HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-27, Page 19tereg Don't de r4 LE)' •!:061 ar .st • zc tee gap: E�. SIDNIESOAx, APRIL 2704 Hili EARN • 1 . ,l t+R?4 . + a, wilia al + ;1!1Kaafie m. Gam. A*!mi4 • t.••••--'"""_' ,M11110.4 Till 'LUtKNOW :SENTINEL, - LMJGKNOW, ONTARIO • A • :GUARANTEED: TRUST ,CERTIFICATES INTEREST PA J; JUNE 30 -- DECEMBER 31.;' FOR 4 ORS YEARS LEGAL- INVESTMENT' FOR ; TRUST FUNDS ANp, FOR ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES Shower HOWL For • Deanna: Carlaw Miss Deanna Carlaw was .honour, ed at a'shower field for her. in incknow• recently by Mrs'. Roy .Stanley and Miss. Marian Reavie. 'Under a .pink and 'white umbrella the bride-to-be opened her lovely ,gifts. Several contests and a read- ing, by Mrs, Harvey Webster. pro- ' ceeded the presentation of the • gifts. Deanna thanked everyone and invited them to her home in Oats - ley to her .trousseau tea. Her marriage to Stuart/ Reavie of Luck- • .now takes place in' May. , :. " Modern'research hasmade grear progressin the .diagnosis'and 'treat- ment of inborn he',art defects your;, Ontario Heart' Foundation points: .out. : o • Nie KINDERGARTEN REG$TRATION * . * • Paras clothing to have a•cdattend g► during . the 19611-57* ached term assle 'requested to register • with lift Men Bail, at the Lt row Public • :School, va Pickily, A 'l ice, #torn. 2:00; to 4:00 paa r Proof that the child .'.v be five yeans eI age ' before Deeatn d the child *add a eemPallY lam- brer, 3]tlt, 1.968; is mimed... . and ent at time ot'aregielxluta0tl.' .ANY �•.. .. PARENT UNABLE TO, ATTEND ON DAY 'OF REGISTRATION, KINDLY : PHONE MRS. HALL. 5M2045, EY MAY 3rd, 111b . .;• ' �� " dation. of the•Area. guiders through .��..�.�. A.r.VM • . An invotment of ;1,006400- • with ' IMOrost of 6% compounded inn; annually, will maturo in fivo yiars for a .value of 61,343.921. ' APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY S. STEWART PHONE 521.2445 P.O. BOX 01 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO REPRESENTING Crown Trust COMPANY. MoMroal TORONTO Landon!.` Brantford Windsor : WInnipeg.' Calgary Vancouver . H�Spitai BoirdMembeisTourNew Wing, Hear Details On Construction • At`the meeting of the:.board of . directors of the Winghuna and. Dist: dict hospital the board members' wereaken on a. tour of the new' :: rection of the, building which has. , peen under :construction since; last. ummer.'. . Mrs. I.E. Morrey,' the hospital's dmintstrata,.explained the; , ayout of rooms, which 'include seciion for the; care of children, mother for patients' with infectious iseases, chronicpatients surgery ases and obstetrics. The board members had: an opp !unity to see; forthemselves the uality,of:_workmanship .which has one into the building and is gen- rally satisfactory. Some dissatis- ctionwas, expressed at the quad- y. of windows'which have been teed: lt: w.as explained' that the atter has .already been brought the attention of the architects nd it isexpected the windows ill! be. replaced; . In het report of statistics for the onth of March; Mrs. . Morrey said at the patient population has en heavy; considefing 'the fact gat the building -operations have • `srupted normal facilities. " During the month there were 36 hs, 276 operations, 162 out - ' 8.35 x-rays, 1158 labora- tests, "37 electrocardiographic aminations, 75 ' at the. cancer n c, Daily average 'of,patients • as 77;.. Per patient daily posts were up $25'.24 during March; which is �nsiderably above the $24.03 ich is the allowable cost set by SCi dowever, it'.is expected, at this will drop later yin the year• en the institution is back to �rmal and the building completed MANAGEMENT • tarry Wenger ,1 chairman of the anagement committee, repotted a meeting of that 'committee the previous Wednesday eve At that time Mrs.' Moray tailed the :utilization of the new tion& of the hospital now near.-•- completion She also pointed a few prob• lems which haste arisen' in -the ,areas under construct • ion and the committee toured the building. The ?management committee report also referred to the recent, visit. of Dr. ''L. Genesove of`Tort' onto, 'who bad made a courtesy survey of the hospital`and`had made several suggestions . for .changes in procedure which would lead to accreditation of'the hosp- ital. possibly ,next year. Dr,'B. N. Corrin, a member of the management' committee had. be • en in contact with Dr. Flowers of Clinton,' who/is a recognized internist :and is willing to handle autopsies at the Wingharn Hospital.: Dr. Penistan of Stratford has agreed. to.handle some , of, the • . tissue examinations. An'increased number of autopsiesmust be under- taken if the hospital is to become accredited • The report -Also included the in- formation that a pharrnacist 'has' been "engaged and two ward 'clerks have been added to -the staff to permit the nurses more time for'.. floor duties. ,-;The sympathy of the board was expressed to F. L. Davidson, an honorary member of the boardand former.chair.man, in the death of Mrs. Davidson last week.• • • PROPERTY E. E. Walker; chairman of the property committee said that the new incinerator has.arrived but has not been' in operation yet. . His report. also stated that lithe *t- ent elevator shaft is used for a re- placement reconstruction. of the pent ;house on the roof will be ,nec- essary.•. Mr. Cousins reported that the executive and building' committees had met with the architectsand ' contractor's .on Thursday when de- lays in the progress of., the structure were discussed.. The contractor had previously promised that ,the new areas would beready fair occ-, upancy•the first week in April,; and',it now appears that' May is a,.. more likely time for the move.. Flooring tile did not arrive on 'schedule and some problems with windows 'were cited as the reasons for, the delay. Up to.this'point in the building program, the hospital has received a total of $417:,502 in grants -and. • loans'and. approximately $409,000 ' has been paid to the architects and contractor.. Mr, Walker commended the maintenance staff for the excell ent work they have.done in con struction .of cupboards• and cabin- ets'in the building: 'MEDICAL STAFF Speaking for the medical staff, Dr. J.Mcl(im provided further informationabout the arrange- ments whichhave been 'made with •Dr. Flowers, He also reporte, that the medical staff members , will furnish the doctors'. :room in thenew area of the hospital. DeWitt Miller, chairman of. the public relations'cohimittee, outlined the°planswhich have beenmade to publicize the serv.- ices provided by the hospital and . asked ;the co-operation of The Advance=Tinies1 CKNX. and,the . other papers in the area. Hexplained that: there" e•will be a need for considerable extra •equipment which will not be pro,',. vided under the allowable costs in:.the renovation program.. He said that the ;public should be formed: that donations .for this ' extra' equipment will be. very wed- come.: Total amount 'estimated for this. requirement is''about Mrs. Money reported that a be quest in•.the amount` of $200' had' • been received. • Gude 'raining Registration of commissione!s' camp advisors 'and guiders for. the Huronia Area Girl Guides 'spring training began at 9..'30 'a,.m . on Saturday, April 23 in the Luck now. Carnegie Town Hall. Coffee and doughnuts were served.•on arrival. Many have to leave their homes at 7 a.m. a's our area ex-, tends from Marton to Fergus. Mrs'. Helen.Evans, area comm7. issioner, introduced Mrs. Wm. Bean,Dorchester Guide trainer, and Mrs. J.: Kirkwood, London. Brownie trainer. They were :in , .charge :'Of 'sessions on'the, new approach and the new program . from 10 a.rn. to -12 noon,. :and from;; 2 to 4 p.m. . /.. Area executive held. a Meeting during both .a.m. and p.m: s ess ions; • • . At noon a delicious buffet luncheon was served' in the Presby .terian church basement by the lad les of :the Evening, Auxiliary: Mrs. W:D.Wilkie expressed the apprec- the $octal •convector,; Mrs. Ross Gamrzt ie. ' Mrs. Jack MacDonald introduced. Mrs.. George -Kennedy who through slides and hernronderful capacity. to relate hilarity* and disappoint- inents told . of their trip to Hawaii. .This provided relaxation as well as introducing. the International side of Guiding: She was thanked -by • Mrs. W. D Wilkie, area inter- national advisor. Tea was.served at the conclus- ion of sessions.. Attendin g from Lucanow> were District Commissioner 'Mrs. Jack MacDonald, Ranger Captain Mrs.: Milt Rayner, Guide Captain`.Mrs. . George Whitby, Brownie leaders Mrs. Harold Greer, Mrs. John 'Pritchard, Betty .lathers. 'Luck - now .Association Secretary Mrs. Ken. Chester, •ala..of whom. assisted With registration. ' Mrs. J. C.. 'Mc Mc- Kim attended the luncheon. Mrs. George Joynrand Mrs. A. E. ,Mc- Kim nwereinable to attend.... • Mrs, Ken Chester and Mrs. W B. Anderson were in charge of .morning coffee and afternoon tea, served at dismissal.' a 1 Mondays — Hogs, in by 4:1111p.nn. CATri.,E, CALVES ani': EXCEPT W' de 'Curing and. Smoking Sold. Whole,'' Half. or .'Quarter And Levier. Prices LAMBS EVERY DAY, SATURDAY 5t' : : Beef, .Pork and • Lamb. For Better Servic , C.II .Ripley 1N. CHAS: HOOISMA Prop. FARMERS, ARE YOU, IT'S AN •UPHILL GAMBLE IF YOU HAVE ;GOOD. CATTLE, THE ODDS, ARE.. 3 TO 1':AGAINST. HIS'BEING A HERD IMPROVER. HE 'WILL SIRE FOUR CROPS •OF CALVES:' BEFORE YOU REALLY KNOW. Yoh Can Dse Sires 0f Known Ability T�raugh . ° Art ficial:Breedin�•Such As. WINTERMAR'ANTHONY STYLEMASTER (Holstein). His daughters out -milk their herdmates by 9.3%. SILVER PRINCE. 7P (Herefordi His tested' steer sons . weighed 1052 lbs. cit 141/2' months' of age. .• FOR SERVICE FROM THESE",, AND OTHER . SIRES OF ALL BREEDS, CONTACT: 'ATERLOCATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION PHONE WEEKDAY BEFORE 9:30 A.M. 'LISTED 111' LOCAL DIRECTORIES FOR SUND .SERVICE CALL SATURDAY 64 P.M. '/