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,tgoostsAY, -MAY 11404 1
St. Helens U. C. W
The May meeting of the 'St.
Helens U,C• W. Was held.at the::
home of Mrs, Don Cameron.
Mrs. T. 'I . Todd opened the
meeting with a hymn, Scripture.
and. Prayer, The roll call, name
a missionary and where stationed,,
was answered by 18 members.
and 3 yisitors.
Mrs Mintz: was in charge of
the program. A poem, Evange-
Itze, was read, followed byray-
er.by Mrs. W. i. Miller, Mrs. .
Lorne Woods gave: the topic on •
",Evangelism. and Missions" , Mrs.'
$intz dealt, with the. newstudy
book. Readings were given
by Miss W. D. Rutherford, Mrs.
S•. F. Green , Mrs, John Cameron
and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson,
'A hymn and prayer by Mrs. Mintz
closed this part of the ine.eting..
Mrs. Lorne Woods„presided.for
the business. Mrs. Frank 'IVIeQuill-
in , secretaryread the minutes
and reported over $51 had ,been
received for the Easter °Thankoff
ering.' An'1nvitation was received
to attenda tea and bake sale on.
May .17 at thehome of Mrs.
Wharry. in Lucknow .An invitation
From `Brick::U. C. W... to join with
them on their bus trip May 18 to
Toronto to visit the;city mission
United' Church. House, Covenant';
College and the new city_hall. It
was announced a quilting will be '
held in the basement of the church:
in May or�June
A sale of bulbs and plants was
held at the close ofthe meeting
which netted $7.80. The meeting
was closed with a hyriin.and pray-
er by Mrs. L .Woods. The host -1
esses,`Mr`s: Don Pannabecker_and
Mrs. W E. Rice, served .lunch.
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Pine River OCW
.Unit 1
(Amberley. News)
Mrs. Bert Irwin of Ripley •was
hostess for Unit .1 of Pine River
United Church for'the May meet
ing .There was an attendance of."
twenty-four. Mrs. Eldon Bradley'
presided. The secretary, Mrs.
Ernest Thompson, read the minutes
and correspondence. Nineteen ' •
hospital gowns, which were' made
and sent to'Korea were acknow
ledged. and. gratefully received.
The roll call was answered with,
the word 'mother' The U,C.W
;Purpose and. Prayer- were repeated.
Mrs, George Wightman gave. the •
treasurer's report, and Mrs: Mer-
!vyn Hooey gave a report of the •
Presbyterial meeting which was
;held ,at. Paisley; Mrs, Sant Gibson
also gave her report: of the meet
Mrs. Morris Reid was convenor
for the devotional period' and read
a poem, entitled !Mother' .` .
The theme of the ;meeting was
motherhood. A passage Of script-
ure from the book. of Samuel was.
read by Mrs. Morris Reid; ,in which
the story of,Hannah was; told. .:She.
prayed for a 'son,. and her prayers
(were answered. She said that as...
long as he liveth,he Shall be lent
oto the Lord. .The scripture reading
was given by Mrs. Mervyn Funston
Viand was followed with readings by
Mrs, E. Bradley, Mrs., H. Pillen,
Mrs,. I. Ferguson, Mrs, S. Gibson
Mrs. and M g
r . Wesley Robb,,
A poem, "Who will take Grand -
Mar was read by Mrs. Morris
Reid, A tape recording on "Peggy
Way and the Women Folk" was
interesting, and brought out many
thoughts on Christian service.
After the benediction, a dainty.
lunch was. served and a social hour
was enjoyed.. Mrs. John. Ferguson
gave the courtesy ,remarks, thank-
ing Mrs, Irwin for her hospitality.
PO. River /
Unit 2
Unit 2 of Pine River United
Church held their May meeting'
on,Tuesday evening with an ,att-
endance of ,twenty-eight., Mrs.
Donald Courtney presided and Mrs.,.
Elden Lowry was secretary. The
Meeting opened by repeating the `
U: C. W. Purpose and Prayer. Af-
f -ter the' roll call, which was ans-
4wered with the word 'mother',.
Mrs.. Carrick C'olling gave a je-
port of the' Presbyterial which was
held at Paisley. •
Mrs. C. Culling wasconvenor
for the worship: service, .thae theme..
tieing '"Quest for the chrfstian lam
Taking part were. Mrs. Carl
. Hooey Mrs 'Allan Irwin, Mrs;
Lorne Henry, Sandra Pillen and
Gail Messenger. The scripture
reading by .Mrs. Lorne Henry ,was
followed with prayer by Mrs.,. All-
an Irwin. A duet by Sandra 'Innen
and Gail Messenger` was accom- '
panied'by Mrs. Robert Courtney..
A Mother's .Day reading was -
given by Mrs. Allan Irwin.
"When` is a Christiane family" was
given in dialogue by Mrs, 1-1,
Pillen, Mrs, Murray Walden and
Sandra :Pilsen. The meeting
• closed by repeating family pray-
Mrs. Eldon: Bradley gave a` tape
recording .on -” Peggy Way and the
Women Folk which •:was interest-
ing'. After the benediction:by
Rev. H. 'Pilsen, :lunch was served
harean by; rite ;committee in charge g. d,
a .social hour was enjoyed.
Gauntry Church,
Is Now Urban
`Lucke ow Branch:
amnia tablast
"The Church is- mostly. 'urban"
said Rev. 'Stewart lCrysdale, Assis
tam Secretary of the Board, of Ev-
angelism and Social Service of .
the United Church of Canada
when addressing the Bruce Presby- :
tery Evangelism Planning Fellow-
ship held at Southampton,United
Church on Saturday, May:lst,,
*Mr-, . Crysdale thought that
people•of rural areas are.now- lar-
gely urbanized in thought and
life as well as citypeople due to
television , hydro .etc. Profound
changes for the life of the family
community and the Church are
taking place due to increasing
technology, automation and. use
of computers: •
Today, the•,Church .has two
roles, 'nam!e ly , . to conser/e . our
heritage ofvalues: and to change
man's understanding of God. Thee
Church should innovate necessary
change even though.costly and •
painful. as it came to be for
Christ, "What is evangelism for?
asked Mr. Crysdale..thinking,of
new ideas concerning evangelism
and than the evangelistsupreme
was Christ who went out among
the. people, .An evangelist is
a bearer of good.news: Every.
• Christian shouldbe bearing the
good news in home, community
acid dailywork through , bettor und-
erstanding and loving concern ex-
pressed in word and deed.. in this,
way he will relate men more fully
to God ,and to other people; The
Christian will also try to see the
most- urgent needs such as that, of
making worship more Understand-
able and meaningful.: A better
'effort should be made, by the Chur-
ch to instruct people in how to deal
with the.problems and needs of the
lonely, young married couples,.
unwed mothers nen-church goers,
Indians,' those whose marriages
are failing etc. Greater effort
should also, be made to generate
more warmth and enthusiasm in -
The ladies of the Langside
S., met on Thursday, May 12, at
the home of. Mrs. Wes Young. The
afternoon was' spent quilting for.
the`bale.•' The roll call was answer,
ed by 8 members and 1 visitor.
The President, Mrs. Charlie Tif-
fin conducted the business period.'
Mrs. Conley invited the ladies to' •
her home for the>:next meeting.
Mrs. Gordon Wall and Mrs. Welsh
are to prepare the program..: It
was decided to' answer the roll call
with your' favourite hymn: Sever-
al letters were read by the secret-
ary.- The' Presbyterial at Teeswat-
er.:on May 26 was discussed`. The
afternoon was brought to a close
with. the hostess serving lunch.
w Presbyterian'.
The Women's Missionary Society
of the. Lucknow Presbyterian Chur
•ch met on. May 4th with the pres-
ident .Mrs. Morgan Henderson, in
the chair. The meeting opened
with prayer by the president, and
the Aim and. Purpose of the W. M. S,
' The topicwastaken by Mrs..
Ken Chester, Roll call was answer-
ed with a verse from Lamentations.
Mrs, Philip Stewart and Mrs.. ,
Harry Nixon took part in the pray-
er circle. Readings. were given by
Mrs. James Little followed by the
Bible.Study by Mrs, Charles Cooke.
Mrs. Henderson gave an interest-
ing report on the Synodical which
• met in Drummond, Hill Presbyter-
Ian Church, Niagara Falls, in
April: The meeting elosed with.
prayer by the president.
Secure High
School For
Bible School
(Contributed by The Lucknow'
Ministerial Society)
Various things have been done'
since we°wrote the last article.
The Revs.. :Kaiser 'and •McLeod ,.
visited .a meeting of the School
..Board, and'upon our request. we
received permission from'the '
Board to use the High School and
'all its`facilities in Lucknow for
our Bible School. We are :most
grateful for that, . and rejoice in
the co-operation that we are rec-
eiving from many people.
LastWeek, :Mondayevening, a •
ek, . g,
meeting'was held for teachers in
the. Presbyterian Church - of Lucknow
That, too was a gratifying sight.
No less than 8 teachers were pres-
ent., and two more have indicated
their, willingness .to. teach. This
is wonderful, for we have over-.'
come the two most difficult prob
lems, that of a place and'that of a
good staff. On that :evening the'
materials were given to tie teach-
ers for home Study. Various matt-
ers were discussed, among which
the problems that May arise due
to'thetime in which we have
planned our .Vacation Bible
School, July 4-15. However,; it
was decided to keep the date as
1t was, since many of the activit-
ies are going on all summer.
. We were able to secure some
numbers as to pupils. •With 4 '
grades 'reporting from our public
school in Lucknow, we arrived at
a totalof 60 pupils, , Four more:
grades have to respond' yet; and'
we hope to know• a Tittle more.
next week. If this can be taken
as an average, then we are look-
ing forwards to the possibility of
some 150 2;.0 pupils.— The -
;schools of Belfast. Langside, Holy'
rood, Dungannon, St. Helens etc,
have received application forms
last•week, and the result of that
should be in by•this time. •,
All°in alh it is beginning to •
take shape.,. There is a great
deal to: be done yet, but there is
at the same time great willingness'
to get things done. ' Announce-
ments will be made in the church-
church life and to get men, as a'.
vast resource of power, to take
more• active interest in the Church' -
life and work.
Among those leading in•the Plan-
lan-ni 'g Fellowship were Revs. G. V.
Ba 1, .Ripley and H. t, 'Pillen,.
Pine River,..who, led in devotions,
Revs,' L. Keays, Paisley and C.
•Plant, Lion's Head, who led in
discussion. and Rev. R. Chapman
who was in charge of the literature
display and'book sales.
Father C. Caruana lede .,
opening . prayers for the May meet-
ing under the leadership 'of the
new president, Mrs. Carl Reigling
The secretary's.` andktreasurer's re-
ports were read to .the.22. mem •
hers present. Our social action
convenor reported eight greeting.
cards'were sent to the 'sick.. Mrs,
Rita Howard; . Spiritual Convenor,
described the meaning and use
of the word "Amen".. .The Educ
ational Convenor read from the
C.W.L4. handbbook.the object and
policy the C. W. L,.
Completion of plans for the
catering to the :Knights of Colum
bus Corporate Communion Break-
.fast on May 28 were finalized.
A May Crowning' sponsored:by, the.: '.
`C. W, L. will take place. on May ,
29 at the S.30 Mass.
New business was brought 'forward. -
forward:and discussed. 'A' birthday party
will be heldfor the residents of
Huronview on; July, 20: at 2 p.m.
The. Council':: Communion Sunday
Will be the second: Sunday of each
month. and the t monthly meetings
will be the sec md` Monday, of each
month All meetings will' be held
through the two summer: months
and discontinued in January and
February. An interdenominational'
4H club. will be established this '
fall if there are enough interested a
girls and mothers.
Handmade articles for the July..
garden 'party are to be handed in - -
to the section leaders no later than
June .15... One apron and two .mis-
•cellaneous . items are required from
each lady of the parish.. The
meeting was closed with a prayer
and lunch was served.
a _
es, and very soon by. means of
posters, etc. Another teacher's
meeting' has been scheduled for- -
Thursday, May 26, 8.00 p.m,
in the Church Hall of the Anglia-
an Church in Lucknow. We need
helpers, boys and girls and young.
people to assist our. teachers..; -
Finally one thing we have fore
gotten to mention; Vacation Bible
School•will be held every day.
Monday through Friday, from 9
to 11.45 every morning The
final program will be on Friday . .
evening, July 1b , in the Auditor-
ium of the High School. -
.J .