HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-11, Page 191 121, Nam Ida with' :ion b cess- arer to ndens ointed (tine ,e. relfare rt dv'ane P. Can 3.0,52 are, dv.• r• fur- narl'a aynard Car.. ;env .• art F..7v. • ephone ary • e Com Hal& llock 11; salary, farble Nat-. ers, ard air !eYt agh. Hydro le (ie 5.0 sawing iver , 4ation'• yers el, grader lytnent ded.• bept. :eS ' WODNESDAY, MAY Mk 1110 • j`V "e* Ateli• WirWrigir WIWIlibrilkWYgifiriaMikagWrilViaRAR1114 9 MOO "Ifinir. LUCKNOW iNiJNIL, IMCKNOW, ONTARIO TT Start IN)Iititil i)ititedistribution REAIRT FRPM PARLIAMENT HILL"• ' (John Loney M. Pe) The long-aiiaited debate on a. subject of great interest to contd. a's Federal Parliamentarians be.. gan thii week as the House of Commons took up discussion of the subject of redistribution of the 265 constituenciesfroin'which its ' Members are elected. • Under the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act passed in the last session, Commissions were 'set up in each province to recom- mend new lines of demarcation to .bring Ridings into line with the . . census cif 1961. The elections of 1962,1)63 and 1965 were run on •boundaries based on the census of 191-, The. Commissions held hea• rings and made their recommend-: ations for changes in Januar. 'Under the.Act.„ MPs are provided, • with an' opportunity to Make- rep- res-entationt-for departures_fro the Cemmission suggestions,. Changes recommended by the, MPs wil1be 'forwarded to the • Commissions at the conclusion of the debate,:howevei, there b no obligation on the Commissioner to adopt them. , Members from all Other provin- . ces otherthan Newfoundland have filed a total of27 objections. which • range from blanket. criticism (Abe reports to such thingsas • recommendations fa changes in • Or an affirMatiOn of the guilty yer dict. Its decision Will undoubtedly be based ,on acomprehensive ex* amination which will•look into all aspects of the case,' , . DEAL WITH "7 DAYS': It now appears that it will take longer than seven days for the Commons Broadcasting Committee to consider the dismissal of Patrick Watson and Laurier LaPierre from their posts as hosts of the CBC show THIS HOUlt HAS SEVEN DAYS. The 25 Iviember'Committee, compoted of representatives of all partiesrepresented in the House, ' has been •considering the events leading, up to the firing of the two hosts.Urgency has been addidto • their deliberations by the pOssibil*- ity ,of strike of CBC • produces; which would cripple.the govern - men; -subsidized network.. Charges and counter -charges eagedLb.aelLand forth between Mr. Ouimet, president of the •CBt, and spokesmen for the prod- ucers. Evidence now exists that there is a deep rift between top management of the Corporation an the s� -called -"creative" people who are responsible for the prod- • uciiOn of piogiams. Thus far the Committee:has heard *Only one side of the argument that of the producers.. In a tele- gram to thePrime Minister, Mr. , Ouirnet agreed to appear before constituency names. the Cornmittee if they wish to Politically minded people of all question him and it is likely that party persuasions are interested in 'he will be called to testify soon. the final reports which' will eman- Meanwhile' efforts are c'ontin- , ate from the Commissions. Chan- uing outside Parliament to•reach ges will have to be made in party:- 'an agreement before the calling of organizations for the next federal a strike, It is hoped that these Election to bring them into line efforts will be successful and that there will be no disruption in the . • with new conditions and eat • viewing schedule of the CBC: ' deal of politiail activit pected once the new bo nd lei . While other matters were mak, are finally set. '"' • ' . ing headlines in the nations news:- TRUSCOTT CASE papers, Parliament made good ' The Supteme.COurr of Canada ., progress in irS .business of PasSing will review the case of Steven legislation and acting as a. sound- Truscott and in so doing will 'haYe ing board for the consideration of power to consider new evidence. • problems affecting.ihe people of Truscott, who -is now 21; was Canada' • • Convicted in 1959 of the rape-mur, THIRD READINGS der of a 12 year old girl. Doubts Third reading,' the last ,stage a as to his guilt were raiSed•with the bill goes. through in the House of publication of a• book whch review- :Commons before becoming.law, ed his trial.' and suggested that he .was given to the following bills: • was a possible victim Of a misoar- , 1. An Act to provide for the dev, riage of iustide. Since then there. • elopment, of the comMercial fish• -. , . has; been a strong publig- clamour for a review of his case. In choosing to have the Supreme Court look into the matter, .Solit- • itor-General Pennell rejected sugg- estions that Truscott should have a new trial or that. a Royal Conlin,' ission. should carry out an investi-, gatiOn. • • The ,decision 'to make .a refer-• • ence to the Supreme Court was iniplemented by ati Order-in*Cou- acil which reads in:Part as follows: 'Had an appeal by Steven Murray . Trtiscott beenmade to the Sup-, reme Court of Canada as is now permitted,by Section 597A Of the • Criminal Code of Canada, what - disposition would the dourt,have Made 'on suckan appeal orCa Con- sideration of the existing record 'and such further evidence as the • court, in its' discretion, may re- , Ceive and coniider? • 'Changes in the layi Since an att- empt was Made to bring Truscotts case before the Supreme Court on • appeal Make it unlikely that a similar situation will arise. again, , unless.it is in respect of a convict- ion which took place prior to. 161 In that yew' the Conserva- tive. government passed amerid- ments tothe CriMinal Code which divided murder into capital and non -capital categories and allow- • ed the Supreme Court tc consider questions of fact as well as quest, ions Of law, There are several alternatives • open to the court in its considera- tion of the case, These ate an, ac, quittal, an ordet for a new triai • • , WHITECHURCH George Conn and• .Murray Coultes were accompanied Sunday even- ' ing„to Toronto •,by Mt, and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and .Mrs. Wallace Conn, The boys began work in the city 'Monday. They have an apartment on Palmerston Street. Mr. and Mrs, •Cordon .Neable, Sharon, Brian and Dan of Caledon were Sunday visitors with his • parents, Mr. ,and Mrs„ Bill Neabfe ,Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and family were Sunday visitors withher mother, Mrs. Webster • Jacidin of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Neable were Saturday evening visitors with her mother, Mrs. Matilda 'Graham of Teetwater. There was no doubt at all about . what was falling here:on Monday •:forenoon. . ftwassnowflakq.. 1!: was so cold here that when gath- .ering news the housewives who, had washed tell us the .c19thes Time- . • •Ronald Beecroft 'of Technical School,. London spent the week- end with his parents, Mr, ancl Mrs..E, W. Beecroft. •, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans spent the:Mothers Day Sunday with,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans and family. •of Hamilton •* • Garry Chapman finished:his ex- ams on Friday,, and spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel:Chapman,' and teturn' 'ed on Monday io Hamilton. • Mr:. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth spent the weekend in.TOronto 'Where they attended the quarter .Century Banquet of,Canada Pack- eri field in the Royal York They visited with their son, Paul Groskorth, Mrs. Groskorth and family., arid on Stinday Mrs. Bagg of TorontO and Mt. and Mrs:. , .!:Jirn Moffat and Heatheirof Wing - ham visited 'at the same home, • •and celebrated.Metheis Pay. ; Visitors on Sunday with. Mr. and 'Mrs, Orville Tiffin were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce of Teeswatet Barry- of Kitchener, ofanHoly d:01Vir..rgci apndMrs.11 ;16n. Visitors On the weekend and on • Sunday :for Mothers ,Day with M. and Mrs. George Fisher were Mr. land Mrs. Bill Fisher of Don MUIs • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and fanny of Guelph;'14. ,and Mts. eries in Canada. 2. An AcBill'GibsOn and family of Lucknov.i t to permit the CNR to construct 68 ; Mrs. Cecil Falconer,. spent the -miles of railway line from Ames:- weekendwith Mr. and Mrs. Reli-sop Falconer and family of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin - spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh lylacMillari of Sarnia. Patricia Coulter of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and IN/Irs;,. Alex Coulter. : Mrs. Ji D. Beecroft recently reCeived word that her brother, Norman ,Kirk, was critically ill • .with a heart seizure in Miami Hospital, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Smith,. Leon- ard and Lorraine of Ripley, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and :Mrs. • Ruisil Ritchie of. Langside.•• Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Wightman' of ListowelCalled on East Wawa - nosh •friends on Sunday. • dale to Bruce Lake in Ontario. •• 3. • An Act to amend' the •Expoit • and Import Permits Act. 4. An act to,arnend the- Faun Credit 'Act: 5. An act to implement an agree- ment between Canada and the • United Kingdom for the avoidance • of double.taxation with respect to taxes on certaintypes of income and .to implement a Supplementary IncomeTax Agreement between Canada and Sweden. 6. An:Act to provide for the establishment of a Science Council of.Canada. • These Acts' will now go before the Senate for passage there. Once this.step has been Completed and the Royal Assent is given, they 'become part of the law of the land • WANTED . . • REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY •TRUCK DRIVERS • GOOD WAGES COMPANY BENEFITS .For Further' Details Apply. In Person! To * • CANADA PACKERS LTD. • DURHAM ST. WALKERTON OR PHONE:, 881-0550 BETWEEN 8 'A.M, and 5 p.. • 0•0111111i..---11%. fi IP/49111tilifirreStii, • ANY GRAMM WOULD WELCOME A • 12 TRANSISTOR RADIO Tis powerful 12 trimilalier o radio has brad footoras, sock as fawns • 'adios aid 'rioted "oiresit: Cowes cos • with sikplionis far .porioisalUsto3 plossoro., Solid les** eastYisit csse maks" ji oasy. . to •• caffY..0•011141 04 :4 *WY .eeenitht batteries.; ONO amnia vrocaatiOli. "avas; outlyiee area,L picatir. vamp isits • • . .$14•99'. • CI. -* OVID, • :V* . 1 • ucknovir District Young People Held gunday Service (Ashfield News) • The Young 'People's Society was ..in 'charge of the Sunday Service ' . atAshfieldChlrch.., Nancy Mac- lennan.read theScripture and Jean MacDonald prayed.' Barbara MacKenzie and Jan Simpson.. 'gave addresses •The.choir was assisted by a number of young . 'people from RipleY, and Florence MacLennan was soloist. Mabel MacDonald of Windsor was home for the weekend. • • Mr. and. Mrs.,George Foitet, ,and Donna of Rodney visited with Sandy. MacDonald on Sunday. . • A student from Westminster College will preach in Ashfield Presbyterian Church next Sunday when Rev. Neil. MacCombie will conduct communion services in Belmote, and. Ethel. •- • • Mrs. David MatMurchy who was ill with .bronchial pneumonia At her daughter's in Elmira:, is home , • Congratulations are extended to• Miss Sharon:West who graduated , from Ft. Joseph's School of Nursing last -week : • -• • • . • ENGLAND IS HOME Daughter Visiting With Family Here ' Mrs. Agnes Bradbury of Hutton, Rudby, England, daughter of Steye • Stothers of Ludkno,w, . arrived by plane at Malton on Thursday last. Dr CarmanandMrs. Stothers -of,Toronto met her at the airport. , Mrs; Bradbury remained with them until,Friday when she came up to LucknOw with Mr. and Mrs... J. D. Schultz of Clarkson. Her flight was a chartered flight organized by the Canadian Friends Society of Great Britain. • She- . will spend three weeks with the Stothers clan and friends. She was the Only. Canadian born of 133 passengers. Ronald Passmore, sort of Mr. and. Mrs. R. • C. Passmore of Ott- awa, and a student at Oueen's -Univerfity, , also spent the Week- end at the Stothers home. Ronald • is spending the summer holiday working with the Northern Electric , • Carnpany. He is. at present loc- ated LT itil.TillsOnbtirg.'' • Both visited With Nit. and Mrs, W. J. Stothers of Dungannon. on .• Sunday. • c.* • ?.4 ' • . , ac oral • YOUR • DEALER • OCHALIST SYSTEMS ENGINE PERFORMANCE BRAKE. 'LININGS . . TIRES SHOCK ABSORBERS • Dunlop Tires • Atlas Batteries .,‘ r • Alignment • '•,FAN BELT BATTERY ' • LIGHTS • • COOLING SYSTEM • STEERING ••••414.. • .,"•0i4.6*Guk.i•••... ... '101- •11 .r4ft 4, • -1° . • . • • !fi