HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-01, Page 11E tat, 1966 sired WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1*9, '19.66 � THE"I<.UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO drainage. grain, ,onsideration ire,.• This ie tent of top well t allowed would be m heavy. tree rods •armer, or • emadefor $'1.0, 00, :cases; it three -guar- bin oran' hay in the with even • Ind grains (vestment iye to Drainage >orrow. 15% the Ftov-: Pugh the 1• the rate of. ;1'.1 more the. ainage is out income ust 'starting ;f fanners ;it cost of lose who ill rriake the test single production This. is . . liry cows an !n cin the rrrstracted le the pasture ms would : down one to the 'next commonly .lots of grass, t pays in tot eef and milk e rotationally ►aNaeNN. )eratiVe ;rvices IG id Durance s WAY.. • Present Honorary Life Membership At Presbyterial The May meeting of the W. M. S; of Maitland. Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Church in Canada was held on May 26th,: in Teeswater Presbyterian Church with a good attendance.. Mrs. George °Sutker- land,.Ripley, President, presided at both the .afternoon and evening. meetings; Mrs. T. E,• McKinney, :'Teeswater, was. organist, •The theme of the meetings were "Hear, and .Proclaim",..... • The afternoon session followed a . short Executive meeting, the devotionswere taken by Mrs., • Ralph Dickson, Mrs. '•Harvey Ball- agli and Mrs. Doug. McFherson, of Belniore, Mrs. Duncan Keith, Teeswater, gave a very cordial welcometo all the delegates.., ...Reports were given by.. Mrs. Wm,. Ford, Wingham recording secret- ary, Mrs.:Thomas Currie., Wing - ham corresponding secretary and Mrs. D. R. "MacKenzie,,: R.R.3, Lucknow'; treasurer.' It was encou- ragingta, hear 'our.givings were increased as compared with last • year at the same time. • Mrs. Stanley: Fischer, Cranbrook presented .a Honorary Life Mem bership Certificate to Mrs.: Roy Cunningham, Ethel, commenting on .her'. faithful work to the ..Ethel Church .as organist and to.the Missionary. Society .for several years. - . . . Mrs. John,McKa ue of Tees - water was soloist.' g Rev, T.• E. McKinney, Tees= water, brought greetings from, g �' g. . Presbytery and spoke of the good. work: the W..M:S. was doing with -, the girls and thie C, 0.C.‘ groups-: which is a tremendous asset to the Church, He spoke on four °.passages of scripture dealing with the theme 'of the meeting. , Interesting and concise reports • ere •given by the delegates that ttended'the Synodical meeting. n Niagara Falls. Mrs, Alvin Mundell, Belmore, ave . a short report on . some high- ights of council meeting explain- ng,briefly-about the need's and xpenditures of the funds made vailable to W. M. S. She. also' rged members to be camp -..mind - d inviting all who'could go or ~• elp "someone else to go to attend some 'session of camp,'at intail for fun, fellowship and • ible-study. -Mrs; T.E.,McKinney, Tees- ater, paid a loving tribute to r departed members,: and the ymn "Fatth of our Fathers, ply Faith" was sung. 'The offering was received d dedicated by Miss Clara ormnan of Kincardine. Mrs. B,,Thomas, Bluevale, a few well chosen words, • intro' iced'the'speaker, Mrs. A. S. rxrr, of Toronto. Mrs Curr has en President of Council for the. rst five years andis now l Past • esident. She was privileged to tend the Centennial Celebration Forrnosa in 1965", . Mrs. A. S. Curr in`her quiet, easing and sincere manner left itch room for thought in het . ds, She told offsome of her rsonal experiences about her p and as she thought of this cel- atio n itmade a>ers on look Dre earnestly into their own • art and'life and question "Hdw • ch have:1 given" and it taught. to. read her own Bible mote. St. ohs e J w .read "1 am come t they may have life and have ore abundantly". Only throu-• ROM GLAND ;now DERSON sham !ROWE tVICES ►' Ph4 111411 • • { gh us can these people have .life • mor. e abundantly. Among many "interesting services Mrs. Curr attended was a dedication of a" Mountain Church that was•full and over -flowing with 'around. 2000 . people' and the enthusiasm and fellowship after the service was an inspiration. They had .allgathered to give Thanks for, Their Church. At all the different 'centennial services,. many of them held out= side, the•crowds were immense, • their churches are often called Singing Churches and they are well named, because music and • singing is very ,important in. their. ;services. Thefinal rally'in Tai - pat where the Protestant' Church • in ,Canada began its work in 1665 • under Rev. George Leslie MacKay There were 4. ,000 people . stand ing up singing •"The Church is One Foundation in Jesus Christ • Our Lord". The members of the • Presbyterian Church in Canada .must never forget it was a Canad- ian.Missionary who Pioneered. in North Formosa nearly; 100 years. ago, are we in Canada going t o be content to leave them alone? Are we going to be -Content to not raise any more money? Over 12 million people on the island•• of Formosa , only 310 are Christ- Tan•, thatis why we must contin- ue to , give : and • give , There is still, a great need, ,The president thanked the speaker for her inspiring words and theMeeting was•closed-.•with prayer by Mrs.. W . W, Smith, Brussels, Dinner was served.in the base- ment of;the Church, after which each' elegate had the'opportun- ity: of meeting with their •depart- mint secretary. At the evening' session; the devotions were taken'by.Mrs. Colin McIntosh. , Mrs. Norman '• Dickson and Mrs. Gordon Doig, of .Molesworth. • • A welcome to this Meeting. was given by 'Mrs., Gordon Don- aldson,,Knox Fellowship'Circle, . Teeswater. Themusic was supplied by students from. the Teeswater• lir School and they sang three numberswhich. were very much.• appreciated and enjoyed by all, The C. G.I. T.' girls ushered and • took up the,collection which was dedicated by Mrs. Morgan,Hende - son, Lucknow.;' • • '' 'A visitor from the smallest, syn- odical of the W, M. S,in Manitoba Mrs. McKay ,',spoke a few words, expressinggreetings from their • societies to ours and wishing us the• bests in the future. An invitation was extended and accepted to hold our meeting next year in. Sx. Andrew's Church, Wingham: ' Mrs, A. S. Curr showed beauti- ful slide's of her trip to Formosa from the time they left Toronto and explained/so clearly all about :them., She wanted us to see the . happy and contented expressions on so many of the faces. of the Formosa people who have so little,:. In comparison to us. The children just loved to have their pictures taken. 'Their country.is beautiful with rocks, flowers and some beau- tiful buildings. Mrs. Curr hoped we remember them in our prayers and realize they 'are God's .child+ . ren the same as we, . • Mts. George MacLean, Ripley, thanked ed all those who had helped' in any way and had made the day so profitable• and happy. A Spec- ial thanks to the ladies in Tees= water for their hospitality. supper t• � and lunch. After the singing of a: hymn, Mrs. James Reid,. Kincardine, • closed the meeting with prayer. • Kairos Discuss •CoffeeHouses PAGE ELEVEN The regular meeting of Kairos Young People was held in Seaforth. United .Church,; Friday, May •27, at 8.30 p.'m, with .a good attend- ance. The film "The Coffee House" was sholgn followed by group dis cussion.on the. importance and value of this type of "House". It was unanimously decided it was of great importance and needed.. This followed by a lively sing- song and coffee and cookies; were served. , • The next regular meeting will be cancelled in view of the Church Service 'involving the theme "How Many _ oads to be put on ' Coder- ich� y _ to North Street United Church on.Sunday, June 26,- at ?.30 p.m. All public of surrounding area are . invited and welcome. Also Ryer- son , Beach .Work Weekend falls on June 11 as does leadership training •at'Bark Lake ,,.so consequently the regular meeting coming,is Cancell- ed -with. so many involved in the c. above mentioned. • • • MONUMENTS r. For sound ,counsel and ,a fair price on a monument correctly :designed from quality material,, rely on • SKELTON MEMORIALS Walkerton Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years Phone 881-0234 Ontario HomecomingopoParty exhibits will be a 'human cell map' ,. niified a million times, At St; .Helens .• HeId The CommissionerGenera' of • Expo is Pierre Dupuy, former Can- adian' ambassador to.France, Italy. and .The hetherlands. (St.. Helens News)-•- • . , . L. Mrs. Keith Gardner (Nancy . Dorscht) was guest of honour at 'a homecoming, party On Thursday • evening .in .the St. Helens Hall; - Mrs. Wm. Rutherford played' several melodies as the ladies gathered, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt was chairlady for short program. Readings were, given.by Mary Belle ,Hunter and Mrs. Frank Mc Quillin , and piano solos by • Loree. C ampbell and Vera Mc 'Donald Marie Mewhinney and Loree Campbell and Marilyn • Brooks conducted .contests. Nancy received many' lovely linen gifts and was assisted by Judy borscht Elaine 'Gardner, Karen Gaunt , Mary' Belle • Hunter and Marie•Mewhinney. ' ' Lunch was served at the con'- clusion of the . evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and little son left on',Friday to return to their home in Calgary. Mr, and Mrs. David Gilmour,; Jeffrey and Steven, of Montreal; spent a few days with her parents. Mr; and Mrs. Harvey. Webb. Mr. • and Mrs. Lorne Woods spent the weekend in•Oshawa with Mr. • and Mrs. Roy -Hawley and Leslie Anne.' Sympathy of the community goes to Mr.and Mrs. John Prit- chard and family in .the. loss. ;of • her mother, Mrs.• Winterstein. ev.. A E. Willis yis attending :Rev. the London' Conference of the United Church this week: Mrs. - Willis is ;visiting with her daugh- ter, Mrs. DonChapman, Mr. Chapman ;and .family in: London. Just a reminder of the W,•l. meeting on Thursday (today). at • 2.30in the' hall. Roll call, Sugg- estion for a Centennial Project. A .liquid embroidery demoristrat ion will be given. Name Teachers For Bible School (Contributed. .by Lucknow Ministerial .Association) 'The meeting.held last: Thursday insthe Hall, of the Anglican Church was .well attended, We were en courpged by new teachers, help.- ers,: and a music :teacher.• Each •. department is no w• completed, and from .here on .each 'department will work out its •own courses, g teachin methods' and craft'p ro gratis..' Everything was finalized•• at this meeting, and the final spurt .to go ahead. was supplied :to` usby new figures of enrollment. -Our enrollment now. stands.at some 175. • However,' we are aware that some parents did not • have opportunity, to register their children because they are as yet not going to school. All 4: and '5 year olds may still be"•registered bycalling the Rev. Mr. Stanley E. Jay; .phone 528-3210; This is likewise true for :those who' were not, contacted in ,the 9th grade. A notice will:beplaced inour High. School, and you may call Mr. Jay or. Janet., Carruthers con- cerning this matter. • 'If 'at: all ' possible, we would like to see the enrollment completed, by Thurs.- day June 9,- for on that, evening we have another Meeting sched- uled. • ' Materials willbe ordered as soon 'as possible.' Music and songs will be handled by Mary Andrew, our Vacation. Bible School. Music Teacher. We are very' grateful. that .we can have her for this task, which is. by no means a Simple one. ,Other teachers are:. Begins- erst.'Janet Carruthers,. Alice Te, Raa, Ina Henderson;. Primaries, Maimie Roulston Jane Maida. Jo Anne ;Searle; Juniors: Ada Web- ster. ,.Mary Henderson, Wanda Hunter, Donna E.Ritchie;°•Interriieq fates: Marg.`Hamilton, Rev..S. , E. Jay. This means'that .we can still use two, if not three more teachers. • The question• was' raised concer- ning tie offerings; ,No set amount is given. if we have money left after the expenses have been paid it will be forwarded to the Can— adian Home Bible League. The rest 'of our meeting was spentwith instructions for each department, display ,of visual aid materials, crafts, and music sel- ections, 'Evidence was given that much work in study and prepara- tion had already been done, . That is wonderful. Webecogme a bit , • frightened when we •see such a• • - Magnificent response from our community, but we trust, hope an, pray. • • Belfast Church Service On Sunday • The pupils, of ,Belfast .School held their annual church service • on' Sunday evening at Hackett's United Church ,-at 8.00'p. m. They were directed by their. teacher, Don Cameron.: .,,, • • Thechoir' of pupils began the service by 'singing the hymn, "Softly Now the Light of Day" as the Opening Prayer. Throughout the service., the choir sang a ,numberr of other •anthems, which included the Negro Spiritual •hymn, "Swing .Low. Sweet Chariot" The sc ipture was read.by Ivhn. Cranston.. The offering was: tak- en: up by Jack. Cameron and John Holcak, to be used for the Church Camp Fund. .The choir also sang the hymen, "Whispering Hope". The congregation was addressed -by•guest speaker; Robert Camp-, bell; fron the television program "Footsteps" in Wingham. The service closed with the singing:,of a :lullaby by'the choir, and a closing hymn. The pupils of Belfast. School and' ron Cameron would like to thankall who att' ended the service. ZiOn Vit C. W. The May meeting of Zion, U. C. W. was held at the home of Mrs. -Graydon Ritchie. Mrs. Harvey • Ritchie opened the meeting with a. poem, followed by the members • all repeating the Lord's;Prayer.. The minutes, of April meeting were read and :adopted, and the roll call answered by the name of a spring.flower. The devotional period was con: ducted`by.Mrs. D. A. Hackett, with scripture reading by Mrs. John Hunter. The Bible Study was taken'. by Mrs,' Marsh, .Gibson. The Chapter from the Study , Book on Brazil was given ;by. Mrs. Allan Barger.' The visitors felt the coming month are.Mrs Lorne Cook and Mrs. Marsh. "Gibs1on, '. Mrs. Wesley;Ritchie 'rendered a pleasing instrumental and readings were given by. Mrs. Fussell Swan and Mts. Graydon Ritchie, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter is :to see about: a suitable date for our fall bazaar.- The Garden Party • money is to be handed in at the June meeting. • The ladies were told of a Fellowship Day to be held 10 Goderlch Summer School on Satur• day,. June lith. A hymn was sung• and the Meet- ing closed 'with prayer by the 4 Pres- idem, A sale of plants and' baking. followed. Lunch was served by the hostess, and Mrs. Wm:, Hunter. and Mrs, Earl Swan. The lune meeting will be held at the home of Mts. Bruce Raynard,. This will be the annual Grandmothers meet- ing, with the roll call to be ans- ' wered by "A Picture of your, Grandmother". • • Th tee. 7Zipplek Receive County Honors And "Pins The'Zippy Zionettes 4H Clubs .. namely Donna Ritchie, Nancy Kirkland. Wanda Hunter, Elva Ritchie. Barbara Wilkins, Brenda • Ritchie and Charlene Anderson, with' their leaders..; Mrs. Jim Hunter and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland,, attended Achievement Day in • Wingham on 'Saturday.' May' 28th, The girls all received very complimentary comments from, • the Haeme Economist„ Miss Dane Liddiard., Clinton,ohe good work they had done ori their hats and scarves. On.their exhibit, "Accessories for a basic Costume" Nancy Kirkland was commentator. Three,of the girlsreceived their County Honours and Pins for the successful completion of six projects. They were, Donna Rit- chie, Wanda Hunter and Nancy Kirkland, . We wish the girls con- tinued success with their Fall project, •r i;. -610 +1e