HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-25, Page 13edhi
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Years Ago
Ong wasrevived in. the
r with Rev,. R. A Joselyn:.'`
ider, • Keith. Kilpatrick,,'
q MacMillan and. Morley
Were named- as acting patrol
spine River community.
odMiss Elizabeth. Welsh',
Was moving to Lucknow-,.
and Mrs. Richard Gardner
resold their farm. to 'Joseph. -
lid his son, Lorne;• of Al-
and formerly. of concession •
Inlos$. '
*.Kilpatrick disposed of'the
half of hismain. street prem.
Winterstein. • It:
;innerly a Massey Harris. .
and'at one time was the
post office". Mr. Winter-,
had. the Hudson .cat agency
s,. A. E McKim and Mrs.
Hornell were presented with
Ige of service by.the Can- • •
tRed Cross.Society in recog-
i of theirlocal work,
I MacRae of Strath.roy, , son
in MacRae of •Lochalsh,
!anted junior county judge
dddlesex County,;
ss Edith. Elliott .of the Ripley
joined• the• Lucknow Branch.
e Bank ofMontreak.
ass Joy Stewart, daughter. of ,
and:Mrs: L. W. Stewart,. .
igaged as teacher of the
rtooms it .St. 'Helens. .'school.'
Cyd Ackert left .for• the Sask-•
wan mission ‘field at .Corning'
e:he was' in charge of church
there for the 'slimmer: fie
completed his thirear.•
es for.the ministry;, .
r,'and:,Mrs.:Ernest Carter of
'ss1Qrt 12,` Ashfield , sold
(43:acre farm in .Colborne
4.'Satn McQuillin opened'
tions Beauty. Salon .in her
e in the .village. • •0
Seott of .Ripley opened a new
1 pit in Lucknowt the :rear
Cgmming and. Andrew prop. -
on Quality••Hil1, and over.
g the Gore Road•. It was •a -
uance of the old "Jim'!dill-
". Purchase of th•e property. :
ade fromAlex Mowbray.
.W. Hoag, ;a ,member of the
School teaching staff: for two
,'.was eared principal succ
g Miss ;Frances E. MacLean,
as retiring. Miss. MacLean , .
aught.at;Lucknow for 37 years,
ss Poris Eadie, daughter Of •
nd Mrs, Wm. Eadie of Holy-
' gtadttated from Women"s
ge Hospital in Toronto.
aid Mrs. Peter. McCall
ased the' Lucknow residence
and Mrs, Charles Hedley
to.many as.the "McNeice
nior Livestock
mpetiton: Held
annual Huron County Live-
Judging Competition will be
Saturday, May 28th at the
h Fairgrounds, . •
registration. at 9.00 a,m .
peoplewill be given'instrue•
how to Judge classes, of
beef, sheep, swine and
sides.. p,
year, 200 Huron County
djunior Farmer members
pated in the`Livestock iudg'!-
ons far•placing classes are
by official iudges'during the
from Junior. Intermed'
d Senior contestants; In
ce of reasons;. Novicecon-
will have a special instrtie-
ass during the afternoon on •
judge and give reasons,
40 Years Ago
May 2926.
Mary McQuillan, 26 . second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm:..•
McQuillin . of West Wawanosh,
passed away at Gravenhurst after
a period of .ill health., ' h.ehad
taught school. in various parts of
the province. ' .
Many former students visited the
remodelled Lucknow Public School
and could scarcely recognize the
old:building.. Doors. windows;
floors and ceilings, were all
changed and the outer walls treat-
ed with a coat of stucco. Play
rooms, cloak roo ns and teachers.
rooms, were' added with modern
black hoards, seats and,desks in!
Stalled. I. G. Anderson was
chairman of .the school board.
J,im. Mitchell, son of.Mr. and
Mrs; Moorehouse ,Mitchell of
Lucknow ,; was 'the successful tend-
erer, for the paving to be done ori •
i uckrtoW'.s main street.
C. A. Robertson of Colborne'
Township,• a :former Huron County
warden', was•named Liberal•Can-
didate for North Huron in the 'Ont -
alio Legislature. ' '
22 years ago, May 24th, 1904,
the first automobile; made .its
appearance on .Lticknow's rnnain
street. • It'was owned. and `driven .
by Mr.;Hendersonrof roller bearing
fame. ,.
Cecil B. DeMille•s "The Ten
Commandments".. "was showing a. t
the Family Theatre in Lucknow,
adults' 450 children :25i ..: : '
60.` Years Ago
May 19tti6, „�
The farmer's hotel:;in Lucknow:
was being offered• for. sale.for .
$600; Applications were to ,be
directed to PeterCorrigan, agent
of Lucknow, ' or Mrs.' A. Reid',
Rev. A. McKay. formerly of
Lucknow,. was elected 'moderator
of the Free. Church Synod of 'Mor-
ay in..Scotland.
Contractors Messrs. Jardine and
Robertson commenced work on
construction .of the large block, of
stores for John :Joynt and A T,..
.Davison. A 'new• cement. mixer,
powered'by 'a.'gas•engine,..was cap-
r able of .turning out 50 to 60 yards
of concrete per,day: • .
R.. R. MacLeod;manager of the
Bank' of Hamilton , entertained . •
some Lucknow friends at' Black- -
horse. Lake on. the 24th of, May.
Sailing in his new.boat which. was .
one of the finest in the .area,
There were 2,781 people in the.
Township,of Ashfield; in 1906;. •
56,164 acres cleared rand; 1,059.
acres of woodland; 2,699" acres
of slash;::4.07.9 acres` of waste; for.
a total acreage of 64,001.
Tenders were called -for the cont.
Struction of 'a 50 x 80 Library for
the village. G., A. Siddell was
treasurer of the:board and. John
Murchlson, chairman.
Gi'aduati4rt HeId,
far �xp�orers .
, •
• (Lochalsh News)
The Explorers 9f Ashfield Pres-
byterian Church met on Tuesday •
evening at the church withtheir
leader, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie,
Graduation exercises were held
to which the parents and friends
'Were, invited, . . '
Spending the holiday weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzi.
was Ray MacKenzie of Toronto..
Mrs. Ewan MacLean spent the
weekend in Sarnia.
The regular W. M'. S', meeting
of Ashfield Presbyterian; church
was held. Thursday afternoon at
. the home of Mil.. Richard West..
Mrs. Donald R. MacKenzie was.
a recentvisitor in Stratford.
Scott McCharles,' son of Mr:. an.
Mrs. Donald •McCharles of Brant-
ford, spent the past week with his
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Oliv
er McCharles, : •'
Mable MacDonald of Windsor
spent the weekend with Mr. and
lvlrs 'David.MacDonald and family
Home for theholidayweekend
at the Dan MacDonald residence,
were Finlay MacDonald of Chath-
am; and Sally and Louise Mac. -1
Donald of Windsor'. '
Mr.- and Mrs. D.. A...MacLennan
spent'ihe weekend visiting in
Mr. and Mrs; Don Ainsley and
farnily of. Toronto spent ithe week,
end. with Mr.; and -Mrs. Frank Mac-
Mr and Mrs. .Gordon Finlayson .,
are the proud grandparents of the
second./son:born to Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Rogerson of Toronto last week,
Mr..:and Mrs., Dan MacLean ' ` , ,
spent the weekend in C,ollingwood
with Mr, and Mrs, Allan Mac
Lean and family. , . • '
.Dads;andtads at-tbe4ions-.Club
Hockey Banquet from this area,
enjoyed, the outing. Lads who
..played hockey. during :the winter;
from this: area were Bill, Brad:
and Bob MacKenzie,. Russ Mon-
crief, Graharn•.and Greg Hamil--
ton, Ken and David Farrish.
Lions. Conv. .
features. Parade .
Lions Clubs•fromi 397 commun-
ities, that cover all of Quebec arid'
Ontario, ,will swarm in on London,
tnis sunaay, May 29, with the,.
.biggest parade in Canada.
80 , 000 , to 100, 000 people are
expected to line the streets for
an afternoon of real enjoyment.
Abbott 300 entries include 45 .
bands, 53 flouts, 39 Majorette
groups., 45 decorated cats and
horses from a 6 horse hitch doWn.'
. The. bands include, International
Champions from Leaside,. Sarnia,
Quebec Cit :Toronto and many
other places. A big Steam Engine
from Burford , with its, huffing:, •
Here's the fast, efficient way to apply. supplemental nitrogen
to your corn.•CO-OP Aqua. Ammonia 20% Nitrogen
injects 3", to 4" below the surface :.. gets right to
' the roots,. to give the crop,an immediate boost.
And there's no waste. The soil retains allot the.
ammonia applied with negligible loss during` application.
0 (by. Elaine Mur .ay)
Wednesday and Thursday of
last week marked' the' annual
fashion show at LuhknoW District
High School; .and the last really ., .
important. event of the . schooI
This year the display consisted
Of a fashion show ;• a'gymnastic
display,, a band concert , and an
open' house ' A great deal of .
credit must go to .Mrs. • Hewitt ,
Mr. Dennis and Mr. Hall; and
all the others who worked so
hard to 'make .the.event such a
The fashion show .displayed:
the many ,beautiful outfits, the
girls have':made and, the variety :;
was am.azing.. I'm sure the gyre-,
nastic. display provided a lot •of
ex c.itement,• and the musical sel-
ections of 'the different groups..
were;` a` pleasant .interlude during
'the evening.'
,;. On,lune 6th the final' examin-
ations begin, and everyone is
busy studying. June l6th,rnarks
the completion .of the school
year, and summer holidays will
be a welcome change -for all the
students and. teachers. •
puffing and whistle,- will be the
favourite. of thousands..
Many Lions Club sponsor bands
as'one of their service acts and'
competitiork. is keen for the large
cash prizes.
Twenty thousand' Lions Club
members,' friends and their child-
ren will ;come to London to put
on this spe'tacle Three thousand./
of them will remain for the entire'
4 day .convention. Business sess-
ions and entertainment are at the
Ivanhoe Curling Club. '
• `Another big advantage: You have a longer period of
time to apply CO-OP liquid ammonia without
danger of disturbing the roots. Suitable for a.
wide range of soil tYPes, it can be• applied as
a pre -plant application or a side dressing,
For bigger corn yields at low cost, have
CO-OPAqua Ammonia applied soon..:
Another fertilizer .service, of your
• Co-operative, developed in co-operatior
with United Co-operatives of Ontario.:
•Rigistered Tratle•.Mark'..
saves . you time, money'. and labour
Custom' spreading and equipment leasing
Got a tractor but no spreader? Need your fertilizer
applied fast? Then see your CO-OP and arrange :the
fertilizing service you need.
Convenient plak-up outs costs '
°.Your CO-OP BULK SERVICE .CENTRE ie stocked •
with fertilizer's that meet Gaut ; ready requirements, ready for
immediate pick-up.
Ifu special ize in rowo s or ha J'o � ,� and pastur+eproduction,
it will pay you to 'investigate these new CO-OP Service's.
lucknow District Co