HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-25, Page 111 1 >nrar ldre Ito, 166/ ha sith )f 1. in the.f lime ava Ided ld •of rea 1(114, lean al ne th ill a ty fo s .a ffi tide t to .the :edch. •tha. Seal camp !es in iried entre t. the idenc e", ad, • lot • MAY' 2.1th, 1904 wyr.dummo. -41••••,;•att,app5 •wut Tim.* • TOM LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 143 Plan To Attendl Bible School ..• Seri Homeless To Camp May Meeting of Hacketts was held at the -borne of gx thicken, Thirteen 00 2 children answered ir4 i,frank.Alton took the dev- Mr. Kaiser discussed the ook' -Mrs' Donliackett e readings'. Mrs. Kaiser Bertlion commented rs Chalmeri (Whitechurch News) Chalmers Presbyterian W.M.S. held their May meeting at the Vine Of Mn. H. D. MacDonald, The Maident, Mrs. Victor Erner- sore, opened the meeting by all repeating in unison,the Aim and PurpOSe Of the W.M.S.• Prayer' was•given by, Mrs. John7 sten' COnn , The, roll call was ans- wered by the 14 present giving a *poem *boat, mother*. The Pres- bYterial to be held at Teeswater- at Toronto, visiting at, 'May 20th and an invitation by rXitalChurch of Cpnada, lOnt College, City Hall and of All Nations. Our gt9up Wag $15 to. Childrent• Aid q:to.seud a homeless child np this year. : meeting closed with a.hyrnn (*yet by Mrs. Bert Alton. 'oh was served by hostessei, ieg Hackett and Mrs.;Wilf. ; A bake and plant sale eld after lunch., Olou.gh.. WMS • met on Wednes7 hemock•in the Presbyterian it. Mrs. Gordon MacDonald led and welcomed the Horne Mrs d Jack Bari read the' tae an Ruth. .Mrs. Don •Rob' - i led in prayer. The wOrd : roll call was. "Mother" iffaing was received by Mrs. , 1y Bushell and; Mrs.Tam Onald. ,lack Barr was in: charge of, cogram; which 'Opened With 'in. Mrs. George Harkness , SO:gm "Mother". The guest kr. was Mrs..GeOrge &abet- Itebyterial. President. A' ette, Mrs. Gordon MacDrin- kin. Morley Bushell,. Mrs. Dart and .Mrs. D'on„Bushell,• npanied by. Mrs-. McKinney,/ 'Burdens are lifted on.Cal- A film on missionary. work shown by itey.T.J. m'ey.. Prayer closed the' Ing, and refreshmenti.were, ntart..•Camp • S. Don Robertson was hostess i may Meeting of the' Luck- ResbyteriarfEvening held at her home on Tuesday'. :ng, With thirty ladies present Frank- Hawthdrne , who was e opened the meeting the call to Worship and, Pray- F011owing the opening.hymn; criptUre was read in unison. Call was answered .by a fav - e Bible verse. • Donations • : take ti for the 13ale., it was 'led to Seqd a money donation nprovements at !Unroll •CaMP. Ross'tammie offered to take load 'of members to Kintail ne 3rd to help prepare the ' p for the. summer. ,Auxiliary ben agreed to present gifts • .G,I.T. graduates for this request was received for luxiliary to. cater to the nen's Institute Area Conven- to be held in Lucknow in • Wingharn Presbyterian Ladle's Aid to attend a rteg On the afternoon of June X 'was accepted.. Mr's. •Don Watt gave, a report of the Synodical she attended 'at Niagara' Falls. • • Readings"In the quiet ef the. ,Prayer , and "Where a smile'is a smile" were' given by Mrs. M.e- whinney;. Mrs. Dawson Craig conducted •a Kindness- Contest. .Mrs. frank Coulter gave areading "Looking 'for God" • • „ The OfferingWasreceiVed and dedicated by reading in union the hyrrsn "MOre Love to Thee". The scripture leston was read by Miss, Annie Laidlaw. • A solo: by • Ernie Ford was played on•the•rec- ' ord player. " • ,The topic based. on "Neither is ' • there salvation in any otleter, .there is none other. name under. • heaven given arriong.men..where: 'We Must be saved'. We have . pasied through. two world wars; seen space travel, air travel,: the ,. . strides in Medicine such aS .penit':. • • cillin 'TN 1. lhouiancis of homes ,we live in; a fast 'Changing .World • '• .but the gospel doesn't change as •• the world, and man's natural hea •rt. never 'changes. Religious philt osophers claim',God is d.eacl ;. but it is.the unbelieving philosophers who ,are dead. Hinnan,problims, are •, widespread and. shakes man's faith. Look at .the Moral decline •in Can;' aria moredivorcei, illegitiinate children, crime. Rome fell bei cause,of iMmorality., Fifty. percent 'of. our youth are last between the ages of1.2.-. 17- years. It is high, Is•ne the .church did something abou(this. ,First they doubt'. disT obedience and then. departure., Did you know the communists spent $40 to the Christians $1 to further. •• their wcirk. The doctrine iistrite frail the Bible, and man is saved ' through Christ: - • • • . LADIES.AID • • The' Ladies Aid meeting was. all, 'S Maud Sherwood read two •ening articles from the Glad. igs. Mrs, Jack _Fisher present - e topic entitled "Working Christian Women around the d". Christian Women itt' $f country serve in much the way as in 'Canada. ,e meeting closed with a hymn ixayer by Mrs.' Ross Gammie. h was served by the committ- charge, (qontributed by The Lucknow Ministerial Society) . Things are really picking up • by this time. We have received most of our entry blanks back from the schools, and the total - number of pupils stand, at 143. • .This could, mean a real enrolment on July 4' of 200; Broken down, •the enrolment is as follows: • Pre-school and kindergarten. 33;, Primaries (Grades 1,2,3) 47;• Jun- iors (Grades 4,5,6) 54; and Intermediates (Grades 7,8,,9) 9, • Thurtday evening at 8.00 ani ether meeting is.scheduled teachers and helpers. We wOulcl like to see as. -'many people as is possible, for we' need y9u. On • this meeting the various Courses ' will be discussed; quest•ions. May be.asked, and ;• if possible, the.visual aids will be .made av- ailable. Teachers and helpers , will be introduced to each other, and eachdepartment will be fin- alized as ta staff; materials, etc. A fter Thursday . the materials: • for be ordered. 'T•here is one side; of this venture that has as yet not been dis- cussed, and that is finances. The burden of this will be Carried by •the churches.. Pupils will be ask ed to bring an offering•each 'day and this together with the offer- ing that will be taken onthe 'final evening should cover most Of our expenses.. Whatever is left will be divided arnong the four churches,(denominations), but we are hoping and trusting 'that no church will have dittic ulties concerning this. We' are ' confident that, since our respOnse fOr volunteer teachers pined out s�. gratifying, ',we likewise Shall , have no problems when it•cornes.' • to finances.: • • ' , Soon yonwili,begin•te see , banners and posters announcing our Vadation- Bible Scheel., We .trustthat this will net just be :a matter that is handled by some churches; but that this will be. a community affair, that is, your affair. much depends On younow We 'need, your ardent, prayers and • confidence. God will do the. held when it was decided that any • one who had flowers for the. church. any Sunday should bring them. The committee appointed •was Mrs.. Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Albert McOuillin and Mrs. Don Ross. • The meeting closed with the Miz pah Benediction. The hostess, Mrs. H. D. MacDonald, served lunch. •• • 1 . Are You Looking For A ANY GRADUATE WOULD WELCOME A • Luc . . fl': Mtractive; •• Low ...11rIcsili I 12 TRANSISTOR RADIO This prowled 12 transistor •, &lust. radio has advanced engineered features, such as ferrite edema and printeg circilt cOMIIS complete with earphones for personal listening pleasure. • Solid leather carrying cess mites, it easy to carry. Operates • on 4 only penlight batteries. • gives excellent reception even in outlying ease: . 'Nyder vase $1.311 . ellite I . Sae $ 4.99 • now District Coop - =Lk a a 4va.....Nraorsoidt Aril • 1.7.Rre • PAGE SLIElinft • 9,1,7 PHOTO- BY SIEGRIST • . • H REA E .pittuiedfollOwingitheif wedding on Saturclay,„Iviay 1, at Knox United Churalf, Paiiley." are:Mr.' and Mrs., Stuart Bell,Reavie. • The bride is the fernier 'pea*MarilynCarlaw 'danghter •of M. and Mrs. Howard ,CarlaW'ofPais' ley, and the !pont is the son Of Elynter ‘ReaVie of LuCknow and the ,late, Wks. Reale. • • : The couple :will residein Luck - now'. - • . .9 • rs. G. Prresta 1 Speaker- (DungannOrt News)- • Mrs. Gerald Priestap of Mar}. 'Beauty Lounge of Lucknow.. was guest speakerat the May meeting of the Dungannon Wo- • Men's lnstitute held it the home , of Mrs .R. and C. Finnigan. She. Was introduced- by Mrs. Lorne Iyers. Her talk on•hair with Mrs. V. Brown. and MS.. W.; Zinn as models,- was Most interesting and'informative. She, also told of the occupational course on hair styling and good grooming which: she teaches at • WirighanyDisirkt High. Scheel: . Mrs. Priestap waS thanked arid presented with a gift bY Mrs. C. Finnigan: Mrs. Hairry.Girvin,' vice pre.s-, 'dent, chaired, the meeting, and the roll call "A resolution I wish • I had kept" was answered by' twenty-three members. An invitation was received from the Ontario Hospital. Goderictr; to attend a Volunteer Tea on June 7. The Motto."You can be What • you resolve' tO, be", was, given by. Mrs. 1. Dauphin. Plans were made for the District Annual to be held at Auburn 'on May 31. Mrs. L. ivers and Mrs, C-, Crozier were named to conduct the "In Memoriam" service and the delegates are Mrs..C. Crozier, Mrs. W. Zinn, Mrs. H. Girvin and Mrs. G. McNee. ' After singing the Queen, and' lnstitute Grace, lunch was served by.the hostesses in charge. • U.C.W, • • The U.C.W. met on May 17 in the United Church with the presi- dent, Mrs. W. Brown; Presiding. • She opened the meeting reading from the devotienS-"Gedts word is made. flesh" We behold his Glory and led in prayer, followed by Mrs'. Cliffert Crozier reading. scriptures and continuing with: further study from the opening theme. Mrs. Lorne lyers read • chaptei3 Of Jesus Christ ,and the Christian World. The'roll,Callwas answered by a versewith ".Mother: 'Several ofthe convenors'of comm- ittees reported on their work for theialf year and a donation was made to'the JOhn.Milton Society., A very interesting study on Brazil was given by Mrs. Melvin Reed. Several ladies offe-re.d to help serve for a wedding in June, • and Mts.' Gordon Finnigan, • Weaver, Mrs. Howard Johnston and Mrs. Brown were. named .a .. • - committee te plan for the grand- mothers meeting in June. The-: offering was received with Mrs.' Johnston giving the prayer. Thank! was expressedto all for ;art • esting meeting and closed with a , hymn and prayer, followed by lunch served by the committee in • -charge. W.M.S. • -The is'. M. S. of rskine Pres, byterian Church ,of their meet- :" ing on May 19 at the home of Mrs. Arthur. Stewart withseven members present and the vol' call was answered by naming a Disciple.; The MeetingWaS ed by the singing of 'a psalm and repeating The -Purpose., The glad tiangs prayer was offered by Mrs, Mason McAllister. The treasurers report was given by Mrs. Wallace Wilson, and several letters.were. read and the devotions were tal- en by Miss•Iva Carr. All the ladies of the congregation are . invited to help on cleafi-up day: at Kintail Presbyterian camp on June -3, and the presbyterial will ..be held at Teeswater on May8. A Special collection was taklIT for the bale fund and Mrs. Jas. Wilson gave a reading on .money • and what it it Means. Mrs.. .Frank 'Ones gave the. Glad Tidings Re- , yiew, and the meeting.closed with a hytnn,and the Lord's Prayer. • The.hottess served lunch and a ' social hem' Was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs'. 'Bill•Park and fain= .ily and Mr. and Mrs. Tho. Park visited on Sunday in Goderidh with Mi. and Mrs. Roy. Ashton. • 44•11,910,...FIT ears ' he e ed • an ,/ • . • , . • • • 0' •