HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-01, Page 2�A • 4 4a • s! t�; I! PAGE TWO 4 THIS t,UCKNOW $ENT.INEt., t,t�UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEt NE$DAY, JUNE 1st i .... .eters University, Ted andMargaretC011prA4,25 Year. Wins Two Awards Married, 200. Relatives, Friends Prese The . LUCKNOW SENTINEL t,UCKNOWR: ONTARIO • y . �,7�{.t SspoTown" On; 'thy I'IY,1'Ofl•BiVCe Boundary Authorized as 'secondclass mail,, Post Office Department, Ottawa' Established 187 --Published Each Wednesday Afternoon M mbar of The' C.W.N.A, and O.W:N.A. Subscription,Rate, $4.00 a year in advance, - to the U.S,A., $5.00 Donald C. . ' Thompson, Publisher 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st, `1966 Mrs. George Whitby !Elected President. Of Bruce South Women's Institute "One who ceases to learn, ceases to''live" , was the theme when 132 Women's.Institute rrmern '+ hers from fifteen branches of Bruce. South. District rnet for their annual .meeting in the Township Hall, .Ripley,,. Mrs. Francis Gemmell, district president, presided, with Purple Grove being the hostess • •branch . Interesting reports were presented; by •the secretary treasurer, Mrs. Donald MacKinnon, F. W . I.O . Board. Director; Mrs:.,,Donald Mc=• Cosh, Bruce County. Home Econ- omist, Mrs. Donna Mae Holm and the convenors of standing: committees. Musical nurnbers by the Ripley Sextette and Mrs.,. Harold Haldenby' of Holyrood , • were much enjoyed. A lively sing -song was conducted .by Mrs. Mundell of Belmore, accompan- ied• by. Mrs. Garnet Farrier, White- church, Guestspeaker was Mrs. R. C, • W Iker of St. George.,who inspired the gathering With new ideas for THURS.,. FRI., SAT.,: •JUNE '2; '3, 4: "How "Programme Planning": • Mrs. Walker, Provincial Tweed-- •smuir .Curator,, acted as judge for the Tweedsmuir. History compet- ition, and awarded 1st prize to . Ripley, 2nd to l;.incardine. and 3rd,. to Kairshea. The following are the officers • . :elected,. for the coming year.., Mts. George Whitby of Lucknow was narnedpresident of Bruce • South District Women's Institute. • Past President, Mrs. Francis Gemmell, Ripley; '1st vice pres- ' ident, 'Mrs. David Eadie, R. R 2, Wingham; .2nd vice. president, Mrs. Cecil Hollands R. R. 1,' Kincardine; 3rd vice' president , Mrs. John. Goessell,, Box. 153, Kincardine; Secretary Treasurer; Mrs.' Donald MacKinnon,. Lucknow; Federated Representative Mrs, . Donald MdCosh , R. R. 3 Ripley; Alternate, 'Mrs. Victor Emerson.,;` Whitechurch; .District Voting. Del-. egate,. Mrs. Leonard Courtney, .R. R 1 Ripley Alternate, Mrs. Joe Scott, Ripley; Federation' of :Agriculture. Representative, Mrs.. Donald Gillies, R. R..2,. Ripley • Alternate.,'.hirs,. Russell McConnell R. R. 3, Kincardine; Public; Rel- ations officer, 'Mrs; Raynard Ack •':ert,' Holyrood; Agriculture and.. Canadian Industries, Mrs'. Angus • McLeod, R. R. 2, •Kincardine;' Historical Research and .Current • Event,, Mrs. Harry,Lavis, Lucknow; ,to March. About 200 relatives and friends q�U.ed A.Ht ;90....,. 0 •• of Ivir, and Mrs,.. Ted Collyer of K' moss bride ..and oom of • The following article appeared gr in a recent issue of the Port Elgip.. twenty-five years ago, assembled. Times and has to do -With ?amela • . Saturday night, May 28, in the • Burns Of Port Elgin, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs, Jim Burns, former residents of this. Community, and well known to many here; Miss Pamela Burns, Grade .i3 student at the Saugeen District High School, learned recently that she had been accepted in the new courses beim •offered, at ttie Univ- •ersity of Guelph which, begin' on April. 22 with' registration'.. Pam'• will be enrolled' in, the Bachelor of 'Arts, course..zt Pam is the daughter of Councill- or 'and Mrs, James Burns; Pam, whose acceptance was received. earlier, has also, r eceived word that she has been granted two '.Scholarships, •with a total value 'of $900.00. The Admission Scholarship worth $500, 00 requires a 15%•average, in grade 13.. The Guelph: Scholar Award of $400', 00 corresponds to the Ontario. Scholar ,and requires 80% recommended •..general average. A limited; number of students with .66%. or.over. are being' adrnitt- ed to'the: first: year Course with the: Semester running from'April 22 to August 5;his will mean that students will' be able to complete a three year pass Arts course m .two years.: The/University ity of Guelph and the D.part�nt;'of Education are. cooperating with this new pro- gram in order to provide educa- tors 'with a proper sample: for re- • search purposes. The geographic' 'location and size and type of the secondary school'attended is . considered. Students. accepted ; must;have attended grade.,13, for the first time; from September Township Hall at Holyrood .An evening of visitation and dancing, was,enjoyed to the .music of Boyds. Orchestra. Those0attending from a distance were Mr and 'Mrs. Art Huffman, v'tch . Mrs. John: Marko i Mr. Angus MacKay, . all of:.Detroii; Mr, and.' Mrs. Mike Verchimak from.. Flint- ' Michigan Mr. and Mrs„ DOW ' • Davis, Toronto; Miss Mary Mac- ) ac- Intyre, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs;. 4 -Graham Pinkney', AJax. At an appropriatetimein the eveii'ing, Cameron MacDonald,. who was Master of Ceremonies, called piper, Ian MacKenzie"to lead the happy couple around. the 'hall and to the platform., Mrs. .Lawrence MacLeod then' read an address, and was assisted by Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon' and Mrs; Lloyd MacDougall,•presenting gifts', Frank Thompson then made. a" pre- sentation from the Beaver Bowling Dome Economks and Health, .Mrs.. KelvTtri; eiidersoii.. R. R:. 1; Rip Lnow.:l-,. Resident Fl ley;: Resolutions, Mrs:. George Stew: , art, R. R 2, Ripley; Jr. Activities, Miss'Far 'Many Years Marton' Ruttan, T eeswater Representative to Museum Board, MRS, NELSON WINTERSTEIN ' bits. Donald Blue, • Ripley,•Repres- The death occurred' in Wrngham. entative to ,Scbolarship `Coram ittee •and District Hospital, ' on'Friday, Mrs: Francis Gemmell, Ripley; May `27th., , of Mrs,. Nelson winter, A' ternati e,,. Mrs. George, Wl t�by, • stein. of ;Lucknow„' in her 68th : • - , iir�.ickeow; Repre=entatveto Safet}° . /,! .council, h,ts..E�,-an Keith, R. R.5, MarButton daughter of the late Was..L€ ck ow; . Curator, �.tr; i�aJ.; J.. Arnold Ripley . Starring: Debbie Rem and Joihn_ Wayne \ • AND "Disne ' Dear Margaret and'Ted We've learned that the years: Have beep twenty and five, Since you were' united • And Land Sakes Alive ! We.find you as gay. ', 'As a new married pair With never a marking '• •Of worry or'care. W e .think •of you oft In your .country estate' With green hills around . •And a vievi..that is great:.• • And like oto the film; stars In Hohywood''s H:i11s Fqr her smile andher wit, In our estimation This coupa hit. On. behalfles of your friends and neighbours we ask you to accept . these gifts. We do hope }ot: car find a place in your home for the space -saver •and derive much comfort frorri it, Margaret, to t a nap on, and Ted to rest :,our weary bones after a hard d•ay's w, We know' Margaret ou will be quite happy to serve your friends a cup of'•tea and' wee st ack Pr, 7h tables.i• Hopng .you will be able tore - lax' in this chair under oneof voui • beautiful trees on cont;rthe watarrtiuiaiions mrr e'r'days'ahead. We' ekte • .nd to you both our he.arciesr ,'on 'this your.,25th wedding anniver sary., •and wish'you both continued !health and happiness for many yearsro come.` . Ted, in a few well chosen words, 'expressed .h is thanks for so much kindness shown to them then passed the microphone over j to his capable bri°de who also`ex- pressed her thanks. Margaret ria special mention of her delight , in seeing so many of the dear old friends who Added so'nucf: to the occasion: `'Cameron `MacI`onald then Calle( • W. L. MacKenzie';. uncle of the ;;bride and•groom to. the j'latform for a few .words, which he..resfon ed to in his usual. ,manner; rt,uch; in keeping .with the' spirit of .the,, occasion.• ' A bountiful lunch, way then .'serv`- ed; includingti'eddink . thus ending:•an evening of a happy companioniable fri•end,'.�i•p •long tc be' remembered . The ,sight `of your swimming pool__ Gives usathe thrills, • „..**14.** i• And we' know that. your, hc----' ..Has a'welcorne for all With true •hospitality Marking our call., This day when'we're told • That electrical `things Make living, the: better • And drudgery take. wings, Ted knows it's his'mission Appointrnents• tb fill, With ,many depending Upon/his known skill. Whie: Margaret is • known year She was the former Annie Starring: Louis Armstrong MON., TUES., 'WED., • JUNE 6, 7, II Sev• en Wo : Starring: Arne Bancroft and Sue Lyons Mit* ErterrAityrnPnr AND, Got • A,ctioii'.. John and Elizabeth Button of Luck FAIR.0''I E •- now.. She was -:born at Toronto on • ' October 8th, ,1898. •• (Contributed) Nits, Winterstein.was in Victoria `It`s 'nice to keep in touch . Hospital London , for '•som.'..:.ne . • a in 4 ing, am 'HosPital only. i reewT.te gam, .;-„about three,days•When she passed 'away. - Mr. and Mrs. Winterstein ob- served their.; 40th 'wedding anniver- sary, on l;iovember.25th, 1965', and'a family gathering .was held: at that time.. Except for short periods in Tees - water and Ridgetown•; they' have Spent all their married life in • Luc •rr:oW • ” I,rrs ,y', it'geritein was''a life mem- , lays = Tillie Armstrong. of Goderich and was t h' New Mail ' Hours Star NextWeek' EtLec+_ e .M ,.+ a.i , Ja a sth , for ^YaC. dep.arure will :ct? efts'";. e. _ze for `• .. -fey.. • azce -1L2 _ Starring: Dean Mares and Lana Turner FEATURING 'rte .' LA°. . 4 "_▪ . .40 -M...Y y.... r ♦ _ .... so • IPI TRIS .AREA' ..aJS • ' ' Y « .M i • e-�r _les Lucknow AgricuituralrSociety's 101st Fall: Fair is to be held Sept-, .ember 16th .and 17th', Have you rnade..plans to take',part in it? Remember'what fun' you, had .last.: year? ,Plans areeto have. just as. big a Fair this year, an itis :up' to•one and all to make itso • A mammoth parade: is being pia.nned with at least three bands. n:attendance. Entertainnent:'for all''is being' planned. Floats, decorated cars, old and •new, are _: needed.. How' about telling Charl- ie Webster you will enter'one. The president;; Ponald Mac • - Intyre, urges one and gill t'o help `make. this 196f, Fair- a .big one. The district meeting for Agric-, ultural Societies in District 10 • is in Durham on Wednesday,' June Sth, at 1145 a.m. All directors are urged to attend and learn first hand their duties. • A dollar reg istratipn fee will be charged and a dinner served to all who attend A 'prize is given to the Society with the largest attendance. •• Wouldn't it be nice if Lucknow could wins Come On, 'Directors,' let's try. Be in Durham; June 8th If you ,are interested in going and haven't a ride, call the . President, Donald MacIntyre, or get up' a carload and go. • her'of the t cited Church W.tifomen; . :e :ear: es to rourn her passing, "e•`'a;•d , one daughter Ruth "•M :Ohn pritc°:ard, of Luckrrow7.,. w :f gin ndjchildren, John, Ricky r • , :eddy and Danny -; 'arc;• •., e;e sad:y beret'. ed in when their da..ghter Jean e. awa; G her « , year from _. • ,et...s, • - 4e+G 4er�ice ryaseld`at ,!ertorial•( Capel on May -,zt: ,. •, ith •it:"ter-. a:ares ,,. Til etet.ery ~� '::c•ward :rape was minister, .W caret ,p ere Eldoh-Header- :w , • W .es, art , Kenneth. rt yle ;es:1e r?.r,is Alex Mac ,arrieson, •' " s*.+e, e'.aters were Ross Hendee en der_.ar:,• t2,6 ,a1d ANOVER IVE • IN WED.. THURS: FRI.JUNE 1.2.1 Sex and the. Siagl:e :Girl Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Henry Fonda . Adult ;Etltertainrn't Technicolor. A frantic, fun filled peek at every. body's' favorite subject. Best Sei•, er. Hints on what every girl" • should • k.rro« DarkPurpose S. Jones. . ` • Technicolom An unusual .thr'ill'er.. CARTOO SATURDAY ONLY, JUNE 4 Strange Bed Fellows Ruck Hudson, Gina' Lollabrigida ,,.: G10 Young • .Technicolor laughs, chuckles all the way Gunman lot the Rio Grande Guy' Madison . Technicolor - • Cinernascope. Western `Action. : , • CARTOON MON. TUES. WED.. June 6, 1, Marri ga Italian, tyle • - w: "" Sophia Loren RESTRICTED TeChI9lo. 'It's an entertainment gem•. Yank in Viet learn Nlarshell• Thompson. The story behind the Cewspape hetidlines• • •