HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-27, Page 20THE VIOCKNOW SENTINEL, LtICKNOW, ONTARIO • •Pc • Iigbtweight rainwear Will keep . you dry . 00 look grocer Ponderosa Gaucho' Maple Leaf Tartan Regular Styles A GOOD SEL.EcTION IN ALL SIZES 34 TO 50 .95 to' 29.95 Never Need Ironing A..ways' Look Neat Won't Even Need To Touch Them Up Machine Wash Thom Machhse Dry Them $16 95 • slue, Greg% Beige In Stock In Sizes 3648 TICKETS FOR1-MAY 13th LIONEL THORNTON DANCE AVAILABLE .AT OUR STORE •••••••,;•••••••••N4P•444~•••••• THAT the condition of Mrs. Keith Collyer, whikwas seriously • •burned in her •Winghani home • reantly; is reported as satis- • factory at writing time. She. " is in Victoria Hospital in L'On THAT -John Bradley '; son•of Mr.; and Mrs. Eldon Bradley of Am-. • berley, represented Lucknow District High School at the Stud- ent Leaders'. gathering in Lon.- , don last week, • • . . • THAT Hackett's United Church are planning anniversary services. . for this Sunday, May lst, with Rev, A. Higginbotharn, chair- man o Huron Presbytery, as ., guest -.Speaker. • THAT Debbie Murray, young dau- ghter of .Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of Kinloss, was able to return to Kinloss Central, School this week after surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital in London recently. .. • THAT local volunteer canvassers for the Canadian Cancer Socie- ty will be calling on you this week seeking yoursupport. •.• THAT H. D. "Bud" Thompson of • Lucknow, superintendent of Brucelea Haven in Walkerton, was the guest speaker at the Farmers' Night banquet in Mild.- ' may sponsored by theMildmay Rotary Club. Bud spoke on the operation of Brucelea Haven. , THAT:J. E. "Ted" Smith,. assist- ant superintendent of profession. al development, Department of Education, and a former • principal of Listowel Public , School Was the guest speaker ' at the Home and School Assoc- iation in Ligtowel.. He spoke •on the new approach to jnath- * ernatics and•is co-author of a 'text book on the snhject. Ted was a former Lucknow resident. • . THAT -the Goderich Young Canada PeeWee I9ckey tournament • drew a record attendance of • • • • THAT.Revt,G W . Kaiser brought us an 1896 copy of the Hamil- ton Spectator which contained • sortie inteitsting kerns. A1 - though brittle and yellowed . from age, we still found the • paper quite readable. The markets.Were of particular i• nt-' erest. • • .• (by Allen Colwell) The Buffalo patrol'opened the rneeting, Scouter Frank congratu- lated the new recruits on being in- vested while he was away. John Ackert was presented with his lst •, • Class Badge by his father; Scouter Lloyd, who was'present to give a lesson on map reading, •`' •• Following dues and inspection, a game of,floor hockey was played. The 'Tenderfoot boys passed their tests on knots and lashings. •The Second Class boys worked on map reading. , The meeting was closed by the The Canadian Cancer Society has local organizations.in 1,400 communities in Canada and ex- tends its services.to a further 2,420 centres of population.. • ****************ksr. •COMMENCING • MAY 9th HURON COUNTY'S NEWEST SERVICE FOR • •• *. Truck Lettering •* :"Hginvay,Builetins •* Soles Posters Displays Contact •14,600. • THAT Parents who have •a child •of kindergarten age for the Fall • school term are reminded of. •• registration to'be' held thii • issue. • Friday. Check the ad in this• THAT Kincardine council has app- roved a vote on liquor lounges and, dining lounges.which will: • likely be held, this itiminer; • kincardinepresently has a beer • and liquor store but previous • votes for sale "by the glass' • have been turned down: • THAT as we write„this on Tuesday • tattling, it is SNOWING quite heavily, April 26th. A week ' ago we were enjoying summer • temperatures about the 70 de- • gree inark, but it's cold today. • This is no news to local readers 'but subscribers at a distance might „be interested. . , • THAT Mrs. Nelson‘Winterstein tf Lucknow, a patient in Victoria Htispitar in London since Mach, 8th, is improving slowly follow'. fng major surgery on March 29th NEW, 4 STRING LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER Breams' On Sale Each 79c TRY PEEK FREAN •REALLY GOOD• N, Sugar ' Spice. Cook es Pk.. 49c HEINZ STRAINED, 4 OZ. •SAVE 24c DON'T GAMBLE! SAVE MONEY HEREI AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0VAAAM WE SELL FOR LESS. VALUES- EFFECTIVE PHONE 528.3420. APRIL. 211, 20, 30 THAT Clarence Greer of Lucknow was one of the many in a wide area who spotted a meteor in the sky Monday evening. The sighthig was. about .8 p;m.. ,‘ still daylight, and it wasgding in a northerly direction. 11 was low.in the sky and was, trailing • smoke, sparks and fire when .. • Clarence noticed it. The met- , • 'ear sighting was reported all across the continent and inview ..,•of recent flying saucer talk, it , . Captured more than.casual attention. • THAT Ed Baker of Shelburne and formerly of Lucknow waS'recett- • tly re-elected for, a third term . as noble grand of Dufferin Lod-• ge NO.186 , p. O. F. , Dun- :dalk. • THAT. Allan McIver of Ripley is making his home at the resid- ence of Mr. and Mrs. Leo *Jankowski on the 2nd Olkinloss, •THAT Rev. C. H. Dickinson,D.D. • • manager Of the United Church Publishing.House and the•Ryer- • son Press.for More than 25 years •*and for the past two years sed-. retary of the boardof publica- • tions of the United Church Of . Canada, has accepted the posi- tfon of associate minister of. • Chalmers United Church in WOodstock. His duties, which will be shared with the present. • minister Kenneth Oates, will • commence August la; follow- • ing retirement from his present • position. Dr. Dickinson is a former minister of the Ashfield United Church charge and is •.•well known to many here. THAT some More helpftil Inform •,'• • tion on the Stroud family of. • early Ashfield was given us this past• • estrj:tywheekby .Mrs. William R jist north of Lucknow, and AI Hackett of Lucknovi. Thein. formation followed th'e Publia tion of recent letters and ittiri, itythit•Tegard.• , • THAT friends of P. W. Hoag of Strathroy, former High Schtopi principal in Lucknow. will regi 1, learning that Mr. Hoag has n not erdoy'g.. good heath this %dad • and at present ishospitalizpe THAT Terry Wilson.of R. fjelets a student at the Ontario Colle of Education in London, is • supply teaching thii week at Lucknow District '1,1igh kW. . • TI-fAt a floor furnace; at the home of Howard Anew in Lucknow, exploded last rridij morning with consitierablqd age being done' h\ .the leo& •pginydthe housei,ngsotandirnofte that fiie '•THAT Andy Anderson, son of Mt; and Mrs. Tom Anderson of Lucknow,, is •employed at Red and White Store in Luck', • now on a parr' timo basis, • THAT 'Mr: and -Mrs. nonsId fur • tison and Judy of Rcxda1CPt • the weekend witi Mrs. Elis*' beth Ferguson or Lucknow, .and Mrs. Fergusor have jug returned• • miamiBefrah ocm.a trtr to Gana • Blihapa Island, Nassau, and