William a. dinner party on.Sunday at Tiger . . . Honored At Dinner MON jilpiE,13; 14, 15 TUES, WED, (Georgina) Maser of Lauzon, Que- I Dunlop Inn. The occasion. marked • • ; bec, Leonard of Lucknow, eight their 35th wedding anniversary. • ' // .• ' ° .11 11 - . grandchildren,. two great grand- I Those present were Mr. and Mri •Malamanao. - .. • r ' • • children, two brothers Herb and Bob Currie Edward, Linda and Richard McQuillin of Kinioss, '•. Keith of Oil Springs, Mt. and Mrs. .a sister Ms. Wilfred (Myrtle) '.°RoY •Keane*of Stratford, Mr. .and • Gagnon of Oakville. ; Mts. Frank Moran of Kingsbridge, She was predeceased by two ' - „Mrs. Thomas Chisholm and Harry brothers, Roy ofToronto, min of Colbourne, Mr. and Mrs. Dan , Bichelir" . of Lucknow: . . : wMecdicinniiiges.of St, Augustine: Mrs.,• McInnes was bridesmaid at their • Joe -silver:.•' sundaY, June Lth, from MicKerit •,•. zie Memorial Chapel LucknoW„ ' After a 'delicious turkey dinner; ."00.41.10, isimm. / with intermer.t at Greenhill Cem- a few well.spoken words were giv- • •• et ery ., en by their son Roy and then their • • FEATURING THE • Rev, Fitar,:ey lay, minittp, of/ gr‘andchildten Edward and Linda • . Sunday, with the 84 degree • • • • AU Star Co• lor "Diary Of.. a •• Runeralservke Was held on J. M. Greer, has provided us. with MON. TUES. June 131 the details, Zorba the Gree May had a high of 78 degrees • and a low of 21, Rainfall was 2,09 inches and there was a trace of snow two or three times. there was frost eight mornings during the month, and very cold ,winds • early in the. month. The morning of the 2nd Of May, the tempera- ture.hit a low .of 21 degrees and on the ist day of June, the mercury was down to 31 degrees. . •. June has started off in a more , pleasant way. Sunday, June 5th it was 84 degrees in Lucknow, and on Monday; just after the, noon hour, itwas 8•5 degrees..Thi4 is the hottest on record.to date in tpetee,,„, P-,-:an.r.:,..r,uroh,, of • presented them with 2 lovely rock- temperatures. many hit• for the • LARGEsT SCREEN ber. • cd which Mri, c..as a mem- ing chairs. Relatives presented lake only to. find it rather unpleas- , th_• them' with a lovely lamp, as well ant with a cool:strong bree,ze IN THIS AREA aiseie.4111.0.4.1111spaamiw Pallbearer: . er d bl smo• ossm • The greatest of Academy As winners to hit the screen. absorbing story of a man •stood out among men. CAR ViED. THUR. FRI., Juns15.1 Von Ryan's Express Frank Sinatra, Trevor • How Technicolor Cinemasoope, They gamble their life on. • Ryan's Express. • Wild in the .Cotil • try Elvii PregleY e or or. Mc -as a lazy susatt. owing anda lack of sunshine at cA Adult Entertainment. Ouillir tar- vrc,xir... r,.,2rmer., Jim and Irene were married pn intervals. Those sitting in their • McOuillin, Roy •Mc.c.*".;illin, Leo June 2nd ;,1.9.31. at St. Joseph's • back yards on Sunday were the Barrett, Bob MacNay. Church, Kingsbridge. • , smart ones, • • • •.