HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-18, Page 191 4 • death Gay ska the: Rev, vt% AM !MOIL 41,1*111.11.114116111 1111.11111. 4711rat" Ailk-WIMIIIIIV,Wr4641111kk elaii""7" , DIOISPAY!,. 1.!_66 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO RipleY C. IT. Has 40th Anniversary Former Leaders Were Special Guests Records Show that taa organized in Knox ,kesbyter. jaChuich, Ripley., in the year 1928 under the leaderShip of Miss gay Hannah MacKenzie (now Mr$, Irdericit Martyn), "G0fOrth 0'01,T. was the 'name by which te group was knOwn, There was imenibership of nineteen. Miss" ifocKenzie served seven years as iader, It was,not until 1927. that heCluirch School room was built aid up until that time C. G.I. T. aeetings were held in the homes fthe members. The members, aisle (fonts 'for sale and had a labk at the' annual •chtirch bazaar,, They also pat on a play. Proceeds were spent On church furnishings and kitchen. aids. In 1927 bent-, SitChed linen for the Communion' . table was purchased and in 1928. two chairs were purchased to • • poinpleie the Communion service. of the church. 'Tea towels were, embroidered and saucers donated for kitchen use. -Cash donations werentacle to Missions.. During tbis period Mrs. J. D. Bryce. Mrs. Gear W. Connors. and Mrs. Alex MacLeod were assistant leaders.. leaders since .that.time were Mrs. Robert McCormick. Mrs. Ellis Cassel, Mrs. W. D..,,,MicLeOd, • Miss Mayme, Bell Mrs.' Allan.Mac. Miley, Mrs. James Napper Mrs; Donald Cameron, Mts. John 'A, • MacDonald, Mrs. J.' R,. MacDon-• ald, Miss Florence MacrOnald, Mrs. Lovell Huston; Mrs. George MacLennan, Mrs. Austin..StillWell, • Mrs. John D, MacKay, Miss Kath- ryn Corneron, Mrs, George Mod- -Lean,, Mrs. David Murray and Mrs McCreath, . • • Projects undertaken by the C.G. ;i. T. girls are washing the.Comm union Service, raking leaves, fOld- frig T. B,•seals, serving at ,teaS and weddings, and carol singing, • for shtit-ins at Christmas time. • Highlight of the year is the annual Mother -daughter banquet at which . the mothers and grandmothers are guests. This years banquet was a srie.cial event when former • leaders were also invited,. It' was held at the church on .Wednesday., May 4th. . . : • Judy MacKay presided for the prdigrarri and Mrs.: David Murray, one of the present leaders, wel- comed the'guests. . A sing -song led by Diana MacAuley and acc- ompanied by Corinne MacDonald was enjoyed.. The candles on the birthday cake': decorated as an. open Bible, were lit by Mrs. Will- iam McCreath. The. History of Knox Presbyterian Church C. T., ,was read ,,by Corinne MacDon- ald who also introduced the form-'. er leaders. ,The 'first leader.. Mrs. RoderiCh 'Martyn „ spoke of many good timet,particularly at rneet7 . ings in the members''homes and 'pioneering at Kintail amp. Mrs. Martyn. was presented with a bou- quet ofred roses in recognition of her. leadership.. • , • The toast to the church was pro- posed by Marlene: Tour.and the ' " ' • .CRAWF MOTORS your Dodge - PlymOutli s' ;belabor Valijit Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM PHONE' 357.3162 .65 :PLYMOUTH,6 'Standard with. radio., 64- DODGE, 4 :Door, 6 ftutonuitic 64 DODGE, 8, stick, .with radio 63 VALIANT, 4 d(icit, 6 automatic 63.. FORD, 2 door, 6 .stindard, radio: 63 FURY, hardtop. with:radio 63 PLYMOUTH, 2 dOCor, 8 stiek,. with radio . 62 .CHRYSLER, power equipped 61 PLYMOUTH, 8 automatic, with radii) EDSEL: 4.'dOor, power equipped yiith' radio 59 CHEV, .4 door, 6stick :* . 55 FARO 3 ton dump truck 'SEVERAL OLDER MODELS Ai,mormili!...,„„„, • • reply made by Mrs. John A. Mac- Donald, Speaker for'the occasion was Rev, D. N. McCombie.. min- ister of the Church, who was intro- duced by Diana MacAuley and thanked.by Mary McCreath, who also presented him with a gift. . Judy MacKay presented Mrs, David .Murray, , the retiring leader, witha gift. Taking part in,the Vesper Service were Susan Bradley, Barbara Thuell, Valerie Oiliest • Judy MacKay and GWen Ann Mac-. Atiley,, who sang a, solo. The meeting closed with Taps. Former leaders present were Mrs: J. R. MacDonald, ,Roseville, Mich. igan; Mrs. George MacLennan, .Agincourt; Mrs,' JameeNapper, Cargilli-Mrs: John A. MacDonald,: Miss Florence MacDonald, Mrs; Austin St1iwe11, Mrs. John D. MacKay , Mrs. Ellis Cosset, Mrs. Allan MacAuley and Mrs. Lovell Huston. Each was. presented with a corsage. ,Letters were read from Mrs. W. D: MaoLeod, Saulte Ste. Marie; Miss Mayme Bell, Kincar- dine; Miss Kathryn Cameron, ton don; and Mrs. Donald Cameron, former.leaders who were unable ti:). be:present:. This year's grad- uating class include Diana .Mac- .Auley Corinne MacDonald, .Mar- lene Vint, Joan MacLean and Judy Mackay. . •• ; • Other rnernbeis are Valerie Gill- ie,s, Sandra Maccharles, Mary Mc: Creath, Ann MaCDonald, Barbara; Thuell,. Gwen Ann MacAuleY, • Sus,an Bradley Helen Tont and Nancy MacKay. , •• - • kIOnot•PCireritS'00: aoth Anniversary (Zion and District News) , Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Nancy and Ken, were entertained on Sunday at • a dinner party given by Mr. and Mr. ."Dayid' Kirkland of. town. The occasion being Mr.. and Mrs.. Kirkland's 30th wedding anniversary. ••• and Mrs. Mason MacAllist,, er of Oungannon visited'on Satur- . day with Mr. and Mrs. Doug.. , Rayriard. . Mrs. Mary MacAuley 'of Acton, is visiting at,the hpme of -Mr. and Thursday Mrs. MacAuley entertained Mrs. Jake Hunter, Mrs. George Hunter • and Mrs. W. 0, liunter.of Lucknow With the completion of this Week, Anne Ritchie terminates her .ierm at Stratford Teacher's Coll ege. Exams will then follow..., Anne•has boarded with Mrs. Roy Keane, while taking the two-year. cOnrse. Sympathy .of the community is extended to relatives of the late Mrs. Will Ritchie, .• • Harvey and Eldon Ritchie accom• panied Mr.. and Mrs. Elmer Wall. Mrs. Roberelevirt and Mrs. 'Jean Papernick to LOndon." They visit - cd with Mrs. ToM Blake who was unable to attend'her sisters tuner - al ;•the -late Mrs.: Will Ritchie. Later they had dinner with Mr, and Mrs.. Cecil Webster of London, Mrs. Eunice Dunstnuir is still a. patient, in Wingham hospital where she has been for several weeks, ill with pneumonia..., Her many • friends wish her- a quick return to good health, , , • Grant Chishrilm, Bill-, Peter and .Mark, Wm; G. Hunter and Kim Cowan' attended the father and son banquet fotthe hockey clubs on Monday night in Lucknow, The banquet was sponsored by thel...ions Club. , • • Mr,. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman Sr, and Mrs, Joe, ' Freeman Jr, and children of 'Goder- ich, mi BREED GROW - INTO YOUR BEEF ( .iOOFTHEGAit4 PUT. ON' BY A BEEF CALF ' • DEPENDS Ott FEEDING 'AND MANAGEMENT , . CI'''. DEPENDS ON INHERITED ABILITY TO .GROW!, THE LOW4OST; HIGHI-PROFIT GAIN IS. IN -THE:. •LAST 30%. INSURE IT BY BREEDING TO BEEF • _BULLS ALREADY TESTED., FOR OFFSPRING 'GAIN °ABILITY. TESTED. BULLS OF ALL BEEF • BREEDSARE • AVAILABLE THROUGH ARTIF- • l'CIAL, INSEMINATION. • • PHONE WEEKDAYS TILL 900 A.M., FOR SUNDAYSERVIta CALI. SATURDAY 64 PA. 'WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDMG ASSOCIATION , I • - LISTED IN • LOCAL DIRECTORIES , • V. . BIRTHS SCOTT - At Kincardine and Dist- rict. General Hospital, on Ttiurtday May 12th, 1966... to Mr: and Mrs, Frank Stott (nee Phyllis Clayton) • R.R. 3 GOderich, .a son, Ivlichael. Francis., • . , /vIcKEE -1n Whigham and District Hospital „ • on Monday., ,May 9„ 196E . to Mr. ancl,Mri. George tvicKee. Wingham, a daughter. 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FORD, dlDOor 1954 FARGO,. I Ten • • ,SEVERAL OLDER ;MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's Garage BLYTH PHONE 523 4342 • ••• • !, 4 • 1.” 1 wt.