HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-11, Page 17'ears, Upton, inloss K. M•. Leon.' �eod, lames,; ell, Id Stew.; wrence. Cyd Mc. iry. Mc thy v,a anion tri Cane was seorgan. comp �ell'Mu' fri '� 31cer chison he liad rm'. He ,Mrs, was org• tobert • lent, ;Went, esdent,; ary.-tree If Bruce ;rounds Zald, D, 'ger.; D, aries which h nodellei tiding";. for in- go I.a 14: eleaven's i. into the e'purch- congrega es.. rofthe rioted im• Bruce `• ucknow f -Hamill' :urniture ,ba. yIDNESDAY, MAY' 111,x• 19071lVend' ; •acz . Are Oueeni.. ndKing 7�IR .1�• f 1 •1 4L gla '!' 1 ,+i?rW.41 1 !1!l► 4',A ‘ !Pu ER��I�KR Ti I LUCKNOW MINTIN* ,,e LIDCKNQW'r ONTARIO Fw�'K ._ and Doug Johnston of X91 School L. 11). S.; NEWS .(by Elaine Mutray) On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 4, 5 and 6,: the' de0., orations for our annual spring :for- malwere busily being erected Although it took a lot of hard work ' the finished project was fascinat- ing and beautiful. The ":Marcat^' oes" from Toronto,provided ex- . cellent music for dancing and at 11.30 the highlight of the evening came in thecrowning (Attie King and Queen° of LucknoW. High for. 1966. • The recipients of this honour were .Doug Johnston. and , Wendy MacKenzie-. Theile attend- ants tten dants were Phyllis. Bradley and iferb'Hanter ' The. ueeti was crowned by June Ackert, .last years Queen, and Doug lvMcKinnon:. 'presented the King -with his ribbon. w endy-and-Phytlis-were--presetited with red roses and a small gift and Doug and Herb were presented with travelling alarm clocks as mementoes. 0n Friday, 6 , , a Mar county track `and field meet was.held at- • Port Elgin, with' five' schools com= Elgin, peting.'Many students. from 1.. D, H. Si -ad very wellin the. events, A complete list of winn- ers will beavailable next week. Present'Program, G1�r1chH�spital • (Zion News) Members of the United Church Women and Young People of Ashy field Circuit presented a program,' recently'for the entertainment of ,: patients of the'Ontario' Hospital, Goderich. 'Ken Kirkland tis employed `for - the summer in Waterloo at cons;- t ruc . tion work. . Anne Ritchie�is engaged to'teach at Kingsbridge for the coming term;: 1v1 -and -Mrs: RorK-eane2of-St atford visited hast weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter.* Mr:' and Mrs. Jack Gardner vis- ited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawley and Leslie Anne • of Oshawa at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods; St. Helens. / JEL vim+' .•Ths :Family. All across • Canada' these days, municipal' councils have been wrestling with the arch -villain Of 'all ,time, a mysterious mons- ter called The Budget; : • Although he is. made up from a combination of concrete things like.. sewers ;and: schools. . and streets, .The Budget himself ' is an•abstract thing •Wis.like The Devil. Tou 'can't see:bim or hear him or. even smell him. YOU can't really understand him, but you know he is there:' 'a •blind,• ;malignant creature 'that cannot be controlled... '• You can fight him and get a. bloody nose. You can hammer at him,' ;chisel at him, chop at. him .— and all you get are a' broken ' hammer, a 'dull chisel and a,blunted axe:' The Budget is lite: an oc%opt's. Be growsbigger every,year. His i appetite. ncreases,. his 'tentacles: become longer and stronger 'and more . strangling as he grows. • • And' when you try to come to grips with him,:. he exudes a cloud of black (or .red) ink which obscures him , from view. Of ' what ingredients. is. The Budget composed? Really, he's a • two -headed monster, a regular Siamese twin. On the one hand, it is just a big bundle of sugar and spice: new schools. new industries. a new library or community' centre; wider streets; better lighting,' sewage disposal and snow plowing.',Progress, culture, civilization, . comfort: At first glance it appears .'that The Budget is the, most desirable thing mah has dreamed up since The Devil. . 'And ori the other hind, he 'is snags' and Snails' and puppy -dog tails. That's what, little towns are made of. And big towns too. And the reason for all this, of course,' is that The Budget, this big, ugly, 'unmanageable brute who is impervious to human feeling, fell in love, by some chemical accident, while 'a mere hulking' lunk of a boy, with a' a girl called Milly Rate. Most of us know her as Mill,, • She is just as unprepossessing as her husband. 'She is steely- eyed,, relentless, unscrupulous • Taxes Us .All/ • and ' absolutely . without mercy, 'charm, pity, looks, or. any.of the qualities we norinally associate ' with that lovely creation known as the ' female of the species. 1 • • . have known Mill Rate since the was a' 'girl,. and I aur here to state, without : apology, .that. she is 'a• Pi1K• . It's .. difficult to believe .that such. •a bunion could produce pro- geny. But it did. His .name:. is Taxes: • • •. Taxes' career. has been about what ' you would expect from such parents,. He was an un pleasant child from the begin- ning. Unwanted, unloved, reject-,, ed at 'every turn, whiney, > de- manding. : He . hasn't changed much, ex- cept _that .hes ._gr'own, He is now,__`_.. a : big slob, 'over fed, under= worked,, menacing if he :doesn't get his allowance right on time,: sulky,if someof it is held back. But he has a lot of promise.' Around.. ' 'election time. He's . . going to cut the lawn, and wash the car, and': paint the trim and .snnarten'the,,old place up so .you. •: .wouldn't know. it.' 0 But: somewhere along: the: line something goes haywire. He.cutit the trees, -paints the : lawn; and washes the. • lake,. and . figure*, after one year, that his . allow- ance Is not' big enough. . For some. reason -- and it certainly isn't. his. winning per- , sonality Taxes has become the most -talked -about man . in . town: Mayors develop dyspepsia,, councilors • coronaries, when they try to. deal •with this delin=;, qulent. • They can't quite 'handle him. He . ' talks so. glibly of govern - merit grants on , outdoor toilet systems under, the 'winter works program, and potential pot -holes in the roads, and (with a heart- rending •sob). of the people on welfare, that he bamboozles councilors with eyes like agates,, -and mayors with hearts; of gran ite; All I can say is that the ' mu- • ' nicipal councils have my' bless- ing as they strive to tope with. Taxes, out of Mill Rate and The Budget. Baptism Held At Pine River Church (Amberley News) . A large crowd attended Service at Pine River United Church on Sunday, . The sacrament of bapt- ism was administered by Rev. H ,. G. Pilien,. Children presented for baptism. were Dean Kenneth, son, of Mr. and. Mrs, .Ernie Gibson; Keith John and Nancy ''leen, children of Mr, and Mrs. Darryl. Smith; *Terry Robert, son of Mr and Mrs.. Ronald Irwin; •Da#tiei Richard, son of Mr, and Mrs El- mer Smeltzer; Thomas James. son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert' Mc�' Nain.. Certificates Were presented by Glenn Campbell and .carnations by Duncan Thorburn, • x Special vial rrtusic was given by Trudy, .Ter Si?. Faye andl,piadys McGuire,.e�f rad. u da t. o a r s .Mr, ..h .� g Mrs. Lovell McGuire of Brantford. They were. accompanied by. Gayle Boyd. The. choir also sang an - anthem , Rev. l'=1., Pi t en s sermon. "Do. you want to be healed!' was inspiring.' . Wilson Parrell,:was recently elected as member of the session Of Pine River` United Church. • Sunday guests with Mrs. John A; Campbell of Amberl'ey were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Young of Kin,- cardine , 'Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Shieils' of Ripley , and Mr; .and Mrs.. Glenn Campbell, Jack and. Glenna; . •• • Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell of .kincardi ne .were dinner guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Courtney:.' Mr. and. Mrs. Ernie Young of Goderichvisited on Wednesday with: Mr'. and Mrs.- Walter Brown. Mr. and Mrs,. Donald Courtney,' David, Gary and Carol, and Mr. and Mrs: William Courtney attend: ed a youth service at Knox: Church Ripley, and .were supper guests. with Mr.' and Mrs. John ;C.:Mac- Donald ' and family. Mr, and Mrs:. Robert Jrwin and . son of the. Lucknow'area .visited. with Mr.: and Mrs. Leonard Irwin and :family. on Sunday. THE RANK OF MI HAS A NUM/04 or OPENINGS AVAILAPLi FOR t{ WHO ARS GRADUATING THIS YEAR` FROM GRAD11-42 OR l< . IflOwsPaIed ApPlinants In Th• Ar“ Mould APPIY To . LUCknOi.O Branch FOR .ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS" Pntl7 awards At Sunday Service (Kinloss News) South'Kinloss.'Presbyterian Sun- day School attendance awards were presented•to seventeen pupils by the superintendent, r. Fra ik-M'a i Kenzie, during the 'Mother's Day .service .on .Sunday, The May meeting of Kairshea W. I. will .be .held May 19th' in. the Kairshea Hall, :with Mrs. Hamilton as hostess.. Mrs. Currie Colwell attended • the annual officer's conference of the Federated; Wornen's Institutes of Ontario held. last week .at the University of Guelph. ATTEND •LONDON WEDDING G Mrs and Ws.: Ira Dickte and family attended flee weddingof ° ,. Frances .V'a:n Liesheut. and "Calvert Townson In London on Saturday.. Overnight guests:with the Dickies`. foltowirig the wedding were: Mr. : and. Mrs. Win,' Townson 'and Frank of Sudbury. :Mrs. David Trussier. . • (Wanda Townson) of Sault Ste.: Marie, Mr. and Mrs.. Ron Chapel- le (Ann Townson) and Cheryl of• Sudbury.. Modern surgery can often help the child born with a heart defect. your Ontario Heart Foundation. advises.. Failure is the line of least persis- tence. ' r,: d TRIPLY MEAT .MARKET Custom But+cherin : 9 :Mondays ; •-' Hogs, in by 4:11 p.m, OATItiE, DALVES: and. LAM EVERY `DAY, ERCEPT SATURDAY'; W do..Curing and .;Smoking .. •Be f, 'pork and Lamb. Sold Whole,.: •Hiif or .Quarter . ,* . For Better ;Service, . And -•Lowitr, Prices -- CaII . Ripley. 1111. • GAS.•• HOOISMA •Prop.. ti IM FRIDAY THE 13th OFFER YOU CAN GET THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR ONE YEAR For .Only Offer •food .for. New 'Subscribers :Onfy , D 4 s. +r. '•l..il .y. or C10'414s Handy Order:' Name Form And Mail Yo The LiitknOW S tisstal' • Box 36, Luckrtow • ' Addresss ..,..::...................... ...... ........a • .4,14.i'. .. • +...wl rY ... ; .•„