HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-11, Page 9sure al's there.,, nativ forme! ►d °pie, 1ublic,• ed a Hain ieof r Det on 7Id your Detre, h ob itten ne. ire nt in frac! a�ecid eill week,. Veno, din on,::w. ;and birth oria, y and uelph return, g.the and 1,.was Donald; ertrude. nediatC, A, 4 i • weDNE$DAY MAY 1tih _ 1N4 • BaptiSrnaI Se rf . At Farnily ern ay 'Farnily Sunday was 'observed at the Lucknow United Church'on Sunday, • Five children were presented for .baptism. They :were Shelley Lynn• daughter of Mr,. and Mrs. Wayne: 'Brooks of `Oshawa; Judy Mae, - daughter of Mr; and Mrs. William. Hunter of Lucknow;. ' Sharon Marlene, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Struthers of Lucknow; Russel Walter, son of.Mr..and Mrs.. John Treleaven. of Lucknow, Kevin Eugene, son, of Ivlr. and • Mrs, Harvey Irwin of ;RR 3 Luck • • now. The baptismal ceremony was performed by Rev. H. -W. Strapp, ministerof th.e. •.church , and cert- ''ificates °w.etre.presented by the clerk of the session,' Wilfred Drennan. The two lady, elders, Mrs. Wellington Henderson: and Mrs. Ross Shiells,• greetedthe members of the congregation• at the.•door following; the service; Y W D_ ST1TI0Ni11Y 0s o`o •THERMO-ENGRA+ED by, the creators of The Bouquet Invitation Line, THERHO-ENORAVINO is distinctive raised 'lettering , rich -looking,. elegant. THER►tO-ENORAVOIO has .that individual look of • 'finest craftsmanship. •But it costs only about half `asmuch,.os you'd expect. Many other dyls from' which to chooas. LUCKNOw. SENTIVEL. Harvey -Culbert Is vice President Melvin Good was elected presid- ent of the Huron 'County Road Stip- eriitend'ents' Association at its, annual Meeting held re • cently in Goderich.Township Hall, at Hol- mesville. •• •Other' officers 'are past president Wm. Taylor; vice president ,Harv- ey Culbert; secretary treasurer, Wrri; Rotatby,and representative of the Ontario Road Superintend- ents' Associetiion, Roy Tyndall. Other business included discuss= ion of a by-law covering 'construct ion of entrance culverts led by Mr. J. W. Britnell.., . County Engineer ,and Mr. Ralph Betteridge•, St, Marys; 'also spoke on weed and brush control by spraying. Several• new members from var- ious villages and two townships in the county, were present as Well as Ken Wilmot :from the Depart- ment of Highways. Grant Stirling, Reeve of Godec- ich Township, and Mr. Harold Robinson, deputy-reeve.of Howick Township also' spoke:: • "o.0 '.. 1Y A p,r 4 m,y", 'THIS LUCKNOW 61INTINKL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .040•••rete*e•eee4ee ►4444eo Farms .or . Sade We have ,2 Saw farals for sale, irninft possession. on. Several .Zoo acre farms •priced to sell. 'Also some bake hods• and cottages. Waflted':.: Some ;houses, location .Lute.41 I„,Wt . .. Howe for Sale 6 nom house In Kincardine This haute Weed. to sell. CONTACT van E�(1, BOX 193. ' PHONE ` 528-3618.` A AGENT FOR JOHN BOSVELD, REALTOR BOX 33.3 MEAFORD,.'PHONE 428 f►44•e44el4444eNe4eNe••• MISSING PERSONS One of the most romantic of Sal- vation Army operations is on beha- lf of missing persons. The internationalism of The Sal - vation Army, provides .a ready -mad network' of •help in locating 'those Who have, for one reason or anoth-• er: •become "lost" to relatives and, friends. ' The searching hand of The Falvation• Army is thus able to' reach across oceans and Contin-, •eats to "find. the last" and: a_ rema-• kable degree of"success has attend, ed their efforts, Each year in Can= ada, approximately 50) persons are "found". • It's funny how, the man who isn't good: enough to marry your daugh- ter can give. you the smartest grand •children in the world April ;Shows Good Employment level, SOME OF LUCKNOW FIRSTS the following item was found In a 1936 issue of the Sentinel, and ,,although it not updated with ,more" recent "firsts" in the comm* unity, it is however rather inter- esting. • • First pioneer settler, Joel Eli '.Stauffer -• .1850. 1 close second, James Somer- ville. - i851.... Daniel Webster and James Hen- derson take up land part of which in time becam.e'part of the village area * 1854, First sawmill,set•gotng - 1856-1. S:urvey.of the village by James 'Somerville .1858. ' ' • First tavern, Ralph` Miller's 'log- built "Balaclava House". - 1858.. 0 , ° Auctionsale of. village lots1858. •.Village given' its name Septem- ber 1st, 1858; 'ceremony attended" • by .firing of twenty-one "guns"... (gunpowder fired from holes made in.trees) in. Celebration of the occ- asion., ' • First storekeeper: to open business Malcolm' Campbell •. 1859.. Post Office • established' 1860.. First religious seryices held in • the .v is inity ;(by 'a Presbyterian elder named. Campbell) in the early '60s, ,The rate of; employment. and demand for workers of all types are maintained at a .very high ley-, el'throughout the entire district during the'month of April accord- • ung to Stanley Whiston,, Acting Manager, Walkerton i4ational,Em ployment Office. • : • Mr.. Whiston'•s report showed 259.: men.and';159 worsen applying for employment;'at the end of the 'month. This was a decrease of , 144 since the March end of the month, and a'decrease of'447 • • from the number of people regist- ered for 'employment at the end of April 1?65 . • '' This demonstrates that employ- Ment conditions are vastly improv- ed, this year, and unemployment has been drastically reduced since 1965. During .APril the lota1 offs ce' • placed• 79 localarea residents in employment and. brought in 8 per- sons from .other areas tofill vacan- cies for which there' were no local.applicants available, • and moved 4 persons'to other areas. There were 863 vacancies • listed•with the Walkerton National Employment ,office during April. Male vacancies still 'unfilled are for •office 'clerks, salesmen, farm. hands, ,'cabinet makers, wood work- ing machine operators and labourers, truck drivers, auto"me- . chanics, • and: poultry processing: • workers, lobs for• females 'are for office workers and stenographers, domestic" and hospital workers, wood workers and furniture workers, and poultry processing workers., Mr. Whiston states,that present . indications are that labour supply in all categories,both male and female., will be severely restricted First . Public. School building er- ected -r 1862 (J.T.Middleton,. . schoolmaster). z; Wesleyan Methodist congregation organized -.1862 (Rev. David Ryan, Minister). . Lucknow incorporated as a ,police village - 1863.: First serious fire in village -1864. Lees and Douglas's�cardi, g mill Opened 1866.. Goderich gravel road opened to Lucknow .1866,:, " Great Western Railway opens station -' 1866..: Fire engine purchased • in. the early '70s,. • New Connexion:Methodist con • - gregation organized -1865 -its first rninister Rev.. John Walker, , ,succeeded by Rev. John'W. Doch- • stader in 1868. Presbyterian Church (Free Chiu- ch section) opened services about • 1869. Presbyterian Church (Auld Kirk) built stone Church on,Havelock Street,in 1873.. or: 1874.: Rev; b McNabb, 'Minister:, • • First issue •of the Lucknow Sentin- el published in that. •week of.Janu- ary 1874; , Messrs . Sowers and Hunt editors and proprietors. Union' :of Wesleyan and New Con- nexion branches. of Methodism 'con- summated - 1874 Baptists open up`a cause••in the' disused Presbyterian stone church on Havelock Street 1886. • Union: of two sections of. the:, Presbyterian Church. (the'wee Frees" 'and the "Auld" Kirk") Sept- ember 1886, • • Church of England opened a church (St . Peter's) - 1878;. Caledonian Society Organized-' Winter of 1814 Dr. McCrimmon Its first Chief. Caledonian Society opens.its famous series of athletic contests - 1875. - ontests-1875...• Pioneer medical. practitioners: Drs. McCrimnion, Garnier, Tennant. First debentures sold by village (to provide money for erection of the new Public School) -1878. Waterworks built and put in op— eration -.1890.' during the spring and sunitner It• is anticipated that there will be a ' considerable number of high school students available for work, start-: ing around the 15th of June,: and Mr. Whiston recommends that ern- ployers seriously consider the ad visability of hiring these temporary workers during the,summer vaca- tion period.in order to help fulfill their personnel requirements. 4 6 r: PA N tom EASIER TO APPLY! SAFE TO USE! Here's the fast, efficient way to apply supplemental nitrogen to:your corn..CO-OP Aqua'Ammon a 20% Nitrogen • injects 3" to 4" below the surface .,..gets right to the roots, to give the crop an immediate boost., .And there's no waste.- The soil retains all of the ammonia applied with negligible lossduring application. Another big advantage: You have a longer period of time to,apply. CQ -OP liquid ammonia without` danger of disturbing the roots. Suitable for a `:• wide range of toil types, it can be applied as • a pre -plant .application. ora .side dressing. 'For bigger, corn yields at low cost, have, CO-OP. Aqua • Ammonia applied: soon. Another fertilizer service of'your Co-operative, developed in co-operatior. with United`, Co-operatives of Ontario. *Registered Trade Mark, •r. -saves you time , money and labour Yr 5:41,}•;.;,:��;,,�++'' t;,; ;:'�rf::;;•2±}^'tv�F���k:� ?r':•c•:`>' Custom spr.adlf g and •qulpm nt tossing Got a tractor but no spreader?' Need your fertilizer applied fast? Then see your CO-OP and arrange . thea fertilizing service you need. Convsnlsnt plak-up outs costs Your CO-OP BULK SERVICE' CENTRE is stocked with fertilizers that meet your requirements readyfor immediate pick-up.'.r If you specialize in row crops onlay and pacstureproduction,: • it will pay :you , tO investigate these new COOP Services. Lucknow District Coop n s.. lip