HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-27, Page 11-.AA*
A `�
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now Presbyterian,
iota. . •
Members of the W.M.S. And.
Evening Auxiliary joined .foethe
Easter-Thankoffering field in the
Church basement on.Tuesday even-
ven.ing.. The President of the Evening
Auxiliary, Mrs, Noble Johnston,.
was in the chair.The meeting
openedwith a hymn and prayer by
Mrs. Johnston. MrS'Ross Gammie
read the scripture and gave the
medit'a'tion entitled "The Voice of
theCross". . A vocal trio "In the
. _
Garden" . by Mrs. Stewart Jamieson,
•Mrs;. Bill Gibson and ,Mrs, RonFor-
stel,''was much enjoyed,. - Mrs.
Jim Aitchison 'ave a .readin . "The
� g , g
Cross of Calvary A hymn was
Guest speaker was Miss Dorothy
Douglas, who gave ,'a very interest-
ing,description of the life ofthe. ,.
Formosan people , their. economic
difficulties, common diseasesnd a_
other problems, There; is a' great
need for prayers and financial
support for the Chrisiian workers,.
in Formosa.
Mrs.,Johnston thanked everyone
taking part in the program with..
special' thanks to 'Miss Douglas.:.
The meeting closed with a'•
hymn,. and ,prayer by ,Mrs. Jack
MacDonald. A :soc fal 'half hour
followed, y.�
Hear Elizabeth `
Fry School Worker:
C. embers
Net.At'PineRiver. At
(A,mberley News) _•
Over eight members ,of U. C. W.
Met in Pine'River. United Church.
on Tuesday afternoon.,. April 19,
to hear Miss Phyllis. Haslam., exec-
utive director of the'Toronto
Branch of the Elizabeth Fry Society
•Mrs, Eldon 'Bradley opened the
meeting with a poem on family
life. The devotional period was
convened ,by Carrick Coll-
ing. who' gave the "scripture read-
ing, and was 'followed with Medit-
ations .. by Mrs. Sam 5nobelen,
•who gave timely•rernarks•on. being/
Fav good..homemaker which �is'ess
ential in every home. Martha'and
Mary' were examples of how Mar
tha's hands and Marys heart serve •
ed their .purpose during Jesus' visit
to their home.
After a .prayer by Mrs. Pillen
s s ucedb.
Mis Haslam wa introd y
Mrs. Eldon Bradley.. In her re
marks, she mentioned that the
late Miss Agnes McPhail had en
couraged 'a group of women to try,
to help women and girls who were
•serving terms inreform institutions`
Miss Haslam`'feels that a great
deal has been accomplished for •"
women who- were'underprivileged
in earlier years of their life.
A duet by Mrs.' Elden. Lowry: and
Mrs; Perrin Lowry was accompan-
ied by -Mrs. "Murray Walden, who.
•.was organist for the, meeting. '
ev H D
' �c on
After•the benedi ti. , by R
Pilsen,: the Queen and Grace were
sung. •'.Lunch was. served in the
Sunday School room' by U.,C.. W..
Of Pine River; where.daffodils and
crocus decorated the tea table:
During the lunch . hour, Mrs.
Oliver McCharles:Aug ested_ that. ' .
organizations , should .'vgisit Ontario'
hospitals, to entertain thepatients.
at'times . Courtesy remarks were. •
given from Pine River, Lurgan,
Bethel:, Clarke,'. Ripley., Millarton,
and Olivet.
The •Easter. Thankoffering:.meet
ing: of the Lucknow 'United. Church
Women was; held .on Tuesday even.
ing, April 19, ,with a fair attend
anCe. Mrs'.: Wm. Wharry., the
president, opened: theineetitigby:
reading/an appropriate poem which
was really an Easter prayer: Foll7.
owing the hymn ;"I`ve found a
friend", 'Mrs.: Wharry extended a..
warm welcometo all.present. and. •
said she .was pleased that the April
showers hadn't prevented the lad-
ies'. attendance;
• The devotions were conducted
by Mrs. R. Ackert, Mrs. H. Web-
ster and •Mrs."L. McLeod. Mrs,
Ackert introduced the theme. The Young People's of. St: Pette
"Light, after Darkness", with a` ers Anglican Church in•Lucknow
suitable Easter .reading. , The med held:.an Evening Prayer Service on
itation was taken',bylMrs Wehsrer, Sunda - .A ri1:17'. The service was
while Mrs: McLeod used.#763 conducted .by :the young people'
in the .Hymnary,for the Scripture themselves with Rev. S. E. Jay
.eading. • • • • supervising.
;Mrs. H. Haldenby favoured with . The guest speaker; was Ruben'
beautiful•solo,"The Robe of Burnett,a high school teacher from
alvary after which Mrs. J. Ripley', who came Ur Canada
,oyle and Mrs. H. Greer received twelve years ago .from the Barba-
he offering,' which was dedicated •dos, Mr. Burnettgave a• wonder-.
'y Mrs,. Webster. fully informative address on. his
Mrs, E. Hall then introduced ' `homeland.
he guest speaker, Miss Phyllis . It is hoped that the youth of
aslam, who was.born in India, ` other denominations' will.feel wel
hile her parents were mission . come to attend future services of
:ries there. She:has been serving this 'type.
a the Elizabeth Fry School in
1 pronto since :1953.. Thi school
i eals with girls who have $ served •
ail terms and helps them tore
abilitate themselves. • Miss Has- •
•m became interested in this!
ork through Girl Guidesand oth-
r church activities, . She worked
Trinidad .and Canada through `
e i�;M•C.A. . She was educated
t`Havergal College, University.
f Saskatchewan, and the Univer-
'tY of Toronto. She became int
rested in the Elizabeth Fry. Schook
rough the Galt Training School,
Miss Haslam claimed•that
ereason :most of the girls who
ere brought into g
g court. and jail
as from loneliness and the feel
g that no one cared for them.
hese .feelings drove girls to corn-
• it crime, 'drink or resort to the
e of drugs., Theft Was often
mmttted to;help themlook m
•autiful or be more popular.
Young People Hear
Ripley Teacher
Attend AsseniUie.s.
'Over the past 1$ years Mt. and
Mrs; -,Ralph Brodie, R,R. l.Port.
Albert, have •travelled some.
15,000 miles in attending assem-
blies ,of Jehovah's'Wftnesses. This.
weekend, April 23 to Marl, , they
will be delegates to the three-day
assetbly being.held; in Goderich.
The main • feature of the assem-
bly will come on Sunday when
Mr. Clare Stattocf, district su
visor, will speak to an expected
audience of 64O • persons on the
subject, Does God, Have Influence
in This Twentieth Century?"
"At these' assemblies we come
to. appreciate that God's kingdom
is the;only means by which peace
cab cone to all.mankind," said,
Mr. Brodie,' He continued by '
saying, "Jehovah's Witnesses:be-
lieve God's kingdom to be a real
governinent , : not just something
in the .hearts of men.' We believe
that now is 'the time when all
nations must iteeognize God's •king
dom' to be the greatest power in
the universe and surrender to it
Or be crushed by it.."
All activity `in the local King-
dom Hall serving,this area. will be
cancelled during the week to
enable, all to complete plant to •
attendthe assembly .
told the history of a :young,girlwhq
was kicked 'out of her home at the
age of twelve,and; never allowed
to return. When she was released
from serving six months in jail ,
-for stealing, she came to the: El
izabeth Fry Home, While here, ,
'she attempted several jobs before
she was able to, adjust herself to
a normal life among ;others, but
finally got married and is living a
happy and useful life, due to.the
influence of this school...
.Miss Haslam was thanked by
Mrs. ,G. Montgomery and an app-
ropriate;poem, "The Road that
counts", was given by Mrs. Glen.
Walden; A solo entitled; "Lest I'
forget", by Mrs. Haldenby was •
much appreciated by all. '
Mrs. Wharry closed the meeting
by all, repeating the Mizpah ben,
ediction ,. and Unit. 4. served a del- •
• icious lunch.
Pans Started Far
Vacation bible
hool 1n Lucknow
A meeting of prospective teach-
ers and ministers of the.'churches •
in Lucknow and surrounding,dist-
tict held •in the 'Presbyterian chur-•
ch of Lucknow, on Monday, April;
18., marked/the beginning of
p1 nnig ora Vacati nBible
School' in this area._ ; . •
The dates' set for the;Vacation
Bible School are July 4. 15 incl
usive..::Perhaps it may :seern
stery:.early to' begin planning ,at
this „date. but many matters are-
. involved. for such . a venture. There
are many decisions to be made,
many • people to be approached;
and .possibilities to be explored
in order to. make this a success.
• The Vacation Bible School
be open •for children from 4 tO 14:.
years of age, divided.into four
age groups. Each age -group will
follow its: own program, consisting
Of .Bible stories, reading and mem
orizing of scripture texts, hymn'
and song time, and'craftwork...
Classes will begin at .9.00a.m. •
and will be ;dismissed at 11.30
/a, tri.. five days each: week. On
the last day a. final program will
be given for 'the parents and all
who.are:interested in order to
.present, some of the work to the
At the inornent'.the concern is
for teachers. To• do this work sat-
isfactorily at least;one teacher
in, each class will be needed and
at least one helper for every five
students.. A second meeting is
scheduled for the early part of
May for teachers ancrassistants. •
The second concern is to have tom(
indication as to 'how many .child
ren are planning to attend 'the• . •
Vacation Bible :School. In the
• next few weeks parents shall re-
' ceive forms which they may .
complete in order that the officials
can estimate the number of books,
Manuals, and craft materials to
order. ' It is hopedthat they may
have some figures before they .
have their next meeting.
By means of The Sentinel it
' is hoped to keep you up to date
with the work. If you :would. like
to help in any way; you may con-
tact your minister, or the Director
for this year's. Vacation Bible
school. Rev. ,'Dirk J, M. Lieverdin'k.
Macke ,
R • The April .meeting of .Hac.ketis'
ij., c. w.. was held. at the home of
VIPs; 3arry Hackett with 13 me
bens and 5 children ,present.
Mrs.. Bert.,Alton. presided and
opened the 'Meeting With a hymn,
followed by the dev.tions, "The
Jcingdorn of heaven is- Uiice unto*
merchant man seeking goodly
Pearls" , Matthew 13:45 by Mrs. •
Lorne Hackett;; Mr. Kaiser as- 1
cussed the chapter from the study
book and each member ..nswered
their :question from the study guide
Wilma and Rosales :Hackett •.
fav ed with a violin and piano
duet.' ; .
Church anniversary 'is to be in
An Excellot
for a warm s�
TINA *wood ,andfailr Om "Kot
of I " Is ,walla for
Ow* des* TO& 21 m..
f lhn 'bpackl4 wilts . Inforatntloot
about Canada's amissal .
v.. a
Pr cOloarful roof* hides
shawl many .trays'
is servo Canada'• ►lea cam+
frn* ,at hone and for*KW ow.
intli aro avalloble, with Oak fes.
Melon mini sm far early
sb.wlr+n•' CIS or writs►. R. FORD
the church on Sunday, May 1st,:
with .only . morning service; The
Easter Thankoffering• is on Wed-
nesday, Ancil 27th at•the church. .
The Garden Party will be at the
church:on.Tuesday. Pine 7th.
The meeting.closed with prayer
and Mrs. Frank Akon and the
.hostess served lunch.
Other Societies
"• '(Whitechurch News)
Chalmers •Presbyterian
held their Thankoffering 'meeting
Tuesday afternoon in the cljurcl.
The' scripture reading was given
,by Mrs: Russel Ross.
Mrs. William Elston' of Biue�
vale Presbyterian W.M. S gave
readings The.C.ross of Calvary
and the Empty Tomb. The-med
itation •was given by • Mrs. Johns-
ton Conn with the Glad Tidings'
Prayer given by Mrs: William Rin-'
toul. Mrs. Milian Moore .of ,
Whitechurch:U.0 W. gave a•;
reading. The, offering"was recei=
ved4y Mrs. W . ' Pardon and Ms...
V/. Elliott . and dedicated by the
President, Mrs. Victor Emerson..
Mrs. Andrew' Gaunt introduced
the .guest speaker,' Mrs. 'Robert
McAllister; of Dungannon,. She
brought greetings to .all, , The
festival of Easter is a time to re-
new/our .faith. If she were .choos-
ing ,a text,, it would be Matt.28,
18 and 19.. A11. power is given
unto me in heaven and. in earth.
Go ye and teach all. nations bap.
tizing them itt the name of the
Father and. Of the:.Son; : and'of the
Holy.. Ghost. ,Howdoes':the Christ-
Church answer the call to
teach? How . do W; M'. 5.: mem.
bens concern themselves? Can
they .Rattle _their ;_woirkers•on the
Mission field? We should take •
stock of ourselves and see :that we.
• are doing . all possible to teach all
nations. 'Mrs. 'Johnston Conn
thanked Mrs. IvicAllister and pies-
entedjher with: a gift on behalf' of
the Society. •
Because of illness,• Bluevale.
W. were unable to give their.
.number. -.Mrs. Charles Tiffin of ,
the Langside 'W.,M. S gave a
reading The World for Christ. Mrs.'
Emerson closed the meeting with'',
'Prayer and invited' all for a social .
time and lunch.. .
Mrs. Garnet :Farrier of Whites
church U.C.W.. gave a piano
instrumental after which Grace
was.sung.. After .lunch, the presi-
dents of the societies „representing
Bluevale Presbyterian,. Bluevale
Langside WM,S, , •Whitechurch
W. M;'S. , introduced all members
,of their,. groups. •
Mrs. Donald Watt attended the
Synodical meeting held at. Niagara
Falls from Tuesday until Th>irsday/
She was•the representative from
the Whitechurch Society. '
Chalmers C. O. C, held theirs'',
first meeting of this year on Sun,
day during Church service in the
Sunday School room with the sup,
erintendent, Mrs. Hugh Simpson,.
and assistant, Mrs. Earl Caslick,
(Intended for last week)
?fr.. Dan Wylds is home arta
some weeks In W.ingham Hospial.
'Misses Anna and Charlottte Mac-
Kenzie of Toronto were home for
a few days. •
Mr., and Mrs. H. Sawchuk and
son visited last weekend. with Alex
Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
David MacMurchy in the loss of
her sister, Miss Dora .Lumbers, of
Speaker E
New Curricuiuiir
s '
'. ( Dung � ) aneNe w
The U.C. W of the ,United
Church metfor their regular, meet-
ing: on April 19 with a good `attCnd'
ance. • The president. Mrs. 'Wilb-;
ur Brown;, opened .the .tneeting
reading from God calls, we offer. .-
ourselves. and lead ng in prayer.
Mrs. Cecil Blake continued with
devotions and scripture readings.
Mrs. Brown, welcomed the visitors'
to the Meeting, and Sandra .Erring-
ton entertained
rring-ton:entertained with .accordiait
music; which was, much` enjoyed
bar all. • The toll call was answered
by ,an an.aster verse and the tr easur
ers report showeda, good balance;
from the congregational dinner
and the L.0.1.: banquet, and the
president .wishes to thank all who
helped make these projects' a succ-
After a reading' by Mrs. Geo:.
Errin on, Cnry one Life .the
guest spec aker, , Mrs:(
(Revs) A
Jackson was introduced by, Mrs.
Gordan:Finnigan., . Mrs. Jackson
gave a, very.informative address .;
on the New, Curriculum and gave
an, improved 'understanding of the
new study course to all. Mrs. °'K.
K. Dawson thanked Mrs. .Jackson '
• and' presented her with a gift in
appreciation of:her splendid add-
An` invitation from Hacketts
W. to meet with-them"on' •
April 27 for their Thankoffering
meeting was read.
Mrs: Ross Eedy and Mrs. Esther
Rivett received the offering with
Mrs. Jack Alton leadingin prayer,
Mrs. Brown thanked all for their •
.part in the 'meeting and 'closed.
with prayer,.' followed by lunch
served bythe hostesses in,charge.
in charge.. The call to worship
was given by Ruth Elliott and the
scripture was read by Jim DeBoer.
The election of officers followed'.
with Janie Laidlaw president; sec-
retary Jim' DeBoer; Treasurer Pau 1
Laidlaw; Pianist Darlene'Sirnpson;
. assistatit`'Ruth 'Elliott.' The G.O. C.
hymn was sung. Bobbie Ross rec-
eived the offering which was ded-
icated by Paul Laidlaw. Mrs, Cgs;
lick took the. Juniors and told them
their story, and Mrs: Simpson gave
the. Seniors their story. Doris fish-
. et closed the meeting with prayer.
p .r