HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-01, Page 15it, 1966 udder tIO. 0 3 EDNESDAYI JUNE 1st, 146: � h Pt. Alf 0 THE-LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' . The Corporation .of the Vt'llage of Lucknow Statement of • Revenue and, Expenditure For the, ye.ar ended. December 31, 1965„. REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Scedule 3.) Long -Term• debt chgs recoverable (Sched 12.) - Contrjbutions„Grants and Subsidies . 1 Governments; Canada Ontario • _Welfare Assistance Highway. Imp ement • Payments ,.in lieu of munic- ipal• taxes 391., ' Police and •Fire . 98. Unconditional per capita ,grants3,093; Recreation. 674. 528.32 19,242,53 91 164 0 Other Municipalities County of Bruce Licenses•and Permits (include dog tax) .Interests Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues- Rents, Concessions and Franchises ,:904.00 ,.Fines 334,11 • Service Charges 2,175.00 Recreation and Community . services Miscellaneous .(specify).. . Taxes written off recovered 588.95 Fire insurance claim. 99:98' Gross Thtal •Revenue. Surplus fromprior years used to reduce levy 'Deficit for theyear Total. Revenue Section Actual 83,731.44 • _,27,024.,'01 529.00 .24,02$;57 2,461.86. 170.86 642.57 . 3,413.11 688•.93 142,690.35. 3.,200,00'.. 145,890.35 , 1,57.0,70 Budget $2,'800,00 . 27',024.00 . 710.00 7;841,00 2,462.00 155,00 400.00 4,460;0.0 125,852.00 1,600.00 127,452.00 147;461.05 $1.27,452.00 General Government Executive and Leg isla ive Adrninistrative Other Protection to Persons and Property Fire. . Police Law Enforcement Street Lighting Public Work's -Roads, Highways. 'and Streets, Etc. Sanitation and Waste Removal Social Welfare (Schedule 10) •. Welfare Assistance Institutional, Care, Education; including debt charges (schedule 9) • . Recreation and Community. services Debt .Charges •. u Long-term• debt charges (Schedule 1) . 43,818.17. EXPENDITURE 1•, 236.34 ,3,905.01 4,794.98 • 5,032.46 5,496,13 .. 63.00 5 ,.598.06. PAGE FIFTEEN: :;actual 9,936,.3. Budget 10,061.00 ' 16,189.65 16,63.3,00 26,709.45 1,364.37. 9;.470..00. 1,178.00 330,48 X538.00 t ,. 3.. 868;48. • 409,00 30;17.2,72: • ,2',;.940:.00 2;922.81 2,52.00 'Less• own share of .school debt • charges Short-term interest and other charges "6,498.33 3'7,319.84 1,335.02. Taxes written off and refunded Capital Expenditures •out of Revenue:(Scheduie 13) .Joint or Special Expenditures, County Rates • • Miscellaneous (specify) • Provision for deferred revenue Wiri'gham Retarded Children's. Education Authority Gross Total Expenditure.' Deficits from Previous years levied for 5,761.85 Total Expenditure Section {a, choal ,Pupils: Sing Church Service. (Amberle:y. News) At Pine River United Church ons. unday morning, the pupils of rs. John: D; McKay's Senior , oom at Pine River CentralSchool. ave several fine 'numbers`'and. • ere under the direction of: iss Jean. Campbell, music sup - visor. : Carol Courtney was, org= ist for the congregational .sere- e, TTEND-WINDSOR WEDDING` Mr:.and Mrs; Jack Emmerton; r. and Mrs. Chester' Emmerton, d .Clifford Emnerton, attended e Emmerton-Bowes wedding Windsor•on Saturday. Mr...and Mrs...Ernie Young of oderich spent Friday with Mr. dMrs. Walter Brown, Donald, David, Gary 'and Will- m Courtney spent .Monday at, uelph and Kitchener. Spending the weekend at the n MacDonald .place, were -Sally d Louise MacDonald of Windsor. Mr, and .Mrs;; Duncan Parrish. boys "spent the weekend in troit visiting Mr. Bob Johnstone,; o isn't was well( as, his' many ends Would like to see him; • icattish Young limier In Huron Three English, 'four Scottish and o Irish' young farmers arrived in ontreal on the S. S. Carinthia April 26th. They will be visit- g Junior Farmers in Ontario un July 22nd when they will return .me, . • Mr. William J. McConachie a member of the Scottish Ass- iation of Young Farmers visited t week with Mr. Ross Veatch; R 2, Brussels, a member of the Orth Huron Junior Farmers. Wm ists his father and brotheron the ily farm where they specialize fattening beef cattle and grow - barley. He is a member of the irnshire.Junior'Agricultural Club Gaunt Urges Ammending Farm•Rroducts Marketing ActTo Iflclude Hearings REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK :. by Murray°Gaunt, .. M. P, P.., Huron, - Bruce, Minimum •govern.ment standards for automobile tires were urged in the Legislature by Fred.Young,. M. P. P. Yorkview.. Mr. Young stared there are absolutely' no legal standards for tires'in. Ontario. • "There'is no way by which a rust- oiliercan judge whether one tire•, is better value for the money .than another”; Mr. Young continued. ' After introducing"legislation to'. provide for minirfum standards he urged the. Ontario. Government not to ignore'this situation wherein the lives of people are laid on the line and often sacrificed for the 'profit, of the motor car industry.. This week• I• introduced a resol- ution •which esolution•whicli would have .the effect of amending the Fagan Products Marketing Acr to. provide that. before a local board is dissolved, •public hearings be held by a judge in .order to determine the facts in: issue and where the hearings just- ify dissolution of the local boad, that an election. be held within 60• days' of the dissolution to elect the producer -members of a new local•board`. This resolution was born".because of the government's action ir► res- pert to placing the bean board in Trusteeship, In•Ontario, we ' are utilizing the. system of marketing boards in - selling agricultural products to a much greater degree than any ' other, province in Canada, 36 farm products are being marketed through.18 marketing plans opet- x, and is interestedin public speak- ing, enjoys travel and meeting people. William will be'staying With Mr, Don McKercher, R. R. 1, Dublin, Provincial Junior Farmer Director for Huron County, . until May 24th, He will then travel to Wellington County.to visit with, Junior Farmer members. • 335.60 38,654;:86 1,081,77' 3,08.4,69 38,320..00 3,084.0.0.. 15;761,85 '15643..00 189.47 525.07 147 ,272,05 • ':127 ;263.00 189.00. 189.00 147 , 461.05' 127 ,452, 00 147,461.05..' $ 127 452,00 `ating ;under • The Farm Products Marketing. Act.: Approximately 75%. of producersare organized under the various marketing plans through which more than 60% of the total value of agricultural production• is sold within the province•..:• •• The government board, the • Farm Products Marketing Board, Ont, Bean Growers Marketing Board have' been' feuding for several years over a number of points • which the Farm Products Market-' ing ing Board insisted should be done in respect to. the Bean Growers Marketing Board. . These points were ., 1. .the bean board had" failed to get the best' possible prices for: beans 2, it,.had no .' :intention of ever separating the board and the company which had ,been subsidized by monies coll- ected through the. check -off :sys- tem. 3 . it had 'been Iosing out on a very lucrative market in Great.Britain. • • 1'Iie purpose°of the resolution was to provide a check on govern- ment power in dealing with the growers' marketing board where disagreements have arisen. •The intent was to build appeal proced ures into the Farm Products Mark- eting Board Act where the rarm Products Marketing Board and a . local board are in dispute and •he :local board .is in danger of being placed Trusteeship. This method 'of appeal would apply only in a dispute between the Farm Products Board 'and the local board and this method of appeal should not be extended beyond this.. Agrower who feels he has had an injustice done to hien by a loc= • al board has already clearly de fined methods of appeal. • It has been `suggested that a standing committee of all the chairmen of the v.arfous marketing. boards be appointed to hear and resolve disputes arising between the Farm Products Marketing Board and the local board. e /,%I/io,1 —, /11(111 ..7 rir J MOTORS ,Your Dodge -i Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant' Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM PHONE 357-3862 65 PLYMOUTH, 6 Standard with radio 64 DODGE, 8 stick, with radio 63 DODGE, 6 automatic 63VALIANT, 4 door, r6 automatic. 63 FORD, 2 door, 6 standard, radio 63 PLYMOUTH Suburban, 6 automatic with radio 63 PLYMOUTH, 2 door, 8 stick, with radio 62 CHRYSLER, power equipped 59 EDSEL, 4 door, equipped with radio- 55 FARGO 3 ton dump truck SEVERAL OLDER MODELS i.l i, • w • •