The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-01, Page 6AGE SIX THELCKNOW SENTINEL, tUCKNOW,• ONTARIO WNDNESDAY, JUNE 1st, Ed, Walker, Mrs, Jas. Currie, Rev Horace 'Braden Mrs, Russel. McGuire and Mrs.. Is Guesl Speaker ('74,c:...411111111.11WW) ■ So easy to apply • Resists Sun, Furnes and Mildew Q■ Sparkling, fresh ogre s colors L Benjamin oore paints '0 URDIE Hc;rrdware. On Your Nome There is No Substitute For Quality end Dance For. V Graduates :(Zion News) ' ,Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter,.. • and Bruce MacMillan', were in. / Kitchener on Friday evening:. • 'the *-Y/ were entertained .at a dinner given by Mr.. and Mrs,'-lton. Nich- olson honouring Mrs, Frances • Cown,• who is. a' member of the Nurses Graduating Class of I<it chener-Waterloo. Hospital. ' Mr. and Mrs. ;Jesperson of Chilliwack , . parents of Mrs... Cowan., , :were als.o present. .Later everyone attended .the Graduation Dance held in Kitchener -Waterloo Hose- ital Auditorium'. .. Mrs,: Charles Anderson and lvirs.. Allen Ritchie attended 4H Achie- vement Day at W ingham .on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland . ,and Nancy visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary Bere and family. of :. Auburn. SUNDAY EVENING .SERVICE ' An entertaining program was held: in Hackett's Church Sunday , evening. Music was provided by • the students of Belfast School, under the leadership'of their teach- er, Don Cameron. Guest speaker was Robert Campbell, of Wingham District High School.. 'Mr. Cain- pbell "is known as "Uncle Bob" in "Footsteps of CKNX-Tv pr:og- • ram The proceeds were in aid of Goderich. Summer School Cvmp. Mrs. Mary MacA uley returned, • last week to Acton after spending two weeks, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Anne. Mr., and Mrs. Ivan Cook and children of .Ripley visited on Son - day with. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Cook and Elaine. Mrs. Gordon Kirkland was, a guest at a tea given on Tuesday , by Mrs; Steve °Stothers of Lucknow, daughter, Mrs. Agnes Bradbury. of Hutton. Rudby, England, ptidr to her departure for home. C.N.R. Qperator 10.Stecitford• • (Purple Grove News) ... ,` Bob Thompson, who completed. hls.tr.aining in London as tele-. grapher, , ' will be employed .for .' the next month as. CNR operator' in Stratford. •' Purple. Grove W I. were host- esses on Friday to Bruce South District .Annual :which was held' ,,District the Township Hall in Ripley.. TAKE PART IN RECITAL :A music recital was held on Saturday evening in Ripley. by Mrs. Ambrose Gamble's class. Those from this district who took part in the recital were Brenda Currie, Bryan and•'Bonnie•Boyle, Joyce Elliott , Margie Collins and Dianne. and Carol McKay,, The next W. I. meeting Will be held on Wednesday` evening' at the homne of Mrs. George..Emerson,. Visitors this weekend with Mr... • and Mrs. ,Ears Elliott and family were Mr. and Mrs:.+ Roy Stephens and Mr and Mrs; Rudolphe karst a a'nd Douglas of 'Dearborn; Mich. and Bob Berrill of•Detroit. • Mr; and' Mrs, Ross Shielis of 'Lricknow spent. Saturday evening with Mr., and Mrs. George Ernerson? Sunday guests of 1vtr. and Mrs.. Frank Currie were Mr, and Mrs, Ed Harrison. t Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Patterson,.' Dorinda Forster and Mrs. Don Mc-, Cosh spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, .Currie Colwell. • Mr. ; and: Mrs. Earl Elliott visited 'with Mr: and'Mrs,, Frank Currie and girls Saturday evening after` the music recital. Recent guests of Mr. and M}s. 'Don McCosh were Mrs, It. G.. Walk- er of Brantford and Mr, and Mrs. loe Fitzsimmons of Pinkerton. (Whitechurch News) Anniversary services were held on Sunday imChalmers Presbyter- ian Church, decorated with " • spring bouquets, and one in rnern ory of the late Mr., and Mrs... p E,. Buckton.. Messages of song at the morning service were " A .Choir number,. duet by Mr. and:. Mrs, Murray ,Gaunt , A. voc al.,num-. ber by 8 Men of the choir: The guest speaker was Rev. Horace Braden, teaCher at the Bible College, London. He read 2":Kiings, Chap. 22, and his mess. age was "Is that the. Basis? What is -the Church' iu Society? Is there: a God?" People debate about' God because what they find in the .Bible doesn't suit them.. :Man his tremendous power' for evil but • Christ came so man could realize. his. highest potential. God .comm unicates through the Bible; the authority for Faith. The church is composed of people with a. personal .knowledge of .Christ . which makes•us:His witness. •• At the evening service, the messages of song:. The choir, . a trio sof Alma Conn, Mary and Barbara Pardon... The men of the • choir sang a ,number, . The org •",anist for:the messages of sbng for both services was Mrs., John'stori The event was in honour of their - ofrPatricia. Laidlaw, graduate of Western University. Mr. and •/ Mrs, Roy Keane of Stratford, Mr.. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw , Janie and. Paul of Whitechurch, were also present. Following the dinner, everyone enjoyed the L ',firgnster Lions parade before•re- turning to Patricia'shone where a social tithe was spent; ' •ATTEND GRADUATION DINNER Mr.. and Mrs. W,.C,/Hunter, of Zion, Larry of Owen Sound, • and Kim Cowan, were guests on :Sunday at a graduation dinner held at "The Country Fare" Lon- :' don. , The dinkier was in honour • • Conn. Rey. Braden's;'message was Acts 2, verse .22. "What .is God" We need to understand that we. _as humans.are responsible for all our 'action's and to atone for us • God gave; tiphis son. :All Christ fans are 'called to bear witness for Christ.' To repent meansto undergo a change. Repentance " involves'faith and for.this we need God's help. PRESENT F.W,:LC. BADGE. On Wednesday 'evening, Mrs. J Frank Ross, on behalf of White- church Women's Institute went to the home of Mrs. Dan Tiffin at Teeswater to present her with a F, W. I, C, badge which; was 'to be a surprise. On their arrival they found Mr. Tiffin at home. and Mrs. Tiffin.was at anniversary choir practise in the United Char.- • ch, Whitechurch.The ladies left the badge with Mr. Tiffin. Mr, ,and Mrs. Russel Gaunt • visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Max McFarlan of London vicinity., Mrs, Russel Gaunt, Mrs. W Conn, Mrs.. Russel Ross, Mrs. Vic ,tor Emerson and Mrs. Garnet Farr- ier attended Bruce South•W 1. • District. Annual at Ripley on Friday. Mrs. Farrier was pianist :. for the meeting. -' . . • Mrs.' Victor Emerson accompan- ied Mrs. George Whitby , Lucknow , Mrs. F. Gemmel, Ripley , and. Mrs. Don McCosh to Paisley on Thursday where they attended. Bruce•East;W. I. District Annual. • Mr. and Mrs; Charles Tiffin were Sunday visitors' with 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin. -Mrs. Claud C.offin;of Galt spent a few days on the weekend with Mr, and 'Mrs. Ezra VS.choltz. Mrs:. Johnston Conn; Mrs. • Donald Watt, Mrs. .D awson Craig. and Mrs. • Frank Coulter attended the Presbyterial 'Meeting at :Tees water on Thursday . Mrs. Watt. . . gave her portion `of.the `report n` 'the .Synodical meeting' she. attend, ed• at Niagara Falls this spring. Langside' C; O, C. will be. held during church next Sunday,. June 5., in the .community centre. • Services at .Chalmers.Prebyter- ianChurch next Sunday,, June 5, Sunday School .at 10.30 and. Church' service at 11.30: Mrs. Maud H_agg.itt returned on` Sunday to the home of ;Mir, : and Mrs. Victor Emerson after visiting New .Associat o To:Hoid. Sade A 'newly formed association r stage their first sale of register Polled Hereford. Cattle at the T swater' Fair Grounds on Saturda June llth. • The Perth -Huron -Bruce 'Polled Hereford Breeders' Association i headed by George Kennedy Of 1+ Wawanosh as their first presided and Ed McQuilln of West Waw; nosh as the secretary 'treasurer. John Maize of Dungannon •is a dca ector, as.is Ed Wilson of,Kinr ine. _ •. The Sentinel has .completed tl printing of a sale catalogue.for the group which; lists,27. bead w will be sold on sale day. ( ()pit of this, catalogue:are. available. 'The Sentinel fora week with her sister, Miss Lila Emerson of West W aw anosh, • Mr.. and Mrs: Scott• Paterson -and 'Jeffry of Detroit were Sunda afternoon visitors with h1r; and: Mrs; Garnet Farrier,..and Mrs, ., Gibson Gillespie; Mr. and •Mrs, Don Ross, Doug las, Bobbie and David, visited on Sunday with his :mother, 'Mrs. Robert Ross,,•a patient in Victori, Hospital London and report her Condition is improving SUNDAY 'Sc HOOL FILM' SHOWN On Saturday evening; Mr. Dor 'aid Watt, student preacher at the Manse , showed the half hour.filh -For the Bible Tells meso, This film,has 150 pictures dealing wit ' .Sunday School work. `'The film strip Four. Friends and a Sick Ma' was also shown. The Sunday' School teachers present were Wei dy'Reynolds Mr,` and Watt and Mrs: V. Emerson; ()the present were ,151rs. C amphell and. _Betty—Ann; n; -and Terry England: Mrs. `Watt served refreshrnents.' after th.e meeting. -STRON LL RW ROARIN'; AND READYTOLAY. .;.A strong healthy pullet is what. you'.strive far'. , The "be"st,way' to achieve this is . .thro'ugh• a SHUR GAIN. Feeding Program. In.order to get .your dition"• by 22• .weeks of provenfeeds and have been 'farmteste the 'SHUR GAlN Re.se Why not. -start now to out of your repl,acem to-d-a,y .so we can dis Pullet Feeding Prvgr best job for you. pullets into top co"n,Y•. you can use a' variety' feeding methods that, d..by SHUR'-GAI•N, 'at arch F a, r'm poultry feeds 'make. avi'nnin team• ent flock.' Dr•o ' in. CUSS tire. SHUR'=-GAIN am that will do 'the Anderson flax Products Limited LUCKNOW Phoma S2I,2O26